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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hezbollah Leader Says that Meah Shearim & Bnei Brak are also "Settlements"


When it comes to settlements, Chareidim living in Meah Shearim, Bnei Brak and even Beit Shemesh  believe that the "settlers" are a bunch of right-wing nuts  endangering the rest of the country. 

Even Rav Shach z"l was all for returning Gush Katif, and believed in exchanging land for peace. Because at the time, the Arabs didn't ask for Rav Shach's apartment.

If they only listened to the Arabs themselves they would have had a clearer picture of what the Arabs really want.... 
They want the entire Israel, they want the Satmar Moisdois in Yerushalyim and they want Ponevitzer Yeshiva in Bnei Brak.. 
to them the entire Israel is being "occupied" and the entire country is a "Settlement"... 
Read and weep!

"There are no people in the Israeli entity, they are all occupiers and settlers," said Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah during a speech on Monday afternoon.
The speech was delivered at the opening of a conference titled "Palestine is Victorious," convened in Lebanon in order to renew media discourse and manage the conflict with Israel.

Nasrallah did not specify whether Arab Israelis were also considered occupiers and settlers.
With tensions rising between the US and pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, Nasrallah stressed on Monday that Hezbollah is "facing the American hegemony" in Iraq and Syria.
The Hezbollah leader added that the conflicts with Israel and the US cannot be separated as Israel's existence is contingent on American support, saying "Every massacre committed by the enemy is an American massacre, and every aggression of this enemy is American aggression."
Concerning the worsening economic crisis in Lebanon, Nasrallah blamed the US, saying American policy is the "main reason" for the crisis, as "the Americans want to besiege, punish and prevent any aid that comes to Lebanon." 
While Nasrallah admitted that incorrect government policies were also "among the causes" of the economic crisis, he stressed that the US is the "main cause."
Nasrallah added that the goal of the American blockade is to "provoke" the people of Lebanon against Hezbollah and to keep Hezbollah busy in order to prevent it from supporting Palestinians.

Watch How Israel brought clean running water for the first time to 3,268 people in the Tanzanian village of Majengo.

Scientists clone cow to produce lactose-free milk...

 Researchers in Russia announced they have produced the country's first viable cloned cow - and are now editing her genes in the hope of producing hypoallergenic milk. 

The unnamed calf weighed about 140 pounds when she was born in April 2020. 

For her first year, she was kept in a separate enclosure with her mother. Now, 14 months, she's up to nearly a half-ton and appears healthy with a normal reproductive cycle.

'Since May, she has been on daily pasture with the other cows of the Institute,' said  Galina Singina, a researcher at the Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry and lead author of a new study published in the journal Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics

'It required some adaptation, but that happened quickly,' she said.

The experiment was a double win, according to the report from Moscow's Skoltech Institute of Science and Technology, because the researchers also successfully altered her genes to not produce the protein that causes lactose intolerance in humans.   

Chabad Couple Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth Found Under Debris at Surfside Condo


R' Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth, a beloved Chabad couple from Australia who recently moved to Florida , are among the people killed in the collapse of the condo building in Surfside.

R' Tzvi was 68. years old and Itty was 66 years old

Levaya will be at 770 Tuesday 

USA! At Least 150 People Murdered Over July 4th Weekend!


At least 150 people were killed by gun violence in more than 400 shootings across the country during the Fourth of July weekend as major cities nationwide confront a surge in violent crime, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive.

The data, which includes the number of shooting incidents and gun violence victims nationally over a 72-hour period from Friday through Sunday, is still evolving and will be updated.

In New York, where gun violence has been rising to levels not seen in years, there were 26 victims from 21 shootings from Friday to Sunday, a decrease from the same period last year when 30 people were shot in 25 shootings, the New York Police Department said.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Eida Hachareidis Ignore "Vayoel Moshe" Edict and Speak Hebrew

 The VaYoel Moshe issued a "Fatwa" against speaking Ivrit, however all members of the  Eida Hacreidis in Israel including the Raavid from the Badatz speak Ivrit all the time. 

Some of the rabbanim on the board cannot speak a word Yiddish and communicate in Hebrew.

In fact, most Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim give their Shiurim in Ivrit, you can count on one hand how many Roshei Yeshiva give their Shiurim in Yiddish. 

When they do business, Ivrit is spoken exclusively....even amongst Satmar chassidim ... 

This is a miracle in itself, as there has never been a case where an ancient language has been revived and spoken by millions..

This was accomplished in less than 100 years.

Israeli Arab Accuses Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar of ‘Brainwashing Against Israel’


Yoseph Haddad, an Israeli Arab social activist, accused Congresswomen Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar of “brainwashing against Israel,” incitement that results in anti-Israel resolutions such as the one recently passed by the prestigious Yale College Council (YCC).

The YCC approved last week a statement authored by Yalies 4 Palestine, a campus pro-Palestinian group, accusing Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.

The statement also linked Israel’s Operation Guardian of the Walls against Hamas in May to police violence against Black Americans.

“Just as Israel’s military imposes the apartheid system against Palestinians, the US police enforces the system of white supremacy against Black Americans,” it said.

The YCC, the undergraduate student government, approved the motion in an 8-3 vote with four abstentions.

In response, Haddad said Monday that “when it happens at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, whose graduates include Nobel laureates, public figures and senior American politicians and even US presidents, it is a serious event that shows that the brainwashing against Israel led by Congress Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and others manages to incite against Israel and do significant damage.”

Tlaib, Omar, and their followers have been accused of spreading lies against Israel and anti-Semitism.

Omar had accused Jews of dual-loyalty and alleged that US support for Israel was fueled by “Jewish money.”

Tlaib, the first American Congresswoman of Palestinian Decent, had criticized colleagues opposing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. She also claimed that it was her ancestors, Palestinians, who had “provided” a homeland for Holocaust survivors.

In January 2020, Israel’s then Consul General in New York Dani Dayan slammed Tlaib for lying and spreading an “unfounded blood libel against Jewish Israelis.”

Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were listed on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s 2019 list of the “Top 10 Worst Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Incidents.”

Haddad is the CEO of “Together – Vouch for Each Other,” which was founded in 2018 by a group of young Israeli Arabs – Christians, Muslims, Bedouin and Druze, who felt determined to bring about change in the Israeli-Arab sector and adopt a positive direction vis-à-vis Israeli society and the country.

All vaccinated yeshiva students to be allowed into Israel


All yeshiva and seminary students who have been fully vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus will be allowed into Israel to study this fall.

Students who have recovered will have to present medical documentation showing when they had the virus. Simply possessing anti-bodies against the coronavirus will not be enough,

The decision to allow the students into Israel was made following meetings between representatives of the yeshivas and seminaries with the Interior and Health Ministries.

Last month, it was reported that a group of about 30 haredim had fraudulently obtained student visas in order to travel to Israel for a wedding. While the group was successful in reaching Israel, the yeshivas involved in the fraud will now be struck off the list of institutions whose students can be awarded visas.

Song of Yoma


How the Texas Border Welcomed Trump Vs Kamala


Target closing all six San Francisco stores early because of crime specifically thefts and shoplifting.


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Anonymous Lakewood Poster Against Making Aliyah


בעיירה החרדית לייקווד הופצה מודעה הקוראת למשפחות אברכים להצטרף ל'חבורת בני תורה' שיהגרו לארץ הקודש, אך מודעה נגדית מזהירה: "אין 'גדולים' מאחורי היוזמה" (בעולם)

A couple of weeks ago a notice circulated in Lakewood encouraging young couples to join "Bnei Torah" families in Israel, that are English speaking and are happy. 
The notice had a phone contact

This week an anonymous notice circulated that stated that the "moving to Israel" notice was "probably" organised by Zionist Organizations and promised that they will soon name those organisations.. and that the "Gedoilim are not backing this initiative."

I ask, so what if "Zionist Organisations" are behind it, wasn't the Ramban who lived over a thousand years ago behind the very same initiative? Be happy that the Zionists want Torah in Israel! 

Look in this week's parsha in parshas Masei 33:53
The Torah states:
והורשתם את הארץ וחשבתם בה כי לכם נתתי את הארץ לרשת אתה
"You shall take possession of the land and you shall settle in it, for to you have I given the Land possess it."

Ramban states:
על דעתי זו מצות עשה היא, מצוה אותם שישבו בארץ ויירשו אותה, כי הוא נתנה להם, ולא ימאסו בנחלת השם,
In my opinion this verse constitutes a positive commandment: G-d is commanding the people that they should settle in the land and take possession of it, for He gave it to them and they should not spurn the heritage of G-d.

The Ramban adds that this mitzvah applies forever!

Which Jew has fallen so far that he would  print and circulate a poster for frum people not to make Aliyah ...

Aliza Bloch Mayor of Beit Shemesh Had enough of her Coalition and Fires "Degel" "Aguda" & "Likkud"


In Israel, the local municipalities like Beit Shemesh, are made up of coalitions, just like the National Government.
Well, not only isn't it working in the Knesset,  it's not working locally either.

When Dr. Aliza Bloch was elected as mayor she naively thought she would be able to unite all the factions and thought we could all get along...so she tried putting  together a coalition or a " chulent" of different parties, like Degel, Aguda, Shas, Bnei Torah and Likkud.
She needed to satisfy each of them to get them in the coalition.
As you can imagine everyone of them had conditions and interests and many of those conditions conflicted even within the Chareidie parties themselves . 

For example, Degel &  Aguda had interests that were not in the interests of Shas and Bnei Torah, and the interests of the Beit Shemesh Likkud whose representatives  are frum themselves, did not coincide with any of them.

Allow me to give you an example: 
There is a new neighbourhood going up across the street of Mishkfayim and adjacent to Ramat Alef called Nevei Shamir or Ramat Hey. They decided to name the streets after Zionist Fighters who gave their very lives for the State of Israel and the Jewish people..fighters such as Hanah Szenes who was parachuted by the British behind German troops to assist anti-Nazi forces to rescue Hungarian Jews about to be deported to the death camps.... Szenes was arrested at the Hungarian border, imprisoned, tortured and executed.

The chareidie parties in the coalition fought tooth and nail against this, insisting that the streets be named after the Jewish months. Charaidim went to the Zionist Courts (no, not to Bais Din, chas ve'shulim) to sue the "Street Naming Committee"....after worrying that the courts may not rule in favor of their petition, they decided to compromise and allowed the streets to be named after Zionists but using last names only; they were frightened that if they would have to G-d forbid say "Rechov Hana Szenes,"  named after someone murdered  77 years ago , their raging hormones would cause them "to spill their seed in vain." 
What is bizarre is that the Chareidiem fighting this, do not plan to live anywhere close to Nevei Shamir .... 

Another example of this dysfunctional coalition ....
There is a beautiful park in Alef called Ayalan Park. A couple of weeks ago, the "parks department" decided to build a basketball court for the kids to play..
Apartments in Israel are small, and being outside is the only option for teenagers not to go stir crazy ..... Well the rabbis nixed it .... why? 
"because it will cause "Chillul Shabbos' 
So throwing rocks at cars is not chillul shabbos? 
The rabbis don't understand that teenagers need sports for an outlet ....
There is another park near my home, with a beautiful basketball court and never saw any chillul Shabbos 

The following is Dr Aliza's statement
 "Out of responsibility for the future of the city and its residents, I can not allow further damage to the city by those who have authority but take no responsibility. A reality in which the deputy mayors and council members harm thousands of the city's students and deprive them of classrooms, both in the old Beit Shemesh, רמה ד and in Neve Shamir, is irresponsible.
 A reality in which council members do not allow proper work for municipal departments is not acceptable to me. The perception of the common good will continue to lead me, but with true partners and not alongside coalition members who are operating as an opposition."

"Tzaddik" Caught Vandalising Shaital Shops With His Talis on

For the past few weeks, a "tzaddik" wearing his talis vandalized Shaitel stores in Yerushlayim, and specifically in Meah Shearim.

One of the store owners had had enough and called police. Police hid in the store and when he managed to break in again, they surprised him with handcuffs, and gave him a free ride to the police station.

Meanwhile the "tzaddik" is cooling his heels in jail, because the investigation is ongoing and he is suspected of many Shaitel store break-ins.

In court he explained to the Judge, that he is only following instructions of Harav Yitzchok Kaduri, who says that ladies wearing shaitels are the cause of children getting cancer.

"I was fighting for Klal Yisrael, to keep children safe from cancer"

 The frum Judge wasn't convinced and remanded him to Jail for another 4 days until the investigations are complete! 

When Jewish "Gangsters" Beat Up Nazis


German-American Bund parade in New York City on East 86th St., Oct. 30, 1939
Notice the huge crowds

Emboldened by Hitler’s rise to power in Germany in 1933, and fueled by the Great Depression, anti-Semitism increased throughout the United States, and over 100 anti-Semitic organizations sprung up across the country. 

They had names like the Friends of the New Germany (Nazi Bund), the Silver Shirts, Defenders of the Christian Faith, the Christian Front, and the Knights of the White Camellia, among others. Protected by the constitution’s First Amendment, they held public rallies, paraded through the streets in their uniforms carrying Nazi flags, published scurrilous magazines, and openly flaunted their hatred for Jews. 

American Jews were intimidated and frightened. Fearful of stirring up even more anti-Jewish sentiment, the American Jewish establishment’s response was often tentative and cautionary. They worried that what happened in Germany, home to Europe’s elite Jewish community, could easily happen in America. One group of American Jews who had no compunctions about meeting the anti-Semites head-on were Jewish gangsters. Not bound by conventional rules and constitutional legalities, they took direct and violent action against the Jew haters.

Nazi Bund rallies in New York City in the late 1930s created a terrible dilemma for the city’s Jewish leaders. With 20,000 members, the Nazi Bund was the largest anti-Semitic group in the nation. They organized large public rallies and marched to drumbeats wearing brown shirts and swastikas, and carrying Nazi flags. Jewish leaders wanted the meetings stopped, but could not do so legally. Nathan Perlman, a judge and former Republican congressman, was one Jewish leader who believed that the Jews should demonstrate more militancy. In 1935, he surreptitiously contacted Meyer Lansky, a leading organized crime figure born on the 4th of July, and asked him to help. Lansky related to me what followed.

Search and rescue mission at collapsed 12-story condominium in Surfside suspended amid preparations for demolition of the building


The search and rescue mission at the collapsed 12-story Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, was suspended on Saturday as a crew prepared for the demolition of the remainder of the building, according to NBC Miami.

Miami-Dade Assistant Fire Chief Raide Jadallah told family members that rescuers stopped their search at about 4:00 p.m. ET, when demolition crews began boring holes into the concrete of the still-standing portion of Champlain Towers South.

Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said the search and rescue operations will resume immediately after receiving the all-clear from engineers.

At a news conference Saturday morning, Levine Cava said two more bodies were found at the site, bringing the death toll to 24. She said 121 remain unaccounted for.

Officials are also keeping watch as to the potential impacts of Tropical Storm Elsa may pose to South Florida and Surfside specifically.

The National Hurricane Center on Saturday evening issued the first tropical storm watch for the US in the middle and lower Florida Keys from Craig Key westward to the Dry Tortugas.

The 8:00 p.m. ET advisory has the storm with winds of 70 miles per hour sitting about 40 miles south-southwest of Tiburon, Haiti. The storm is moving to the west-northwest at 23 miles per hour.

Authorities had previously halted the rescue and recovery effort early Thursday after they detected movement that raised concerns a section of the high-rise tower still standing might topple onto search crews in the debris field, but the operation was restarted about 15 hours later.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden visited the community. During the visit, they met with Levine Cava and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The President offered to have the federal government fully fund the rescue and recovery efforts for the first 30 days, telling the officials that they just had to "pick up the phone" and ask for whatever they needed.

Later, Biden met with local Chabad rabbis, many of whom have community members who are missing.

One of the rabbis, Rabbi Yankie Fellig, told Biden that his sister and brother-in-law were in the building.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Colombian Telenovela Star Who Converted to Judaism Talks About Loving Life as an Orthodox Jew, Immigrating to Israel


A Colombian actress and former telenovela star who converted from Catholicism to Judaism spoke to Israel’s Reshet 13 on Thursday about her new life as an Orthodox Jew living in Israel.

Sarah Mintz, 45, was born Maritza Rodríguez Gómez. In 2001 in Los Angeles, the Spanish-language soap opera star met Emmy Award-winning Mexican television producer Joshua Mintz, a Conservative Jew who “went to shul two days a year,” he said. She said the couple grew together spiritually, married in 2005 and together with their twin boys, Akiva and Yehuda, moved to Jerusalem in April.

“For more than 26 years I had a career as a television host, actress, model, in the theater on the red carpets — what didn’t I do? But it doesn’t compares to what I have today,” said Sarah, who wears a wig and only modest attire.

When asked how she felt living in Israel during the recent clashes between Israel and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, she said “I wasn’t scared. The first thing I said to myself was ‘this is the best place to be. I’m in God’s hands.’ And that’s how I have felt from the moment I stepped foot in Israel.”

NOTE: Video ..isn't tzneeisdik



Alvin Bragg, a former top deputy to New York’s attorney general, was poised to become Manhattan’s first Black district attorney and to take over the investigation of former President Donald Trump after his closest opponent conceded in the Democratic primary. 

The candidate trailing him by several thousand votes in the race, former federal prosecutor Tali Farhadian Weinstein, said in a statement Friday that after several days of absentee votes being counted, “it is clear we cannot overcome the vote margin.” 

New York City’s Board of Election has not publicly released updates on the count of absentee ballots. As a result, The Associated Press has been unable to call a winner. 

“This has been a long journey that started in Harlem,” Bragg said in a statement, referring to the Manhattan neighborhood where he grew up. “And today, that 15-year old boy who was stopped numerous times at gunpoint by the police is the Democratic nominee to be Manhattan District Attorney.” 

Bragg led Farhadian Weinstein by about 3 percentage points when voting ended June 22. With a win, Bragg would be virtually guaranteed to succeed District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who has been leading an investigation of Trump and his company and is retiring at the end of the year. 

The Republican candidate in the general election will be Thomas Kenniff, a defense attorney, former prosecutor and Army Judge Advocate General. 

Democrats outnumber Republicans heavily in Manhattan. A former federal prosecutor who now teaches at New York Law School, Bragg worked as a civil rights lawyer before entering government service. He currently represents the mother of Eric Garner in a judicial inquiry into his 2014 death after being placed in a police chokehold. 

Bragg said he was drawn to a career in law after having a gun pointed at him six times as a youth — three times by police. In one encounter, amid the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s, Bragg said an officer stuck a gun in his face and wrongly accused him of being a drug dealer as he walked to get groceries for his father.

Khaled Awad An Arab Charged in Stabbing of Boston-Area Rabbi

 Khaled Awad, the 24-year-old man suspected of stabbing Rabbi Shlomo Noginski multiple times in broad daylight outside a Boston-area Jewish school on Thursday, has been charged in a Massachusetts court Friday.

 CBS Boston reports: 

Awad of Brighton, was arrested shortly after the attack outside the Shaloh House on Chestnut Hill Avenue. Boston Police said he was armed with a knife and gun. He’s charged with assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon and assault and battery on a police officer. He will be arraigned in Brighton District Court. 

Investigators said Awad came up to Rabbi Noginski Thursday afternoon, pointed a gun at him, and told him to open his van. The rabbi gave him the key, but there was a struggle and Noginski was stabbed eight times in the arm as he tried to run to Brighton Common, the park across the street.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Pinchos



Biden kneels before President Rivlin's Charedi Aide After Learning She has 12 Kids


Rivka Ravitz Mother of 12

President Joe Biden made an unusual gesture of respect for the chief of staff of his Israeli counterpart earlier this week.

President Reuven Rivlin and his chief of staff and bureau chief Rivka Ravitz met with President Biden in the Oval Office Monday, during President Rivlin’s final trip to the US while in office.

While speaking with Rivlin and Ravitz, Biden learned that Ravitz has twelve children, prompting him to kneel down before her.

“I have a picture of my mother here,” Biden said during the meeting, “You must see who she was.”

Biden also met with President Rivlin’s daughter, telling reporters he spoke with the Rivlins about their family.

“I’m so delighted his daughter is here. She’s in the back right there. And I got to — I got to meet her and talk about our kids and grandkids and all the like.”

Two Young Women Itty Andrusier and Leah Goldsmith in their Early 20's founded a Girl Seminary in Yerushlayim


When you are in your twenties it's ok not to know exactly what you will pursue in life, it's ok, you are still young and you are still searching, trying to understand your role in life in this world and G-d.

Itty Andrusier and Leah Goldsmith see it differently, two American Chabad girls twenty-one years old after meeting in a seminar in Australia when they were 18 years old decided to merge their energy and create a seminar that would fulfill all their requests in what they thought was missing in the Chabad seminar panorama.

With the full support of both their parents who are very successful shluchim in Miami and in Dallas, the girls despite their young age and not being married yet, got the green light to become the Creative Directors and bringing their seminary vision to life.

The Jean Schottestein Institute called Orya was established in the quiet neighborhood of Har Shmuel outside Jerusalem, with a twenty-staff program and thirty-six girls from all over the world.

Watch the chat I had with these incredible young girls and the project they had in mind and made it into reality after a lot of hard work, faith in Hashem, and in their Rebbe (Lubavitch).

Biden’s promise on Iranian nukes is worthless


The president pledged that Tehran will not acquire nuclear weapons on “my watch.” But if he reinstates Obama’s deal the crisis will occur after he leaves office.

By Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS.org

Outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin met with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington this week and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Rome. The theme of both meetings as far as the Israelis were concerned was happiness with the Biden administration.

As far as Rivlin and Lapid are concerned, any problems facing the alliance were the fault of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom both men despise despite coming from different ends of the Israeli political spectrum. Lapid went out of his way to declare that “mistakes were made” by Netanyahu, whose policies toward Democrats he described as “shameful and dangerous.” Rivlin was equally eager to portray Biden as a reliable friend of Israel who should be taken at his word when he makes promises about protecting its security.

That’s exactly what the administration wants to hear even if the attempt to depict the Democrats as having been wronged by Netanyahu is inaccurate. After all, it was former President Barack Obama who undermined the alliance between the two democracies with his appeasement of Iran, which Netanyahu was right to oppose. And castigating Netanyahu for embracing the historic tilt of the Trump administration and the Republicans toward Israel is equally senseless.

Viznitz "tipshim" Apologise for Trivialising Chabad Death in Florida Condo


Just yesterday we posted an article by "Kol Berama" a Viznitz yiddish newspaper that trivialised the tragedy of the condo collapse in Florida, stating and implying that a few "chabad families missing' in the condo  is no big deal and not the end of the world.

Well this DIN post went viral, and it didn't take long for the editors to place a full page "apology" in today's newspaper.

They claim that their statement

""People originally thought that only a couple of Chabad families perished in the Florida Condos, yes indeed, it is a very big loss, and a terrible tragedy, but it's not something that one has to turn the entire world around."

was misunderstood, and what they meant was that unfortunately the world has become "immune" to tragedies...

What that has to do with their "Chabad", only the writer knows, and he hasn't explained it ..

After rereading their article, nothing they wrote was "misunderstood" ...and their statement trivialising the tragedy and specifically naming the  "Chabad Families" cannot be understood in any other way...

At any rate, DIN is not in a position to accept an apology for Chabad; Chabad being a "benevolent" chassidus will forgive their stupidity. Chabad knows that Viznitzers are not the sharpest blades in the  drawer.

Reb Pinya Korf's Levayeh .... 38 Years Ago Satmar Guys cut his beard off for teaching Tanye


Reb Pinye z"l davening  in his hospital room a week ago


Trump Organization indictments are a travesty of justice

 It’s a travesty, not a triumph: Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s long-running investigation (with New York Attorney General Letitia James) into the Trump Organization just produced … indictments for minor offenses that almost never bring criminal charges. 

But this is Donald Trump (well, his company), so normal standards didn’t apply. 

The company’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, walked in on his own — yet the prosecutors made a show of handcuffing him and walking him down a hall crowded with reporters.

Vance acquired years of Trump Organization tax records, yet all he’s found is an alleged failure to pay proper taxes on corporate perks like cars, tuition and apartments. Any other company and it’s a civil suit, an audit, perhaps a hefty fine. 

If Vance had any evidence suggesting serious fraud (as press leaks long suggested), he’d have included them already. MSNBC hosts and blue-checked Twitter are slobbering that the CFO will cut a deal and reveal the real crimes. Why hasn’t he flipped yet, they yell. Maybe because there’s nothing to flip on?

When it comes to Trump, liberals are giving Wile E. Coyote a bad name. We’ll get him this time! Just you wait!

Thursday’s indictment is plainly a bid to justify the vast time and resources Vance and James devoted to the case these last two years, prompted by nothing more than the ravings of then-President Donald Trump’s embittered former personal attorney, Michael Cohen — who never had anything to do with the Trump Organization. 

Trump’s attorney, Ronald Fischetti, says prosecutors told him the ex-prez won’t be charged “for now.” But it’ll plainly be never: All that Vance & Co. really have is partisan hate, not evidence.

“In my more than 50 years of practice, never before have I seen a district attorney’s office target a company over employee compensation or fringe benefits,” Fischetti said. “It’s ridiculous and outrageous.”

We’ve seen the nation grow ever more partisan in recent decades, with each party starting congressional investigations into the other when it’s in power. But this is a new frontier. Offices like the Attorney General of New York and District Attorney of Manhattan, which should be focused on crime, not politics, have become inquisitions, trying to mete out the revenge Nancy Pelosi couldn’t. It’s appalling — and will only backfire on them.

Chabad Shliach In Boston Stabbed Multiple Times

 A Chabad Shliach in Brighton, MA was stabbed multiple times, Thursday afternoon.

Sources say that Rabbi Shlomo Noginsky was stabbed just after 1:00PM outside his Chabad House, known as the “Shaloah House” on Chestnut Hill Avenue near Dighton Street.

Boston Police have a suspect in custody. A motive was not known.

Noginsky was rushed to a local hospital, but was being transferred to Boston Medical for major trauma.

His name for Tehillim is Shlomo ben Zlata Miriam.

According to a report, Noginski was sitting on the front steps of the Shaloh House on his cell phone. The suspect approached him, drew a gun and asked Noginski to take him to his car. When the suspect attempted to force Noginski into the car, the rabbi tried running across the street to a small park called Brighton Common, where the suspect stabbed Noginski multiple times in the arm. As the rabbi tried to fend off the attacker he raised a commotion, finally causing the suspect to flee. The suspect was apprehended by police almost immediately.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Nathaniel Sommer Was Cleaning for Pesach in Fatal Monsey Assisted Living Fire


A father and son charged in a deadly fire at a suburban New York assisted living facility had been performing a pre-Passover cleaning ritual that involves heating kitchen utensils to burn off traces of forbidden food, the Journal News reported.

It remains unclear what specific role Rabbi Nathaniel Sommer of Monsey and his son, Aaron Sommer, allegedly played in the March 23 fire at Evergreen Court Home for Adults in Spring Valley that killed a resident and a firefighter, the newspaper reported.

The Sommers were arraigned Tuesday on charges of manslaughter, assault and arson in connection with the fire and are due back in court Friday. Information on their attorneys wasn’t available.

Volunteer firefighter Jared Lloyd and a 79-year-old resident of the facility were killed in the fire, which caused a partial collapse of the building.

Records show that the Evergreen Court fire was reported about 90 minutes after the Nathaniel and Aaron Sommer had left the facility after preparing the kitchen for Passover, the Journal News reported.

It remains unclear what specific role Rabbi Nathaniel Sommer of Monsey and his son, Aaron Sommer, allegedly played in the March 23 fire at Evergreen Court Home for Adults in Spring Valley that killed a resident and a firefighter, the newspaper reported.

The Sommers were arraigned Tuesday on charges of manslaughter, assault and arson in connection with the fire and are due back in court Friday. Information on their attorneys wasn’t available.

Volunteer firefighter Jared Lloyd and a 79-year-old resident of the facility were killed in the fire, which caused a partial collapse of the building.

Records show that the Evergreen Court fire was reported about 90 minutes after the Nathaniel and Aaron Sommer had left the facility after preparing the kitchen for Passover, the Journal News reported.

Angry Sheitel Wearer


This "letter to the editor" appeared in the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal) 

Rabbinical Court Rules Lawyers of Get Refusers Will be Sanctioned


Lawyers who act to prevent the giving of a get (Jewish divorce document) and harm divorce proceedings can be slapped with sanctions, the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court ruled in a groundbreaking decision earlier this week.

Av Beth Din Rabbi Meir Freeman, along with Rabbi David Berdugo and Rabbi Yitzhak Rabinowitz, issued the ruling after a husband who refused to give his wife a get stated that he was not opposed to issuing the divorce, but was doing so because his attorney had advised him to in order to benefit in financial negotiations against his wife.

In order to conduct a divorce under Jewish law, a husband is required to give a divorce document known as a get to his wife. Until the document is handed to the wife, the divorce cannot take effect. An issue that has arisen from this requirement is that some husbands refuse to give their wives a get for a number of reasons, including as revenge and as a blackmail tool, thereby preventing them from remarrying. Wives whose husbands refuse to issue a get are referred to as agunot ("anchored" or "chained" in Hebrew.)
Rabbinical courts often use sanctions in order to pressure husbands into issuing the get to their wives. In Israel, the sanctions are legally recognized and can include a variety of measures, including bans on exiting the country, holding a drivers license and managing a bank account. Husbands who refused to issue a divorce can even be imprisoned in extreme cases.
The wife in the recent case began proceedings in the rabbinical court due to her husband's worsening cognitive condition which she feared could eventually make it impossible to receive a get if proceedings continued for too long. The wife was represented by attorneys Orit Lahav and Batya Cohen from the Mavoi Satum organization, which works to help women whose husbands refuse to grant them a divorce. 
The attorneys of the wife subsequently filed a request to the rabbinical court to place sanctions on the attorney, leading the husband's attorney to announce that the husband was now ready to issue the divorce. The husband's attorney demanded, however, that Mavoi Satum cover his legal costs.
The rabbinical court denied the husband's attorney's request, ruling that the lawsuit was not considered vexatious litigation (legal action meant solely to harass someone) since it is "not inconceivable that there will be cases in which it can be proved that a husband who is required to grant a divorce refuses to grant the divorce only due to misconduct by his attorney."

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