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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Taliban wearing US army gear mock iconic WW2 image of Marines raising flag on Iwo Jima in 1945 and release footage showing them armed with American weapons


A group of Taliban fighters released a collection of propaganda footage, including a photo where they mocked the famed World War II picture of soldiers raising the American flag on Iwo Jima.

In the original 1945 photograph, a group of six Marines are depicted hosting the flag on Mount Suribachi.

The Taliban's Badri 313 Battalion recreated the image this week. 

In their version, a group of soldiers is seen hoisting the Taliban flag in a similar fashion while sporting U.S. weapons and gear that was likely stolen from allied militaries during patrols of Kabul.

The Badri 313 is a special unit of Taliban fighters that dress like U.S. soldiers by wearing camouflage, combat boots and body armor. The soldiers drive armored Humvees and carries M4 carbines.

The Badri 313 was reportedly named after the Battle of Badr that is written about in the Qur'an, in which the Prophet Mohammed successfully defeated an enemy force with just 313 men - some 1,400 years ago. 

The unit, previously unveiled by the Taliban in promotional material, are reportedly highly trained and equipped with state-of-the-art military equipment. 

Where the unit acquired the equipment is unknown, but it appears to be a combination of U.S. military hardware and that use by Afghan forces, likely seized as Western and allied forces withdrew from the country.

In videos released by the group, the Badri 313 soldiers are seen with military helmets and sunglasses instead of the usual tuban, bullet proof vests over camouflage jackets and trousers instead of the typical robes, and armed with tactical rifles.

In addition, the unit appears to be armed with modern sidearms, wearing modern combat boots, and even have night vision goggles - making them difficult to distinguish from any other country's special combat units.

U.S. officials say the militant group has seized what remains of the approximately $28billion in weaponry that America gave the Afghan forces between 2002 and 2017.

'Everything that hasn't been destroyed is the Taliban's now,' one official told Reuters on the basis of anonymity.

Most face masks won’t stop COVID-19 indoors, study warns


New research reveals that cloth masks filter just 10% of exhaled aerosols, with many people not wearing coverings that fit their face properly.

WATERLOO, Ontario — N95 or KN95 face masks may be the best way to avoid COVID-19 during crowded indoor events. That’s the recommendation from a new study reporting most cloth masks just don’t do the job when it comes to stopping the spread of coronavirus within enclosed spaces.

Researchers from the University of Waterloo simulated a person breathing in a large room with a cloth face mask on. Despite wearing a mask, the study finds a large buildup of aerosol droplets suspended in the air. Besides raising awareness on the vulnerability of certain face masks, these findings also emphasize the need for proper ventilation indoors. More ventilation means less of a chance for potentially viral aerosols to linger around.

“There is no question it is beneficial to wear any face covering, both for protection in close proximity and at a distance in a room,” says study leader Serhiy Yarusevych, a professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering, in a university release. “However, there is a very serious difference in the effectiveness of different masks when it comes to controlling aerosols.”

Studies continue to show that aerosols exhaled by infected individuals can indeed infect others with COVID-19, even if someone is standing more than six feet away.

Why do most face masks fail to offer adequate protection?

Researchers theorize many people wear masks that don’t fit their face properly. As a result, many cloth and surgical masks only filter about 10 percent of exhaled aerosols. The rest make their way past the mask, most through the top, and spread into the surrounding environment. Conversely, higher-quality, more expensive N95 and KN95 masks filter over 50 percent of all aerosol droplets.

In light of these findings study authors recommend that everyone wear a N95 or KN95 mask if possible whenever indoors in the company of others.

“A lot of this may seem like common sense,” Prof. Yarusevych comments. “There is a reason, for instance, that medical practitioners wear N95 masks – they work much better. The novelty here is that we have provided solid numbers and rigorous analysis to support that assumption.”

It’s also worth mentioning that ventilation tests show even modest ventilation rates provide about the same level of protection as the highest quality masks.

The findings appear in the journal Physics of Fluids.

Denver Yeshiva Ruling out "Anti-Semitism" in Murder of Shmuli Silverberg


Dear Parents, Alumni, and the Denver Community:

Our Yeshiva Toras Chaim community continues to be profoundly and deeply pained by the unspeakable events that transpired this past Tuesday evening, claiming the life of our dear and beloved, Shmuel (Shmuli) Silverberg z”l. While we remain in a state of shock, there is much to do and much for which we must be grateful, Baruch Hashem.

We are supremely thankful for the tireless work of the local, state, and Federal law enforcement authorities that moved swiftly to identify and arrest four suspects in the case. We are particularly indebted to Chief Paul Pazen for his leadership and commitment to making the security, community well-being, and the safety of Toras Chaim a top priority. We also want to extend our deep gratitude to our local Jewish Federation, Secure Community Network, Chai Lifeline, Dr. Fox, the Anti-Defamation League, and the Rose Community Foundation for activating immediately to provide all the support we need to cope with this crisis. In this time of sorrow, our thoughts are with all the others that were caught in the string of events that took place on Tuesday night.

As the Denver Police Department reported at a news conference yesterday, it appears that Shmuli was caught in a random string of horrific violence. The attack began outside the Yeshiva, and ended with the death of Shmuli inside the first set of doors at our Kitchen entrance. Though vicious and tragic, it is our belief at this current time that this was not a targeted hate crime motivated by anti-Semitism. However, if evidence is discovered that it was, the Denver Police Department said it would work with the Denver District Attorney’s Office to add any appropriate charges.

There are many conflicting stories and rumors as to what unfolded at the Yeshiva that night. Untruths are being amplified on social media and are causing unnecessary and additional pain for all those involved which adds to our pain. The Yeshiva’s foremost priority is to protect the Silverberg family from any more pain and to get the Bochurim and staff the professional counseling help and support that they need. To this end, the Yeshiva is connecting with mental health professionals and services to engage the resources we need to help Yeshiva Toras Chaim in the healing process. At the same time, we are working closely with security experts to enhance our security systems and protocols to ensure that the safety of our Yeshiva is best in-class.

We are humbled and supremely grateful for the outpouring of support from our Alumni, friends and broader community. We are inspired by all of you and by our students. We will continue to keep you apprised of developments.

During these days of Elul, may the Almighty comfort our Yeshiva and our Community as we move forward with resolve.

Rabbi Aaron Boruch Kagan
Rabbi Naftali Seidenfeld
Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman

CNN’s Clarissa Ward Escapes Afghanistan after Taliban Executes Journalist’s Family Member After Door-To-Door Search


The Taliban executed the relative of a journalist and seriously harmed another after a door-to-door search for the reporter in Afghanistan.

The unnamed journalist, who works for German state-owned broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), is one of several reporters the Taliban have hunted in the aftermath of the Afghan government’s collapse, the media outlet reported. The journalist is reportedly safe and currently living in Germany.

“The killing of a close relative of one of our editors by the Taliban yesterday is inconceivably tragic, and testifies to the acute danger in which all our employees and their families in Afghanistan find themselves,” DW Director General Peter Limbourg said in a statement.

“It is evident that the Taliban are already carrying out organized searches for journalists, both in Kabul and in the provinces,” he continued. “We are running out of time!”

The Taliban has raided the homes of at least three other DW journalists, according to the media outlet. Insurgents also reportedly kidnapped the employee of a Middle Eastern television network and killed the head of a radio station.

“With the Taliban takeover, the lives of Deutsche Welle employees and their families in Afghanistan are under acute threat,” DW executives Karl Jüsten and Peter Clever said in a translated joint statement. “Alone the fact that they worked for a western broadcaster could result in torture and death.”

German Federation of Journalists Chairman Frank Überall issued a statement calling upon German Chancellor Angela Merkel to expedite the evacuations of German journalists from Afghanistan, according to DW. “The people are in very grave danger because of their work,” he said.

The three largest American media companies have similarly asked the U.S. government to facilitate safe transport of its employees out of Afghanistan, The Wall Street Journal reported. A WSJ spokesperson said “the situation on the ground remains extremely perilous” in a statement.

“The Biden administration can and should do all within its power to protect press freedom and stand up for the rights of the vulnerable Afghan reporters, photographers, and media workers,” Committee to Protect Journalists Executive Director Joel Simon said on Monday.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Kabul Airport Gates Are Closed, Taliban Confiscating U.S. Passports


The Kabul airport gates are reportedly closed Saturday, as additional details indicate the Taliban is confiscating U.S. passports.

“All of the entrance gates to the airport were closed on Saturday morning because of the dangerous situation,” the New York Times reported, adding that the U.S. embassy in Kabul is advising evacuees not to travel to the airport in light of “security threats.”

“Because of potential security threats outside the gates at the Kabul airport,” the embassy alerted on its website, “we are advising U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to the airport and to avoid airport gates at this time unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so.”

The active security threats come as the New York Post reported the Taliban is “now attempting to take their U.S. passports and identification orders in an attempt to stop them from leaving the country.”

“I got to the gates and was about to show my passport, but the Taliban got it, and he said you are not allowed to go through and wouldn’t give it back,” one Afghan American on the ground told the Post. “I was lucky a U.S. marine was right there and forced him to give it back.”

Former Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos, who works to evacuate people on the ground, also confirmed the reports to the Post.

Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans


Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, U.S. intelligence documents reveal 229 “rehabbed” former Gitmo detainees have returned to terrorism and killing Americans — and an alarming 66% of them have not been recaptured and are still at large.

Meanwhile, President Biden is quietly freeing more of these terrorist suspects from the Guantanamo Bay prison, all to fulfill his old boss’ pledge to permanently close the facility in Cuba.

Shortly after taking office, Biden reversed President Trump’s executive order to keep Gitmo open and is lining up inmates to transfer out of the prison with the goal of emptying it and shuttering it — even though the remaining prisoners have long been classified by military intelligence as the worst of the worst and too dangerous to release.

Last month, the president freed his first prisoner — accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser — leaving the number of remaining detainees at 39. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s safehouse operator, according to Gitmo parole board documents.

Still other detainees have appealed to the Biden administration through their pro-bono defense lawyers to ensure their release, despite the risk of them returning to militant activities. The suspected 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated for parole hearings this year, documents reveal.

Biden is clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one in three released detainees have gone back to fighting against America — and some have actually managed to kill more Americans.

“Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred,” a recent US intelligence report warned.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Zera Shishon Parshas Ki Teizei


Rabbi Bloom's New "Pshat" on the First Rashi on Chumash!

We are all aware of the very first Rashi written on Chumash..It's very simple, not complicated at all, for 5 year-olds learn it and understand it.

Rashi asks if the Torah is a "book of laws" a Sefer of Halachos, on how a Jew must behave, then why did the Torah start with the narrative of how the world was created? After all, the Torah isn't a book of stories. The Torah should have started with the very first mitzvah, which is "Kiddush Ha'Choidesh" "Sanctifying the New Month" ....

Rashi answers that Hashem is teaching us a fundamental lesson. 

The Torah wants you to know , that their will come a time when  the "nations of the world will yell at you and scream "You are bandits, for conquering the Land of Canaan" so it's important for you to know the answer: 

"Hashem is the One Who created the world, and therefore the  entire world is His and He is the one Who decided to take Eretz Yisrael from the Canaanites  and give it to us, the Jewish people. " Period!

This Rashi is very straight forward, and the "Sifsei Chachamim" who explains Rashi understood it this way, and the Ramban also understood it this way. I have not seen anyone explain this Rashi any other way. In fact this is not Rashi's original words, Rashi is simply quoting the Midrash Rabba .

Comes along Rav Shmuel Bloom, in the year 2021, 960 years after everyone understood the Rashi the way we just learnt it and quotes in the Flatbush Jewish Journal no less,  R' Yaakov Reisman, who quotes his father-in-law, R' Gifter. and says that that is NOT what Rashi means to say.

"Could Rashi really have meant that when the Arabs throw us out of Eretz Yisrael, we should simply open a chumash and with that we'll win the argument and they'll desist?"

Before we see how they learn this Rashi... 

I want to ask 

Why didn't Yehoshua when he conquered  Eretz Yisrael tell the Canaanites that 

"Hashem created the world, he wants you guys out and wants us in?" 

It's quite obvious that this argument that originated in the Medrish and quoted by Rashi is not meant for the Canaanites, and certainly not for the Arabs.... No one is foolish enough to think that by showing Abbas this Rashi, he will say "Gut Ge'zugt" you are right! There isn't a single soul in the entire world that thinks that by showing any goy this Rashi that he will "desist," otherwise the very first conquerer, Yehoshua, would have simply shown this Medrish to the Canaanites, instead he gathered an army (Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone) and fought the Canaanites until his demise and never actually finished the job.

The understanding of why the Torah starts with Creation and not with the first Halacha, was meant solely for Jews, who believe that G-d Created the world and that He decided to give Eretz Yisrael  to us...

This lesson that Hashem is teaching us by opening the Torah with the story of Creation is for those of us who live in Chutz Le'aarez who are not sure that this is what Hashem wants... so Hashem turned over the Torah on its head, so to speak, and gave us first, the narrative of Creation, to tell us "Come Home" and should the Goyim tell you "You are thieves" know that I Created the world and I'm giving it to you....Before you learn any halachos about how to be a Jew, before I teach you "Kiddush Ha'Choidesh" know that Eretz Yisrael belongs to you ..

The message is for the Jews, it's not for the Arafats and Abbas' of the world ....

Rashi actually says that:

כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו 

"The power of His acts He told His people"

We have in the same Torah a narrative of how Avraham bought and paid good money for the Mearas Ha'machpeilah, we have a narrative how Yaakov bought Kever Rachel and Shchem, we have the narrative how Dovid Ha'melech bought the Har Ha'Bayis ... and interestingly enough it's those very properties that the UN says doesn't belong to us .... so there isn't any Jew who thinks ..."Oh I'll open the Chumash and show it to the Arabs and they will "desist" ...

It's for us ..... Helllllo??? Is anyone home? 

It's for us, to give us the courage, the tenacity to fight for what belongs to us...not to give up .... Yes! Eretz Yisrael comes with struggles, comes with pain, but for those who live there, there is blessings promised by none other than our Creator.

R' Bloom quotes, R' Reisman who quotes R' Gifter who asks a question that no one asks, because it's obvious .....

" "Could Rashi really have meant that when the Arabs throw us out of Eretz Yisrael, we should simply open a chumash and with that we'll win the argument and they'll desist?"

The truth is that R' Bloom is not asking this question either ...he just wants his readers to see the answer...which is 

"What Rashi is telling us that if they are trying to take Eretz Yisrael from us, it is because Hakodosh Boruch Hu, Who Created the world and runs the world, feels that we don't deserve it, Rashi is talking to us and saying that we have to realize that everything we have is because Hakodosh Boruch Hu has given it to us" 


Yes it's a nice pshat and who am I to disagree with R' Bloom who quotes R' Reisman who quotes R' Gifter .....and I agree 100% with the premise and what he said and it's something to keep in mind.. it's also a great Shalosh Seuda "toirele" for R' Reisman to tell the  "fat cats" that daven in his shul, who are waiting for something to come down from heaven and miraculously take them to EY, something the Rambam says will never ever happen!

But that is NOT what Rashi and the Midrash Rabba say on this pasuk  ....and it is absolutely NOT what Rashi or for that matter the Midrash say on why the Torah started with the narrative of Creation! 

What we all agree on is that Hashem is talking to us....and the message here is very apparent to anyone even a child. And with all due respect to R' Gifter, ..........

Rashi and the Midrash could have easily written what R' Gifter said Rashi meant ... 

but Rashi and the Midrash chose not to write that.....

So why take  a shoehorn to squeeze words into Rashi that he never said or meant?

To give them a license to stay put in Chutz Le'arretz ...as R' Gifter was no fan of the State of Israel 

Question: What happened to Telz in Europe? What happened to Telz in Cleveland? 

If they would have learnt pshat in Rashi like a 5 year-old child does, and not use the fat thumb to twist and turn a simple straight forward understanding of Rashi, they would have gotten the message to come home!

4 Arrested in Shmuel Silverberg's Murder

 Seth James Larhode, 21, Isaiah James Freeman, 18, Aden Sides, 18, and Noah Loepp-Hall, 19, were arrested by Denver police Thursday morning on suspicion of murder, burglary, aggravated robbery, aggravated motor vehicle theft, menacing, and assault. The murder, of Shmuel Silverberg, a Jewish student of Yeshiva Toras Chaim, concluded a violent crime spree Tuesday night—but Police see no evidence showing his shooting was an anti-Semitic hate crime. They say the suspects did not mention the fact that their victim was Jewish.

Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen said on Thursday that “the murder of the student, Shmuel Silverberg, shocked the Jewish community, not just here in Denver and Colorado, but throughout the United States.”

During the memorial service, Rabbi Tzvi Steinberg of Congregation Zera Abraham cried, “Shmuely, Shmuely, where are you? What are we going to do without Shmuely? We need you… You can’t go away…”

Silverberg was shot outside the yeshiva, in a quiet residential neighborhood of Denver. Police believe he ran away from his attackers, who chased him into the school grounds after shooting him. Other yeshiva students performed CPR on the victim while waiting for the ambulance that rushed him to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

According to the DPD commander of the Felony Division Matt Clark, the suspects mugged and shot another man earlier on Tuesday, stole a car, and robbed a business. The DPD believes there’s a fifth suspect who remains at large. He is 19-year-old Samuel Fussell, seen in the picture below:

“At this time, no one has mentioned the victim’s religion or offered information indicating that they were targeting the school or the Jewish community,” Clark told reporters, adding, “While I can’t understand it, the best explanation we have at the moment is that this group of criminals went out and assaulted, robbed, robbed, shot and finally killed a random individual that night.”

Shmuel Silverberg grew up in University Heights, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb, and his grandparents live in Lakewood. His funeral took place in Lakewood.

Belz Haifa Mashgiach Yitzchak Meir Prestor beats the crap out of Bachur in Yeshiva

Thursday, August 19, 2021

British Blogger Slapped With Jail Term

Alison Chabloz-Tyler insists the Holocaust is an “eternal cash cow” and that gas chambers were used to “save lives from typhus.”

A British blogger with an extensive history of anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying comments was sent to jail after losing an appeal.

Alison Chabloz-Tyler of London was convicted in April of using “grossly offensive terminology” in a podcast, and also of sending other highly offensive comments on a public communications network. The 57-year-old was sentenced to 18 weeks in jail but faces a re-sentencing hearing at the Southwark Crown Court in London.

Chabloz-Tyler has claimed that the Nazi gas chambers were used “to save lives from typhus epidemics” and that Adolf Hitler wanted the Jews out of Europe for behaving “in a certain fashion as we’re seeing again today.”

Chabloz-Tyler has also described the Holocaust as an “eternal cash cow” for the Jews, compared Auschwitz to a “theme park,” and said that Jews who “don’t conform” should be deported from the UK.

In a vicious, Holocaust-denying musical video dated April 3 to the tune of popular Jewish song “Hava Nagila,” she even slams famous teenage victim Anne Frank.

In 2018, Chabloz-Tyler was convicted of three charges for posting offensive songs about the Holocaust but was given a suspended sentence. She went on to breach the terms of that suspended sentence by phoning in as a guest on two podcasts, “The Realist Report” and “The Graham Hart Show,” where she delivered anti-Semitic rants.

On the latter podcast, Chabloz-Tyler described the Holocaust as a ‘central pillar’ of Judaism and insisted that Jewish children are brought up to be “psychopathic maniacs.”

Hart was separately sentenced to 32 months in prison for anti-Semitic comments he made on his podcast over a four-year period. Police began investigating Hart after receiving a dossier of his comments compiled by Campaign Against Antisemitism. The Truro Crown Court ruled that Hart had crossed a line between slander and incitement.

Explaining the reason for Chabloz-Tyler’s re-sentencing hearing, Judge Martin Beddoe said, “‘Presently we do not consider that the sentence passed in the court below was sufficient.”

According to British media reports, Chabloz-Tyler is now “banned from broadcasting, posting on the internet or in any form, any reference to Judaism, the Jewish faith, the Jewish people, the Holocaust, World War two, Israel, or any member of the Nazi party.”

Last Jewish Afghanistan Refuses to Give Wife Jewish divorce Just like Meir Kin


Afghanistan's last remaining Jew, Zabulon Simantov, has decided to remain in Afghanistan despite the Taliban's takeover due to his refusal to give his estranged wife a get, according to Makor Rishon.

His wife and their two daughters have lived in Israel since 1998.
Attempts have been made to assist his Israeli wife for years, though he is yet to agree to give her a divorce, according to Makor Rishon.

Business Moti Kahana offered to fund a private airplane to take Simantov to Israel, an offer the Afghan Jew initially accepted. Security guards then filmed Simantov reading the "Tefilat Haderech" prayer, the prayer read before traveling.

Kerry Wanted Israel to apply "Afghan model to Palestinians" ....Can You Imagine?


In the wake of the Taliban's rapid takeover of Afghanistan this week, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that the United States had indeed offered him to apply its "Afghan model" in Israel by having US-trained Palestinian forces provide Israeli security.

"In 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry invited me on a secret visit to Afghanistan to see how the United States had established a local military force capable of fighting terrorism alone," Netanyahu said. "The message was clear: the 'Afghan model' is the model that the United States also seeks to apply to the Palestinian cause.

"I politely declined the offer and predicted that as soon as the US left Afghanistan, everything would collapse. Unfortunately, that is what happened: an extremist Islamic regime has conquered Afghanistan and will transform it into a terrorist state which will endanger world peace.

"We would achieve the same result if, God forbid, we handed over control of the homeland to the Palestinians. They would establish a terrorist state in Judea and Samaria."

The opposition leader said that time proved he made the right decision and warned that Israel "must not trust others to ensure our safety, we must defend ourselves against any threat."

New Zealand imposes nationwide lockdown over single COVID case


New Zealand's government took drastic action Tuesday by putting the entire nation into a strict lockdown for at least three days after finding a single case of coronavirus infection in the community.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern invoked some of the stirring rhetoric she used early in the pandemic by urging the "team of 5 million" – New Zealand's population – to go hard and early in trying to eliminate the latest outbreak.

New Zealand had managed to stamp out the virus, and the last outbreak was in February. But Ardern had been warning that the contagiousness of the delta variant would likely require more drastic action than previous outbreaks.

New Zealand has also been slower than other developed nations to inoculate its population, leaving it vulnerable to outbreaks. Only 32% of people have had at least one shot and 18% are fully vaccinated.

Watch how Taliban Laugh in CNN's Reporter Face When She Asks if Women Will be allowed to Vote

Watch how New Yorkers Love Bibi Netanyahu as he Strolls in Rockefeller Center



In Bet Shemesh Chareidie Lady get arrested for refusing to reveal her ID after being caught not wearing her mask in store

The above video went viral on all the Bet Shemesh chats, and 100% backed the police in this incident.
The law is very clear, when you enter a store you must wear a mask properly. This happened in the Mercaz in Ramat Alef ... the lady wasn't wearing a mask, though she did put one on as the police approached and when the police asked for her "teudat zehut" her ID, to issue her 500 shekel fine, she refused to show it, and got arrested ..so now she is fined for not wearing her mask, resisting arrest, and assaulting a police officer. 
It's not known whether she actually got to buy anything...
Hey... tomorrow is another day 

In Ger the Chassan throws the Veil on the Kallah While Shloimie Wedyger is "Shoimer Ha'Nashim"

Shloimie Wedyger Escorting the Rebbetzin

Skver Rebbe gets 6 brachos, Vizniter gets Bracha Achriti


Gerer Motorcade to the Chassuna

I really had a good laugh ....just yesterday I was in Yerushalyim and I happened to drive by Prime Minister's Bennett's house when  suddenly police stopped all traffic because the PM was leaving his residence... there were only three cars, one in front, him in the middle and one in back, no sirens no nothing ...oh sorry, yes there was one thing they did have, blinking lights but only the front car....

In Israel, the Gerer Rebbe travels in one car, I know, I saw him arriving at the Kotel once, the "mishtara" will have none of this nonsense, and if they tried this in Israel, they would get a hefty fine that would go straight to the Zionist coffers ..

Now watch the Shkverer Arrive 

Watch Gerer Rebbitzin Wave to the Crowd before the Chupa like the Queen of England

Viznitz Monsey First Heimishe Chassidus to Allow Internet into their Neighborhood


The Vizniters known for being "Chachamim from the Ma Nishtana" allowed Ger ($$$$$$$) to bring a live hookup into their hall in Monsey so that the Israeli Gerer Chassidim  in Israel would be able to watch the wedding live.

In order to hide this atrocity from their residents in Monsey they asked the technicians to stick their equipment in the Ezras Nashim, hoping no one would notice. 

When the word went out on the streets of Viznitz that someone brought the "Avee Avos Ha'tumah" into their holy neighborhood they started screaming "gevald" and so Viznitz was forced to issue a "Kol Korah" that states that this is a one time allowance.
So for $$$$$ even the holy Viznitzers will trample on the Torah (they say that the Torah prohibits videos and internet) and their values.
כסף יענה את הכל

Taliban spokesman asked whether his government will honor free speech, responds that 'This should be asked to Facebook.'


At a Tuesday press conference in Kabul, the Taliban called out Facebook for censorship.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid was asked if his government would honor free speech and responded by pointing a finger at Facebook.

“This question should be asked to those people who are claiming to be promoters of freedom of speech who do not allow publication of all information. I could ask Facebook company. This question should be asked to them," he said.

The response was retweeted by Former US President Trump's son Donald Trump Jr., who commented that, on this issue, the Taliban spokesman was "not wrong."


Obsessed with Trump..... Cy Vance goes after pardoned man


Is there anything more politicized than the criminal justice system in an administration run by Democrats?

Yes . . . a criminal justice system run by elected Democrats in a blue-dyed stronghold, such as New York City, ensnared by one-party politics.

That is not mere politicization of the justice system. It is weaponization of the justice system against political enemies. Ken Kurson is the latest Trump World habitue to learn that the hard way.

Kurson, the former editor of The New York Observer, is a close friend of former President Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner, as well as a one-time speechwriter for Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. He is also a jackass — or, at the very least, conducted himself like one several years ago when his marriage was disintegrating.

Kurson’s obnoxious behavior, which involved harassing people involved in his personal drama, came to the attention of the FBI only because Trump nominated him to sit on the board of the National Endowment for the Humanities. By normal prosecution standards, it was ancient history, having occurred in 2015, and dubious grist for criminal charges.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn nevertheless filed a criminal complaint weeks before the 2020 election. The “cyberstalking” case never reached the indictment stage because Trump pardoned Kurson before leaving office, reasoning that there would have been no criminal case but for the political connection.

As if to prove the former president’s point, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance swung into action. The federal investigation had uncovered evidence that Kurson had used a computer program to spy on his then wife, whom he suspected of having an affair. Vance has charged Kurson with felony electronic eavesdropping.

At a time when violent crime is surging and the district attorney has declined to prosecute a raft of cases arising out of last summer’s deadly rioting and looting, there is no enforcement justification for devoting resources to a six-year-old non-violent domestic-relations matter.

Kurson’s own ex-wife doesn’t want this pursued. In his pardon application, she wrote that she “repeatedly asked for the FBI to drop it . . . I hired a lawyer to protect me from being forced into yet another round of questioning. My disgust with this arrest and the subsequent articles is bottomless.”

This is sheer political retribution.

What’s stunning is how unabashed Vance is about that. Announcing the charges, he brayed, “We will not accept presidential pardons as get-out-of-jail-free cards for the well-connected in New York.” Kurson is not being punished for the alleged crimes; he’s being punished for being a Trump crony who got a pardon.

It is not the first time. Vance earlier indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort after Trump pardoned him for convictions arising out of the Mueller investigation. It was a blatant violation of New York’s double-jeopardy protections, and the state courts threw it out.

Vance, meanwhile, has spent years and resources — including two trips to the Supreme Court — trying to nail Trump himself on what he hoped were frauds burrowed in the former president’s financial records. After finally getting access to the records, he still has no case. Did he drop it? Of course not: he is now squeezing the Trump organization’s chief financial officer — charging him with bookkeeping improprieties that, in any other instance, would be settled in civil litigation. But it’s Trump, so New York Democrats must treat it as the crime of the century.

In New York, unlike in the federal government, top prosecutor posts are elected rather than appointed positions. That’s why state attorney general Letitia James, a progressive darling, campaigned on a promise to spare no effort to sue or prosecute Trump. The system lends itself to abuse.

There is a term for the exploitation of government police power to crush political foes: banana republic.