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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tears at the Western Wall, tanks in the Old City: New images of Jerusalem liberation

Fifty years after the Six-Day War and the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem, the IDF Archive in the Defense Ministry has released the investigations of the battles for the city’s liberation and photos taken after the battles, as well as aerial shots of the battle zones before the war broke out.

The photos show excited soldiers at the Old City, with then-Chief Military Rabbi Shlomo Goren walking among them with tefillin his hand and head and with a shofar. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin and other senior officials from the period were also documented in the photos. The great excitement was evident on their faces. In one of the pictures, the fighters are seen resting near the Western Wall stones.

Paratroopers sing Israel’s national anthem at the Western Wall. Major-General Uzi Narkiss, the Central Command chief, is seen third from the left
Paratroopers sing Israel’s national anthem at the Western Wall. Major-General Uzi Narkiss, the Central Command chief, is seen third from the left

Colonel Mordechai (Motta) Gur, commander of the 55th Paratroopers Brigade in the fighting in Jerusalem. The paratroopers’ headquarters was at the Rockefeller Museum
Colonel Mordechai (Motta) Gur, commander of the 55th Paratroopers Brigade in the fighting in Jerusalem. The paratroopers’ headquarters was at the Rockefeller Museum

Colonel Uri Ben Ari, commander of the Harel Brigade, briefs his officers at the Central Command in the battle for the entrances to Jerusalem from the north
Colonel Uri Ben Ari, commander of the Harel Brigade, briefs his officers at the Central Command in the battle for the entrances to Jerusalem from the north

The Western Wall and Temple Mount. From left to right: Colonel Mordechai (Motta) Gur, commander of the 55th Paratroopers Brigade, Deputy Chief of Staff Major-General Haim Bar-Lev and Colonel Shlomo Lahat
The Western Wall and Temple Mount. From left to right: Colonel Mordechai (Motta) Gur, commander of the 55th Paratroopers Brigade, Deputy Chief of Staff Major-General Haim Bar-Lev and Colonel Shlomo Lahat

Two soldiers observing the Temple Mount
Two soldiers observing the Temple Mount

Troops carrying a wounded soldier on a stretcher. A force from the 55th Paratroopers Brigade prepares for fighting in the Old City, while evacuating the wounded
Troops carrying a wounded soldier on a stretcher. A force from the 55th Paratroopers Brigade prepares for fighting in the Old City, while evacuating the wounded

Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, Central Command chief Uzi Narkiss, Colonel Avraham Tamir and Major-General Rehavam Ze’evi arrive at the Old City of Jerusalem
Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, Central Command chief Uzi Narkiss, Colonel Avraham Tamir and Major-General Rehavam Ze’evi arrive at the Old City of Jerusalem

Tanks make their way to conquer the Jordanian side of Jerusalem, backed by forces on trucks
Tanks make their way to conquer the Jordanian side of Jerusalem, backed by forces on trucks

The ‘Bell Post’ in the Ramat Rachel area southeast of Jerusalem,’ where Jerusalem Brigade fighters were killed on June 5, 1967
The ‘Bell Post’ in the Ramat Rachel area southeast of Jerusalem,’ where Jerusalem Brigade fighters were killed on June 5, 1967

Rabbi Goren blows the shofar in the presence of soldiers near the Western Wall
Rabbi Goren blows the shofar in the presence of soldiers near the Western Wall

The Six-Day War. A paratroopers’ force moves in Jerusalem from the Rockefeller Museum on the At-Tur mountain range overlooking Old City, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount
The Six-Day War. A paratroopers’ force moves in Jerusalem from the Rockefeller Museum on the At-Tur mountain range overlooking Old City, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount

Soldiers training before the war in Jerusalem (photo courtesy of the IDF Archive in the Defense Ministry)
Soldiers training before the war in Jerusalem (photo courtesy of the IDF Archive in the Defense Ministry)

The Western Wall and Temple Mount. Chief Military Rabbi blows the shofar. On the left: Colonel Avraham (Avrasha Tamir), head of planning at the General Staff (Photo: Bamahane photographers)
The Western Wall and Temple Mount. Chief Military Rabbi blows the shofar. On the left: Colonel Avraham (Avrasha Tamir), head of planning at the General Staff (Photo: Bamahane photographers)

Rabin, Dayan, Narkiss and Ze’evi arrive at the Western Wall (Photo: Photo: Bamahane photographers)
Rabin, Dayan, Narkiss and Ze’evi arrive at the Western Wall (Photo: Photo: Bamahane photographers)

Paratroopers at the Western Wall (Photo: Bamahane photographers)
Paratroopers at the Western Wall (Photo: Bamahane photographers)

The released documents include segments from the journal of Uzi Narkiss, who served as Central Command chief during the war. On the first day of the war, shortly before 9 am, Narkiss said to Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek: “This is a war. Everything is in order. You will be the mayor of united Jerusalem. We are experiencing immense success.”

The Paratroopers’ Brigade headquarters settled at the Rockefeller Museum before the entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. Chief Military Rabbi Shlomo Goren and the 55th Paratroopers Brigade commander Motta Gur are seen sitting with the soldiers (Photo: Bamahane photographers)
The Paratroopers’ Brigade headquarters settled at the Rockefeller Museum before the entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. Chief Military Rabbi Shlomo Goren and the 55th Paratroopers Brigade commander Motta Gur are seen sitting with the soldiers (Photo: Bamahane photographers)

At the end of the first day of battle, Narkiss told Rabbi Goren: “Prepare a shofar. You are about to make history. What is happening in the south is nothing. The most important thing is the Old City and the Temple Mount.” He asked one of the officers to “inform the General Staff that if the Western Wall isn’t conquered, it will be my fault.”

Rabbi Goren prays with paratroopers near the Western Wall (Photo: Bamahane photographers)
Rabbi Goren prays with paratroopers near the Western Wall (Photo: Bamahane photographers)

On the morning of the third day of the war, Narkiss spoke to Deputy Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev, who said: “We must enter the Old City, but sensibly. There is already pressure for a ceasefire. We are already in the canal. The Egyptians are disconnected. We don’t want to create a situation of the Old City as an enclave, like Mount Scopus. Motta Gur’s operation is vital. The question is how and when you will take the Old City. With the least amount of fire, not through bombings.”

Rabbi Goren with paratroopers at the Western Wall (Photo: Bamahane photographers)
Rabbi Goren with paratroopers at the Western Wall (Photo: Bamahane photographers)

In the meantime, news arrived that the Jordanian army had collapsed and that “Victoria Augusta is in our hands.” At 9:10 am, forces left the Efraim Post and headed towards the Old City. At 10 am, according to Narkiss’ diary, a green smoke grenade was thrown to ease the soldiers’ passage down to Lions’ Gate. Shortly afterwards, Gur announced: “The Temple Mount is in our hands.”

The Western Wall and Temple Mount. Cleaning and preparing weapons to continue the fighting. A reserve force of the 55th Regiment’s reconnaissance troop
The Western Wall and Temple Mount. Cleaning and preparing weapons to continue the fighting. A reserve force of the 55th Regiment’s reconnaissance troop

Shlomo Lahat (in a combat-armored coverall), Haim Bar-Lev and Motta Gur
Shlomo Lahat (in a combat-armored coverall), Haim Bar-Lev and Motta Gur

Rabbi Goren and Major-General Bar-Lev at the Western Wall
Rabbi Goren and Major-General Bar-Lev at the Western Wall

Super Sherman M-50 tanks make their way to conquer the Jordanian side of Jerusalem, backed by forces on trucks
Super Sherman M-50 tanks make their way to conquer the Jordanian side of Jerusalem, backed by forces on trucks

Ze’evi, Rabin, Dayan and journalists march towards the Western Wall
Ze’evi, Rabin, Dayan and journalists march towards the Western Wall

About an hour later, an order was received to let the Old City’s Arabs leave the city through Lions’ Gate. Chief of Staff Rabin issued a simultaneous order to open all the Old City gates, and Defense Minister Dayan placed a note in the Western Wall, in which he wrote: “May peace descend upon all of Israel.”

Fighters patrol and clear building in the Old City’s Muslim Quarter
Fighters patrol and clear building in the Old City’s Muslim Quarter

It was already then that Rabin asked, “How will we hold onto a million Arabs?” Major-General Rehavam Ze’evi (Gandhi) corrected him: “1.25 million.”

A monument for fighters of the Paratroopers’ 28th Regiment (Alex Agor, Bamahane)
A monument for fighters of the Paratroopers’ 28th Regiment (Alex Agor, Bamahane)

Hours after the Old City’s liberation, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol began discussing the Temple Mount control issue. “Order will be kept by Muslims, according to the qadis.”

Paratroopers during battle against the background of the Mount of Olives (Photo: Bamahane photographers)
Paratroopers during battle against the background of the Mount of Olives (Photo: Bamahane photographers)

The documents further include comments by Mordechai (Motta Gur), who served as commander of the Paratroopers’ 55th Brigade during the war, about two months after the end of the battles on the front in Jerusalem. He said that on the night before the Old City’s liberation, the forces were forbidden to enter the area. At 4:30 am, he received a call from Narkiss, who ordered him to move up the operation and gave him permission to enter the Old City. Narkiss went on to say in the same conversation, which included other officers who participated in the city’s liberation, that “there was a General Staff order on the first day not to dare enter the Old City. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t planned.”

Latrun (Photo: IDF Archive)
Latrun (Photo: IDF Archive)

Givat Hamivtar (Photo: IDF Archive)
Givat Hamivtar (Photo: IDF Archive)

Al-Nabi Samuil (Photo: IDF Archive)
Al-Nabi Samuil (Photo: IDF Archive)

Bir Naballah (Photo: IDF Archive)
Bir Naballah (Photo: IDF Archive)

French Hill (Photo: IDF Archive)
French Hill (Photo: IDF Archive)

Police academy, Givat Hamivtar (Photo: IDF Archive)
Police academy, Givat Hamivtar (Photo: IDF Archive)

Qalandiya (Photo: IDF Archive)
Qalandiya (Photo: IDF Archive)
Another released testimony was from the Mount Scopus commander—or as he was known, “King of the Mountain.” During the war, the “king of the mountain” was Menachem Sharfman, the legendary commander of the Matzof 247 covert unit. He spoke about the waiting period: “I remember one episode, when Moshe Dayan was appointed defense minister. It uplifted the spirits in an unbelievable way, and one of the squad commanders ran over to me and said, ‘We won the war.’”

Jaba’ (Photo: IDF Archive)
Jaba’ (Photo: IDF Archive)

Sharfman, who commanded the Mount Scopus enclave in the heart of the Jordanian territory, said that on the morning of June 5, after he had sprained his ankle in the night, the intelligence commander came running and informed him that the Jordanians were firing. “We went into the posts,” the commander of the mount recounted. “It was at 7:55 am. We saw that the Jordanians entered posts which had not been occupied before. Everyone was wearing steel helmets.”

On the first day of the war, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and other senior officers arrived at Mount Scopus on a half-track. The mountain’s commander spoke about his conversation with Dayan and about the lunch they had together. “When they said that we were taking Jerusalem, the spirits were uplifted, because there was constant shelling and we fired back. I asked for permission to go down with recoilless gun from the other side and didn’t get any approval. I asked to come out of the mountain, but I was not allowed to.”

Monday, June 5, 2017

Tragedy On El Al Flight To JFK As 65-Year-Old Women Dies

Tragedy unfolded on an El Al flight from Israel to NYC on Sunday evening, when a 65-year-old woman was R”L Niftar.
Sources tell DIN that the woman was on Flight 11 when she stopped breathing. She was accompanied on the flight by her family as they were returning from a Bar Mitzvah in Israel.
The woman – who is a member of the Flatbush Sephardic Community – was reportedly suffering from a medical condition the past few months and had been hospitalized this year for an extended period of time.
Misaskim was at JFK Airport when the flight arrived around Midnight (Sunday – Monday) to assist in ensuring proper Kavod HaMes and to work with the Federal and local authorities including the NYC Medical Examiners office.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Stupid Jewish Group Gives Linda Sarsour $10K For Security

Muslim Jew Hating civil rights activist Linda Sarsour has become a lightning rod for controversy over her political advocacy work and statements about Israel and the Middle East. Because of this, she has received a hefty number of death threats and been forced to beef up on security.
So the progressive Crazy Jewish group Bend the Arc is giving Sarsour an assist, donating $10,000 raised in an online crowdfunding campaign to pay for her private security expenses.
“For years Linda has been a leading voice in our shared interfaith work of building a more just society,” CEO Stosh Cotler,the self-hating Jew, wrote in a press release. “Rather than allowing our communities to be pitted against one another, we will respond with action based in love and solidarity.”
The Anti-Semite,Sarsour was heavily criticized for past statements defending sexist aspects of Islamic law and criticizing Israel and Zionism – with far-right provocateur Pamela Geller demanding she be disinvited from speaking at a CUNY commencement ceremony.
The self-hating Jewish left has largely stuck with the openly anti-Semite Sarsour, with more than 100 community leaders signing a letter expressing their solidarity with her and condemning threats.

Tzvi Aron found murdered, brother of Levy Aron murderer of Leiby Kletzky

The brother of a man who kidnapped and dismembered a lost 8-year-old boy has been found dead, his body bound, wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in a basement closet in the same Brooklyn home where detectives uncovered the gruesome remains of the boy nearly six years ago.
Detectives found Tzvi Aron’s body after police were called there by family, a law enforcement official said.
Aron, 29, a bakery worker, had been last seen Tuesday. The death is being investigated as a homicide; Aron had been recently threatened but it wasn’t clear why, the official said. The medical examiner will determine a cause of death. The official wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about an ongoing investigation and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
Tzvi’s brother, Levi Aron, pleaded guilty in the kidnapping and killing of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in July 2011. Leiby got lost on his walk home from a religious day camp. It was the first time he was allowed to walk alone, and he was supposed to travel about seven blocks to meet his mother, but missed his turn. He ran into Levi Aron on the street, who promised to take Leiby home.

But instead, Aron brought the boy about 40 miles (64 km) upstate to Monsey, New York, where he attended a wedding before bringing him back to his home. He kept him there overnight and the following day as he went to work at a hardware store.
Meanwhile, a massive search for the boy was underway in Borough Park section of Brooklyn, home to one of the world’s largest communities of Orthodox Jews outside of Israel. Thousands of volunteers from the Hasidic community had assembled to comb the streets. Aron is Orthodox but not Hasidic. The Hasidim are ultra-Orthodox Jews.

When Aron noticed flyers plastered on lampposts with the boy’s photo, he says he got spooked, went home and suffocated the boy, police said. A toxicology report found Leiby had also been drugged.
Detectives found the boy’s severed feet, wrapped in plastic, in a freezer at Aron’s home, about 2 miles (3 km) from the boy’s home. A cutting board and three bloody carving knives were found in the refrigerator. The rest of the boy’s body was discovered in bags inside a red suitcase in a trash bin about a mile from the home. His legs had been cut from his torso.
Levi Aron pleaded guilty to kidnapping and killing the boy, and is serving 40 years to life in prison.
In the years since, his family remained at the home in Brooklyn, which is divided into apartments. Tzvi lived in the basement apartment; Levi had lived on the top floor. Another brother lives there. The family’s mother died from cancer and a sister, Sarah, died while institutionalized with schizophrenia before Levi Aron was arrested, according Levi Aron’s psychiatric report obtained by the AP.
Tzvi Aron defended his family at the time his brother was arrested, saying they were unaware of Levi’s acts.
“People who know us know we’re a good family,” he told the Daily News of New York at the time.
Over the years they’ve received dozens of death threats after the horrifying killing. On Friday, police once again cordoned off the cream-colored home, in Brooklyn’s Kensington neighborhood, as a crime scene.
“It was spooky,” neighbor Kathleen Henderson told the Daily News of New York. “Everyone keeps an eye an on that house for obvious reasons. No one trusted them after that incident with the little boy.”

Monday, May 29, 2017

Ami Turns on POTUS .....No Gratitude For Getting White House Press Credentials!

Yitzchok Frankfurter the editor of Ami Magazine is a "wanna be" pseudo- intellectual but the reality is that he is an uneducated fool.

And now he can add being evil to his resume. 

He somehow maneuvered White House press credentials for his childish side kick, Turx, when other important Jewish News Agencies couldn't. G-d only knows how!

Instead of having "hakoras hatoiv" gratitude ..... he decides to kick the President of the USA in the proverbial ass and places a photo of  Trump with a Yarmulkah at the Kotel, with the words "Scandal" in the headline below!

You are probably scratching your head wondering "what scandal?"
Charles Krauthammer, no friend of Trump said about the Trump investigations ..."it appears to be a coverup lacking a crime nobody can locate a crime."

But even if there was one, do we need a frum publication dissing our president on the cover? By all accounts frum people are excited about Trump hoping that he will be good for Israel. 
So what does that say about us when we kick him in the shin?

And if that was not enough ....the clown, Frankfurter writes an editorial totally mocking the president with the heading "Free Fall."

The pathetic blithering idiot, writes:
"What is most ironic is that the President's impulsive tweeting may ultimately get him impeached - or more likely, bring about his resignation. And perhaps that should serve as the biggest lesson to be derived from this entire episode, that taunting others on social media. This needs to be repeated over and over again, because too many people believe that "anything goes" on the internet. Some may have mistakenly come to that conclusion by thinking that since surfing the internet is wrong in the first place, doing wrongful things on the web doesn't compound their culpability." 

DIN: I'm not going to comment on his idiotic statement that the President's tweeting "may ultimately get him impeached." 
But I will comment on his pathetic comment that "that the biggest lesson to be derived (he learned a new word) from this entire episode, that taunting others on social media etc."

Hey Frank ..... most people don't have the luxury to own a  magazine to taunt others, they only have the internet, thank G-D, and this is the only medium to call out traitors and sickies that call themselves editors.

Then the clown goes on to quote his rebbe "Rav Dovid Soloveitchik...... bla bla bla bla bla 
What????? Rav Dovid Soloveitchik with Trump???????
Yup .....

He also writes:
"Did he really think the media were going to be extraordinarily nice to him after all the truly derogatory words he has thrown their way."

Hey Frankie clown ...... have you been in a coma for the last Year?
Who started all this?????
Are you now backing the press, that hates Israel, now? 
Or is it because Trump put your child, Turx, in his place?

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Satmar Continues to Deceive and Lie About IDF

Satmar sheep are led by an obsessed hater of his  fellow brothers and sisters that live in Israel.
 R' Aron, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, made a speech on May 11, 2017 and published in this weeks Der Blatt on page 8 , that was loaded with half truths and whole lies.

We have gentiles that want to kill us,  destroy us with movements such as  BDS , but that is not enough for this fool, he wants to be part of destroying the Jewish nation from within; spreading innuendo, false narratives, misinformation and out right hatred for our boys in uniform.....

Some excerpts of his blathering nonsense.
He said:
" Today we are facing the issue of the mandatory draft of yeshiva students"

well, that is an outright lie ....and he knows that ...
All yeshiva boys can easily get a "pitur' an exemption, without any problems...... 
My very own child got a "pitur" without any coercion by the IDf....

He then contradicts himself a couple of seconds later and babbles:
"There are large yeshivas in major Orthodox communities; they receive all the privileges. For them they make it very easy and smooth. Everything goes well in the major yesivas. They don't put any obstacle for them." 

Then he lies, and barks:
"But when individuals comes by themselves, they have many tricks up their sleeve. Oh, your'e not so good? Go to the army!"

The headline on the cover page that was printed in Red....... read:
Treifene Tzha"l Starts Campaign To Enroll Yeshivah Students in IDF

"Treifene?" What gall? What chutzpah? to call boys and girls that put their very own lives on the line ..."Treif"

Hey ... reb aron ... how about focusing on your own "trifa" foolish sheep?

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Media Never Reported Why Trump Disappeared For A Few Hours In Israel

President Trump and First Lady Melania have been tirelessly traveling for almost an entire week and are nearing the end of their first overseas presidential trip. The couple just landed in Belgium and the president will soon be attending the G7 Summit back in Italy on Friday and Saturday. However, with as busy as he’s been for days, he recently dropped everything and quietly slipped out of sight for a few hours and now we know the unbelievable reason why.
There’s been no shortage of media coverage as the Trumps travel the globe this week. Liberal news outlets wait with baited breath for the first sign of slip up on the president’s first overseas trip and will find anything to judge him for. Despite having cameras following the couple practically around the clock, there’s one outing in Israel that media “conveniently” missed and it’s clear as to why they chose not to cover it.
Practically every second of the president’s 27-hours in Israel was packed and planned out, but he still made time to fulfill a wish of a 14-year-old who heard he was coming to her country. As eager as she was to see him, Trump was reportedly eager to meet this special little girl.
“During his recent visit to Israel, President Donald Trump made a 14-year old girl’s dream come true. Emilee Imbar has been battling cancer for the last seven years, and has dreamed of meeting with the U.S. President.”
“Rachashei Lev is Israel’s national support center for pediatric cancer patients, and among their hundreds of invaluable services, they have helped thousands of pediatric cancer patients to achieve their dreams.”

Emilee’s dream was to meet the President of the United States and she got that wish fulfilled by our incredibly personable leader. Trump truly loves kids as much as the First Lady, who seems to have had a compassionate effect on him. Perhaps not surprising, was that the entire media ignored this incredible story and act of love from our president since it’s counter to their narrative.
You can bet that if Barack Obama had done something as thoughtful as this, there would have been a media entourage in tow. On the contrary, liberals accused Melania of only being interested in the “photo op” at her frequent and lengthy hospital visits, which is far from the truth with the genuine love and concern for kids this couple continually exudes.
“President Trump chatted with Emilee, asking about her health and wellbeing, and relating to her a little bit about the immense responsibilities of being a President of the United States,” The Yeshiva World reported. “Emilee blessed and thanked President Trump, and presented him with a letter she wrote expressing her desire to meet him again – this time in the White House, where she hoped to do business with him, and maybe even to bring peace to the world. President Trump was visibly moved by Emilee and wished her good health and a speedy recovery. It was a momentous day for all.”
The local news outlet was the sole source of the story originally. However, if the mainstream media can find a way to spin this story into something grossly negative, you can rest assured that every outlet will be running it in no time. It’s disgusting that the Obamas got perpetually coverage of their fake warm and fuzzy things they posed for, but when any member of the Trump family does something actually genuine and on their won accord, it’s ignored or twisted into something disgusting that it is not.
The left wants the world to believe that Trump is a heartless, horrible man who is out to dupe us all, take rights away, and kill people he doesn’t like. Ironically, facts prove these things to be true about some of our liberal leaders. Meanwhile, if this first overseas trip has shown us anything, it’s how loved the President and First Lady are around the world. They aren’t swayed by the leftist media in America that slanders our leader for the sole cause of paving the way to an impeachment. People in other countries simply judge him by his actions and not what people say, since that’s what speaks louder than negative, spiteful words.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Elderly Orthodox Jewish man brutally beaten in Los Angeles

Elderly Jewish man beaten on way to synagogue in Los Angeles. Attack captured on security camera.

An Orthodox Jewish man en route to a Los Angeles synagogue for morning prayers was viciously beaten by an unknown assailant Monday morning.
Footage from a closed circuit camera shows the attacker pacing around the street at the site of the attack, then lunging at the victim as he walked down the street.

The attack reportedly took place near the Bais Yehuda synagogue at the corner of Oakwood and North La Brea Avenue in Los Angeles.

No details have yet been released on the condition of the victim or progress in the investigation into the attack.

The LAPD says it has not yet classified the incident as a hate crime, adding that the appeared to be a random assault, not a robbery.

Locals who know the victim say he was targeted because of his faith.

"He's never hurt a fly," one local told ABC 7. "He's just a good guy going on the way to prayers this morning and gets pummeled for no reason other than probably being Jewish."

Many Dead at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester England ...... Suicide Terrorist Attack!

22 people have been killed and 59+ injured after explosions were heard inside Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande gig tonight.  

Video footage showed people fleeing in tears from the venue after bangs rang out immediately after the concert finished.
Bloodied concertgoers were pictured being helped by emergency services outside the gig and armed police were seen patrolling the arena.  

Evie Brewster, who attended the concert, told MailOnline: 'Ariana Grange had just finished her last song and left the stage when a huge explosion sounded.
'Suddenly everybody started screaming and running for the exit.

'We could hear the police and ambulance sirens. It was terrifying.

'There were thousands of people trying to get out at once. They were all screaming and crying. The whole place smelt smokey and burnt.

'The explosion sounded like it was inside the building somewhere.' 

Manchester's Victoria station, which backs onto the arena, has been evacuated and all trains cancelled. 
Greater Manchester Police said: 'Emergency services are currently responding to reports of an explosion at Manchester Arena.

'There are a number of confirmed fatalities and others injured.
'Please AVOID the area as first responders work tirelessly at the scene. Details of a casualty bureau will follow as soon as available.'

Catherine Macfarlane told Reuters: 'We were making our way out and when we were right by the door there was a massive explosion and everybody was screaming.

'It was a huge explosion - you could feel it in your chest. It was chaotic. Everybody was running and screaming and just trying to get out of the area.'  

Majid Khan, 22, said: 'I and my sister, along with a lot of others were seeing Ariana Grande perform at Manchester Arena, and we were all exiting the venue when around 10.40-10.45pm-ish a huge bomb-like bang went off that hugely panicked everyone and we were all trying to flee the arena.
'It was one bang and essentially everyone from the other side of the arena where the bang was heard from suddenly came running towards us as they were trying to exit Trinity Way and that was blocked so everyone was just running to any exit they could find as quickly as they could.

'Everyone was in a huge state of panic, calling each other as some had gone to the toilet whilst this had gone off, so it was just extremely disturbing for everyone there.' 

Another concert-goer Laura, 22, told MailOnline: 'There was a woman leaning against a car in the car park with her head down, covered in blood and a little girl being lifted away by paramedics. There were quite a few people injured in the car park.'

Her friend, Livvy, 22, added: 'we saw the explosion happen. Bits of it hit me. My first thought was, 'that's a bomb'.
'It was just when we were leaving. We saw a flash of light and smoke.

'We're really shaken up. If we had been there moment earlier we would have been caught up in it rather than seeing it.' 

Oliver Jones, 17, was at the concert with his 19-year-old sister.
He said: 'I was in the toilet and heard a loud bang just after the concert had finished and people had started to leave.
'The bang echoed around the foyer of the arena and people started to run.
'I seen people running and screaming towards one direction and then many were turning around to run back the other way.
'Security was running out as well as the fans and concert goers.
'Reports of blood and people injured.'
He added: 'In so much shock and panic. You see this on the news all the time and never expect it to happen to you. I just had to run and make sure me and my sister were safe.'  

Suzy Mitchell, 26, whose flat is opposite the venue, reported a huge bang rocking the neighbourhood.
She told the Press Association: '(I) just heard a huge bang from my bed, came out to the front of my apartments (we're on the top floor so have perfect view) and everyone was running away in big crowds.
'The bang was so big I heard it from my room which is at the back of the apartment blocks.
'Currently lots of emergency services going to and from. But can't see anything substantial as of yet except fleeing people and lots of cars.  

Former Manchester United footballer Rio Ferdinand said: 'Just heard the news what's happening in Manchester... hope everyone is safe and sound!' 

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said: 'Emergency services responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena. Avoid the area. More details will follow as soon as available.'

A British Transport Police spokesman said: 'We are aware of an incident at Manchester Arena. We have officers at the scene and will provide further updates as soon as possible.' 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Meah Shearim Fanatics Find a "heter" to Destroy Chabad Shul on Shabbos!

These are the same cowards that beat up frum soldiers in uniform.

 This friday night the savages went to hunt for more frum soldiers to beat up and couldn't find any, so they did the next best thing and went to the Chabad historical shul in Meah Sheorim and destroyed it ....... 

Aye it's Shabbos? 
No problem! They looked up the Satmar Seforim and  found a precedent to be mechallel Shabbos against perceived enemies .... 

Satmar had no problem sending Domino's Pizza and furniture on Shabbos to the Kloizenberger Rebbe z"l when the Kloizenberger was still living in Williamsburg before they brutally chased him out and he had to relocate to Jersey City, because of all the savagery perpetrated against him and his Chassidim. ....

I don't have any idea why they didn't go back to the time when Reb Yoel's Chassidim put glass shards in the Spinka's Rebbe z"l mikvah on Shabbos in the city of Krula way before R' Yoilish became Satmar Rebbe; he was then the "Krula Rebbe" and this all happened before WW2!

The frum animals also had another precedent when  just last week Satmar hooligans attempted to disrupt the Belzer Rebbe's trip in London, and were mechallel Shabbos!

But ..... Lubavitch nevertheless, forgave them and invited the savages to come learn Sifrei Chabad in the destroyed shul!

Congregants of the old Chabad shul in Meah Shearim were amazed to discover on Shabbat (Sabbath, Saturday) that vandals had broken into their synagogue.
The vandals destroyed the synagogue's walls, stole books and newsletters, and harmed anything they could get their hands on.
The vandalism was discovered when sexton Tzvi Hanon returned late on Friday night to lock the synagogue after everyone left and prepare it for the next morning.
However, when he arrived on Friday night, he discovered that various materials had been spread on the walls, books and newsletters had been taken, and the entire synagogue had been trashed.
Hanon's son Mendy said, "The Chabad synagogue in Meah Shearim is a lighthouse for thousands of Jews all over Jerusalem. Every Shabbat, people stream to this place, to be inspired by hasidic teachings, by the lectures we hold every day of the week."
"In the midst of our intensive preparations for the Shavuot holiday, we are witness to these difficult events. I am sure we will overcome it.
"Anyone who did these acts is invited to taste the hasidic teachings. I promise that after tastes it, he will not be able to leave."