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Friday, July 15, 2016

ADL the Self Hating Jewish Organization Slams Republican Platform for Departure from Two-State Solution

Image result for adl
CALL THEM and STATE that they should stay the hell out of Israel's business!

(212) 885-7700
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) welcomed the Republican Party draft platform for affirming the GOP’s unwavering support for Israel’s security and for its unequivocal rejection of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, but expressed disappointment with the platform draft’s departure from longstanding GOP support of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a position that differs from the stated position of Prime Minister Benjamin Bibi and prior GOP platforms.
The Republican Party’s Platform Committee proposed language says, “We reject the false notion that Israel is an occupier. Support for Israel is an expression of Americanism, and it is the responsibility of our government to advance policies that reflect Americans’ strong desire for a relationship with no daylight between America and Israel.”
One would think that a Jewish organization would support this statement of unequivocal support for Israel and the rejection of the term “occupier,” but as is often the case, the ADL disappoints.
Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL’s CEO, issued the following statement: “We are pleased that the platform draft affirms the GOP’s unwavering support for a strong and secure Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and unequivocally rejects the BDS movement. Both party platform drafts reflect and reinforce the broad bipartisan consensus in favor of strong U.S. support for Israel that has endured for decades.”
Greenblatt continued: “We are disappointed that the platform draft departs from longstanding support of a two-state solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict – and the shared vision of successive American presidents and prime ministers of Israel, including the current leadership in both countries, who believed it was the only viable way to secure Israel as both a Jewish and democratic state. We hope the delegates will reconsider and reaffirm this pillar of U.S. policy toward Israel in the final platform.”
Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) expressed how disappointed he was in the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
“I am sorely disappointed in the ADL for having criticized the Republican Party for excluding a two-state solution language from its platform,” Assemblyman Hikind said. “Shame on the ADL for completely contradicting its mission of why it exists.”
Hikind suggested rather than interfere with politics, the ADL should instead focus on continuing to do great work on combating anti-Semitism on a global scale. “I have the utmost respect for the ADL,” he said. “The work it has done, and continues to do, in fighting and educating millions of people on anti-Semitism is nothing short of impressive. But to stick its nose in politics is unacceptable and frustrating to say the least.”


An injured individual is seen on the ground after at least 30 people were killed in Nice, France, when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday July 14, 2016.  REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

It's absolute chaos'

A spokesman for the Alpes Maritime prefecture advised locals to ‘stay indoors’ as gunfire was heard, and a lorry was driven into a crowd on the Promenade des Anglais, Peter Allen reports.
Bodies could be seen lying on the floor by the beach, as the police and other emergency services tried to deal with a mass panic. 
Fireworks were filling the night sky as the drama unfolded, as the crowds enjoyed July 14th, which is always a Bank Holiday in France.  
"It is absolute chaos,” said an eye witness who works in the Nice judiciary.
"There are reports of dozens of people killed, and many more injured. Bodies are lying everywhere.
"Police are flooding the streets, including anti-terrorism officers.  Nobody knows what to do, except to hide away. Gunmen are meant to be targeting hotels." 
The lorry was seen mounting the pavement and piling into anyone the driver could see, ramming over those who tried to run away.
The area around the Promenade is full of hotels and restaurants, which were all packed at the height of the holiday season. 

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Trump to Pick Pro-Israel Indiana Governor Mike Pence as VP

Michael Richard “Mike” Pence (born June 7, 1959) is an American politician and attorney who is serving as the 50th Governor of Indiana, taking office in 2013. A member of the Republican Party, he previously represented Indiana’s 6th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2013 and served as Chairman of the House Republican Conference from 2009 to 2011.

Pence is a member of the Tea Party movement Pence is also a big supporter of Israel and Bibi Netanyahu. He has visited Israel several times.





Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Yanky Krausz Found Dead in Elevator Shaft Updated!

Yanky Krausz z"l
The body of a 21-year-old Charedi man from Brooklyn was found on Wednesday, one day after he told his wife he would be late coming to meet her.

 Yanki Kraus, disappeared shortly after speaking to his wife on Tuesday. Since then, dozens of Charedi volunteers participated in searching for him.

Kraus was supposed to meet his wife Rivkie at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, but an hour before the meeting sent her a text message saying that he would not be on time. His wife then asked him to come home at 4:30 p.m., and he replied "okay". This was the last interaction with him.

The local Shomrim organization disseminated Kraus' photograph and personal details throughout the Borough Park area over the last 24 hours, asking the public to try and locate him.

So far no details were made public with regards to the circumstances of his death.

The levayah will take place tomorrow, Thursday, at 1:30 p.m., at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 3803 14th Ave in Boro Park, Brooklyn.

From Thursday Daily News Report
A 22-year-old Brooklyn man who was reported missing was tragically found dead of an apparent suicide Wednesday, police said.
Yakov Krausz was discovered hanging from a rope in an elevator motor room, police and those who knew him said. The elevator room was located in his building on Webster Ave. near 47th St. in Borough Park.
"He was depressed," said a distant family member who asked to remain anonymous.
Krausz, a married construction worker, was on the way to a doctor for anti-depressants when he went missing, according to the family member.

He was found and not responsive in an elevator shaft on Webster ave.



Yanky Krausz Missing!

A 21 year married man, Yakov “Yanky” Krausz,  has been missing for over 24 hours. Yanky is 21 years of age and was last seen on Webster ave in Boro Park. he is 5″6 brown hair, 125 LBS and has brown hair.
Yanky was supposed to meet his wife at a Dr’s appointment in the late afternoon and he did not show up. K9 units have been called and helicopters are  searching the boardwalks and waters.



America's Got Talent ...

Satmar Askanim flying to Israel To Investigate If Yeshivas Chachmas Lev Took Money From The Zionists

R' Yitchok Weiss 
I find this story funny and tragic at the same time.  Tears of laughter are streaming down my face as I am typing. 

On July 4, I posted a story that said in effect, that there was an Eida Chareidie Girls school, that supposedly refused, to G-D forbid, take Zionist Government funding, and quietly took the Zionist funds anyway.
An uproar ensued, and now a bunch of Satmar Askanim wasted no time to fly to the "tumidika medina" to investigate!

When Weberman, the "therapist" raped Satmar girls that were studying in the Satmar Mosdos in Willaimsburg, no one ran anywhere, on the contrary they made a gigantic fund raiser to enable the sex fiend to defend himself... and that turned out to be an exercise in futility!

So let's understand these "investigators".... they are upset that the Israeli Moised, double dipped and cheated them out of a couple dollars, so they are wasting no time to find out what happened ....
but if you rape their daughters, they will not only look away, and cover up the story but will make a fund raiser for the rapist! 
Satmar logic!

The insane part of this story is that Mosdos in Israel cannot survive without government money period.... R' Zalman Leib, the Satmar Rebbe, Williamsburg, brought a measly 5 million dollars to Israel a couple of months ago, money that cannot go too far...and money that he took from according to the latest census the poorest constituents in the entire US, since the majority are on food stamps and section 8!

Just to give you an idea how much money is needed .... the Zionist "tumedika" Medina funds Chareidie Institutions to the tune of 1 billion shekels which is 250 million dollars a year!!!!!!

So I'm waiting with bated breath to see what the "investigators" will find...

A number of rabbonim, askanim and philanthropists from the Satmar community arrived in Israel on Tuesday 6 Tammuz to address the allegation that Yeshivas Chachmas Lev has accepted state funding for years.

After the news surfaced that the yeshiva has received funds from the ‘treif Zionist state’ for years, the school principal was summoned to meet with Gavaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita as well as will Rav Zelig Reuven Katzenelbogen of Torah V’Yirah.

A probe into the matter has revealed that an outside person was responsible for distributing salaries. This person and not the principal is the one who took state funding, which he did without the principal’s knowledge.

The Eida Beis Din was set to convene on Wednesday 7 Tammuz to discuss the matter, aware the principal insists he had no knowledge of state funds being used to pay salaries. He claims that askanim who are calling for his dismissal are simply interested in taking over the building, which is worth a handsome sum.

On the other hand, the beis din views the principal responsible for what occurs in his school, including the source of funding and he must therefore accept responsibility and step down.
The delegation that arrived on Tuesday are in Israel to lend their support for the principal and their voices will be heard in beis din.

G-D turns over Van that had posters advertising a protest against the IDF !

A bunch of Chareidie fanatics that were on the way to glue posters all over Yerushalyim and Beit Shemesh fled the scene of an accident, when the van hit a tree and turned over!
The van contained hundreds of freshly printed posters and buckets of glue!

They had plans, but I guess, Hashem had other plans!

Chai Lifeline wants you to run "The Strip" in Las Vegas! UPDATED!!!!!

So now the Tzadaka organizations are trying to out do each other in attracting  money donors! Even if it means highlighting strip clubs etc....
I am sure that Chai Lifeline is a great organization, that promotes chessed and could use the all the help they can get, but to advertise with the slogan " strip at night,"  brings the entire organization to an entire new low!

There isn't enough space in Monsey to run???

R' Chaim Kanievsky to German Jews "Make Aliyah"

One day this week one of the Rabbanim of Germany entered into a discussion with R' Kanievsky to explain to the Rosh Yeshivah  the weak spiritual connection that the German Jews have to Judaism!

The German Rabbi explained that there are over 70,000 Jews living in Germany and the majority do not keep Shabbos, kashrut, teharas hamishpacha and circumcision!

When the Rabbi explained to R' Kanievsky that he is trying very hard to be mekareiv them to Judaism, R' Kanievsky said, "Better talk them into making Aliyah, it is a big mitzvah to live in Israel"
It seems that R' Kanievsky never read the book Vayoel Moshe that discourages Jews to move to Israel!

הגר"ח קנייבסקי ליהודי גרמניה: "עלו לארץ"

אחד מרבני פרנקפורט נכנס אל מעונו של הגר"ח קנייבסקי ושוחח עמו על מצב היהדות במדינה. הגר"ח השיב לרב כי צריך לפעול להעלות את יהודי גרמניה לארץ ישראל: "מצווה גדולה 

לגור פה". וגם: האם מותר לחתן יהודי שלא נימול

באחד מימי השבוע נכנס אחד הרבנים הגדולים בפרנקפורט שבגרמניה למעונו של הגר"ח קנייבסקי ותיאר את מצב היהדות במדינה, שם כשבעים אלף יהודים ורובם אינם יודעים מאום ביהדות - "לא שבת ולא מילה, לא כשרות ולא טהרה, ממש גוים לכל דבר" כדברי הרב. 

בעלון 'דברי שי"ח' מתורת הגר"ח מובא כי הרב סיפר לגר"ח כי הוא משתדל מאוד לעורר את זיקת היהדות ולהאיר את ניצוץ שלהבת התורה בהם, ואכן לאט לאט הוא מצליח להחזיר עוד ועוד יהודים לחיק היהדות. 

הגר"ח אמר לרב כי "צריך להמליץ להם לבוא לארץ ישראל. זו מצווה גדולה לגור פה". 

הגר"ח שאל את הרב אם הוא יודע למול ונענה שכן והוא מל ילדים יהודים קטנים, אך בעיקר גדולים שחוזרים בתשובה. "אבל זה מאוד קשה כי אלו שמתחזקים ביהדות ומתחילים לשמור שבת, עדיין קשה להם להסכים למילה מאחר והם מאוד חוששים מזה. אני מביא להם רופאים גדולים שיסבירו להם שלא יקרה להם שום נזק" אמר הרב. 

הגר"ח אמר לרב כי זה דבר גדול מאוד, "הלוואי ותזכו כמו יהושע בשעתו, לעשות 'גבעת הערלה'. שתזכו למול את אלפי האנשים". והעיר בחיוך ש"מצד הדין אפשר היה לכפות עליהם למול, מדין כופין על המצוות ומילה בעל כרחה שמה מילה, אלא שאני לא יודע אם אתם יכולים". 

הרב אמר לגר"ח "אם זה יהיה בעל כרחו מיד השלטונות ישימוא אותי זה על אותי בבית סוהר...". 

בנוסף שאל הרב שאלה שמתעוררת הרבה על כך ש"לפעמים בני זוג יהודים מבקשים שאסדר להם חופה וקידושין כדין. אלא שהרמה של הידיעה שלהם ביהדות מאוד מאוד נמוכה והם לא שומרים תורה ומצוות, ובמקרים רבים הגבר אינו מהול, וכעת הוא לא מוכן עדיין למול עצמו. האם מותר לסדר לו קידושין". 

הגר"ח ענה: "ערל דינו כגוי לענין הרבה דינים, ואף שהוא תינוק שנשבה מכל מקום שימול עצמו קודם ורק אחרי זה יתחתן". 

הרב מגרמניה הוסיף ושאל "ואם הוא מבטיח בהן צדק שבהמשך הוא ימול עצמו, בפרט שהוא רוצה בליבו למול אלא שהוא מפחד". ענה הגר"ח: "'מפחד' זה לא תירוץ".

Father in Kollel Bais Yeshayeh leaves baby to cry

A father learning Yeshiva Bais Yeshaye  brought his child to Yeshivah and then left him on the 4th floor by the sinks with a note stating" if you hear my baby crying, I'm sitting in R' Aaron Friedman's Section"
Well the baby is crying and he is nowhere to be found!

Bernie Endorses Hillary!

Bernie Endorses Hillary
 Watching this ralley was hilarious, 'cause there was Bernie up there being Bernie. And standing next to him was Hillary, who looked like a bobblehead doll. 

She's standing there smiling with this vacant smile, like the last place she wanted to be was playing second fiddle to this old codger. But she had to bite the bullet, and she had to do it. 

He's up there, and Bernie is making everybody in this crowd regret that he's not the nominee.  Make no mistake about that.  It's a Bernie rally.  And even when he finished and introduced her and she stands there smiling and beaming and squawking and squealing and whatever she does, the crowd's chanting, "Bernie, Bernie," and you could see she got a little ticked. 

Hillary is out there saying that if she's elected president, we're gonna make (get this, now) serious investments in the best-paying jobs since World War II.  

We're gonna make serious investments. We're gonna create the best-paying jobs since World War II.  

So, what have you been doing the last 7-1/2 years?  

Why are you waiting to do all this? 

 Why don't you call Obama today and tell him how to do it?  

He's in Dallas, supposedly unifying people.  

Why don't you call Obama and give him the secret? 

Obama admin funded anti-Netanyahu campaign...All records purged

Image result for Netanyahu and Obama
The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.
Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.
In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.
He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.
Mr. Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Department never put any conditions on the money. Investigators also said OneVoice didn’t turn explicitly political until days after the grant period ended.
He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.
Mr. Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Departmentnever put any conditions on the money. Investigators also said OneVoice didn’t turn explicitly political until days after the grant period ended.
“The State Department ignored warnings signs and funded a politically active group in a politically sensitive environment with inadequate safeguards,” said Sen. Rob Portman, chairman of the investigative subcommittee. “It is completely unacceptable that U.S. taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed — immediately after the grant ended — against the leader of our closest ally in the Middle East. American resources should be used to help our allies in the region, not undermine them.”

Yona Weinberg a convicted Sexual predator Sues R' Yaakov Horowitz because Horowitz warned parents that Weinberg relocated to Har Nof

Image result for yona weinberg
Yona Weinberg the convicted Sexual Pervert

Guys, this is one of the craziest stories ever! 

Yona Weinberg, a convicted registered level-3 sex offender (highest level), 
is suing .....get this? ..............................sitting down? .... 
If you are standing with a hot cup of coffee or tea, place it down before reading any further..... if you are in middle of eating ...stop or you'll choke! 
he is suing R' Yaakov Horowitz shlitah because Reb Yaakov had the nerve to warn parents in Har Nof that this dangerous sexual predator relocated to Har Nof, after fleeing Flatbush!
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You cannot possibly make this stuff up!
read the e-mail from Rabbi Horowitz:
Image result for yona weinberg
Rabbi Horowitz on left and the sex fiend dressed as a human on your right!