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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Clueless "Camel'eh" says voter-ID laws wouldn’t work for rural voters Because "they cannot photo copy their ID"


 Vice President Kamala Harris was criticized Saturday for suggesting that rural Americans wouldn’t be able to comply with new voter-ID laws because they lack photocopying equipment.

Harris was asked on BET-TV about whether she believes there is room for compromise with Republicans on measures requiring voters to include a copy of identification with their ballots.

“I don’t think that we should underestimate what that could mean, because, in some people’s mind, that means, well, you’re going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove that you are who you are,” the Democrat told host Soledad O’Brien in an interview aired Friday night.

“There are a whole lot of people, especially people who live in rural communities, who don’t — there’s no Kinko’s, there’s no Office Max near them,” Harris continue

Critics blasted Harris on social media over the comments. 

“Kamala and her party think rural communities don’t have cars, or shopping, or retail, or internet, or phones, or computers or mailboxes,” conservative commentator Steven L Miller postedon Twitter.

“This reminds me that they made Kamala Harris who has only ever lived in cities an envoy to rural Americans,” freelance journalist Zaid Jilani wrote.

Harris was referencing recent measures passed in Republican-led states like Georgiaand Texas that supporters claim will reduce election fraud, but that detractors argue will disenfranchise voters.

Benny And Malki Weisz From Lakewood Are Both Found In Rubble


R’ Yisrael Tzvi Yosef (Benny) Weisz, Z”L,  from Lakewood, was found in the rubble of the Champlain Towers on erev Shabbos. His wife Malki A”H was identified on Shabbos afternoon.

Plans are being formulated to have both Niftarim flown to Lakewood for a Levaya on Sunday. Details will be published when available.

The Weisz couple had traveled to Florida that fateful Thursday to spend Shabbos with Malki’s father, Chaim Rosenberg, z’l, who had purchased a condo in Champlain Towers only last month. His body was found on Thursday.

Benny, 32, who grew up in Vienna, and his wife Malki, 27, from New York, settled in Arzei HaBirah in Yerushalayim after their marriage and moved to Lakewood at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. Sadly, he and his wife did not have children.

“Benny was on one hand very gifted, I think he bordered on genius, but on the other hand he was very humble and part of the chevrah,” one of Benny’s friends in Israel told Kikar Shabbat. “He never tried to show that he knew more than others but his accomplishments in limmud Torah was way above the usual.”

“Benny was very connected to the Rosh Yeshivah HaGaon HaRav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi and attended his shiurim on Kodshim. Even after he moved to the States, he would get up in the middle of the night to hear HaRav Ezrachi’s shiur, which he delivered via teleconference during the pandemic.”

“Benny also felt connected to many tzaddikim and learned many sifrei Chassidus and incorporated what he learned into his life. He used to give shiurim on the parsha from his house and would say words of emunah and chizzuk.”

A friend of Benny’s from the US told Kikar: “What especially set Benny apart was his ben adam l’chaveiro. He knew how to really give to others. One of his neighbors told me that he once told Benny a vort on the parsha, and from then on, every year on that parsha he would thank him for the vort and tell him how he remembered it when he was reviewing the parsha.”

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle get award for having only two kids


A British charity, committed to limiting family size to help save the environment, this week gave Prince Harry and Meghan Markle an award for their decision to have just two children.

Population Matters will award the couple, who welcomed their second child last month, the equivalent of $695 for their “enlightened decision” to have a small family and for serving as “role models for others,” according to reports

“Having a smaller family reduces our impact on the Earth, and provides a better chance for all our children, their children and future generations to flourish on a healthy planet,” the charity said in a statement. “We commend the duke and duchess for taking this enlightened decision, and for affirming that a smaller family is also a happy family.”

The couple told British Vogue in 2019 that they were planning “two maximum” to reduce their impact on the environment. Last month, they welcomed their second child, a daughter named Lilibet. Their first child, Archie, was born in 2019.

Far-left network Had Avenatti on air over 100 times and now that he is a convicted Felon ...SHHHHHHHHHH!

Satmar has new Talmidim... Goyim Burning the Israeli Flag


‘Oh Really?’ – Dems claim they never called for defunding police!?! Republican video trolls back


Masked bandit shoves 6 year old Chassidishe boy & robs him of his e-scooter


Not even little kids on scooters are safe from the Big Apple’s crime wave — as a 6-year-old Brooklyn boy found out when his ride was swiped by a masked bandit, cops said Friday.

The heartless robber targeted the tyke while the child was zipping around near his home in Borough Park about 10 p.m. Wednesday, police said.

The e-scooter belonged to the little boy’s special-needs brother, their father told The Post.

“There is no humanity,’’ said neighbor Ruhul Amin, a cabbie. “I don’t know who would do this. He is a sick guy.’’

The thief had walked up to the little boy in front of 3528 12th Ave. and asked, “Where is your mommy?” before pushing the child off the scooter, cops said.

The punk then grabbed the scooter and took off, police said.

The shaken little boy ran to an older sister who was nearby and told her what happened, and their parents later called the NYPD.

A neighborhood surveillance camera captured the boy riding the scooter before the heist — and the unidentified robber on it afterward, the dad said. Both the boy and his sister identified the crook in the video, he said.

“At the police station, he was a little afraid,” the father said of his son. “We got him to say a few words.”

The boy, a second-grader who turns 7 next week, is so traumatized about what happened that he hasn’t been to school since and is terrified of ever riding a scooter again, his dad added.

“We are working on it,” the father said. “We are going to have therapy for him, for sure. We are not going to let him fall behind.”

The father of the boy said he wouldn't press charges if the suspect (above) returned the scooter.
The father of the boy said he wouldn’t press charges if the suspect (right) returned the scooter. 
Family handout

The father — a rabbinical student with 15 kids — said he bought the $500 scooter three weeks ago for one of the boy’s older brothers, who has special needs and is attending summer camp.

“When he comes back, I have to replace it,” the dad said.

But the father said he didn’t have enough money to buy another scooter.

“I wish someone could help me.. … My child needs it. That’s what he uses to get around,’’ the dad said.

The suspect getting away with the scooter.
The suspect getting away with the scooter.
Family handout

The father appealed to the thief to “bring it back, no questions asked.

 “Turn the scooter back, I’m not going to press any charges,” he said.

“But if the police catches you, it’s going to be worse.”

The suspect is believed to be in his late 20s and was wearing a dark gray shirt, light gray shorts and gray sneakers at the time of the robbery, cops said.

The disturbing incident comes amid a terrifying uptick in crime in the city.

The scooter theft occurred just weeks after another robber snatched a gold chain from around the neck of a 4-year-old boy inside a Washington Heights apartment complex.

The thief pushed the child off the scooter before taking it.
The thief pushed the child off the scooter before taking it.
Paul Martinka

The tiny victim, who was with his grandmother at the time, was left with a minor cut on his neck from the June 12 robbery. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Matos/Massa


Sam Friedman Director of Hillel is Married to a Christian Pastor


Sam Friedman & his Shiksa Jen


 David Israel

Sam Friedman is the director of Hillel at Stetson University in Greater Orlando, Florida. The announcement of his selection to this role, back on April 1, 2018, went (Stetson Selects Sam Friedman as Hillel Director): 

“In this position, Friedman will help shape Hillel as the center of Jewish student life on campus and engage students in Jewish life, learning, and Israel.” 

There’s nothing wrong with this job description, and Friedman was well suited for the job, having worked before as director of community relations and then as assistant director for Central Florida Hillel; and even earlier as Israel and Global Initiatives Associate for the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.

But then Sam Friedman decided to update his resume as a leader and shaper of young Jewish minds when he started dating an ordained Christian minister named Jen.

“Our first date was a whirlwind of excited conversation around spirituality, ethics and how funny it was that we—professionals in our different religious traditions—were on a date together,” Friedman reported in the Forward last Tuesday

 (I’m a Hillel director. My fiancé is a pastor. Here is how we are making it work.).

I don’t want to sound mean, but the depth of Friedman’s commitment to what the readers of this article and myself would define as Jewish was best illustrated by the explanation he says he gave his father about the change in his life: 

“It’s like when one person likes chocolate and one person likes vanilla, but they both hate bigotry.”

It really isn’t. First, because no one has ever been accused of bigotry for their choice of ice cream flavor; and second because the implication that whoever objects to the intermarriage of a Jew and a Christian must be a bigot is terrifyingly shallow and dishonest coming from a Jewish educator in charge of the Jewish experience of young Jewish students.

Iran’s doomsday clock for Israel’s end halts amid power cuts


Who says that Hashem doesn't have a sense of humour?

A clock in Iran that counts down to the destruction of Israel has reportedly ceased working as power cuts sweep through the nation.

According to former Al-Monitor journalist Asaad Hanna in a tweet on Monday, the “countdown to Israel’s annihilation clock” stopped displaying following a power outage.

The clock was unveiled in 2017, counting down to 2040, which is when Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei predicts there will no longer be a State of Israel.

In recent days, the regular blackouts in Iran have spread chaos and confusion on the streets of the capital, Tehran, and other cities, knocking out traffic lights, shutting factories, disrupting telecommunications and affecting metro systems.

Repeaters — devices around cities that enhance cellphone signals — have failed, along with electronic cash registers.

Some towns in Iran’s north reported limited access to water because the power cuts affected the piped supply. Traffic police in the capital have said the sudden power cuts have caught officials completely by surprise.

Iran’s outgoing president apologized Tuesday for the blackouts that have crippled businesses and darkened homes for hours a day.

In a government meeting broadcast live on state TV, President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged that chronic power outages over the past week have caused Iranians “plenty of pain” and expressed contrition in an unusually personal speech.

“My apologies to dear people who have faced these problems and pain,” he said.

Officials have blamed the outages on the country’s stifling heat, escalating electricity demand and deepening drought that has threatened to snuff out hydroelectric generation.

Power demand has peaked in recent days at 66,000 megawatts, surpassing the country’s practical generating capacity of 65,000 megawatts. Companies can actually provide people with even less electricity, closer to 55,000 megawatts — in large part because the aging, sanctions-hit electrical infrastructure leaves power plants prone to repeated technical failures.

Last month, Iran’s sole nuclear power plant underwent an unprecedented emergency shutdown. The facility in the southern port city of Bushehr returned online over the weekend after engineers said they repaired a broken generator.

Electricity facilities have not been properly maintained, and a lack of spare parts has complicated the construction of new plants to keep up with the country’s runaway growth. Over the last two decades, modest apartment blocks and local markets have become high-rises, residential complexes and colossal shopping malls all humming with air-conditioners.

While power cuts during the sweltering summer heat happen sporadically in Iran, the lack of recent rainfall has compounded the country’s electrical problems. Rouhani said precipitation had decreased by almost 50% in the last year, leaving dams with dwindling water supplies to fuel the country. Hydroelectric power generation has plummeted to 7,000 megawatts, Rouhani said, down from an estimated average of 12,000 megawatts in recent years.

Mazal Tov ... Israeli Snakes Born in Beit Shemesh ... Big Kiddush Planned


Shayna and Cuddles are unlike many new parents in Israel, in that they are pythons. But that doesn’t mean their offspring won’t be feted in a traditional way.

Israel’s Biblical Museum of Natural History is holding a public kiddush on Friday to celebrate the first baby snakes that have emerged from a crop of 38 eggs that Shayna, a 12-foot albino Burmese python, laid several months ago.

“Waiting and watching has been an incredible experience and opportunity to share more about these amazing creatures, and there is no more fitting way to celebrate their entrance to the Biblical Museum of Natural History, than with a traditional, haimish [“cozy”] Kiddush!” said Rabbi Natan Slifkin, the museum’s director and founder, in a press release announcing the event.

It’s the first time that the museum, which Slifkin opened in 2014, has held a kiddush, the celebratory Jewish ceremony associated with Shabbat services and festive occasions.

The event will include refreshments; an opportunity for visitors to meet Shayna, Cuddles and their babies; and a lesson about Jewish perspectives on snakes.

Slifkin is an Orthodox rabbi who has published multiple books on the intersection between animals, zoology and Torah, such as “Sacred Monsters: Mysterious and Mythical Creatures of Scripture, Talmud and Midrash” and “In Noah’s Footsteps: Biblical Perspectives on the Zoo.” His works have been banned in some Haredi Orthodox communities over his views on evolution.

Pervert Who Exposed Himself In Front Of 9-Year-Old Girl In Borough Park Roaming the Streets


Police are on the hunt for a pervert who exposed himself in front of a 9-year-old girl in Brooklyn on Tuesday.

The man committed the lewd act near 55th Street and 12th Avenue in Borough Park at about 8:15 p.m., according to police.

Satmar Rebbe permitted building a Mikvah for a Reform Congregation

Handwritten & Autographed Halachic Responsum Regarding Building a Mikvah for a Reform Congregation by the Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Brooklyn, 1960

Harav Chanina Yom Tov Lipa Deutsch wrote in his work Taharas Yom Tov, "Behold I have merited to inspire many communities to build mikvaos, and I endeavored to build a mikvah in a synagogue… where there is no mechitza between men and women. Some have become angered with me saying that by building a mikvah in such a synagogue, I am endorsing such a synagogue. Therefore I asked the… Admor of Satmar shlita, and this is his answer…"

Harav Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar rules that by endorsing the kashrus of a mikvah, one does not endorse the community itself. On the contrary, he writes, there is a duty to construct a mikvah for them in order to spare them from serious transgressions.

He supports his ruling by recounting that when the communities in Hungary split, a decree was passed that one may not enter their synagogues, or rely on their ritual slaughter, yet “I remember that they would still circumcise their sons and no one objected…

“And to those that claim that he should not construct a mikvah in order to distance himself from a community that does not conduct itself according to the law, here the son must ask, 'What has changed? Does not everyone attend a synagogue or beis midrash that doesn't act in accordance with halachah for a few coins…' It is a distorted generation…"

A long and fundamental halachic response detailing when to embrace estranged Jews versus when to distance them, as well as discussions in the laws of Rebuke. Handwritten and autographed by the Admor Harav Yoel Teitelbaum, author of Divrei Yoel.

Brooklyn, 1960. 13 leaves. Handwritten and autographed. Published in Divrei Yoel, Yoreh Deah, Ch. 59. Good condition. 

How much longer? This was Biden’s press conference today.


Chaim Rosenberg Of Flatbush Found In Rubble; Daughter & Son-In-Law Remain Missing

 After a grueling two weeks, the body of R’ Chaim (Harry) Rosenberg Z”L of Flatbush was found and identified in the rubble of the Surfside condo collapse. He was 52.

Chaim purchased the second-floor condo only last month, hoping that its views of the Atlantic Ocean would help him find solace after a turbulent year that saw the loss of his wife, Anna Rosenberg A”H, to cancer, and both of his parents to COVID-19.

Chaim was a longtime Mispallel at Rabbi Weinfeld’s Shul in Flatbush.

In recent months Chaim had dedicated himself towards launching Mercaz Shalom, a young adult center for mental healing, located on the campus of Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, Israel, in memory of his late wife.

His daughter, Malki Weisz, and her husband, Benny, of Lakewood, N.J., were staying with him at the time of the collapse. The Weiszes remain missing as at this time.

Arrangements are being made with Hatzolah Air and family friends to have the Niftar flown back to NY tonight for a tentative Levaya on Friday.

An in depth article of the Niftar is being worked on.

Leiberman on a Roll as his War Continues: Cuts Funds For Bein Hazemanin Trips For Yeshiva Bochurim


Another budget cut aimed at the Chareidi population was announced on Thursday, only a day after Finance Minister Avigdor Leiberman announced the elimination of daycare subsidies for avreichim.

MK Oded Forer, a member of Lieberman’s party Yisrael Beiteinu and Minister for the Development of the Negev and the Galil, announced that the ministry’s funds for Bein HaZemanim trips for tens of thousands of Bnei Yeshivos will be eliminated.

The Israeli business daily Calcalist published a report on Thursday on the trip program, an initiative of Shas chairman Aryeh Deri, with the false claim that 86% of the funded trips were for yeshivah students. However, the report also clearly stated that the cost of the trips for yeshivah bochurim is only a fourth of the cost of the trips for the other students since the bochurim only went on day trips. Therefore the total cost for all students was equal. Furthermore, the funds went directly to the tourist attractions and other sites in the Galil and no funds were transferred to schools or yeshivos.

Despite this, Forer responded to the report by stating: “The project will not continue in its current format and will be altered in a way that meets the ministry’s vision and goals.”

The Yisrael Beiteinu party gleefully announced the revocation of the trips on social media, repeating the erroneous statement that: “86% of the trips funded by the Ministry of Development of the Negev and Galilee periphery during Aryeh Deri’s time were for yeshivah students. Minister Oded Forer decided to put an end to this discrimination.”

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Liberman: "Charedi parties should read the Rambam"


Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman responded Thursday to criticism of his decision to change the eligibility criteria for daycare subsidies.

Liberman said that the new criteria, according to which government funding will only be available to families in which the mother's partner works at least 24 hours (half time) each week, is necessary for yeshiva students who learn full-time and do not work, and called on his haredi critics to read the halakhic sources.

"Children should be given 'what they need' - education and the ability to integrate into the employment market, earn a decent living and not be based on allowances and alms," Liberman said.

He added: "And to my friends from the ultra-Orthodox sector, I call on you to return to the sources and the words of Maimonides (who worked full time), who said: "Anyone who comes to the conclusion that he should involve himself in Torah study without doing work and derive his livelihood from charity, desecrates [God's] name, dishonors the Torah, extinguishes the light of faith, brings evil upon himself, and forfeits the life of the world to come, for it is forbidden to derive benefit from the words of Torah in this world."

Earlier, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz of the Meretz party criticized the cuts in benefits, saying: "I am in favor of giving children what they need - irrespective from what their parents do."

"A child is an entity in itself, and if it is in his best interest to be in a daycare center - I am not in favor of depriving him of that," he added in an interview with Galai Tzahal (IDF Radio).

The Shas party has announced that it will petition the Supreme Court against Liberman's decision, arguing that it discriminates against haredim.

Watch the "Crazed" Heshy Tischler Take Out His Frustrations on a Cop

This guy who could only muster 200 votes when he recently ran for City Council in his district has a habit of harassing people, watch how he makes a fool of himself while yelling at a cop 

IDF Ignores Biden's Chutzpa Condemning Demolition Of Murderer’s Home that killed Yeshiva Student


Yehuda Guetta, h’yd, 19,

The United States on Thursday condemned the demolition of the home of Muntassar Shalabi, who murdered yeshivah student Yehuda Guetta, h’yd, 19, and injured two others in a drive-by terror shooting attack on May 2.

The demolition was carried out despite attempts by the US to stop it due to the fact that Shalabi and his family members are US citizens. An appeal by the family against the demolition to Israel’s Supreme Court was unanimously rejected.

“We are following reports that the home was demolished,” a US Embassy spokesperson stated.

“We believe it is critical for all parties to refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions and undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution. This certainly includes the punitive demolition of Palestinian homes.”

“As we stated numerous times, the home of an entire family should not be demolished for the actions of one individual. Due to privacy considerations, we are unable to comment further.”

A spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office responded to the US statement by saying: “The Prime Minister appreciates and respects the US government. At the same time, he acts only in accordance with Israel’s security considerations and the protection of the lives of Israeli citizens.”

Likud MK Miri Regev stated: “The United States government should consider the lives of the family destroyed by a terrorist before considering the family of that same terrorist.”

Israeli journalist Lital Shemesh wrote in response to the US condemnation: “Hello to the US Embassy that condemned the demolition of the home of the terrorist and said that a family’s home shouldn’t be demolished for the actions of one individual. Does this mean that courts need to prevent foreclosing the home of a person who didn’t meet his mortgage payments? You’re not going to throw an entire family on the street because of the actions of one individual, will you? Or is debt to a bank more serious than a nationalistic murder?”

Mohammed Arrested in Multiple Anti-Semitic Incidents in New York


The New York Police Department announced the arrest on Wednesday of a man wanted in connection with a string of anti-Semitic incidents in late May that culminated with the tossing of an incendiary device that injured a woman in Midtown Manhattan.

According to the NYPD Hate Crimes Unit, Mohammed Othman, 24, of Staten Island, N.Y., was seen on video tossing the device from the back of a pickup truck on May 20 as it drove through the “Diamond District” on 47th Street, where many Jews work, particularly Orthodox Jews.

A 55-year-old woman who was walking by at the time was burned in the attack. Othman is being charged with three separate anti-Semitic hate-crime assaults, all of which occurred on the same day.

The arrest comes a day after the NYPD released its latest crime statistics that show anti-Semitic attacks on the rise in the city, up some 60 percent over 2020 with more than 110 incidents to date.

Magnificent building from Second Temple-period revealed


The Western Wall Heritage Foundation and the Israel Antiquities Authority are enabling the public to view impressive new sections of one of one of the most magnificent public buildings uncovered from the Second Temple period. The discovery – the fruit of archaeological excavations recently conducted in the Western Wall Tunnels – will be part of the new route opened to visitors ahead of Rosh Chodesh Elul and Selichot (penitential prayers).

Part of the structure, to the west of Wilson’s Arch and the Temple Mount, was discovered and documented by Charles Warren in the nineteenth century, followed by various archaeologists in the twentieth century. Now that its excavation is complete, we know that it contained two identical magnificent chambers with an elaborate fountain between them. The walls of the halls and the fountain were decorated with a sculpted cornice bearing pilasters (flat supporting pillars) topped with Corinthian capitals. The decorative style of the building is typical of opulent Second Temple-period architecture.

Yitzchak Herzog Is Sworn In As President On 107-Yr.-Old Tanach


 Herzog pledged to heal deep divisions in Israeli society Wednesday as he took the oath of office . With one hand on a Bible before the Knesset, Herzog, 60, assumed the largely ceremonial position that is designed to serve as the country’s moral compass.

Herzog promised to be “the president of everyone,” adding that the “central expectation” of all Israelis “from me, from all of us, is to lower the tone, to lower the flames, to calm things down.”

The parliament chamber was festooned with large bouquets of white lilies for the inauguration. Military rabbis blew rams’ horns, followed by a performance by a children’s choir. Those assembled sang Israel’s national anthem. Amid applause, Herzog and outgoing president Reuven Rivlin stepped away from the dais together.

“The truth is that I am a little envious of you,” Rivlin said in a letter to Herzog published earlier on Twitter. He called it a “great and wonderful privilege” to be president of all of Israel’s communities — Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, young and old.

Herzog, whose father, Chaim, served as Israel’s president in the 1980s, is to hold office for a single seven-year term. Chaim Herzog also served as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations.

The new president’s pedigree includes his grandfather, Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog, who was the country’s first chief rabbi. His uncle, Abba Eban, served as foreign minister and ambassador to the U.N. and United States.

Leiberman’s War On Chareidim Begins: No Daycare Subsidies For Kollel Guys Unless they go to work


Finance Minister Avigdor Leiberman began carrying out his campaign of hatred toward Charedim on Wednesday with the announcement of his decision to revoke the rights of avreichim for daycare subsidies.

In order to accomplish his goal, he changed the criteria to receive subsidies for daycare to families in which both spouses work at least 24 hours a week or one spouse works and the other is a student, excluding yeshivah students.

The new criteria, which will already go into effect for the upcoming school year, will affect about 18,000 Chareidi families and 21,000 children,

It should be noted that Leiberman’s decision does not require the Knesset’s approval.

“The decision I’m making today is a very important step that changes the priorities of the state to those who work and pay taxes,” Leiberman said. “I’ll continue to take steps to eliminate negative incentives for integration into the labor market.”

UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni said in response to Lieberman’s announcement: “The criteria that Lieberman HaRasha established eliminate daycare subsidies for working women whose husbands are learning Torah and will cause severe financial harm to these families.”

“We’re waiting for Bennett who said that he won’t allow the Chareidi community to be harmed,” Gafni asserted. “The first serious cut signed by Lieberman HaRasha is against the Chareidi community.”

“Leiberman who signed [the deal] granting NIS 53 million to the Islamist Ra’am party after he promised that he wouldn’t join a government with them…rushes to harm working Chareidi mothers,” UTJ MK Yaakov Asher said. “Bennett and Sa’ar will not be absolved of their responsibility for this crime.”

“Leiberman’s first decision in office is to attack the Chareidi community,” Shas chairman Aryeh Deri said. “His evil plan is aimed at harming large families just because he hates Charedim. Bennett and Sa’ar, who promised to defend the Charedim, have placed the battle against the Torah world at the heart of their agenda.”

Religious Zionist Party chairman Betzalel Smotrich said: “Toras Yisrael is the zechus of our existence here. Starving the children of avreichim is a disgrace and another mark of shame for this evil government.”

“Lieberman wants to starve women and children by raising the cost of daycare to the point where it’s not worthwhile to work,” said UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler.

“Lieberman is a veteran hater of Chareidim and we don’t have expectations of him. The blame lies with the prime minister and all the partners of this evil government.”

Shin Bet Helped President Rivlin To Walk Disguised In Public


In honor of the end of Reuven Rivlin’s seven-year term as president on Wednesday, the Shin Bet released a photo of an unrecognizable Rivlin walking in public in a disguise.

The photo shows Rivlin with a dark hair wig and a dark bushy beard, with Shin Bet agents trailing behind him.

“The president enjoyed complete anonymity for a few hours, alongside Shin Bet operatives who are well trained in covert tactics for ‘unseen protection,'” the Shin Bet stated.

Yitzchak Herzog was sworn in as Israel’s 11th president on Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dayan Fisher Addresses Civil War in Eida Hachreidis and Sends Warning to Satmar


Dayan Fisher 
I didn't really want to write about this, but I received countless e-mails of readers trying to understand what's happening within the Eida Hachreidis. So instead of answering individually, I decided to explain it to my readers as best as I can ... because as you will see it's complicated!

The Eida Hacreidis was founded by Rav Chaim Yosef Sonnenfeld in partnership with  Rav Yitzchok Yerucham Diskin in 1921. They were succeeded by R' Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky followed by  R' Zelig Reuven Bengis, followed by R' Yoel Tetelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, and then R' Moshe Teitelbaum.

The Eida is  presently headed by the "Gaavad"  R' Tuvia Weiss, and by the "Raavad" Rav Moshe Sternbuch.
As you can imagine the Eida Hachreidis is vehemently anti Zionist. And this anti-Zionist stance is ideologically derived from the Vayoel Moshe, which was written by the late Satmar Rebbe , R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l.

Within the Eida there exists a group that are even more extreme than their leaders and they are called "Sikrinim".....

Years ago when R' Yoel Teitelbaum decided that the residents of Yerushalayim should vote in local elections, the "sikrinim" or extremists, went out of their minds and like the "progressives" and "DemonRats" in USA politics, shut all debates and threatened violence, the Satmar Rebbe got intimidated and quickly withdrew his suggestion and now it's all  forgotten except in the memory of some old Yerushalmie Jews. Reading the Vayoel Moshe one would never know what transpired a half century ago. 

In 1959 R' Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik established the "Asra Kadisha" which is presently headed by R' Dovid Shmidel and he is  allegedly called the "Godfather of the Asra Kadisha Mafia"

Why is this organisation called a "Mafia" ...?
Originally this self appointed organization was supposed to monitor archeological  sites exclusively throughout Israel and report when they came across Jewish bones. 
One of the ways they distinguish who's who,, is examining how these bones are buried and where. Jewish people were buried away from cities and towns, so most bones found in Israel are not Jewish, this is something that even the Asra agrees. 

In the last decade or so, the Zionists undertook a massive building campaign to accommodate its residents, which of course included Chareidim. 

The Asra Kadisha discovered a great way to make money. They began to protest all constructions sites and would only render them "kosher" after extorting huge amounts of money from the developers..
Of course this was only in the Chareidie areas, because in Tel Aviv, their protests would last about 3 and half seconds.

Interesting, they never found Jewish bones in Bnei Brak or Meah Shearim or any site where a Shul  or a yeshiva was being built... 
Being history buffs  they know that the Romans would never have murdered and buried Jews where Yeshivas or Kollilim would be built 2,000 years later.
As I posted previously the Satmar Bais Medrish in Meah Shearim is sitting on a site that no developer previously would touch since Dovid Shmidel insisted that the vacant lot contained Jewish bones. 
Lo and behold years later, Satmar built their Shul on top of that very site.... 
What happened? Did the bones disappear? 
Shmidel who claims that R' Yoel Teitelbaum is the one  who instructed R Yitzchok Soloveitchik to establish the "Asra Kadisha" wanted Satmar to buy the lot for practically nothing, and what a better way to accomplish that; spreading rumours that the lot was a Jewish burial ground 2,000 years ago.

A couple of years ago a chassidishe developer named "Gulovnazitz" started to build a development in Bet Shemesh Bet, and took the "Raavad" of the Eida Hachareidis, R' Moshe Shternbuch to inspect the site,,,, after spending some time there, R' Shternbuch declared the site "kosher" and the developer began to build.

When the "sikrinim" encouraged by Dovid Shmidel got wind of it, they were very disappointed since that meant that they would never see a "Shekel"from Gulovnazitz, so they told the "Gaavad" R' Tuvia Weiss that they found Jewish bones on the site, and of course R' Tuvia Weiss paskened that the site was "trief"

Rav Shternbuch who had examined the site with his very own eyes, didn't get intimidated and declared his "psak" "100%" Valid & kosher"

Gulolvntziz completed his project without caving in to the "mafia"; hundreds of Chareidie families live there now.

What to do now? Two leaders of the Eida Hachreidis contradicting each other.
So the "Sikrinim" organised protests to denounce R' Shternbuch and would embarrass him in public, calling him "Rasha" and even assaulted  him.

Rav Shternbuch unlike the Satmar Rebbe who caved in to the "Sikrinim" over 50 years ago, refused and refuses to back down and stands by his psak.

The "sikrinim" now facing a formidable foe from their very own organization, organised last week what was supposed to be a huge rally to defend the "Honor of the Zakon Hador, R' Tuvia Weiss"
They had to do this, to discourage other developers from doing a "Gulovntziz"

They couldn't call it a protest against Rav Shternbuch as he is the head of their own Eida Hachreidis .....
So they held the rally in support of R Tuvia Weiss,  implying  that by  Rav Shternbuch holding on to his psak that was in fact "dissing" and being "Mevaza" Rav Tuvia Weiss.
To give the rally legitimacy, they dragged the 95 year old R' Tuvia Weiss to the rally, who looked confused the entire 10 minutes that he was there.

They were in for a huge surprise!
First of all, they expected thousands to show, but only a handful showed.... 
but most important was the fiery speech that Dayan Fisher, the official spokesman of the Eida Hachreidis made in the presence of R' Tuvia Weiss which was carried live on many Chareidie radio station and may have delivered a fatal blow to the "skrinim" and to the Eida Hachreidis!

Rav Fisher, like Calev ben Yefuna, first began his "drasha" praising the Gaavad R' Tuvia Weiss and when he had the attention of his audience, ripped into them and said that he doesn't understand how one organises a rally in support of a Talmud Chacham yet at the very same time embarrasses and curses another... he never mentioned the intended target of the Sikrinim  the Raavad R' Moshe Shternbuch, ......but everyone knew who he meant.
he then stormed off the stage leaving everyone in shock. All the "big beards" on the dais were stunned and couldn't leave fast enough .

 Dayan Fisher knew that Satmar would twist what he said and say what he meant in his "drasha" was that no-one should be "mevaza" R' Weiss when he clearly meant R' Shternbuch,  and so he fired off a letter (above) to the Israeli Satmar Newspaper "Kahala Kadisha" which is the Israeli version of the Ahroinie newspaper "Der Blatt"warning them not to twist his words. He did that because Satmar  naturally backs  R' Tuvia Weiss since they control the Asra Kadisha

The Eida Hachreidis is now in midst of a civil war, and that doesn't bode well with the leaders, because the Eida is a honey pot with a lot of shekels coming in with their Hashgachas ....and they cannot afford to lose that ..
Let's get the popcorn and watch as this unfolds...