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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Satmar Joins the Anti-Semitic BDS Movement and Bans all Israeli products with Hebrew Writings!

I must preface this bizarre story with some basic Satmar History.

Satmar is divided into three camps: 
(1) The "Aronie" faction that follow R' Aron Teitelbaum who resides in Monroe ...

(2) The "Zalonie" faction that follow R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum who resides in Williamsburg

(3) The " Benii Yoel" faction that follow the late R' Yoel Teitelbaum; and they live primarily in Monroe .... they follow a Rabbi dead over 36 years.

R' Aron and R' Zalman Leib are children of the previous Satmar Rebbe, ....  R' Moshe Teitelbaum (a nephew of R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Satmar dynasty,) who died 9 years ago. 
He appointed as his successor his younger son, R' Zalman Leib even though R' Aron was the older son. It seems that R' Moshe had Aron's number!

The followers of R' Aron then spread a rumor that R' Moshe Teitelbaum lost his marbles, and had Alzheimers, and that R' Zalman Leib manipulated him into appointing him his successor...
This happened while R" Moshe was still alive and well!

I cannot understand  why this R' Aron has any followers at all after calling his father "senile" while his father was still alive and well? How do thousands still kiss his paw? 

It was of course a lie that R' Moshe had Alzheimers, but when it comes to money and power, truth means nothing! 

So the two camps  separated  and now the once single largest Chassidus split in three, and as a result of this in-fighting, the chassidim of the two fighting brothers refuse to inter-marry and will not even eat each other's meat....
They have separate Shochtim and separate meat stores!
They now also have separate cemeteries because the Aronis' will not allow the Zalonis' into the Monroe cemetery...even after they are dead! "No dead Zalonis' in the cemetery"

The brothers are still in secular court, violating the second Rashi in Parshas Mishpatim! Rashi writes that a Jew that goes to secular court is basically worshiping Idols!

The Bneiii Yoel never accepted any of the brothers and never even accepted their father, R' Moshe Teitelbaum as the Satmar Rebbe! 

They don't inter-marry with either of them and don't eat the meat of either of the brothers' followers. 
They have their own Shuls and Schools. 
They follow the concept of the Reform and Conservative Jewish movement that women can be rabbis as well, and accepted as their Rebbe , Rebbitzin Faige, widow of R' Yoel Teitelbaum. 
She is now deceased as well! 

Just to give you a flavor of the hate that R' Aron has for his opponents, .... R' Aron Teitelbaum once wrote in a Kol Koreh that children of the Bneii Yoel that reside in Monroe are mamzeirim because they don't use R' Aron's appointed Rabbis as the Mesader Kiddushin at their weddings!

It could actually be that they are in fact mamzeirim but not because they use their own Rabbonim to marry off their children. 

The Bneii Yoel faction are considered in Satmar,"extremists" (if that is even possible in Satmar circles), and they recently distributed a letter to the parent body of their "holy institutions"!

I will loosely translate this garbage and then comment!

Honored Parents,
We find it very important to notify our devoted parent body, to be wary of Supermarkets that sell food products  from a  company that has a "Hebrew"  name, written in Hebrew letters,  selling appetizers, candy, and chocolate coins with symbols of the Tumedige State. 

It is well known how our Holy Rabbi (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) sacrificed and waged war against the profane Zionist State and it's language! 
It is known that he said:
"I say that according to Halacha , it is far better to bow down to a Christian Cross one hundred times a day then to learn one minute of Hebrew!" 
Therefore we have an obligation to keep our children far away from these products, because the only way to ensure that our children continue in our ways , is, if we follow his (R" Yoel's)  ways and his teaching not to allow strange winds to enter our lives.
Therefore, we ask our parent body not to allow such products (with Hebrew lettering) to enter our homes.

DIN: So there .... there you have it .... a leader of thousands, said that a Jew that puts on Tefillin every single day, a Jew that keeps Shabbos and eats kosher, should rather bow down "100 times a day to a cross" before he learns "one word of Hebrew!"
This leader, the "Ohaiv Yisroel" disparaged millions of Hebrew speaking Jews!

This leader also said that the miracles done in Israel during the 6 day war was  done by Satan and not by Hashem!
According to the Rebbe, Hashem has, G-d forbid, a partner, the Satan, that does the miracles for Zionists..

Jews say every single morning in Adon Olam ..
"Ve'hu Echad V'ein Sheini, Le' hamshil Lo L'Hachbirah"
He is One, and He has no other partner to help Him rule!
But Satmar doesn't believe that, they believe that Hashem, Chas Ve'shalom has a partner .... the "Samach Mem" the Satan!

So who are the real Jews?
The Zionists that believe and thank G-D for the miracles he did in the 6 day war?
Satmar who believes that Hashem had nothing to do with it! 
That Satan did the miracles!

The Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel also believed that Americans never went to the moon!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

'Historic justice has been done,' say wife, mother of Kuntar victims

Danny Haran and children a month before their murder

Following the killing of Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar in an airstrike attributed to Israel, Smadar Haran, whose husband and young daughters were killed in a 1979 attack led by Kuntar, says, "I never had a doubt that the score would be settled."

Daniel Siryoti, Danny Brenner, Mati Tuchfeld, Lilach Shoval and Shlomo Cesana
Smadar Haran, whose husband and young daughters were killed in a 1979 terrorist attack led by terrorist Samir Kuntar
 Photo credit: Herzi Shapira


RUSH: So Hillary Clinton leaves the debate stage to go take a whiz.  They timed it for her.  She had a minute 45 seconds to get there, a minute 45 to get back and whatever length of time it took to do the business.  They had Huma, Huma Weiner was standing guard, they even timed this. They had Huma standing guard outside the restroom.  When Hillary shows up to use the restroom, she finds out that there's somebody in there, so she refuses to go in there.  There are multiple stalls in this restroom, but Mrs. Clinton, in full queen mode, refused to go in the bathroom when there was another woman in there. 
So she waited until that other woman came out.  That other woman just happens to be the girlfriend of Eliot Spitzer, Client No. 9.  Not that that matters to anything.  It's just an interesting little side note.  So Mrs. Clinton waits until Spitzer's girlfriend comes out of the bathroom before she goes in, and that means that she was late getting back to the debate. (interruption) What, bladder shy?  No, I think it's probably security paranoia, or else it is queen-like things.  Who knows.  But the larger question is, how long did that debate go? I didn't watch it.  Did anybody watch the Democrat debate?  How long was the debate?  (interruption)  Okay, it was two hours?  You mean, you can't hold it for two hours? 
You can't go to the bathroom before the debate and make it through two hours without it?  Where are her medical records?  This is the thing that made me curious about this.  Two hours?  You have to leave the debate during a commercial break?  Who does that?  I mean, if anybody else has done it, we've never heard about it 'cause they made it back on time.  It shows you Mrs. Clinton's priorities.  She didn't care about getting back on time.  That was not her priority.  Then she's out there lying again about Trump being a recruiting tool for ISIS.  She says there are videos out there, ISIS using Trump.  It turns out there is a video out there, and it uses her husband! ISIS is using her husband as a recruiting tool, and also Barack Hussein O is in that video.  But imagine Hillary Clinton talking about a video even now.  I mean, I thought it was laugh riot funny.  She makes it up. 
I read some things over the weekend, places sympathetic to Hillary, and they're not upset she lied, and they don't think it means anything.  Some of the tech blogs, Hillary is an absolute doofus when it comes to tech, folks.  She is worse than your grandparents who don't want to know anything about it.  She's got this illegal server.  She's doing all of these things with her e-mail that are in violation of the law.  She doesn't understand the first thing about it technology-wise.  She doesn't understand encryption.  She doesn't know what she's talking about when she brings it up. 
And I'm reading... This is the irony of this. This is one of the puzzling things that I don't know that I'm ever gonna be able to answer.  But I read all these technical blogs -- which, of course, are populated by left-wing young people, journalists and so forth.  And from the people that they are in favor of -- the Democrats -- here comes Mrs. Clinton, who is an absolute blithering idiot.  She is an incompetent.  She's unaware.  She doesn't know the first thing about it, and it doesn't matter to them.  The fact that she's ignorant about the thing they care about most, the fact that she's ignorant about encryption, which they...
I mean, these Millennials, they care about this stuff, keeping the government out of their bedrooms and wherever.  And yet they end up supporting people who violate their rights and don't know anywhere near as much as they claim, and yet they get their support.  There's nothing Mrs. Clinton could do.  She's gonna be given the benefit of the doubt because there's a D by her name.  She can be as stupid about things, as informed about things, as wrong about things -- she can lie left and right -- and she's still gonna get the benefit of the doubt in terms of good intentions. 
Whereas a Republican presidential candidate, if he or she talked about encryption or anything high-tech-wise like Hillary does, they'd be laughing at 'em and making fun of 'em and calling 'em old fogies and the old guy that's yelling at people to get off the lawn. "We don't want this guy to be president. We don't want anybody like this running our country, 'cause they're such doofuses," and yet Mrs. Clinton -- who is at the head of the class of doofuses when it comes to anything modern -- they look the other way at. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Trump: Hillary Is a Liar — ‘She Lies Like Crazy About Everything’

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” while responding to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton saying in the debate last night that he is “becoming ISIS’s best recruiter,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump declared that to be “just another Hillary lie.”
Trump said, “Nobody has been able to back that up. It’s nonsense. Just another Hillary lie. She lies like crazy about everything. Whether it’s trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she’s a liar and everybody knows that. But she just made this up in thin air.”
He continued, “I think my words represent toughness and strength. Hillary’s not strength. Hillary’s weak, frankly, she’s got no stamina, she’s got nothing….she couldn’t even get back on the stage. Nobody even knows what happened to her. It’s like she went home and went to sleep….She couldn’t get back on the stage last night I’ll tell you why. Because we need a president with great strength and stamina and Hillary doesn’t have that. We can not have another bad president like we have right now. We need a president with tremendous intelligence, smarts, cunning, strength, and stamina.”
He added, “She may have traveled a lot but she didn’t do the job because the entire world blew up around her. So she wasted a lot of time and energy and money and frankly she wasted a lot of lives because her policies were disaster for the world. The Middle East has blown up around her. Her decisions were horrible. and hundreds of thousands of people have been killed because of her faulty decisions.”

Samir Kuntar had planned major attack against Israel

Western sources say Israel eliminated top terrorist for planning a major attack in the Golan Heights area

Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar had been planning a major terror attack against Israel in the Golan Heights area just before his elimination, Yediot Aharonot reports Sunday, based on "the most reliable Western sources."

Kuntar had established himself over the past year as a "ticking time bomb" and independent source of terror attacks against Israel, the sources stated, noting that both Israelis and sources in the Arab world confirmed this information from their viewpoints.

According to those same sources, Kuntar has not been associated with Hezbollah for some time now - instead, operating under even more extreme groups, dubbed the Syrian National Defense Committees.

Kuntar's group was established in the place of the cruel Shabiha organization, which the Syrian Army distanced itself from for its savagery; the new group discarded the poor reputation, its political and economic aims, and toned down its rhetoric. 

Farhan al-Shaalan, another key terrorist, was also a member of the organization and was also killed in the Sunday night strike. 

Kantar is notorious for the 1979 murder of three Israelis, including 31-year-old Danny Haran, and his four-year-old daughter.

He was freed by Israel as part of a prisoner swap in 2008, three decades after the murders, and he became a high-profile figure in the Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah.

Gitmo Cartoon

Friday, December 18, 2015

Aron Wieder Has Resigned As Majority Leader From The Rockland County Legislator

“In a surprising and unexpected move, Rockland County Legislator Aron Weider submitted his resignation as the Legislature's Majority Leader.

“A short while ago, I submitted (my resignation) to the president of the legislature”, Weider said.

“The reason I took the drastic step to resign was because some have turned my position as majority leader and strong advocacy to protect the constitutional rights and the civil liberties of the Orthodox Jewish community here in Rockland County a distraction for the work of the county legislature and the Democratic Caucus.

Therefore, I have stepped aside to put those concerns ahead of my own."

Weider was joined at his press conference by by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind and COO Of Agudath Israel, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Golding.

In his comments to those gathered Hikind said “It pains me to say this. Dennis Walcott stabbed the entire community in the back.”

Wieder’s resignation is a reaction to developments earlier this week when it was announce on Monday that the New York State’s Board of Regents unanimously approved a state monitor with power to veto decisions by the East Ramapo School District.

The three-person panel headed by former New York City Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott recommended 18 additional reforms including an independent election monitor for school board elections.
The recommendation for a state monitor with veto power would require approval from the state Legislature.

The announcement was opposed in statements by Wieder, Hikind and Agudath Israel.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Presisident Rivlin's disgusting behavior when visting the USA

Who are we to judge, from here in New York?

After all, Hillary Clinton is adored by so many here in America that she stands at least a 50/50 chance of getting to the White House.

This is the most corrupt woman in America that we’re talking about. Strangely and unwisely, the Republican contenders going at it in tonight’s CNN Debate, resolute as they were on defeating Radical Islam, they left Hillary mostly unscathed and laughing.

She is still laughing because she knows that before you can defeat ISIS you’ve got to defeat the Clintons, any Clinton, and the Clintons invented politics.

So we’re not so smart ourselves as we watch and even assist our country going down the tubes. We have no excuse.

What about the Israelis who are smart enough to advance technology and medicine to incredible heights but... 

But they got Reuven Rivlin.

Rivlin is President of Israel, a largely ceremonial post but still PRESIDENT, for crying out loud, and perhaps he needs to be reminded about the people he represents. He represents a people who were ordained by the Almighty Himself “to be for Me a kingdom of priests; a holy nation.”

Benjamin Netanyahu serves as prime minister. He is a politician. He is expected to mix it up, to be political and to get dusted up politically.

He would have been sensational in the CNN Debate.
But Rivlin, symbolically at least, sits near the throne of David. He is obliged to soar above it all.

This demands gravitas and dignity fit for a king; certainly not the behavior we witnessed from Rivlin in Washington, D.C, and New York, both places, where it hurts to say, his demeanor turned him into a laughingstock. He did no honor to himself or to his holy nation.

At least that’s the view from America…where passionate no-nonsense defenders of Israel (like myself) were put on the spot.

“What gives?” That was one question.” 

Next, “Where is the pride?” asked a non-Jewish friend, expecting me to deliver answers.

There is no answer when the Jewish head of state acts like a schnorrer.

In Washington Rivlin took part in a Hanukkah celebration that will always be remembered for the lecture from a reform “rabbi” that had no time for the Maccabees but plenty of time for Black Lives Matter, gun control, Islamophobia and “justice for the Palestinians.”

Rivlin, from all accounts, and from my friend Doodie’s description, “stood there with an indelibly stupid and clownish smile on his face.”

He made no protest and, if this is true, uttered praise for Allah – in Arabic. She did.

We are still talking about the President of Israel, but now move on to New York where Haaretz was having a party for its friends, among them the world’s most honored and most respected anti-Semites. Roger Waters attended. Haaretz is his kind of paper. Need we say more?

Yes we do. 
Rivlin showed up and may well have been the life of the party. He was full of praise for the radicalized Arab paper published in Hebrew.

I don’t do surveys. Doodie does. We go way back to Saint Urbain Street in Montreal. So Doodie did some canvassing. He interviewed scores of people at the New York Public Library because that’s where the people are, the thinking people, and the consensus from Jews and non-Jews alike is that Rivlin embarrassed nearly everybody who stands with Israel.

The prevailing view is that the head of state from no other country would mingle so approvingly with problematic people and their dubious causes.
It is unbecoming. It is undignified.

When the shofar blasts some of us here in America set everything else aside, place our lives at risk, and rush in for the sake of Zion.

During his days in the Knesset, Rivlin was known to champion minority (meaning Arab) rights. This is okay, I guess. This is his politics.

But as head of state we would expect him to drop his personal convictions in favor of the prestige and grandeur of his office.

His task is to defend the honor of Israel.

He owes that much to the state, the Jewish State that he represents at home and abroad. Into the teeth of Islamic terror that has us jittery, 

America could have used less clowning, rather a more formidable presence at a time when we seek reassurance from our most courageous and steadfast ally.

We sink or swim together.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international classic “Indecent Proposal” now followed by the prophetic thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website: www.jackengelhard.com

"Hungarian Jews Don't Learn Daf Yoimi Because the Aguda Instituted it!" Der Blatt

Last week I had the unfortunate opportunity to read Der Blatt the Satmar Yiddish Newstrash associated with the Aroni faction.

I must be a glutton for punishment because I keep reading the hate printed by the Satmar vermin who keep hurling and spewing Loshon Hara on their fellow brothers and sisters!

But a letter to the editor caught my attention, because this letter was not written by the editors of this Nazi newstrash, ..... but by a reader.

I am posting this letter because the opinion of the writer is a reflection of how this fanatical barbaric sect thinks of other Holy Jews!

As a preface to my loose translation of the letter, I have to give you an historical overview of the genesis of the Daf Yoimi, so that you get a flavor of the sick mentality of these uncivilized barbarians!

The idea that  Jews throughout the world would finish Shas together  by  learning the Daf Yomi, a process that would have a seven year cycle, was first introduced at the First World Congress of the World Agudath Israel in Vienna  August 15 1923.

The Daf Yomi  proposal was made by Rabbi Meir Shapiro.  and it  required  that  Jews learn the same Daf (page) of Gemarrah no matter where in the world the Jew resided.

Rabbi Shapiro in a speech to the delegates said:

"What a great thing! A Jew travels by boat and takes gemara Berachot under his arm. He travels for 15 days from Eretz Yisrael to America, and each day he learns the daf. When he arrives in America, he enters a beis medrash in New York and finds Jews learning the very same daf that he studied on that day, and he gladly joins them. Another Jew leaves the States and travels to Brazil or Japan, and he first goes to the beis medrash, where he finds everyone learning the same daf that he himself learned that day. Could there be greater unity of hearts than this?["

Rabbi Shapiro's idea was enthusiastically accepted by the 600 delegates, including Gedoilie Yisroel from Europe and America...
In fact the Gerrer Rebbe, the Imrei Emes,  started learning the first daf publicly on the first day of Rosh Hashana September 11, 1923

So you ask, which frum Jew would not accept such a great idea...?
Which Jew would be against a proposal that would unify the entire frum community?

The Maskilim?

Guess again!

 Oh ..... yes yes yes ..... The Reform ....?
 Nope! Guess again!

The Zionists? 
Nope ... guess again! 
What ?????
Who would be against Jews learning Torah together? 
 Hey ... stop sounding like an owl!
 .... Give up?

The answer is .... that the one and only frum leader that was
against this idea was the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum  and some other little Hungarian Rebbelich influenced by R'  Yoel!

There I said it!

Why was he against such a great innovative idea?

Because he didn't come up with the idea! That's why!
He would rather that the entire frum Jewish community be  fragmented then unified, even if the unification is thru Torah because it wasn't his idea!

His cockamamie answer was that the World Agudath Israel was a Zionist Organization ... but that wasn't even true then and is a bald faced lie!

Because at that time, in 1923, there wasn't even any mention
of a sovereign state in the minutes of the entire Congress!
And even  if you would say that the Aguda was sympathetic to the Zionists, so should we trash an idea that would have Jews learn and finish shas together?
And who would be learning the Daf????? HMMM?

Frum Jews .... no? 

The Satmar Rebbe said on numerous occasions and writes in his book "al ha'gilah" that the Zionists were the cause of the destruction of the 6 million Jews!

Well, I am coming up now with a novel approach....I say that Satmar is the cause of the murder and annihilation of 6 million Jews, because there was an opportunity in 1923 to have all frum Jews unified thru Torah and Reb Yoilish nixed it!

Here now is the letter to the editor:

 Loose translation

 Heading: Hungaian Jews and the Daf HaYoimi
In honor of "Der Blatt"
In light of the fact that certain honored congregations in [Chassidic and Oberlander]  courts like Belz, Visnitz, Square, Pupa and Veen, whose followers are by in large from Hungarian backgrounds..have instituted lately, their own Torah learning groups where they learn, review and are tested, it is worthy to mention again the special attribute of these groups that are following the customs of their Hungarian ancestors,  and also some whose ancestors were from Galicia and Russia, that totally ignored the Daf HaYoimi program instituted by the Agudas Yisroel!
B"H that we returned the crown to the old ways ... and we are sitting and learning in the ways of our ancestors and rabbis.

Guys you read that....?
Hey writer.... your ancestors were a bunch of amai ratzim.... you want to go to the ways of "your ancestors?" 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Michael Insel 8th Grade Yeshiva Bochur Lectures Obama on Capitol Hill about the Threat of ISIS

14-year-old Michael Insel was fed up with reading the daily headlines about Israel’s never ending fight with terror.The delay in the president’s response to the murder of Ezra Schwartz Hy”d, however, was the impetus that caused the yeshiva bochur from Baltimore to write a letter to the US president.
Michael wrote the letter about a month ago. His proud mother posted the letter on her Facebook page to share with friends and family.
Eli Gold, Vice President of the London Center for Policy Research, saw the letter and felt compelled to share this with an even larger audience.
Gold, who runs a defense meeting on Capitol Hill once a month, invited Michael to come along to read his letter at Capitol Hill and to discuss his point of view of what he thinks should be changed.
Michael was very excited to seize the opportunity presented by Gold as he has always desired to take up a career in politics.
Michael subsequently spoke at the meeting this past Sunday and after that he was invited to further discuss U.S.-Israel relations with Congressman Trent Franks.
He has since started a petition at change.org – Click here to sign
Below is the letter in it’s entirety:
My name is Michael (מיכאל) Insel (אינזעל). I am an 8th grade student at Talmudical Academy of Baltimore (TA).
I am writing to you today about my concern for the security of ISRAEL. I feel that your administration has not done all in its power to help the state of Israel at this time. How could you stand by and not properly condemn the murder of an 18 year old American boy who was killed while bringing food to soldiers fighting terrorism in the streets?
When France was has hit with devastating terrorist attacks you held an hour long press conference with President Hollande. You stated “we are all French now”. When 3 innocent teenage boys in Israel were killed, were we all Israeli? Was the Washington arch in NY the colors of the Israeli flag? Was the 408 foot tall spire on top of one world trade center the colors of the Israeli flag?
NO they were NOT!!! Mr. President- we have a saying in hebrew “״ נושא בעול חבירו which means “Every man can carry another man’s burden”.
Before a monday night football game between the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Bills something extraordinary happened. For the first time since the Munich massacre in 1972 a murdered Jew was remembered with a moment of silence.
This was done by 80,000 people at the stadium and 16 million people at home. This brings me back to my original point of “ Every man can carry another man’s burden”. That night 1 and a half days of cumulative morning was observed in just the stadium alone.
If the Jewish people have to reach out to an owner of a football team to get a moment of silence for a murdered American jew , before the president of our country appropriately condemns it, we have a problem !!
Also, I am disappointed in your handling of ISIS. You have yet to call them what they are “Radical Islamic Extremists”. You simply call them “killers with good social media ”. I can tell you that they are a heck of a lot more than that!! Just this month ISIS has:
Blown up a Russian plane killing all 224 passengers
Brutally murdered 128 in the Paris attacks
Carried out countless beheadings of Americans and others
Killed and continues to kill hundreds a day in Syria and Iraq
Inspired the San Bernardino attacks killing 14
They are more than just merely “killers with good social media”! These are Radical Islamic extremists!!! These people must be stopped at all costs before more innocent blood is spilled.
President Obama, I hope my letter has found you well. All I ask of you is that you support Israel and the Jewish people and you put an end to all the madness of terrorism. Let’s go back to the days where the bond between our great nations was unbreakable!!