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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Satmar Bans "Kiddush Levana" Because of Israel's Launch to Moon!!!

Can't wait to see Satmar Chassidim make "kiddush levana" glancing up at the moon that has an Israeli flag!!! 
An Israeli spacecraft rocketed toward the moon for the country’s first attempted lunar landing, following a launch Thursday night by SpaceX.
Israel seeks to become only the fourth country to successfully land on the moon, after Russia, the U.S. and China. The spacecraft — called Beresheet, Hebrew for Genesis or “In The Beginning” — will take nearly two months to reach the moon.
“We thought it’s about time for a change, and we want to get little Israel all the way to the moon,” said Yonatan Winetraub, co-founder of Israel’s SpaceIL , a nonprofit organization behind the effort.
The moon, nearly full and glowing brightly, beckoned as it rose in the eastern sky. Within an hour after liftoff, Beresheet was already sending back data and had successfully deployed its landing legs, according to SpaceIL.
“We’ll keep analyzing the data, but bottom line is we entered the very exclusive group of countries that have launched a spacecraft to the moon,” said Yigal Harel, head of SpaceIL’s spacecraft program. He said it was thrilling to witness the launch in person and to know Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was watching it live from the control center in Yehud, Israel.
The four-legged Beresheet, barely the size of a washing machine, will circle Earth in ever bigger loops until it’s captured by lunar gravity and goes into orbit around the moon. Touchdown would be April 11 at the Sea of Serenity.
NASA’s Apollo missions in the 1960s and 1970s took about three days to get astronauts to the moon, but they used monstrous Saturn V rockets. The $100 million Beresheet mission couldn’t afford its own rocket — even a little one — so the organizers opted for a ride share. That makes for a much longer trip; the moon right now is nearly 230,000 miles (370,000 kilometers) away.
“This is Uber-style space exploration, so we’re riding shotgun on the rocket,” Winetraub explained at a news conference on the eve of launch.
Lunar surface operations are meant to last just two days. Beresheet will measure the magnetic field at the landing site, and send back data and pictures. A time capsule is aboard the lander — which includes a picture of Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon, who died aboard space shuttle Columbia in 2003 — as well as a lunar library containing 30 million pages on a disk from the U.S.-based Arch Mission Foundation.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Satmar Lies "That Jews Lived In Peace In Arab Lands Pre-State" Exposed ....Video

In this Video Hear about the Pogroms occuring in the late 1800's and early 1900's

Also see how Israel once Established Helped all the refugees ! 

In this video hear and see Jews murdered in 1929 ... 18 years before the establishment of the State!
Hear how Egyptians in the early 1900 prohibited  Jews from making a living 

So much for the Satmar propaganda that Jews and Arabs lived in peace 

Son And Daughter-law of Yehuda & Tamar Kaduri In Custody Bein questioned in the Murder To their Parents

Murderers ????

The bodies of Yehuda Kaduri, 71, and his wife Tamar, 68, were found January 13 in their apartment in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of southern Jerusalem, with signs of violence, including stab wounds, in an apparent double homicide.
Police now suspect that the children were involved in their murder! 
More info as it comes in!

Father Writes Painful Letter to YWN About His Daughter Getting Rejected By All Seminaries In Israel

I am publishing the letter with some follow up 

Dear Editor,
I write this as a father in pain. In pain because I love my daughter, I feel for her and when a parent is put in to a situation where their hands are tied and there is nothing they can do to help it makes something difficult that much worse.

Let me preface by saying I am not a new parent, this is not my oldest child I am writing about, I have BH been a parent for close to thirty years. In addition, I am not a parent who is convinced my child is perfect, the smartest or the best at everything she does, close but not perfect.
My daughter is in the 12th grade and is now going through the grueling, unfair ridiculous process of seminary applications and interviews. I am well aware that a year in seminary in Eretz Yisroel is not mandatory, tell that to her teachers that convinced her otherwise, but that is a conversation for another day.
We found out this week that none of the seminaries she applied for is willing to accept her. I have “no doubt” that they gave it serious consideration after all they gladly took her application fee. She is either too yeshivish, or not as scholastically achieved as they are looking for, or to use the politically correct term just simply not “a good fit”.
What have we come to that a good girl, who for all her years in school has never missed a homework assignment, never had an unexcused absence, never had a discipline problem, has taken school seriously, no cell phone, no internet, nothing. She has followed all the rules to perfection. Now she stands with a half year left to high school knowing she just doesn’t cut it.
Let me preface by saying I am not a new parent, this is not my oldest child I am writing about, I have BH been a parent for close to thirty years. In addition, I am not a parent who is convinced my child is perfect, the smartest or the best at everything she does, close but not perfect.
My daughter is in the 12th grade and is now going through the grueling, unfair ridiculous process of seminary applications and interviews. I am well aware that a year in seminary in Eretz Yisroel is not mandatory, tell that to her teachers that convinced her otherwise, but that is a conversation for another day.
We found out this week that none of the seminaries she applied for is willing to accept her. I have “no doubt” that they gave it serious consideration after all they gladly took her application fee. She is either too yeshivish, or not as scholastically achieved as they are looking for, or to use the politically correct term just simply not “a good fit”.
What have we come to that a good girl, who for all her years in school has never missed a homework assignment, never had an unexcused absence, never had a discipline problem, has taken school seriously, no cell phone, no internet, nothing. She has followed all the rules to perfection. Now she stands with a half year left to high school knowing she just doesn’t cut it.
I wonder how many girls over the years have been turned off from this process. How many girls have said to themselves, if after all these years of hard work the very system I have worked to be part of is now rejecting me? Well I will reject it as well.
When will those “in charge” wake up and realize they are not serving a purpose whatsoever, they are personally responsible for damaging the future mothers of Klal Yisroel. I don’t know what the percentages are but clearly more girls get rejected than get accepted, and what percentage of those rejected are damaged from the experience. A fool I am not, rejection and an application process are a necessity, but rejection has to be for a good reason.
When a seminary that demands application fees and tremendous amounts of money in tuition can not even give you a straight answer about anything, then one begs to wonder what their real motive of operation really is.
It is time for change!
I am from the lucky parents my daughter says whatever Hahem wants is what will happen.
Will you be?
Dear YWN,
I had the opportunity to go to Seminary in Israel five years ago. I was the lucky girl who applied to three seminaries and got into all three. However, I still side with the father who wrote this letter about seminary rejectionand feel for him more than the seminary staff that have to go through the “terrible” choosing process.
I had a great year, yet I am confident to say that seminary is NOT a necessity.
Unfortunately, our society has created a system in which parents and girls think that seminary is a must! Because this has become the system, almost every single girl applies to multiple seminaries. With so many girls applying and a limited amount of seminaries, there is no doubt that we will have this issues. With Klal yisroel growing as a whole, the amount of seminary applicants each year will only increase making the problem that much worst! Therefore, if we want a solution to this problem we must first backtrack To solve the root of the problem.
What is the root of the problem?
The problem is, as I said earlier, that it became a MUST to go to seminary in Israel.
In my opinion, if a girl went to a good bais Yaakov school and comes from a functional torahdik home, there is no need for seminary. At this point, she should have the core values which will help her be a successful Jewish woman, mother, and wife. Besides- majority girls do not even go because they have a deep desire to go, they go because they are either afraid of the stigma of not going or they are just going along for the ride!
Although some girls gain a tremendous amount from seminary, I can say confidently that an equal amount do not.
This seminary process has gone way too far from the fact that every girl and parent feels the need for it.
Maybe, just maybe, if parents and girls can independently think about their need for seminary in isolation to what “everyone else” does, it can be proven that Seminary is not a MUST! This will narrow down the applicants to those who legitimately need and want the year and will by default reduce amount of applicants. Fewer applicants Leads to less rejected, which leads to less hurt and frustration in our community.
Name withheld upon request.
Good morning,
I just want to weigh in on the seminary controversy.
I’m the oldest of eight and I have four younger sisters, one who is still in high school. When it came time for me to apply to seminaries, we got the usual speeches from our mainstream beis yaakov that if we don’t go, we might have trouble getting a shidduch. People will say, “What’s wrong with her? Why didn’t she go?”.
My parents were very reluctant. It was the year of the 2nd intifada and security was a concern, not to mention that financially, they just couldn’t afford it. They let me apply to one seminary that was known for its intense supervision, and though I got in, they ultimately decided that they just couldn’t do it. I ended up staying in Brooklyn, attended a local seminary for half the year, and started working on my degree.
I have to say that the scare tactics regarding shidduchim were completely unwarranted. Though my parents are not at all wealthy or connected, and I was not particularly beautiful or remarkable, I had no trouble with shidduchim and B”H have been supporting my husband and family while he learns in kollel for the past 14 years, kein yirbu! Additionally, the friends who also stayed in America for seminary year were similarly married with great shidduchim. (Not that there is any correlation necessarily, but my friends that are still single went to great seminaries in E’Y.)
When it came time for my sisters to go to seminary, my parents bowed to the pressure and sent them. Though 2/3 enjoyed their year, none of them believe that it was actually worth the money or the hype. One had such a terrible time, she came home early despite the reminstrations of her seminary that she would NEVER get a shidduch and would regret the decision forever. She had no problem with shidduchim and her only regret is that she stuck it out as long as she did.
Personally, I have absolutely no regrets about not going. I’m glad I didn’t waste that kind of money when my parents had a whole family to take care of. I ended up renting an apartment EY for our first year and a half of marriage, while my husband learned in the Mir. Rent there was cheaper than in NY and I got the EY “experience”.
This letter is to give a boost to the girls who are rejected or whose parents are against them applying. You don’t need it. You will not at all regret staying here and starting your “real” life.  Don’t believe the scare tactics. Many, many families of boys out there respect a girl who makes this decision.
Name withheld upon request.
The Truth About Seminary
I read the letter in Yeshiva World News that a father wrote about his daughter who was rejected from seminary. It was heartbreaking. I feel horribly that anyone would feel diminished or unworthy because they were not accepted into a certain program, school, seminary, or college. However, what was equally heartbreaking to me were the awful comments written in response to the article. Multiple people are calling seminaries a joke, calling them money-hungry, accusing them of being businesses that only want money and do not care for the girls at all. These accusations are not only untrue, but they are words of rechilus, whose only purpose is to spread hatred and discord among the Jewish people.
I went to seminary. For me, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life thus far. Many of my friends went to seminary. Some loved it and felt it was life changing, some enjoyed it but had more neutral experiences, and a few disliked seminary, feeling that it was not the right place for them to learn or grow. All of these girls are correct. Like all institutions, there is a not a one-size fits all. The principals of seminaries recognize this, and must make the best choice they can based on a short interview and limited bed space. The same process occurs with shidduchim, when we must make decisions about who to date based on a piece of paper and conversations with friends or rabbis.
In this kind of system, every person will experience rejection at one point, and it will hurt. It stinks. It’s painful for the person who is rejected and its painful for their loved ones. However, that doesn’t mean the rejected person should now start bashing every single person, or every shadchan. To accuse all seminaries of being money hungry, and to accuse the leaders of seminaries to be working for their own kavod, is simply unfair.
I have watched my seminary Rabbi, and he puts blood, sweat, and tears into trying to create an institution of love, acceptance, and growth. He’s certainly not doing it for the money. He’ll be the first to admit he struggles with the acceptance process, but he does his best, because he truly cares, and it shows. Ten years after seminary, I still turn to him for advice or chizuk.
To the father of the letter– give your daughter a hug. Remind her that she is equally wonderful whether she got into five seminaries, or none at all. Remind her that everything Hashem does is for a reason, and for the best. To everyone else–stop spreading baseless hatred over a system that, like all systems, has both good and bad. Unless you yourself were once a seminary head, you cannot understand or appreciate the challenges and work and effort these men and women invest in their schools. To say that all seminaries are bad and wrong is a disservice to hundreds of thousands of girls like me, who learned and grew and developed in seminary; who were changed for the better, who will grow up and be better wives, mothers, and people because of their experience.

Boro-Park "Animal" Drives on Sidewalk To Avoid the Stopped School Bus Narrowly Mowing Down Children .... Cops Find Car And Impound it!

The car was found parked later that evening and impounded!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Sarsour Calls for a Boycott of The Forward

Ha Ha Ha 
I'm telling you guys... there is a G-d ....
The Forward, the self-hating Jewish online news edition (they closed down the print edition..no one was reading it) pandered to this anti-Semetic dog, Sarsour, thinking that maybe she will like them ...
Ha Ha .. G-d sure has a sense of humor .....
Women’s March, Inc. co-president Linda Sarsour called for a boycott of The Forward on Feb. 13, tweeting that they weren’t progressive enough.
Progressive activist, Rafael Shimunov, who is affiliated with organizations like IfNotNow and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, criticized The Forward for sending a fundraising email based on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) recent AIPAC comments.
Sarsour later tweeted in response, “Instead of donating to The Forward, support the work of progressive Jewish organizations on the front lines: @JFREJNYC @jewishaction @jvplive @jewsofcolor & I am sure there are many others. They make the progressive left whole.”

Bnei Brak says no to digital signs

I'm asking you guys...seriously... have we gone crazy?
This "farikteh briah" Chaim Meir Langsam must have gone off the deep end ...
Instead of hunting down pedofilles, rapists and dangerous predators freely roaming the streets of Bnei Brak, this meshiginar has nothing on his mind but to ban Digital signs.... which basically mean "Neon" Signs etc...

Question: Mr. Langsam how about first taking out the "digital signs" in all Batei Midrashim and kollim in Bnei-Brak ...?
Let's start with the Digital "Zmanim Chart" in the "Lederman Shul" that R' Chaim Kanievski used to daven in?

The Bnei Brak Municipal Signs Committee headed by city Councilman Chaim Meir Langsam, yesterday made a sweeping decision prohibiting the display of electronic signs in storefronts and in the streets of the city.

He says complaints about inappropriate publications in digital signs posted by business owners in various parts of the city came to the committee's attention.

A council member said the committee sought out halachic and legal opinions, consulted with the city's rabbis and educators, and also approached Mayor Avraham Rubinstein who expressed support for removing the electronic signs from around the city.

At the end of discussions, the committee decided to ban placing electronic signage in stores and in the streets of the city without selective vetting of all advertising content.

However, the committee decided to exempt and permit placing electronic signs that display opening hours and services or products sold in the store or in the business.

It was also reported that regulation guidelines will be drafted in coming days and distributed to city business owners.

"Bnei Brak has a unique character," Langsam explained, "unlike all other cities in Israel and around the world, it has a history and with G-d's help it also has a bright future as a city of Torah and hasidut. Unfortunately, there are business owners who don't understand this basic issue, and seek to bring advertising methods that are also inappropriate elsewhere, but especially in a city like Bnei Brak.

"We were elected and sent to the city council by the rabbis and residents of the city to preserve this unique character, and we're doing all we can to fulfill our mission in the best possible way."

Watch the Lying Democrats Want Comey Fired ... but When He Actually Does Get Fired They Yell ...Democrat Hypocrisy

Two Attempted Suicides in Satmar Community ....... Shaaaaaa Shtillllllllllll

I was thinking whether I should write about this since last friday.....  but after receiving hundreds of e-mails from concerned Satmar Chassidim who feel that covering this up will only exacerbate the situation, I decided to make it public.

 They feel strongly that this must come out in the open, so that 'askanim" can come to terms with this and do something ASAP. They feel that as long as people on the streets of Williamsburg think that these episodes were accidents, there will more and more tragedies.... and so after being turned down by the heimeshe  media, and local "askanim" they asked if I can publicize these two attempted suicides so that the regular naive guy living in utopia in Williamsburg opens up his eyes and sees the truth! 

Last Friday, the Jewish and secular media reported a story that on the surface seemed like an accident!

They reported:
"A person suffered critical injuries on Friday afternoon, after he fell off a roof in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
The incident happened at around 1:00PM, when the 30-year-old man reportedly fell off the roof – around 4 floors – at 128 Rutledge Street. He was initially found unconscious.
Williamsburg Hatzolah Paramedics rushed the man to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan. He was conscious and alert, but was having his breathing assisted."
The Truth: This was an attempted suicide! There I said it .... 
What was not reported was that on that same Friday, another Satmar man, a father of six tried to drown himself in a mikvah in Williamsburg and is in critical condition ....
Two Satmar men. husbands and fathers, tried to end their lives on the very same day and the community thinks that these were accidents..........
Why? So that their poor children would do good shidduchim....
On one hand they preach to the masses that "everything is bashert" and with the other hand they keep preventable tragedies secret!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lipa Schmeltzer Reconciles With the Skverer Dayan During Flight

Eleven years after he was banished and left the Skvera community, the colorful singer Lipa Shmeltzer met with the Skverer Dayan, Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov Eisenberg, who stood behind the  "Lipa Schmeltzer" Skverere boycott and the two reconciled!

Lipa went over to the Dayan while the Dayan was sitting in his seat on an  airplane and the Dayan looked alarmed at first , but then when they met during Maariv, the Dayan shook his hand warmly and greeted him. 
Shmeltzer decided that it was also time to straighten things out and asked to speak with the Dayan in private and the Dayan immediately agreed.

Lipa told Rabbi Eisenberg about the hardships he had experienced in recent years, and the Dayan told him, 
"And throw throw them into the depths of the sea," meaning that everything has been forgiven . 
"The rabbi told me that he forgave me and he asked me to forgive him too, and I asked him to say it again and told him that I forgave him 100 %!

Naturi Karta guy gave candy to A Frum IDF Soldier!

In a time when we hear every few days about an ultra-Orthodox attack on an ultra-Orthodox soldier, it is encouraging to hear a story in the opposite direction. 
An ultra-Orthodox Chassid who belonged to Neturei Karta, sat next to an ultra-Orthodox soldier, not only did he not attack him, but praised his contribution and even gave him a Bamba snack as a token of appreciation.
This  soldier rides every day on the bus from an ultra-Orthodox area in Beit Shemesh, and is used to being stared at by the hostile extremists living close to him, and sometimes they even make small demonstrations against him while he waits at the station.
"I got on a bus in uniform," says R. Cohen to  "Kikar Ha'Shabbat"  "and at one of the stations, the man who looked like one of the Naturi Karta sat down next to me and looked at me , I was surprised at all that he was sitting next to me," and "To smile at me - it was strange ..." 
When the ultra-Orthodox soldier went down at the regular station  he noticed that he was following him.
"He approached me," R. continues to describe. "And he said to me, 'You are doing very well  with your service in the army for the sake of Klal Yisroel.'" He asked me where I was serving and even gave me a snack at the Turbo Bamba.I've never tasted such a snack before"
"It's clear to me that he deliberately tried to change the image of the extremists," says R. Cohen. The ultra-Orthodox soldier concludes by saying, "Congratulations to him!"

Kamala Harris Can't Fnd Words When Confronted With Her Stupid Tweet About the Smollet Case

Below see Kamala Harris's Tweet 

Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich Panders to the Poileshe Murderers And Demands Israel Apologize

Tuhes Lekker Shudrich Addressing a bunch of Yentes 
The leaders of Poland’s Jewish community on Monday expressed anger and said they were offended by the words of newly appointed acting Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who quoted the late prime minister Yitzhak Shamir, saying that Poles “suckle anti-Semitism with their mothers’ milk.”
Michael Schudrich, Poland’s chief rabbi, and Monika Krawczyk, chair of the board of the Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland, wrote in a letter that Katz’s words harmed them as Jews who live in Poland.
“It is a fact that some Poles participated either actively or passively in murderous acts by Nazis against the Jews, but we remember also that the Polish government did not collaborate officially with the Third Reich,” Schudrich and Krawczyk wrote.

Farrakahan.... The Shvartzer Hitler Barks that ‘Wicked Jews’ used me to destroy Women’s March

Ashdod Rabbi Makes Appeal For Funds To Free Alleged Pedophile Malka Leifer Who Is Accused Of Sexually Abusing 20 Children

So guys tell me .....What does this monster have over so many people that keep supporting her....
MK Litzman will probably resign soon because he allegedly forced State Psychiatrists to declare her "insane."
And now a prominent Rav in Ashdod is collecting money ...
A Chareide rabbi in Ashdod sent out an appeal to residents over the weekend, asking them to provide donations for the legal defense of alleged sexual predator Malka Leifer, who is currently in an Israeli prison, facing extradition.
The letter written by Yosef Direnfeld on Thursday was distributed in synagogues throughout the southern city, but carefully avoided identifying Leifer by name in addition to the accusations against the 51-year-old, who currently faces 74 charges of sex abuse in Australia, where she allegedly molested some 20 students while serving as principal of an ultra-Orthodox girls school in Melbourne.
“A personal and emotional request of all the generous people,” the letter begins. “An important woman, the daughter of the great and the righteous… has been imprisoned for a long time under harsh and cruel conditions… for the purpose of extraditing her to a gentile state.”
“In order to save her, we need specialized lawyers whose costs amount to large sums,” Direnfeld writes.

In a recording of a phone call obtained by the Kan public broadcaster, a resident of the town is heard asking the rabbi for additional details regarding the request. However, Direnfeld says he cannot speak about the matter over the phone and requests that the man meet with him personally.

Did A Relative Murder the Frum Yehuda & Tamar Kaduri in Jerusalem in January

Two people were brought by police to a remand hearing Tuesday as part of the investigation into a double homicide in the capital last month, amid investigators’ growing belief that the killing was not a terror attack but rather had a criminal motive.
The bodies of Yehuda Kaduri, 71, and his wife Tamar, 68, were found January 13 in their apartment in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of southern Jerusalem, with signs of violence, including stab wounds, in an apparent double homicide.
Most details of the case are still under gag order. Police initially looked into both terrorist and criminal motives for the attack.
In early February, police appeared to hit a dead end in their search for the killer when a Jerusalem court ordered the release of the sole suspect held in the case, a Palestinian man who worked in the area.
But in recent days, the investigation appears to have taken a new turn, with police questioning people who knew the Kaduris, including employees at Yehuda Kaduri’s accounting firm, as well as family members.

Christians Say: 'Ilhan Omar is waging an unholy war against the Jewish people'

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations has launched a nationwide campaign to demand Ilhan Omar’s immediate resignation from Congress over her recent anti-Semitic tirades. 

Cardoza-Moore who serves as a United Nations Special Envoy for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) which represents over 44 million congregants worldwide and whose “Focus On Israel” television program reaches a global audience of over a billion, has begun a petition to increase pressure upon Omar to stand down.

“Ilhan Omar is waging an unholy war against the Jewish people from Congress. She is about to learn that the Jewish people don’t stand alone, millions of people of faith and conscience stand with the Jewish people. We will neither sleep nor slumber as she uses the heart of American democracy and freedom to defame God’s chosen people and God’s chosen land.” Said Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN).

Cardoza-Moore continued: “Ilhan Omar tricked her electorate into voting for her by lying about her support for Israel. She supports the destruction of the State of Israel and is a virulent anti-Semite with close connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Zelda Wins Lawsuit Against Frum KIndergarten That Fired Her Because She Lived With a Boyfriend


The Employment Appeal Tribunal upheld its previous ruling that Zelda De Groen had been the victim of discrimination and harassment by the kindergarten because she was a woman.
Zelda de Groen sued the Gan Menachem Nursery in Hendon after losing her job in July 2016. She had worked there for four years.
De Groen grew up in a Charedi Orthodox home in Stamford Hill in London, but left “after many years of significant discontent.” She moved in with her boyfriend in April 2016.