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Showing posts with label samir kuntar killed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samir kuntar killed. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Samir Kuntar had planned major attack against Israel

Western sources say Israel eliminated top terrorist for planning a major attack in the Golan Heights area

Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar had been planning a major terror attack against Israel in the Golan Heights area just before his elimination, Yediot Aharonot reports Sunday, based on "the most reliable Western sources."

Kuntar had established himself over the past year as a "ticking time bomb" and independent source of terror attacks against Israel, the sources stated, noting that both Israelis and sources in the Arab world confirmed this information from their viewpoints.

According to those same sources, Kuntar has not been associated with Hezbollah for some time now - instead, operating under even more extreme groups, dubbed the Syrian National Defense Committees.

Kuntar's group was established in the place of the cruel Shabiha organization, which the Syrian Army distanced itself from for its savagery; the new group discarded the poor reputation, its political and economic aims, and toned down its rhetoric. 

Farhan al-Shaalan, another key terrorist, was also a member of the organization and was also killed in the Sunday night strike. 

Kantar is notorious for the 1979 murder of three Israelis, including 31-year-old Danny Haran, and his four-year-old daughter.

He was freed by Israel as part of a prisoner swap in 2008, three decades after the murders, and he became a high-profile figure in the Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Israelis kill Child-Killer Samir Kuntar 'Killed in Syria Airstrike' ....

Samir Kuntar greeted by Hezbollah, Syrian officials upon his release

Reports are coming out that Israel targeted and killed the notorious child murderer Samir Kuntar today (Wednesday).
According to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the Israel Air Force struck a vehicle carrying five fighters loyal to dictator Bashar al-Assad. 

Three of the passengers were from the Syrian People's Committees, while Kuntar and the fifth person belonged to Lebanese terror group Hezbollah.

Kuntar was born in Lebanon to a Druze family. In 1978 he and three other terrorists from the now-defunct Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) snuck into Israel by boat and attempted to kidnap the Haran family from their home in Nahariya. 

The wife managed to hide in a crawlspace with the two-year-old daughter, but the husband and four-year-old were taken.
Kuntar and his associates took their hostages to the nearby beach, where Israeli soldiers and police officers encountered them. According to the official account, Kuntar shot the father in the back, then beat the daughter to death.

Back at the house, the wife accidentally smothered the younger daughter to death while trying to prevent her from crying out and giving away their hiding spot.

At the time of the attack, current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was in charge of the PLF.

Kuntar served 29 years in prison before being released in exchange for the bodies of Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in 2008.

After his release, Kuntar returned to a hero's welcome in Lebanon. The President, Prime Minister, and Speaker of the Parliament greeted him as he stepped off the plane

Several months later Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad presented Kuntar with the Syrian Order of Merit.
Kuntar has given a number of interviews since his release, and frequently spoke of his desire to kill more Israeli civilians.