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Sunday, March 20, 2016

R' Dovid Ahronowitz z"l Pulled from Hudson River

57 days after he was last seen alive, the body of the New Square man, Dovid Ahronowitz, has been recovered by the NYPD.
Yanky Meyer of Misaskim confirmed that the body of the missing 46 year old man was pulled from the Hudson River yesterday by members of a Bronx NYPD precinct and positively identified by dental records as the New Square resident this morning.
Members of the Chasidic community have been searching the Hudson River for weeks, In addition to hiring private divers and sophisticated equipment, searchers brought in the Skverer Dayan to perform a segula to find drowning victims, which pointed them to a particular spot near the George Washington Bridge.  The body of missing man was located near that area

“We have been out there searching every day,” said volunteer Heshy Gottdiener 
“We have had this on our head 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” added volunteer Yossi Margaretten.  “This is a big relief for us and the family can finally get comfort and sit shiva.  It is sad, but a big step.”
The unseasonably warm weather has caused water temperatures to rise, making conditions more favorable for bodies to surface.  Meyer said that four other bodies have been recovered from the Hudson over the past week.
The levaya will take place this afternoon in New Square

Baalei Batim Waiting for Gedoilim To Condemn Mosdos that Prohibited the Internet Yet Took the Funds!

The Holy Mosdois Ha'Torah made sure to organize huge protests against the Internet!

But where are the protests against the Mosdos HaTorah that took  Federal Funds earmarked for computers and  for the school buildings to be wired for internet?

Isn't that hypocrisy? 
What are we teaching the children? 
Why haven't we heard ONE SINGLE gadol being "moichah" on this?

I'm not talking about where the funds actually went, that is for the FBI to investigate, I am just lamenting the fact that with one mouth, they condemn the internet, threatening the children with expulsion, and at the same time applying for the school to be wired for the internet?

Back in the days when I went to yeshiva, I remember well when the Roshei Yeshivah would make choizik from Baali Batim ....

"What's  going to be with you ... you will grow up to be a Baalei Booos? Chas V'sholem?"
"Oy Vey, that's a baal boos teretz to the toisfois,Ha ha!" 
"Why are you davening with the Baalei Batim? You'll grow up to be a big am haaretz?"
"you're learning the Daf Yoimie? that's for the ama ratzishe baalei batim?"

As I grew up, I learned quickly that the Talmedei Chachumim were the "Baalei Batim" who knew far more than the "lomdeshe ama ratzim" in Kollel.I learned quickly that it was the Baalie Batim that were up 5 in the morning chapping a daf,(while the Kollel guys were fast asleep) running to work, reviewing the daf at lunch, and then after a hard days work, grabbing a bite and running back to shul for another shiur.
I learned rather quickly that the Baalei Batim were far more learned, far more honest and far more diligent in business dealing then the Rabbonim.

Now the naive Baalei Batim are wondering why the kollel guys that had the time to attend the anti-internet asifas ...are quiet and not saying one word in protest to the menahlim of Mosdos HaTorah that took millions to have the internet wired in the buildings!

The "baalei batim" are also wondering, "if the mosdos took the funds and didn't wire the schools, then why haven't the melamdim been paid in months?"
"Why did the "schar limud" go up if they had the millions from the internet grants?"

Friday, March 18, 2016

Only Satmar is allowed to cut off someones beard & peyois

The headline of Der Blutah, the Yiddish weekly of the Ahroni faction of the Satmar brothers, reads
"IDF Cuts Off the Beard & Peyois of a Yeminite boy in jail for failing to register for the draft"

I am not sure if the story is even true.......True, that there is an issue with the IDF requirements for recruits to shave when they serve in the IDF! And the Chareidie parties in the Knesset are dealing with the problem. But in this case, the boy wasn't even in the army, he was in jail!
After searching all Israeli newspapers, there is not one shred of evidence, as of this writing, that there is any credibility to the story.

Be that as it may, one thing is certain, that the Satmars in 1977, cut the beard and payos off Chabad Chassidim, just like the Nazis!
That is a fact!
And should this story be true, then the IDF had good teachers .... the Satmar barbarians!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Monroe Satmar Rebbe Prohibits Chassidim fromThanking Zionist Doctors that treat them!

Continuing in the footsteps of the founder of the Satmar Dynasty that had absolutely no "Hakoras Hatoiv" to the Zionist Rudulf Kastner, that saved him from the Nazi murderers, R' Aron Teitelbum, the present successor, instructed his sheep not to thank Zionist Doctors or Soldiers that treat or help them in any way, while they were in the Zionist "Medinah!"

The "rebbe" if you want to call him that, even prohibited his maniacal followers from tipping any waiter or cab driver, because if they do tip, the money will find itself in the "medinah's coffiers" G-D Forbid!

His crazed reasoning is:
 "הקמת המדינה היא נגד גזירת הגלות שגזר הקדוש ברוך על ישראל עד ביאת משיח".

"the establishment of the State is against the decree of  Exile that the RBS"O on the Jews, until the coming of the Messiah"

This idea is basically Christian, who believe that Jews cannot have a government until the "second coming""

The 6 million Jews that live in the State of Israel, is proof positive that he and his fellow Christians are absolutely wrong!

The hypocritical Satmar Leader, who is married to a Hebrew speaking Zionist, was in Israel last week to spend Shabbos in Meron with thousands of his Chasssidim and was protected by Zionist Soldiers throughout his stay, who treated him with the utmost respect... 

He warned those chassidim that needed medical attention that they shouldn't chas ve'shaolom thank the attending Zionist physician!
And he warned his sheep not to discuss anything with any Zionist that might be construed favorably towards the State! 

These are the teachings of the of the Satmar Romanians!
Our sources tell us the the FBI officers that are rifling thru the records of the Satmar Mosdos in Monroe are not Zionist!

Rabbi quietly prays near the Gaza border, and each time he does Hamas tunnels mysteriously collapse

Rabbi Shriki prays at the fence. (Photo: הרב נתנאל שריקי שליט''א Facebook page)
Rabbi Shriki prays at the fence. (Photo: הרב נתנאל שריקי שליט”א Facebook page)
In the last two months, nine tunnels have collapsed, leading Hamas tunnel workers to refuse to even enter the tunnels…they are scared and they are openly admitting this

 Students of Rabbi Shriki told Haredi 10 they have witnessed him go out to the fields pray for the tunnels to collapse, and each time, a collapse has been reported.
“This is already not a case of a string of circumstantial accidents,” the students told Haredi 10. “Five times in a row he went out to pray for the tunnels to collapse, and each time, it happened.”
The rabbi went out to the fence to pray last Thursday morning, and by the afternoon, it was announced in the media that another tunnel had collapsed.
About a month ago, some soldiers asked to take part in the prayers but the IDF refused and Rabbi Shriki was left alone at the fence. But the rabbi continued, undaunted.
Even the enemy has taken notice of Rabbi Shriki’s influence with the Heavens. 
Last week, the Palestinian Authority media published a story about the rabbi who prays for the tunnels to collapse.
Rabbi Shriki is the grandson of the Rabbi Shalom Ifergen, known as the Baba Shalom, a well-known kabbalist whose hilula (celebration commemorating the anniversary of his passing) draws thousands of participants every year. Rabbi Shriki runs the charity organization Tehila Shalom, which provides food for families in need.

Goldie Vallner former Satmer Monroe Wife becomes a boy!

Mazel Tov ... Goldie!
"Mr." Vallner was married for 8 years and had put on a Spizel. She or He has two children and now changed genders to become a male!
Questions by this reporter whether Goldie is an Ahronie or a Zalonie, went unanswered!
No word yet, what "his" opinion on Zionism is, either,

Crazed Litvacks distribute Q-tips so they can hear Parshas Zachor

The Label reads:
"For the good of the masses"
"It would be good to clean the ears before listening to Parshas Zacho"

I have alot to say about that, but I won't go there ;)

Poll: 86% of Israelis are happy with their lives and average life span in Israel has reached a record 82.1 years,

Image result for the state of israel

The overwhelming majority of Israelis are happy with their lives, and Israelis are more worried about housing prices and their children's education than about personal safety, crime, or employment security, according to the Quality of Life Report published Wednesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

Moshe Stern "der chusid shoiteh" Bringing everyone down with him

Image result for moshe stern citi
Stern ripped off Citigroup for some 125 million dollars and was facing 455 years in prison, so he started singing like a canary and brought down the entire chassidishi community including Zev Brenner! 
So now that he is talking, he will only face 100 years in prison!

Smothered in a veil of lace and beads,Chassidishe Kalleh is led by horses to her wedding while thousands of men watch

  • Grandson of the Rabbi of the Tzanz Chassidic dynasty community married in Netanya, Israel 
  • Veiled bride watches as male guests and honoured rabbis fulfill the Mitzvah tantz - to dance in front of her
  • Many guests arrived with binoculars because they were seated so far from the bride and groom  

  • Dance for me: The veiled bride arrived in the men's section of the wedding as the male well-wishers, wearing their traditional shtreimel hats, danced to fulfil the Mitzvah tantz part of the wedding, where men and honoured rabbis are invited to dance for the bride

    The bride holds a gartel while family members dance and the grandson of the Rabbi of the Tzanz Hasidic dynasty wore a tile-print robe

    Guests share a joke as the bride closes her eyes in prayer, her dress spread out around her
    Guests share a joke as the bride closes her eyes in prayer, her dress spread out around her
    Before the veil goes on, the Jewish bride arrives in a simple horse-drawn carriage with members of her family
    Before the veil goes on, the Jewish bride arrives in a simple horse-drawn carriage with members of her family
    The Jewish men attend the wedding in traditional shtreimel hats as they watch the proceedings

    An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man uses binoculars during the wedding to catch a glimpse of the bride

    Lone IDF Soldier Goes on American Local TV to Talk About Her Decision to Enlist

    FBI looking to add Monsey Jews to the Federal Daf Yoimi Program in Prison

    So far there haven't been any arrests, but one thing is certain, the FBI are not looking for people who secretly look at the internet, or who have IPhones! ..

    According to our sources they are also not looking for women that wear spitzlach but don't shave their heads or for ladies that don't wear bulletproof stockings!

    Din has learned that they are looking for Mosdois that said that they will actually provide computers to the students but instead pocketed the funds!

    So according to our sources, it's not ok to have the students learn on computers, but it's ok to take the funds!

    Federal agents have been seen roaming the streets of Monsey and visiting several locations around town today, Wednesday.

    fbi in monsey1

    The raids are part of an investigation into whether local Yeshivas misused the federal government’s E-Rate program intended for the purchase of educational telecommunications technology.
    The FBI investigators issued search warrants today before seizing boxes of evidence that could help them find out if the targeted schools used the federal technology funds for their intended purpose or pocketed millions of dollars earmarked for technology education.

    FBI agents seen in Monsey on 3-16-16 _ 5
    Federal agents seen in Monsey, NY, on Wednesday March 16, 2016..
    According authorities, more than 300 agents and officers were involved in today’s operation in Monsey.

    In a statement, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said: “Today, the FBI, working with our office, conducted searches in connection with an ongoing fraud investigation. If and when charges are filed, they will eventually become public. This remains an ongoing matter, and we are unable to provide any additional information at this time.”

    Wednesday’s raids come as state and federal prosecutors continue jointly investigating potential governmental corruption in Ramapo and Clarkstown. A report last week by News12 forcasted a “far-reaching corruption probe” this week in Rockland County, reportedly zeroing in on officials in Ramapo, Clarkstown and at the county government level.
    So far, no arrests were made during the raids, law enforcement sources said.

    FBI agents seen in Monsey on 3-16-16 _ 1
    The Manhattan-based Jewish Week and The Jewish Daily Forward published reports questioning the high percentage of E-Rate dollars in New York state going to Hasidic and other Orthodox schools and libraries, noting many of the schools prohibited student access to the Internet.
    The Jewish Week's first article outlined how the religious schools in Rockland and New York City obtained the federal money, while focusing on the vendors and then the investigation that led one to return $900,000.
    In an 2013 interview with The Journal News, Peretz Klein, owner of Hashomer Alarm Systems in Spring Valley, which lists an address on its website of 29 Robert Pitt Drive in Monsey, credited the E-Rate program with making it possible for many needy yeshivas and other Orthodox Jewish schools to install computers and modern technology for their students.
    "The government created this program to get technology in the schools," he said. "It's a very big help for many schools. We service the schools, do all we can to help them."
    Klein's 33-year-old company brought in millions in E-Rate grants to install infrastructure — servers, extensive wiring and more — at private schools in Rockland County and Brooklyn. His company is one of many across the country that focus their business on the long-controversial E-Rate program, created under the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 to help schools and libraries in low-income communities keep up in the digital age.

    Tuesday, March 15, 2016

    Jews are not welcome in Lakewood, Monroe and Bloomenberg, Yet won't move to Israel where they are welcome!

    The "pushy" frummies are arrogantly trying to expand the territories of Lakewood, pushing their collective weight to the neighboring town of Toms River! 
    The Goyim are up in arms and fighting back! 

    In Monroe, Satmar is in the midst of "annexing" hundreds of acres to extend their town ....
    The goyishe neighbors are fighting them tooth and nail!

    In Bloomenberg, the Satmars are creating their own enclave and the Goyim are sick and tired of the encroachment of their lifestyle by the  Chassidim!

    In Monsey, there isn't a day that the Goyishe neighbors aren't protesting, be it about the School Board or about the total chaos of the infrastructure of Monsey perpetrated by  the Heimishe  developers who ignore local zoning laws!

    The Chillul Hashem cannot be measured!

    Yet there is one country in the entire universe that will allow every single Jew to come home!

    The goyim have millions of refugees! But there are no Jewish refugees in the entire world, even though we have been expelled by all Arab countries! All thanks to the Zionist idea that there will always be a home for every single Jew! ........

    What's fascinating is, that  the Chutz L'aretz Leaders, be they Chassidish or Yeshivash, have boycotted the  topic of Aliyah; a look at a Nefesh BeNefesh Flight will show  very few from the Heimishe Olim!

    The Frum world has decided that it is better to instigate the neighbors in Chutz L'arretz then to promulgate the idea that Jews have to come home!
    But they have no problem and have no issues raising funds to come home in a box.......
    Didn't the holy Chasam Sofel z"l once say ותוליכינו "קוממיות" לארצינו 
    "Bring us home .... "קוממיות"  "standing up,"  while we are still alive !

    Now I am aware that the Frum communities have multiplied B"H to the point that we must expand all the frum neighborhoods, but at what cost? 
    Isn't  the Satmar battle cry "Hisgarus Be'Umois"? ....
    Are we going to antagonize the Goyim until they explode and start beating Jews and start pogroms??

    I can already contemplate the comments to this post>>>>>
    "well aren't there problems in Israel?"
    "isn't there a housing shortage in Israel"
    "what about parnasseh in Israel"

    My answer to this is that the Chazal say that Eretz Yisroel comes with Yesurim!
    B"H the country has already been built by the Chilonim who put the infrastructure in place! 

    And there are thousands of homes bought by Americans and Europishers who  know that one day they will be forced to move from Chutz Le'aaretz and so they keep them empty until the goyim will inevitably throw them out of their luxurious Chutz Le'aaretz homes ... 

    There are neighborhoods in Yerushayim that look like an abandoned Hollywood set, left by Frum Richies, who won't even rent  out their apartments! 

    There are solutions and if we all put our heads together, we will overcome the difficulties that Israel presents.
    But we have a country that is ours... waiting for each and every one of us...

    Let's put our differences aside and come home!

    The founder of the Satmar dynasty fabricated an idea that Jews cannot move to Israel until Moshiach comes ... no one ever heard of this idea  .... but he managed to convince even the Litvaks! 

    Tannaim and Amoriem, Rishonim and Achronim ... all made Aliyah! 
    Time to move .... guys! 

    Press "read more"

    CNN Reporter Just learned that Hillary actually started the "birther movement" when she ran against Obama in 2008

    She sounds totally shocked when he tells her that Hillary's campaign started it all! 
    Notice how she inserts at the very end of the interview that Hillary never asked for Obama's birth certificate! That actually may be true but the Hillary campaign planted the seeds of doubt of Obama's country of birth into the campaign!
    This from an article in 2015

    New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters. As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. 

    Daily News: “Obama Has Done Enough Damage to Israel Already”

    Image result for www.nydailynews front page

    Read New York Daily News Editorial:
    “He must not go further down this path of ego, hubris and vengeance. He will not validate the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him in 2009 and never earned. Undercutting the Jewish state, he will only make negotiations more impossible than they already are,” the News Editorial states.
    “As just one example, Obama broke his predecessor George W. Bush’s commitment that any final agreement would include major Israeli housing settlements and the Jewish parts of Jerusalem within the Israeli borders. Instead, Obama demanded a deep settlement freeze, without imposing similar conditions on the Palestinians.”
    “As a result, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas felt no pressure to come to the table. He could rail against Israel — and gain points with his people — without taking risks for peace.”
    “Should Obama ask the United Nations to vote on a resolution endorsing similar terms — or any terms — he will enshrine the Palestinians as holding a moral high ground from which they would claim justification for shooting rockets into Israel.”
    The editorial concludes, “Unconscionably, Obama would also tie the hand of his successor, who will have to labor to repair relations with Israel and rebalance the region’s expectations.”

    Monday, March 14, 2016

    Zionists thank R' Aron Teitelbaum for bringing tourism to the State

    I have to give credit where credit is due...
    The State of Israel is going through very tough times, and if anyone especially a leader of thousands decides to bring people to Israel, then that should be commended since it gives chizuk to the residents...
    Also a thanks to those Satmars who opted to fly El Al!

    The words of Harav R' Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l is coming to fruition! 
    R' Kook used to say that "leb'es'oif kulam yaasuh teshuva" "At the end, everyone will repent" ...I guess even R' Aron Teitelbaum is seeing the truth and is marveling at the beautiful country and its infrastructure....
    He is realizing finally that the words of the Novie Amos have already happened ...and it's time to dump Monroe ...and move to the holy State of Israel!

    Satmar Craziness Continues: No More Birthday Parties for Girls!

    Satmar idiocy is forging ahead ... with no end in sight! 
    If I lived another thousand years I couldn't possibly come with with these demented ideas! 

    From now on little Satmar girls will watch their male siblings have birthday parties, but not them ... they don't exist except for being brought up to serve as baby machines to perpetuate the cause, just like ISIS!

    The letter from Bais Ruchel, the Satmar girl school, mentions that "our grand mothers never had birthday parties"

    Well, out grandmothers never shaved their heads either! 

    Only protesters have free speech not Trump!

    Bernie Socialist Thugs

    Attempted Rape In Boro-Park

    The incident took place in the area of 50th Street and 8th Avenue at 11:45 PM Saturday night. 

     The suspect approached the 29 year old female victim in the lobby of her apartment building and held a knife to her throat,he then grabbed her buttocks, cops said.The man then pulled down her pants and underwear, and tried to rape her, cops said.
    The suspect, who is described as a light skinned male, 5’9” to 5’10”, with a slim build and dressed in a dark hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans, fled the scene after the assault.

    The Name Heard Round the World!

    Hillary's out right lie about Bernie Sanders Health Care Reform

    Sunday, March 13, 2016

    Catholic students chant 'you killed Jesus' at basketball game against school with high number of Jewish students

    Catholic Memorial School has apologized after some of its students chanted 'you killed Jesus' during a  game against  a school with a large Jewish enrollment. Above Memorial's crowd at a previous game. There is no suggestion the students pictured were involved in Friday's incident

    I always wondered what kind of crazies adhere to a religion that believes that their God can get killed?

    Who do they think is running the world, now that he is dead?

    And who ran the world before he was born?

    Why do they care that a Jew murdered another Jew?

  • Catholic Memorial School students  shouted the chant 'you killed Jesus' at the school with a large Jewish enrollment
  • Chanting horrified and upset many who were attending Friday game between Newton North and Memorial
  • Newton Superintendent David Fleishman said he found behavior 'chilling'
  • Catholic Memorial President Peter Folan apologized on Saturday for what he called 'abhorrent behavior' 

  • Massive Chillul Shabbos in Meron occupied by Satmar Israel Haters!

    Never in it's entire history has  Meron been subjected to  such Chillul Shabbos!
    Rumor has it that Satmar hired a goy from Monroe  to photograph the entire Shabbos!

    Satmar instigates the goyim in Bloominberg and in Monroe by annexing entire acres, and then this hypocrite screams his gibberish that the State of Israel is responsible for all the stabbings because it exists!

    Satmar has a SHIT'ah that Jews cannot make Aliyah until Moshiach comes, a theory that they fabricated themselves!
    It seems that the holy Ramban, Reb Yehuda HaChusid, the Talmedei Hagra the Talmedei Baal Shem, all made Aliyah ... and never heard about this crazy theory!

    And now they violate shabbos in one of the holiest places on earth. 
    Let's all scream "Shabbos" Shabbos"  

    Thousands Moroccan Protest Against UN Chief Kock im' Uhn, because he said that Moroccan "southern provinces" are "occupied"

    Protesters hold a banner and the Moroccan flag as they chant slogans during a rally, in Rabat, Morocco, Sunday, March 13, 2016. Morocco has accused U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of "abandoning neutrality, objectivity and impartiality" during a recent visit to Western Saharan refugee camps in southern Algeria. (AP Photo/Abdeljalil Bounhar)

    What is it with us Jews?.... Kock im' Uhn and R' Aron Teitelbum come to Israel and call Judea and Samaria, "occupied" and we write a couple of articles in the newspapers....and forget about it!

    It's about time that we learn something from the Moroccans!
    When the UN chief called  the Southern Provinces that were annexed by Morocco in 1975, "occupied" they all came out to the streets to protest. Some estimates were that there were 3 million protesters.

    Satmar when they want to demonstrate in lower Manhattan against the Medinah,  are able to muster tens of thousands of black sheep that scream and rant against their brothers and sisters in Israel .... 
    but we, supporters of our holy land  are very lackadaisical when it comes to defend Israel against these evil leaders .... the bobsy twins, Teitelbum & Kock im' Uhn! 

    Hundreds of thousands of Moroccans are demonstrating to protest the U.N. chief’s remarks about the contested Western Sahara territory.
    Morocco considers the vast mineral-rich region as its “southern provinces” and took offense when U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon used the word “occupation” after a visit this month to refugee camps for the region’s native Sahraouis in southern Algeria.
    Protesters on Sunday filled the streets of Rabat after leading Moroccan political parties, unions and non-governmental groups called for a national demonstration. Authorities claimed there were up to 3 million.
    The U.N. has been trying for years to hold a referendum on independence for the territory, which was annexed by Morocco when Spain withdrew in 1975. Morocco proposes increased autonomy instead.
    Ban also called for renewed peace efforts during his trip.
    Protesters hold banenrs and Moroccan flag as they chant slogans during a rally, in Rabat, Morocco, Sunday, March 13, 2016. Morocco has accused U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of "abandoning neutrality, objectivity and impartiality" during a recent visit to Western Saharan refugee camps in southern Algeria. (AP Photo/Abdeljalil Bounhar)

    Remembering the Erlauer Rebbe

    Image result for erlauer rebbe
    By Chaim I. Waxman

    In 1999, I searched the old Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem for an apartment to buy with my wife, Chaya. A real estate agent had mentioned that there was one available on Mishmar Haam Street, but he said that televisions were not allowed inside because Rav Yochanan Sofer, the Erlauer Rebbe who recently passed away, lived there and had rights to the building. We decided to ignore that apartment and continued our search.

    Terror wave be damned: Americans are still making aliyah

    The security situation in Israel may be tense, but that won't be stopping yet another wave of North American olim from making Israel their new home soon.

    Arutz Sheva spoke to some of the soon-to-be-Israelis making aliyah with Nefesh B'Nefesh at last week's aliyah event in New York - many of whom said the current wave of terrorism only made them more determined to move.

    R' Aron Teitelbaum drinks Zionist Wine!

    This is the guy that rushed Trump today as he was speaking

    A film that Tommy Dimassimo, made with Arabic chanting, dragging an American flag on the ground. And the media accuses Trump of fomenting violence. 

    تومي يكره أمريكا (Tommy Dimassimo Wright State University)

    تومي د هو مجرد كيس نضح الأم الأبله وطي آخر يحاول أن يكون باردا ويصلح . ويعتقد أن من خلال الوقوف على العلم الأمريكي المقدس انه سيكون رجل كبير ولها الخصيتين كبيرةولكنهيثبت فقط أن قضيبه

    A film that Tommy Dimassimo, made with Arabic chanting, dragging an American flag on the ground. And the media accuses Trump of fomenting violence. 


    People getting sick of "Protesters" that sabotage political rallies!

     Violence at Trump rallies are here. 
     I watch coverage of this and I watch media people wring their hands. I watch other people whine and get furrowed brows and get pained expression on their faces, and lament what's happening to our culture, the coarseness and the incivility and so forth.  
    "Trump supporters are routinely punching protesters in the face at Trump rallies." 
    They asked Trump about it.  In some cases, he denies it.  In other cases, they accuse him of encouraging it, such as when a protester will erupt at a Trump rally and Trump will see it.
    "Throw the guy out! Yeah, punch the guy in the face! I want to punch the guy in the face! Throw him out."

    "Vos Iz Neias" News Blog Headline similar to Al Jazirah

    Image result for vosizneias

    This is the headline by VIN, minutes ago!

     Gaza Siblings Killed In Israeli Air Strike After Militant Rockets Hit Israel

    Included was the picture distributed by all anti-Semitic news outlets with the caption by Reuters:

    Palestinians look at the damage to a house, where medical officials said fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy, in the northern Gaza Strip March 12, 2016.  Reuters
    Palestinians look at the damage to a house, where medical officials said fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy, in the northern Gaza Strip March 12, 2016.  Reuters
    The VIN news blog is run by a Satmar anti-Israel fanatic and it's high time we boycotted all the advertisers!

    Vin does this all the time since they follow the demented SHIT'ah of Satmar!

    Instead of reporting that Hamas murderers fired rockets into Israel ..... the VIN animals copy anti-Semitic news outlets

    See the news article copied and pasted and then posted by VIN 

    A Palestinian boy and his sister were killed in Hamas-controlled Gaza on Saturday when they were hit by fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft, medical officials said.
    The incident took place hours after militants launched rockets into Israel.

    Now see how Hamodia reported the same news:

    Hundreds Sent to Shelters Friday Night as Hamas Fires Rockets at Negev

    Friday, March 11, 2016

    Frum Jews for Trump!

    Trump vs Romney
    The Jewish democrats for Trump are beginning a massive get out the vote among Orthodox Jews in New York and New Jersey.

    They have begun posting ads as well as posters in allsynagogues throughout the metro area.

    For any more info:
    jewishdemocratsfortrump@gmail .com

    Thursday, March 10, 2016

    Abbas refused Biden's division of Jerusalem, total 'settlement freeze' "peace plan"

    Thank the RBSH"O for Abbas, if not for him the Israelis would give up most of Israel vis a vis the Satmar Plan!

    Thank G-D, the Arabs want all of Israel and not just settlements....

    Who can forget when Satmar during the Gush Katif evacuations screamed that Israel should give up parts of Israel (against halacha, the halacha is very clear that any land in Israel cannot be handed over to goyim) the  Satmar Shitah (which is against Torah Mi'Sinai) was always to give up territory except of course the Satmar Mosdos buildings, everything else should be given up! 

    Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas reportedly rejected a new peace plan outlined by visiting US Vice President Joe Biden yesterday, according to Arab media reports.

    Abbas and Biden met in the PA leader's Muqata headquarters in Ramallah on Wednesday, following Biden's meeting with Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

    According to the Palestinian Al-Quds newspaper, the US Vice President used the opportunity to present Abbas with a fresh initiative, which would have included dividing Jerusalem and a total freeze on Israeli "settlement building" in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

    In return the PA would be expected to recognize Israel as the Jewish state, and give up its demand for a "right of return" for the descendants of Arabs who left the country during the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.

    Abbas, not for the first, promptly rejected the generous offer.

    The the meeting came after Biden leveled strong implicit criticism at the Palestinian Authority and its leadership for failing to condemn the ceaseless wave of deadly terrorist attacks against Israelis.