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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chassidim & Yeshivish people are furious that Women are taking over leadership in the entire free world!

The Chassidishe Rebbes and Roshei Yeshiva are running around like poisoned mice, because they are terrified that their followers will demand women as their leaders!

There is a Yiddish saying, "that what happens in the Christian world slowly seeps into the Jewish world"

If this trend continues, Satmar and Bobov may split into a third faction headed by a Rebbeitzin! 

Image result for ugly lady arabs

Muslims dressed as Satmar Chassidim protest the Jewish State!

Notice the Imams

Chassidishe Beeber Hat now great place to hide IPhone!

R' Chaim Brisker, R" Yosef Sonnenfeld & R' Elizer Finkel, all sent out invitations with wives' name spelled out!

A new Chumra! 
We are all frumer than the Gedoilim of the previous generations. We are even frumer than our Holy Torah.... because now, almost all invitations just write the Mechutan's name and they write "V'reusoh" and "his wife"! 

But in the Torah, the wives of our avois and our leaders are clearly spelled out!
Did you know that R' Chaim Brisker's wife's name was,  Lipsha?
Did you know R' Chaim Yosef Sonnenfeld's wife name?

" Yosef

Former Israeli Ambassador: Europe’s ‘Obsession’ With Jews Should Serve as Warning to America

Europe’s “obsession” with Jews should serve as a warning to America as it grapples with how to support Israel, a former Israeli ambassador to the US wrote on Thursday.
In an op-ed published by Newsweek, Michael Oren — a member of Knesset for the centrist Kulanu Party and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee – expressed shock at the way in which European lawmakers hound Israel.
Relating a recent conversation he had with the head of the Dutch Foreign Affairs Committee — in which the chairman said, “The fiercest arguments we have in parliament are over Israel” — Oren said he was “startled” that Israel topped the list of the country’s problems.
“Let me get this straight,” Oren told the chairman. “Your country is in economic crisis, tens of thousands of refugees are massing on your borders, and the EU may be unraveling, and yet the issue that most occupies you is…Israel?”

Are pomegranates a fountain of youth? Fruit contains 'miracle' ingredient that strengthens ageing muscles and extends life

Pomegranate can produce a age-busting molecule called 'urolithin A' when it reacts with microbes in the gut

The humble pomegranate may old the secret to a long and healthy life.

Scientists say the Middle Eastern fruit contains a ‘miracle’ ingredient that strengthens ageing muscles and extends life.

With experiments in worms and mice producing results that ‘are nothing sort of amazing’, they are now testing the fountain of youth supplement on people.

Even something as simple as keeping muscles young could reduce the number of falls among the elderly and increase independence, allowing people to live in their own homes for longer.

The Swiss scientists said: ‘We believe this research is a milestone in anti-ageing efforts.’

Their excitement centers on the pomegranate’s ability to keep mitochondria, the tiny 'battery packs' that power our cells, charged up.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Black Lives Matter & Obama

Obama Race Divider

Obama Anti-Cop Rhetoric

Shimon Weiss, 4-year-old drowns in Swan lake pool UPDATE!

Catskills Hatzolah was called at around 6:45PM to the KMS Bungalow Colony on Mount Hope Road.

Paramedics were also called, and after extensive resuscitation efforts on the child for more than 30 minutes, Paramedics stated that they had a pulse back on the child, and were requesting that the child be airlifted to Westchester Medical center.

The child was flown to the hospital and everything was done to continue to stabilize him.

Tehillim was recited around the clock, but tragically, at around 6:30 Monday morning, Shimon Weiss was Niftar, with his family around the bed.

Bikur Cholim of Rockland is a working with the Westchester Medican Examiner to expedite the release of the Niftar.

Levaya details will be published when they become available.
The family are residents of Boro Park (Father is R’ Aviezer)

The funeral will take place at 2:30 this afternoon at the Chernobyl Beis Medrash at 12th Avenue and 41st Street in Borough Park, with burial to take place at the Satmar Cemetery on Schunnemunk Road in Kiryas Joel.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Clinton Contamination: New York Times OP-ED

Hillary Defense Excuse

by Maureen Dowd

 IT says a lot about our relationship with Hillary Clinton that she seems well on her way to becoming Madam President because she’s not getting indicted.
If she were still at the State Department, she could be getting fired for being, as the F.B.I. director told Congress, “extremely careless” with top-secret information. Instead, she’s on a glide path to a big promotion.
And that’s the corkscrew way things go with the Clintons, who are staying true to their reputation as the Tom and Daisy Buchanan of American politics. Their vast carelessness drags down everyone around them, but they persevere, and even thrive.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cult Leader Helbran's daughter escapes cult, marries!

MRS MOSHE STROHLI begging Airmont Board to stop her husband from harassing her & get her a "get"

Neturei Karta Mamzeirim Takes Part In 'Al-Quds Day' Rally In NYC

Yemach Sh"mom Ve'Zichrom
May their names be obliterated!

Adina Kleinman gets $125,000.00 from GAP because the sneakers were defective and she tripped and fell

A major clothing retailer has agreed to pay a six figure lump sum settlement after being sued because of a defective pair of sneakers that caused a three year old Orthodox Jewish girl to trip and fall, resulting in a serious laceration that required plastic surgery.
According to papers filed on Tuesday in Brooklyn State Supreme Court, Adina Kleinman was wearing a pair of almost new sneakers that her mother, Chaya, had ordered online from The Gap, on November of Last year, when she tripped a month later in December and fell, hitting her head against the corner of a kitchen cabinet.  Mrs. Kleinman said that she had noticed prior to the incident that the rubber outsole of the metallic logo trainers, which had been worn approximately five times, had separated from the toe cap of the right shoe and was “angered and frustrated” by the defective footwear.
“As soon as I helped her up I noticed a deep gash on the left side of her forehead,” Mrs. Kleinman alleged in the court papers. “I quickly ran over and placed clean paper towels on the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding.”
The Kleinmans called 911 and Adina and her parents were taken to Coney Island Hospital where the two centimeter diagonal laceration was cleaned and bandaged.  With no plastic surgeon on duty at the hospital, the Kleinmans got a referral from their pediatrician to a plastic surgeon who stitched up the cut whose depth was determined to be “extending to [the] frontal bone.”  The wound, classified in court papers as “severe” and “permanent,” later became infected and was drained by the same plastic surgeon six days later.
While The Gap no longer sells the metallic logo trainers, court documents show that seven of the 20 reviews for this particular sneaker were the lowest possible rating, with five customers saying they had experienced the same separation in just a few wearings.
The Kleinmans will be receiving a single payout of $125,000 of which $5,000 will be set aside for future plastic surgery if needed and $40,000 will go to pay associated legal fees. The remaining $80,000 will go into an interest bearing savings account held jointly by Chaya and Adina Kleinman with no withdrawals permitted before Adina’s 18th birthday without a court order, other than for Adina’s income taxes or medical expenses not covered by insurance.
According to court papers, Mrs. Kleinman said that she and her husband felt that the award “represents an excellent recovery for Adina” and that “Adina’s interests are best served by the settlement.”

NYC To Keep Women-only Hours At Public Pools......He/Shes' will swim with the women

Assemblyman Dov Hikind Praises NYC officials for Continuing Separate Gender Swimming Accommodations outside the Metropolitan Pool in the Williamsburg neighborhood in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Wednesday, July 6, 2016.
Assemblyman Dov Hikind Praises NYC officials for Continuing Separate Gender Swimming Accommodations outside the Metropolitan Pool in the Williamsburg neighborhood in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Wednesday, July 6, 2016. 

A New York City commission has decided women-only swimming hours at two city pools to accommodate mostly Orthodox Jewish women doesn’t violate the constitutional separation of church and state.
Wednesday’s decision by the Human Rights Commission came after a months-long investigation prompted by an anonymous complaint.
Commission officials say the women-only swims fall within the city’s human rights law and would have a minimal impact on other people’s access to the pools.

The women-only sessions at the two pools in Brooklyn are open to women of all religions but cater mostly to Orthodox Jewish women, whose beliefs bar them from bathing with men.
Civil libertarians had argued restricting men’s access to public pools is wrong.

The special swim sessions will be open to anyone who identifies as a woman or a girl, including transgender people.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Yated Israel" Editor Denounces Yeshivah that Teaches a Trade

The Litvacks are slowly going insane! There I said it! 

They expect the Zhlubs to work their tails off to hand them money so that they can hang out in Bais Medrish all day! They do not want them to contribute to society!

This is the work of the Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva who feel threatened that they will lose the "kavod Ha'Torah" if 50,000 talmidim don't stand up for them when they walk in to give a shiur!

This learning full time business till you drop dead, is basically a new phenomenon in Jewish History....
In Europe there were a couple of people in town that learned full time and were supported by the town... but now the holy litvacks started a new minhag of everyone not working,ever!
This is causing Mosdos Ha'Torah to steal, because there is no way to support this crazy amount of guys, learning!

So the editor of the Israeli Yated, a hebrew rag written in hebrew, goes on a maniacal rant about a Yeshiva, that G-D Forbid, teaches a trade with limud Ha'Torah! Though the Mishna requires this, that won't convince the litvacks that know better then the Tanaim of the Mishna!

Yeshivat Chachmei Lev, located in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Yerushalayim, is a school for chareidi young men who combine limud Torah and secular studies towards earning a matriculation high school diploma. The school’s existence continues its uphill battle, as it comes under fire by the chareidi community.

The latest attack comes in the Tuesday 29 Sivan edition of Yated Neeman as editor Rav Yisrael Friedman attacks the school. Friedman writes that the Jerusalem Municipality has approved an allocation for the school and therefore, the little battle is over, albeit with a loss, and the large battle remains.
Friedman speaks of the battle of those who wish to pull Am Yisrael away from limud Torah, to permit them to integrate into the secular world. He speaks of enticing programs to attract bnei torah by “speaking of the window of opportunity” and “acting for the good of the chareidi tzibur”.

In short, Friedman uses Yated to dedicate a lengthy scathingly worked editorial, without offering a positive note as to the merit of the school and the need for such schools amid an awareness there are chareidi youths who do not see their future in a beis medrash fulltime yet they remain committed to their chareidi way of life. 

Trump & Hillary

Never Trump Cartoon

17 years after being diagnosed with MS, this doctor is symptom-free

    1. George Jelinek was just 45 when he discovered he had multiple sclerosis
    2. His mother, Eva, had taken her own life after 16-year battle with the disease
    3. The father-of-three's seven-step formula is being hailed by leading experts


    EAT well. Give up meat, dairy and other foods high in saturated fats in favor of a plant-based wholefood diet with seafood, supplemented by 20-30 millilitres a day of omega-3 fatty acids, ideally from flaxseed oil.

    EXERCISE regularly. Aim for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

    GET enough sun and vitamin D. Top up with vitamin D supplements and, if possible, up to 15 minutes of sunlight five times a week.

    MEDITATE. Helps to control stress, a trigger for MS relapses.

    PROTECT your family. Relatives are at high risk of contracting MS and following the programme can prevent that.

    MEDICATION. Continue taking drugs prescribed by your doctor.
    CHANGE your life. Make looking after yourself a priority and embrace the programme as ‘a great, new way to live well’.

    Clinton has the FBI in her pocket: She won't be charged

    FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that despite evidence Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified emails on a private server, the Department of Justice would not recommend charges being brought against the former secretary of state.  
    “Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said.
    Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, did not immediately respond.  Her Republican rival, Donald Trump, did -- blasting the FBI's recommendation. 
    “FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! #RiggedSystem” he tweeted. 
    FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! 

    The decision helps remove what was arguably the biggest threat to her presidential campaign going forward – a criminal referral that could have led to an indictment – just weeks before her party’s national convention in Philadelphia where she is set to seal her nomination as the Democrat standard bearer.

    Monday, July 4, 2016

    Elie Wiesel

    Miracle at Entebbe! The Day G-D sent Miracles thru the Zionists ....video!

    Monday, 4th of July, is not only American Independence Day. It also marks the 40th Anniversary of the incredible Rescue at Entebbe by Israeli Special Forces commandos of over 100 Jewish hostages taken captive by Arab terrorists at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. ‘Operation Thunderbolt,’ was later renamed ‘Operation Yonatan’ in memory of Yoni Netanyahu (brother of PM Binyamin Netanyahu) who was the only Israeli soldier to lose his life in the operation.

    In honour of this milestone occasion, Sydenham Shul in Johannesburg, South Africa produced a short video synopsis of the raid, one of the most daring hostage rescues of all time. 
    The video, Miracle at Entebbe, premiered at the Shul’s recent Benny Friedman concerts in Johannesburg.

    For the IDF to mount such a complicated and dangerous mission, over 2000 miles away from Israel, flying over mainly hostile countries, and to bring the hostages back to Israel safely required not only Jewish brains and chutzpah but the unmistakable protective hand of Hashem.

    Rabbi Yossy Goldman, Senior Rav of Sydenham Shul, felt it was very important for the younger generation to know about such a historic event. He directed the video which was professionally produced by the well-known David Fleminger and narrated by one of the top radio voices in South Africa, Anthony Fridjhon.

    Just as a point of interest, the Satmar Rebbe at that time was furious that the IDF put their soldiers at risk (not that he cared, but because this would fly in the face of his SHIT'ah that G-d does not perform miracles for Zionists).

    The Rebbe was against the rescue even after the fact ....he reasoned that the terrorists would have released the hostages eventually, even though the terrorists at the time released the non-Jews and selected Jews just like the Nazis ....

    In addition, the fact that the Zionists were ready to put their lives on the line to save Jews that lived outside of Israel, made the Rebbe look foolish since he called the IDF and it's leaders, Apikorsim and Meenim and Tamai!
    This rescue was an embarrassment to the Rebbe and put him in a very difficult position, because he couldn't explain to his naive sheep  that Zionists would with mesiras nefesh put their lives on the line for Jews in Entebbe!

    The Rebbe got his info from his Gabbai, Yossel Ashkanazi, who also couldn't read English.....

    In fact today's President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, declared today  that "Israel was right to carry out the Entebbe Raid"

    Looking back in history, only the Satmar Rebbe and Idi Amin, were against the rescue!

    Hypocrites! Eida Hachareidis Girls School took money from Zionists! Oh My G-D!!!!!

    R' Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss 
    This is not the first time .... 
    Years ago a Satmar boys school in Yerushaylim had all children registered in a school with a different name so that they could collect Zionist money!

    Now a girls school under the auspices of the Eida Hachareidis, a fervent anti-Zionist organization, was caught taking Zionist money!

    The ironic part is that the parents of this school pulled out their children from Bnos Rochel, 17 years ago because  they took Zionist money (Chas Ve'sholom).

    Now, R' Zalman Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe is fuming because he brought money to fund schools that refused to take Zionist money .... and now they were "double dipping!"
    The truth is that no school can survive with the pittance of money that Satmar gives them...
    The Zionist are and have been the biggest supporters of Torah in Jewish history and all the Mosdos know that and to survive they must take Zionist money .... if they cannot do it openly, they take it clandestinely. 

    The Chachmas Lev school for girls was established seventeen years ago after parents pulled their girls out of Bnos Rochel, learning the latter was accepting state funds. There is now a storm in the Eida community after it was learned Chachmas Lev has also accepting state funds all these years from the ‘Treif Zionist government’. - 

    The situation is such the Eida’s Education Committee was scheduled to meet on Sunday afternoon 27 Sivan but the meeting was pushed off a day to money. The rabbonim will discuss the breach in protocol, the acceptance of funding from the ‘Medina’.
    According to reports, parents realized something was wrong when they saw Education Ministry officials visiting the school. While the principal is insisting he was unaware of the funding, parents are demanding the Eida Education Committee oust him from his post. The principal’s wife and brother-in-law appear to have made the arrangement with the ministry.

    The school principal has been summoned to meet with Gavaad Eida Chareidis  HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita as well as will Rav Zelig Reuven Katzenelbogen of Torah V’Yirah.

    Sunday, July 3, 2016

    Chava Mark regains consciousness doesn't know her husband was murdered

    Michael Mark with wife Chava, who was seriously wounded in the attack
    The seriously wounded victim of Friday's deadly drive-by shooting attack south of Hevron regained consciousness early Sunday afternoon.

    Chava Mark was left in critical condition in the shooting, which killed her husband Michael and injured two of their children who were traveling with them in the car at the time.
    She has been in a medically-induced coma ever since, as doctors fought first to save her life, and then to stabilize her condition. She underwent a serious of major operations for multiple gunshot wounds to her upper body. Her 15-year-old daughter, who also sustained gunshot wounds in the attack, is hospitalized with her in moderate condition.

    On Saturday night, doctors announced that Chava's condition had stabilized, but cautioned the full extent of her injuries were not yet known. 

    Chava awoke from her coma as the funeral procession for her husband makes its way from their hometown Otniel to Jerusalem's Har Hamenuchot cemetery - via the site of the deadly attack which claimed his life.

    She is not yet aware of her husband's death.

    The attack occurred late Friday afternoon, as the family were making their way down Route 60 in the Hevron Hills region. 
    The Arab terrorists who carried out the attack overtook them, raking their car with gunfire and causing it to flip, killing Michael and wounding all three passengers. 

    Some 20 bullets were fired at the innocent family in the attack.

    Son of terror victim Rabbi Mark eulogizes father: 'I’m drowning in the depth of your absence'

     Joshua said on Sunday as he eulogized his father Rabbi Michael “Miki” Mark who was killed in a terror attack on Friday.

    “My heart is shattered in pieces,” said Joshua as he looked out at the thousands of mourners who filled the sanctuary and study of the Otniel Yeshiva, where his father had been the director-general.

    On Frida, Mark was driving with his wife and two of his 10 children along Route 60 near the West Bank settlement of Otniel where they lived. He had been on his way to his mother’s house for the Sabbath to help her celebrate her 80th birthday.

    Palestinian gunmen shot at their car, killing Mark and injuring his wife Chava and two of their children. 

    At the funeral, Joshua said of the attack, “God took what he wants and now what should we do, who do we curse?” he asked. 

    Mark’s son Netaneal recalled how he had spoken with his father every Saturday and plied him with questions. “Now, who can I speak with?” Netaneal asked.

    His father, he said, was a “renaissance man” who was also kind and gave endlessly to those around him. “Everything he touched turned to gold,” Netaneal said.

    Mark’s daughter Orit began her eulogy by crying repeating over and over again, “Father, I love you.”

    She recalled how only recently, he had hugged her and sworn her would never leave her.

    “And now God has taken you,” she said.
    “You added so much goodness into the world. You did so much for others and for us. You gave us everything we wanted with a full heart. You accepted us as we were. You never abandoned us, even when we did something wrong. Now we are here and you are absent.”

    President Reuven Rivlin said at the funeral, “Jewish blood is not worthless. We promise - over Miki's grave - that we will continue to fight terror unequivocally, and without fear. We will fight, and we will win. The IDF and the security forces will cut down the accursed murderers who killed Miki. Nothing will cure the pain. But the light of the way that Miki paved will not be extinguished. May his memory be blessed, and may his soul be bound in eternal life." 

    Mark’s body was carried out of the yeshiva to slow mournful singing of the prayer, “God of mercy.”

    As the funeral procession made its way along Route 60 to Jerusalem Har Hamenuchot cemetery for burial, Mark’s family stopped to say the prayer for the dead at the spot, where the terror attack occurred. 

    Settlers from the Jewish communities along the road stood along the highway waving Israeli flags. 

    The IDF had soldiers positioned all along the road and closed off the entrances to the Palestinian villages as the funeral procession passed. Unable to access the road, the Palestinians stood watching the slow funeral procession.

    Mark’s wife Chava remained at Hadassah Ein Karem hospital and was not at the funeral. She was unconscious from the time of the attack and until Sunday afternoon, when she woke up. She is listed in serious but stable condition. 

    Mark’s daughter, 14, who sustained a gun shot wound to her stomach, was temporarily released for the funeral. One of his son’s who was also injured in the attack was sent home from the hospital on Saturday night.

    Elie Wiesel, Auschwitz Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dies at 87

    Elie Wiesel, the Auschwitz survivor who became an eloquent witness for the six million Jews slaughtered in World War II and who, more than anyone else, seared the memory of the Holocaust on the world’s conscience, died on Saturday at his home in Manhattan. He was 87.
    Menachem Rosensaft, a longtime friend and the founding chairman of the International Network of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, confirmed the death in a phone call.
    Mr. Wiesel was the author of several dozen books and was a charismatic lecturer and humanities professor. In 1986, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. But he was defined not so much by the work he did as by the gaping void he filled. In the aftermath of the Germans’ systematic massacre of Jews, no voice had emerged to drive home the enormity of what had happened and how it had changed mankind’s conception of itself and of God. For almost two decades, the traumatized survivors — and American Jews, guilt-ridden that they had not done more to rescue their brethren — seemed frozen in silence.

    Friday, July 1, 2016


    Donald Trump tried something different on Thursday, hosting about 120 people for a small-scale town hall event about trade issues in a parking lot that could easily hold 5,000.

    For his trouble, he got a one-on-one exchange with an elderly anti-Semite who insisted 'Zionists' are dictating American military policy.

    Warren Goddard of Portsmouth grabbed the microphone from an aide for what was to be the final question of the day, and delivered a pair of zingers.

    'Number one, I'm opposed to the murder of unborn babies being legal,' he said. 'Number two, I'm opposed to our wasting our military in the Middle East on behalf of Zionist Israel.'

    Trump was unflappable, staring him down.

    'Lemme just tell you that Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States,' he replied. 'And we are going to protect them 100 per cent. 100 percent! They've been our most reliable – it's our true friend over there – and we're going to protect Israel 100 per cent.'
    ZIONIST' CONSPIRACY: Warren Goddard, the alter kocker from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, declared that American military policy in the Middle East was being directed by Benjamin Netanyahu – but Trump insisted that he would always side with Israel '100 per cent'