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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Shmuel (Shmuli) Silverberg 19 Murdered In front of His Yeshiva in Denver


A Yeshiva Bochur was shot and killed in front of the Denver Yeshiva

Police say the horrific incident unfolded early Wednesday morning, in front of Yeshiva Toras Chaim, located at 1555 Stuart Street in Denver.

Sources say that a vehicle drove up and opened fire. The vehicle immediately fled the area. The boy was rushed to a local hospital where he was Niftar.

The victim has been identified as HaBochur Shmuel (Shmuli) Silverberg Z”L (son of Reb Mordechai) from Cleveland. He was 19 years old.

Police do not believe the victim was deliberately targeted or that the assailant had targeted the yeshiva, as there have been several other similar shootings in the area which did not target Jewish people or institutions.

Misaskim was notified in middle of the night, and was working with the authorities and the family.

The Levaya and Kevura will be held in Lakewood, NJ. Time and location will be published when that becomes available.

The Denver Police Department is searching for three vehicles connected to the shooting which Detectives say was a deadly crime spree.

The crime spree started near Colfax Ave. and Grape St. at 10:50 p.m. with a car jacking. No injuries were reported.

Next, a shooting and car jacking took place in the 1500 block of Lafayette St around 11 p.m. One person was critically injured.

The crime spree ended with the fatal shooting of the Yeshiva Bochur at 11:30PM.

Police are looking for three vehicles connected to the crime spree.

  • 2018 maroon Honda CRV, Colorado License Plate: CGOW44
  • 2020 dark blue Toyota Camry, Colorado License Plate: AGNZ29
  • 1998 black Toyota Rav 4, Colorado License Plate: QFO701

The suspects are considered armed and dangerous. If you see the vehicles, call 911. You can also remain anonymous by contacting Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 720-913-7867.

Taliban parade two men through streets with blackened faces and nooses around necks


Sickening images show two men being paraded through an Afghanistan street with their faces tarred black — and being pulled by nooses around their necks.

“Taliban accused these men of theft, their faces were colored with black color — to embarrass them,” tweeted Bilal Sarwary, one of Afghanistan’s leading journalists, who said he was sent the images late last week.

The photos show the unidentified pair surrounded by a mob of heavily armed men, many punching the air in apparent celebration as others hold assault rifles aloft.

The men’s faces were both completely blackened, seemingly with a tar-like substance, and both had nooses tight around the neck, which was pulled by at least one in the mob, the images show.

“This was after the Friday prayers inside Herat city,” Sarwary also tweeted, with a video of the parade showing dozens of supposed Taliban supporters marching alongside the accused thieves.

“Taliban style Justice often means hands of thieves are chopped off,” the journalist noted.

“This is medieval and barbaric,” wrote one of Sarwary’s followers. “I cannot believe this is happening now and I weep with sadness and with shame.”

The sickening sight came as Herat, a city of about 600,000 people near the border with Iran, was left like a “ghost town,” provincial council member Ghulam Habib Hashimi told Reuters. “Families have either left or are hiding in their homes.”

The parade appeared further proof that the Taliban were already returning to the extreme version of Islamic Sharia law that the US invasion previously appeared to have crushed.

The Taliban notoriously imposed strict punishments under their initial rule, including stoning suspected adulterers and carrying out public executions.

Many of the harshest restrictions were against women, many of whom were raped and forced into arranged marriages, as well as being forbidden from jobs or schooling and forced to be subservient to men.

After the US invasion, women finally started finding freedom — something seemingly already being erased by the Taliban as reports emerge of them ejecting women from their workplaces and forcing girls as young as 12 to marry militants.

As the insurgents took control of the presidential palace in Kabul early Sunday, a photo circulated on social media showing someone painting over posters depicting women.

“This is a new dark era for women,” tweeted activist and former beauty queen Sarah Idan, who shared the images and blamed “radical Islamist misogynists Taliban.”

Rabbi Who Could See into the Future Didn't See this Coming


Rabbi Ezra Sheinberg, convicted of sexual offenses against eight women, was released early from prison on Tuesday, serving just six years of his seven year sentence.
The rabbi, a renowned yeshiva head from Safed, was originally indicted in July 2015 on 12 charges of sexual offenses including rape, sodomy and indecent assault.
Religious Zionist head Betzalel Smotrich expressed outrage at the decision to release Sheinberg early, saying the decision is "shameful and constitutes a stab in the back of the victims."
"The punishment was too light in the first place and the early release is adding sin to crime," said Smotrich, calling for the decision to be appealed.
Sheinberg, 48, who is married and has eight children, is the founder of Yeshivat Orot HaAri in Safed, which he established in 1999. He was a respected and prominent figure in the National Religious community and lauded as a particularly spiritual rabbi with preternatural abilities to see into the future and give advice.

The "Real Story" Behind the Afghanistan Disaster


Young Bride Reunites with the EMT Who Saved her Life


EMT Michael Cohen at Dikla's bedside and at her wedding.

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Michael Cohen was on his way home on his ambucycle from Jerusalem to the town of Adam, when his communications device alerted him to a medical emergency that occurred just outside his town. A terrorist had stabbed a female soldier who began bleeding at an alarming rate which posed an immediate threat to her life. Michael turned on his siren and sped over to the traffic circle at the entrance to Adam, where the stabbing had taken place.

Michael arrived together with two United Hatzalah volunteers. After making sure the scene was safe and the terrorist neutralized, the three EMTs located the young woman, Dikla Megidish, who was suffering from a stab wound to her neck. The knife had been removed from the wound leaving a gushing wound spurting bright red blood. The EMTs assessed that the knife had torn right through the woman’s carotid artery, leaving her very few minutes to live before she bled out completely.

With no time to lose, Michael quickly applied pressure to Dikla’s artery, using his fingers as a makeshift tourniquet. The two other EMTs helped control any other bleeding as Michael held on to the carotid artery. After a few minutes, a mobile intensive care ambulance arrived at the scene. The crew carefully took control over Michael’s makeshift tourniquet and then loaded the woman on the ambulance to be transported to Hadassah hospital.

When Dikla arrived at the hospital, she was sedated and attached to a respirator. The next day, just as Shabbat was entering, Dikla’s family contacted Michael and informed him that she was awake and in recovery after surgery. That Saturday night, Michael and the two EMTs drove to Hadassah hospital to visit the young woman they had saved.

Two weeks ago, Michael received an invitation in the mail. The woman was engaged and getting married and invited Michael to share in her happiness, six years later. Last Tuesday night, Michael attended the wedding and was welcomed with huge hugs from the entire family.

“When I went to the wedding I was nervous at what the reunion would be like,” Michael admitted. “I hadn’t seen Dikla in six years, I wondered if she would recognize me, especially during her wedding, would she come and say hello. I was pleasantly surprised. When I arrived, the beautiful bride Dikla spotted me from across the room and ran over to embrace me. The groom told me how honored he was to see me, and they insisted that we take a picture together. Reuniting with Dikla at her wedding was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to see how I really did save an entire world.”

Pentagon Confirms Evacuated Afghans Being Sent to Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia


The Defense Department has confirmed that Afghans evacuated from Afghanistan, and applying for visas to the United States, will be sent to U.S. military bases in Texas, Wisconsin, and Virginia. 

For days, reports had circulated that the roughly 22,000 Afghans that President Joe Biden’s administration plans to bring to the U.S. would first be sent to military bases in a number of states.

 On Tuesday, Defense Department official Gary Reed confirmed to the Texas Tribune that the thousands of Afghans applying for visas will be sent to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, and Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin, in addition to Fort Lee in Prince George County, Virginia. “There may be other sites identified if services are needed, additional capacity is needed,” Reed said and suggested the administration “can expand if we need to” the number of Afghans being resettled in the U.S. above the 22,000 estimate. 

The Afghans will temporarily stay at the three military bases, as they apply for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), P-1 visas, and P-2 visas, before eventually being resettled in American communities. Nine refugee contractors — who have a vested interest in ensuring as many refugees are resettled across the U.S. as possible because their annual federally-funded budgets are contingent on the number of refugees they resettle — will help resettle Afghans.

Gerer Choir Getting Ready For Tonight's Wedding



Last Jew in Afghanistan vows to remain despite Taliban takeover ... Typical Attitude of Every "Chutz Le'aaretz" Jew


After Taliban forces entered Kabul on Sunday, signalling the fall of Afghanistan after a 20-year American presence in the country, the only remaining Afghani Jew, said he was bracing himself for the new regime.

Zabulon Simantov, 62, has spent his entire life in the capital of Kabul, serving as the caretaker of the city's synagogue.

Simantov announced in March of this year that he would leave the country for good following the Jewish High Holidays in September, citing fears of a possible Taliban takeover following the US withdrawal.

"The Taliban have tried to convert me and I've been imprisoned four times," Simantov told WION News.

Simantov's current whereabouts are unknown, with concern for his fate being expressed on social media.

"Is anyone else sitting on their couch crying because they're scared for Zebulon Simantov?" asked one Twitter user, with others saying they were praying for his safety.

With Simantov's departure, the synagogue will close and 2,000 years of Jewish history in Afghanistan will come to an end. An estimated 40,000 Jews lived in central-Asian nation at the start of the 20th Century.

Shocking video shows bloody hatchet attack in Lower Manhattan ATM


Horrifying new surveillance video shows the moment a 51-year-old man was brutally attacked by a hatchet-wielding maniac while at a lower Manhattan ATM.

The footage, obtained by The Post on Tuesday, shows the victim at one of the ATMs inside a Chase Bank vestibule on Broadway near Beaver Street in the Financial District shortly before 5:30 p.m. Sunday when the attacker walks in, removes a hatchet from a dark bag, sneaks up behind him and begins slashing him.

The frightened and bloodied victim tries to fend off the brutal assault, falling to the floor several times as he futilely attempts to grab his crazed assailant’s weapon, the footage shows.

When the unidentified attacker is finished beating the victim, he smashes the screens of the cash-dispensing machines before walking away — and leaving the hatchet and his backpack behind, according to police.

The wounded man was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition, where he remained Tuesday in the intensive care unit.

In a brief bedside interview with The Post, the dazed victim, with his head wrapped in a large bandage, recalled part of the viscous attack.

“A man was there with a hatchet and [hit] my head … and my leg,” said the victim in Spanish.

Before 10 p.m. Tuesday night, police in Chelsea apprehended a suspect who fit the description of the hatchet-attacker, law enforcement sources said.

The 37-year-old man was smashing car windows near 19th Street and Seventh Avenue when officers in a 10th Precinct patrol car spotted him, according to the sources.

He was taken to Bellevue Hospital for an evaluation, and as of late Tuesday night had not been charged, sources said. 

Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa on same day it vows to honor ‘women’s rights’


Taliban fighters shot and killed a woman for not wearing a burqa in Afghanistan Tuesday — the same day the group pledged to usher in a new inclusive era in the country that honors “women’s rights.”

A photo emerged of a woman in Takhar province lying in a pool of blood, with loved ones crouched around her, after she was killed by insurgents for being in public without a head covering, according to Fox News.

The killing came amid the outfit’s version of a charm offensive, after its swift takeover of the country in the absence of US troops, who had been propping up allied military groups since shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid held a news conference to say that the insurgents would honor women’s rights, within the highly restrictive Sharia law. The militants urged women to return to school and work, and another Taliban spokesman granted a televised interview to a female journalist.

Mujahid also vowed to grant amnesty to Afghans who worked with the now toppled government architected by the US.

When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan before 9/11, it prevented women and girls from leaving the house without a male chaperone, and did not allow them to work or receive an education.

Insurgents also vowed Tuesday not to interfere with US-led evacuation efforts of Westerners and their Afghan allies, but were instead reported to be controlling the entrances of Hamid Karzai International Airport, and attacking those who were trying to flee.

There was kids, women, babies, old women, they could barely walk,” an Afghan former State Department contractor told Fox. “They [are in a] very, very bad situation, I’m telling you. At the end, I was thinking that there was like 10,000 or more than 10,000 people, and they’re running into the airport … The Taliban [were] beating people and the people were jumping from the fence, the concertina wire, and also the wall.”

Elsewhere in Kabul, Taliban fighters were recorded shooting guns as they patrolled neighborhoods home to activists and government workers, according to the report.

Militants were looking for people who had helped the US, and had questioned the former defense contractor’s neighbors about him, according to the report.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

U.S. Army veteran Matt Zeller goes off on MSNBC about Biden’s remarks on Afghanistan: “I feel like I watched a different speech than the rest of you guys. I was appalled.”


Former CIA analyst and MSNBC guest Matt Zeller criticized President Joe Biden’s speech on the ongoing Afghanistan crisis amid praise for it from the liberal network's hosts.

Biden addressed the nation from the White House on Monday over the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan after Biden's troop withdrawal. Zeller appeared with hosts Brian Williams and Nicolle Wallace on "Deadline: White House" to discuss the speech at length.

Williams complimented Biden’s speech, claiming "he didn’t run" from his responsibility to the Afghan people.

"He didn't run from it. He owned it. He owned the fact that, as he put it, the buck stops with him," Williams said.

"I hope he gets to own their deaths too," Zeller fired back.

Zeller spent most of his appearance criticizing Biden’s speech, as well as the administration’s actions in withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

"I feel like I watched a different speech than the rest of you guys. I was appalled. There was such a profound bold-faced lie in that speech. The idea we planned for every contingency? I have been personally trying to tell this administration since it took office. I have been trying to tell our government for years this was coming. We sent them plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. Nobody listened to us," Zeller said.

Zeller also slammed the administration for not having adequate plans to evacuate the thousands of Afghan citizens looking to escape Taliban rule.

Wallace previously complimented Biden’s speech saying "95% of the American people will agree with everything [President Biden] just said. 95% of the press covering this White House will disagree."


Anti-Vaxxer Gets Called "Meshugener" by Harav Mutzpi and Chases Him Out of Shiur

Now they are protesting "Ichud Hatzala" Because Women are Members there ... "Yichud"

The Perverts Want Only Men taking care of ladies that should get sick

Extremist Is Mechanich" his Children To Curse R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Aaron Kotler, R' Nissim Karelitz, R' Aron from Belz etc.


Someone is definitely supporting him and his mamzeirim, the question is who?

He is calling Gedoiei Yisrael "Yemach Shemom" a word reserved for Hitler YM"S

No he is not at all crazy... the ones crazy are those who see this and laugh it off ...

Can you imagine if a Modern Orthodox Jew would be on a corner and cursing the Satmar Rebbe? How long do you think that would go on?

Someone should call the Welfare Dept so they can take his children away, this is child abuse.

Who will protect Har Hazeitim?


Leading public figures from the Israeli Board for the Protection of Har Hazeitim (Mount of Olives -ed.), including former ministers Efi Eitam and Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, have emphasized how essential it is that Israel strengthen its sovereignty at the site.

The new Board was created on the initiative of the International Committee for Har Hazeitim (ICHH) founded over ten years ago by two brothers Abe and Menachem Lubinsky. ICHH has initiated major improvements on the Mountain, and was instrumental in persuading the government to conduct major renovations, including fixing roads, building fences and installing 170 security cameras.

ICHH works in full cooperation with the large Knesset Lobby for Har Hazeitim, and is in constant dialogue with the police to ensure the safety of all those who ascend the Mountain.

Shalom Lerner executive director of ICHH, reached out to active public leaders in Israel, asking them to join the efforts to preserve and upgrade the site.

Prominent and notable individuals from all walks of life have come together to work for the security and development of this holy mountain.

One of the challenges facing the new committee is the Visitors Center, which is planned for the lower part of the mountain.

The Visitors Center is a 20 million shekel ($6,199,130) project jointly undertaken by the Israeli government, Jerusalem Municipality and the ICHH, and it has obtained almost all the permits required in order for construction to begin. The Center will also run a major educational program and it is expected to draw thousands of visitors daily, making it a major development in the upgrading of the Mount of Olives and ensuring its continued viability for generations to come. Some experts estimate that the Visitors Centre will draw close to two million visitors annually.

In its first meeting, former minister Rabbi Cohen stressed the importance that all functions of the Visitors Center should be professionally planned and implemented, and promised full cooperation with its partners.

Former minister Brigadier General Efi Eitam, pointed out the importance of the educational content of the Center, with emphasis on the unbreakable bond between the Jewish People all over the Diaspora and Har Hazeitim and Jerusalem. From the times of the First Temple until today, many Jews from all over the world dreamed of being buried on Har HaZeitim, where according to tradition, the resurrection of the dead will start.

Gael Grinwald, Deputy Chairman of the World Zionist Organization, pointed out that the Board should already make contact with the Education Ministry to ensure that schoolchildren and students visit the Visitors Center and fully benefit from unique educational programs.

Ilan Geal Dor, CEO of Gesher, and Shalom Wasserteil, a prominent contractor, suggested that a special program should be arranged for soldiers, in partnership with the IDF. The Executive Board of the ICHH, headed by Abe and Menachem Lubinsky, participated in the meeting via Zoom and were very appreciative that such notable persons have joined them in ensuring the future and the upgrading of Har HaZeitim.

Shalom Lerner announced that several new members will be joining the Israeli Board in the next few weeks, following which the Board will hold a festive meeting with the participation of its partners and donors.

PM Bennett orders IDF not to respond to Gaza rocket attack ...Afraid that the Arabs Will Leave Coalition


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz have ordered the IDF to refrain from issuing a response to yesterday’s rocket attack on the Gaza periphery town of Sderot.

This order stands in contrast to the prevailing practice in recent years, including during the previous government’s term of office, when the IDF responded to every single instance of rocket fire out of Gaza, including to the launching of incendiary balloons. Sometimes the response was merely “symbolic” but the IDF was always particular to respond in some manner to terrorist attacks.

Last June, the current Prime Minister – then in the opposition – promised that the residents of the Gaza periphery communities would not be treated as second-class citizens if he were in power. “We won’t tolerate violent attacks of any kind, no matter how minor,” he stated. “Our patience has run out.” Bennett was speaking at an official memorial service for the soldiers who fell during Operation Protective Edge. “In Gaza, they will have to get used to a different kind of Israeli approach – an approach of taking the offensive, of new ways of doing things,” Bennett said then, describing how he would do things if he were given a free hand.

On Monday, a rocket was fired into Israel from Gaza and the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization claimed responsibility, stating that the attack was in revenge for the killing of four Palestinian terrorists who were shot by IDF forces in Jenin, during an operation to arrest several wanted men. The rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile shield during the funeral of two of the terrorists.

Speaking immediately after the rocket attack, the head of the Sedot Negev Regional Council, Tamir Eidan, called on the government to issue a harsh response. “Once again, we are witnessing how terrorist organizations dare to openly attack Israeli residents. We must not tolerate a situation in which they are firing at us from Gaza, and we demand that the government respond harshly and immediately to cut down anyone who tries to harm us, without delay.”

Wow !This is What Homeland Security Believes Are the Biggest Threat to the Country

 Look at the Top Two 

Remember this Video The next time "experts" Reassure Us that a Palestinian Arab State in Judea & Samaria Will Bring Israel Peace and Security


Insane CNN Reporter "“They’re just chanting ‘Death to America’ but they seem friendly at the same time.”


What a Difference One Day Makes in the Life of a CNN Reporter on Kabul


Ben & Jerry’s Trying to Block knock-offs of its ice cream in West Bank


The owner of Ben & Jerry’s is angling to block an Israeli ice-cream distributor from knocking off its brand in the West Bank — the latest back-and-forth since the company’s controversial move last month to withdraw from the region, The Post has learned.

London-based Unilever — whose Ben & Jerry’s subsidiary announced on July 19 it would stop selling ice cream in “Occupied Palestinian Territory,” saying it’s “inconsistent with our values” — is now threatening legal action against a group that said it plans to roll out “Judea and Samaria’s Ben & Jerry’s” ice cream to the West Bank.

A legal gambit to move in on the Chunky Monkey maker’s business was devised by the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, a Zionist advocacy group that claimed Ben & Jerry’s plan to stop selling ice cream in the region amounted to “abandonment” of its trademark there.

Proposed packaging for the ersatz frozen snacks includes the familiar Ben & Jerry’s logo, with the same cow grazing in a pasture under a blue, cloud-dotted sky. It also, however, prominently features a portrait of Theodor Herzl, the bushy-bearded founder of the modern Zionist movement, with the slogan “Frozen Chosen People.”

“Your allegation that Unilever has in any manner abandoned its trademark rights for Ben & Jerry’s is flawed on multiple grounds,” Unilever’s general counsel, Natalia Cavaliere, wrote in an Aug. 12 letter to the legal advocacy group, a copy of which was obtained by The Post.

“Ben & Jerry’s intends to continue to distribute and sell its products in all of Israel, except for the small geographic region of the West Bank and East Jerusalem,” the letter added, noting that Unliever considers any use of its trade name a “violation of our intellectual property rights.”

In response, Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center president Nitsana Darshan-Leitner told The Post, “We hope to have the opportunity to square off against them in a courtroom,” insisting that her organization intends to “seize their trademarks and utilize their name and manufacture our own ice cream in every Israeli region they have withdrawn from.”

The Law Center said it had registered the name “Judea and Samaria’s Ben & Jerry’s” with the Israeli government’s Registry of Corporations. But the agency denied its application on the grounds that there is an “existing registered trademark of Ben and Jerry’s in Israel and therefore it is restrained  from registering a new company under that name,” Darshan-Leitner told The Post in an email. The Law Center plans to appeal the decision, she said.

Unilever, which bought the quirky brand in 2000, has been forced to defend its policies despite the intense global backlash, which has included threats by the Israeli Prime Minister and by US legislators.

In a New York Times op-ed on July 28, the iconic ice-cream entrepreneurs Bennett Cohen and Jerry Greenfield defended the company’s move, writing, “In our view, ending the sales of ice cream in the occupied territories is one of the most important decisions the company has made in its 43-year history … Even though it undoubtedly knew that the response would be swift and powerful, Ben & Jerry’s took the step to align its business and operations with its progressive values.”

Trademark experts told The Post that at least on legal ground Unilever appears to be on solid footing with its trademark in Israel.

“You don’t have to use the mark in every town and region to be covered by a trademark,” intellectual property attorney, Brad D. Rose of Pryor Cashman LLP told The Post. “It doesn’t mean that [Unilever’s] trademark is exposed because it isn’t selling in one region.”

Frum Real Estate Developer Gary Barnett Has Control of Entire Eighth Avenue Blockfront


Curtains up — on a likely huge Midtown real estate development.

Broadway’s powerful Shubert Organization has sold two precious Eighth Avenue parcels to Gary Barnett’s Extell Development, giving Extell control of a whole Midtown blockfront.

Extell paid $39.1 million, according to public records, for 738 and 740 Eighth Ave, which are the sites of a small parking lot and a larger vacant lot respectively.

The deal gives Extell ownership of the entire east side of the avenue between West 45th and 46th streets. There is another vacant lot at the block’s south end and several low-rise buildings stand in the middle.

One building is home to Playwright Celtic Pub, a popular, four-story Irish restaurant and bar with a roof deck that’s been at the location since 2000. It’s now in the development crosshairs, but Extell’s plans are unknown. Barnett didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The empty lot at the West 45th Street corner extends all the way to the long-standing Pergola des Artistes restaurant, which abuts the Imperial Theater.

The assemblage appears to be large enough for a new building of up to 1 million square feet — perhaps more if Barnett, who is a magician with air-rights transfers, is able to transfer some from neighboring properties.

The block has been the focus of much inaccurate rumor and speculation over the years. Related Companies and Boston Properties once owned parts of it but they never went ahead with a new project.

Biden Admin Violated US Law by Removing Palestinian Terrorism Info From Congress


The Biden administration removed information about the Palestinian Authority’s incitement to terror from a mandatory compliance report submitted to Congress in July, a move that may have been illegal according to a legal watchdog group, Washington Free Beacon reported.

The America First Legal Foundation (AFLF) sent a letter to the State Department Inspector General last week requesting that it investigate the Biden administration’s omission of references to the PA’s call for terror and violence as it simultaneously committed to provide it with millions of dollars in US aid.

The references to the PA’s incitement to terror were included in the outgoing Trump administration’s October 2020 version of the report but were subsequently removed by the Biden administration.

The AFLF also submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the State Department for all internal records on the decision to omit the information, including the names of any Biden administration officials who had a part in the decision.

The Biden administration “unlawfully [concealed] multiple material derogatory facts regarding the Palestinian Authority’s ongoing economic, political, and ideological support for terrorism; economic warfare against Israel; and opposition to regional peace,” Reed Rubinstein, AFLF’s senior counselor, wrote to acting State Department Inspector General Diana Shaw.

“It seems these derogatory facts were deleted, expunged, and concealed not because circumstances on the ground had changed, but rather because officials in the Department’s Bureau of Near East Affairs and in the Biden White House decided to cover them up, at least in part to facilitate the planned transfer of hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority in potential violation of U.S. law.”

The AFLF letter emphasized that if the information was removed in order to hide the PA’s wrongdoings from Congress, it may be a violation of US law and the State Department must “immediately open an investigation” into any decision by officials “to conceal and cover up material derogatory facts regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority from the Congress.”

“We are concerned by attempts to conceal material facts regarding the PLO’s support for terrorism, commitment to the destruction of the State of Israel and the concomitant murder and/or expulsion of the Jews now resident there, and ongoing efforts to block peace treaties between Israel and the Arab states from Congress,” the FOIA request states, according to a copy obtained by the Free Beacon.

The State Department also removed details of incitement to terror in Palestinian schools and media outlets.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Melbourne Illegal Jewish Engagement Party Sticks Thumb In Eyes of Goyim ,,,,Angers Local Gov’t: ‘Dangerous,Selfish Behavior


Video from a packed engagement party is roiling the Jewish community of Melbourne, Australia, amid a growing outbreak of COVID-19 that has extended yet another stringent lockdown there.

Compliance with local rules has been spotty across Melbourne during the latest lockdown, which comes after a year and a half of intense restrictions meant to stop the spread of the coronavirus there.

But the local Jewish community is again emerging as a hotspot. Local authorities are planning to set up vaccination and testing sites in the heavily Orthodox suburb of St. Kilda East after a mother and son there tested positive, and sites in other Orthodox areas, including Caulfield and Balaclava, have landed on the growing list of locations with known exposures. In Melbourne, 25 people tested positive for COVID-19 on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the engagement party video has offered what many say is hard proof that some Orthodox Jews are not taking the pandemic seriously. The video, which is circulating online, shows a groom speaking to a crowded room of unmasked guests, at one point joking, “Clearly this is legal, because this is a group therapy session.” Laughter follows. 

Victoria Prime Minister Daniel Andrews lashed out at the engagement party, stating that the families involved had made s***ty choices.”

Poland to reexamine Israeli youth trips...


I also think that it's time to reassess the crazy idiotic "Yurzeit" excursions ASAP. No Jew, especially children of survivors should step on that dirty bloody Polish soil. The "dead" rebbes will forgive you if you don't spend a penny in those murderous countries and instead would pray on your behalf if you donated that money to Israeli poor. 

Take those kids to Yad Ve'Shem instead and teach them how Poles helped the Nazis murder Jews.

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński announced Monday that Poland would reassess the educational visits of Israeli youth to Poland as the diplomatic spat between the country's over Poland's Holocaust restitution law continues.

Jabłoński said that the "educational trips from Israel to Poland do not take place in a proper manner [and are conducted] in a way that hatred of Poland sometimes seeps into the minds of young people. We will examine the issue in depth because it is clear that the way these tours take place is not the right way."

The Polish parliament on Wednesday approved a law restricting claims on Jewish property looted from Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. The bill was signed into law by Polish President Andrzej Duda on Saturday.

The bill prevents the restitution of Jewish property, or compensation for it, to Holocaust survivors and their descendants. The proposed legislation, which will apply in retrospect, will make it almost impossible to appeal decisions made on the subject of stolen property more than 30 years ago.

The law would affect about 90 percent of restitution claims.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid downgraded ties with Poland over the law's passage, calling the law "anti-Semitic" and "unethical."

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki criticized Lapid's response to the law, saying: “The decision of Israel to downgrade its diplomatic representation in Warsaw lacks justification and any sense of responsibility. The words spoken by [Israeli Foreign Minister] Yair Lapid enrage every upstanding person.

“I strongly object to all attacks on Poland’s ambassador, Marek Magierowski,” he added. “The result of such aggressive actions on the part of Israel’s government are an increase in hatred of Poland and its citizens.