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Friday, November 13, 2015

Photos of Bitch of Belsen and Auschwitz killer Franz Hossler before their hanging!

The moment some of the Nazis' most notorious murderers were brought to justice: Photographs show 'Bitch of Belsen' and Auschwitz killer Franz Hossler at trial where they were sentenced to hang

  • Pilot Keith Parfitt photographed the Nazis at Celle Prison in Germany
  • One of those pictured is Franz Hossler, a commander at Auschwitz
  • Another is female SS guard Irma Grese, known as the 'Bitch of Belsen'
  • The pair were among 11 Nazis sentenced to hang at Belsen Trial of 1945

Photographs of notorious Nazi war criminals taken during their detainment at the end of the Second World War have surfaced in the belongings of a British Spitfire pilot.
One of the people in the black-and-white photos is a smirking Franz Hossler - a commander at Auschwitz concentration camp before being made deputy commandant of Bergen-Belsen.
The mass murderers were caught on camera along with dozens of other defendants at Celle Prison in Germany by Flight Lieutenant Keith Parfitt.
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Irme Grese
Flight Lieutenant Keith Parfitt took photographs of some of the worst Nazi murderers at Celle Prison in Germany. Circled left is infamous female SS guard Herta Bothe. Right, Auschwitz commander Franz Hossler
Franz HosslerA group of unidentified prisoners are lined up against a wall during their detainment at Celle Prison, in Germany
Pictured on the left is Herta Bothe, alongside two other female prisonersA A A group of unidentified prisoners are lined up against a wall during their detainment at Celle Prison, in Germany
Pictured on the left is Herta Bothe, alongside two other female prisoners

Grese was head of the women's section at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Pictured is an unidentified prisoner

Bothe(pictured top) was a Nazi concentration camp guard imprisoned for war crimes but eventually released

A group of young women sit outside the jail where 45 people faced charges for war crimes in 1945
A group of young women Nazis sit outside the jail where 45 people faced charges for war crimes in 1945

A woman is marched before gathered crowds
The unidentified prisoner was arrested after the liberation of Burgen-Belsen death camp
A woman is marched before gathered crowds during the war crimes trial held after the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen death camp
The evil SS-Obersturmfuhrer murdered thousands of Jews by forcing them into gas chambers or shooting them in cold blood.
Another prominent SS guard in the pictures is Irma Grese, the so-called ‘Bitch of Belsen’. She was the head of the women’s camp and murdered and tortured numerous female prisoners.

Archive footage shows the 'Beasts of Belsen' Trial
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The pair were among 45 Nazis tried for war crimes at the first Belsen Trial in November 1945 and were sentenced to hang.
Another snap is a reconnaissance photo of Belsen in north Germany, taken from the air by the RAF officer in April 1944 - a full year before the camp was liberated and its horrors revealed.
Flt Lt Parfitt stored the photos along with all his other wartime memorabilia in an old suitcase which his relatives recently stumbled upon.
They presented it at auctioneers Henry Aldridge and Son of Devizes, Wiltshire, who are now selling the contents.
As well as the photographs, the case contains Flt Lt Parfitt's flying log books, which chart the hundreds of sorties he flew on between 1941 to 1945, notated flight maps of Germany and a German stopwatch he took as a souvenir.
The collection is said to be worth about £1,200 and is being sold on Saturday.
Detained alongside Hossler and Grese, they were among dozens to be arrested at the site towards the end of the Second World War

Detained alongside Hossler and Grese, they were among dozens to be arrested at the site towards the end of the Second World War
More than a dozen women, suspected of being complicit in war crimes, are displayed before a gathered crowd

More than a dozen women, suspected of being complicit in war crimes, are displayed before a gathered crowd

A group of men are marched out of the jail cells before two rows of Allied soldiers acting as prison guards
A group of men are marched out of the jail cells before two rows of Allied soldiers acting as prison guards

Archive footage shows prisoners inside Auschwitz camp (related)
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'His photos of some of the Nazi war criminals are a proper rogue’s gallery to say the least. These were some of the most evil perpetrators of the Holocaust.
'The only positive thing about these pictures is that they were taken at a time when good had conquered evil and justice was about to be served on them.'
The most infamous Nazi at the Belsen Trial was Josef Kramer, the commandant who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews, although he is not seen in Flt Lt Parfitt’s pictures.
Evidence relating to his number two, Hossler, heard that at Auschwitz he gassed 1,600 Dutch Jews after cramming all but one person into the same bunker. He shot the remaining prisoner dead.
There is a notorious photograph of Hossler proudly standing next to a cart piled high with the bodies of dead Jews.

Flight Lieutenant Parfitt took this aerial photograph of Bergen-Belsen in April 1944 - a full year before the concentration camp was liberated

Flight Lieutenant Parfitt took this aerial photograph of Bergen-Belsen in April 1944 - a full year before the concentration camp was liberated

The RAF Spitfire pilot stored the photos along with all his other wartime memorabilia in an old suitcase

The RAF Spitfire pilot stored the photos along with all his other wartime memorabilia in an old suitcase
Flt Lt Parfitt, from Wiltshire, also took a series of stunning aerial images of the cities he flew over
Flt Lt Parfitt, from Wiltshire, also took a series of stunning aerial images of the cities he flew over
The pilot's belongings, including these images, were found by relatives in an old suitcase

The pilot's belongings, including these images, were found by relatives in an old suitcase
Pictured is one of the cities flown over by Flt Lt Parfitt during the final days of the Second World War
Pictured is one of the cities flown over by Flt Lt Parfitt during the final days of the Second World War
British troops liberate Belsen Nazi death camp in 1945
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Obama approves of EU labeling of Jewish products

 President Hussein Obama's regime on Thursday voiced its approval of the discriminatory EU decision the day before to label Jewish goods from Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

The administration said the move is only a "technical guideline," and is not a boycott, reports Associated Press - despite the obvious assumption that consumers would follow the labeling when choosing what products to buy.

US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said, "we do not believe that labeling the origin of products is equivalent to a boycott. And as you know, we do not consider settlements to be part of Israel. We do not view labeling the origin of products as being from the settlements as a boycott of Israel."

Despite Toner's words, an expert at NGO Monitor spoke to Arutz Sheva about the labeling on Wednesday, and revealed that the move is the first step in a planned total boycott of Israel based on the stated goals of the groups who brought about the labeling.

The US had been slightly vague before the decision by the EU, with Toner saying the US opposes boycotting Israel but that the EU's position "shouldn't come as a surprise" given Israel's continued presence in its Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.

But on Thursday, Toner said, "we understand the objective is to provide EU consumers correct information on the origin of products, as required by EU law.

 The EU has made clear that measures are not a boycott, and the EU has also made very clear that they oppose boycotts against Israel. 

EU guidelines for products that are sold in EU countries are for the EU to determine."
"These are technical guidelines delineating the origin of products. Consumers will then be aware of the origin of a product when purchasing it, as they are made aware for products across the globe," he said.

Toner went further by saying the US similarly labels imports from Judea and Samaria, noting such products must be marked "products of the West Bank," although there is no distinction between Jewish and Arab products as is the case with the EU.

Israel reacted by furiously pointing out the discriminatory nature of the EU labeling, with many noting that there are hundreds of territorial disputes around the globe which have not been targeted for labeling or boycotts by the EU, such as in Western Sahara, Tibet, and northern Cyprus.
Regarding the legal status of Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria, and consequentially of products from the region, the 2012 Levy Report proved that Israel's presence is legal according to international law.

However, despite being commissioned by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, two consecutive governments led by him have yet to adopt the findings of the report.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Arabs invading Europe!

More Miracles in the Zionist State of Israel, B"H

Daniel Cohen

An Israeli man wounded in a stabbing attack in Rishon Lezion last week said the potentially deadly assault actually ended up saving his life: When Daniel Cohen was taken to a hospital with stab wounds to upper body doctors discovered what could have been a life-threatening tumor in his intestines.

Cohen, 31, recounted the November 2 attack — in which two other people, including an 80-year-old woman, were also wounded — during an interview with Radio Kol Chai on Wednesday.
“I was in the middle of a work day,” Cohen, a kashrus supervisor, said. “I was in the central bus station… I waited for the bus and did not see anything suspicious. Then I walked a few steps and suddenly the attacker lunged at me and strangled me.
“I felt like my neck was going to snap. He took out a knife and tried to behead me. I tried to move him with my hand and then he tried to stab me in the neck. I moved my head so he hit my jaw, near the ear. He pushed me to the floor and stabbed along my left side, in my chest, in my stomach and in my shoulder,” the father of five recounted.
“When Magen David Adom paramedics arrived I was still conscious but when I got to Assaf Harofeh Hospital they put me under. I went into a four-hour surgery. It went well, they took out my spleen and a bit of my liver. My intestines were damaged. As they were treating these organs, they found a growth on my intestine that I didn’t know I had. They cut it out and sewed what they needed to,” he added.
“Thank God, I am now in good condition a week later,” he said. “They said they found the tumor when they were operating. If they wouldn’t have removed it, it could have gotten worse.”
Cohen said that he felt pains in his intestines for several weeks prior to the incident but didn’t have time to “deal with it.”
“The terror attack saved my life,” he maintained.
The attack last week was noted for its location, in central Israel, and for the wounding of Rachel Eisenkot, 80, whose stabbing was caught on security footage, causing outrage when it emerged that most passersby chased after the Palestinian attacker, jumping over the wounded woman lying on the street.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

EU will boycott Jewish 'settlement' goods

The European Union (whose earth is soaked with Jewish Land) has approved a measure labeling Jewish-made goods from Judea and Samaria, in a long-anticipated move branded by the Israeli government as "anti-Semitic."

At a meeting in Brussels, the European Commissioner "adopted this morning the interpretative notice on indication of origin of goods from the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967," the EU's executive said.

The notice is effectively a set of guidelines for labeling products from Israeli communities in Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and neighborhoods of Jerusalem liberated during the 1967 Six Day War.

The first instructions are set to be for food and other industries, including potentially specifying the wording to be used on labels.  

Israel's ambassador to the EU warned on Tuesday that there would be "implications" from the decision.

The Israeli foreign ministry, meanwhile, has summoned the European Union's ambassador to the country in response to the move.

"Israel condemns the European Union's decision to label Israeli goods originating from over the '67 lines," the foreign ministry said in a statement following the decision.
"We regret that the EU has chosen, for political reasons, to take such an exceptional and discriminatory step, inspired by the boycott movement, particularly at this time, when Israel is confronting a wave of terrorism targeting any and all of its citizens," it added.

The foreign ministry further condemned the "shocking double-standard" of labeling Israeli goods in disputed territory, while not acting similarly in "some 200 territorial disputes current going on throughout the world."

Meanwhile, the EU insisted Wednesday that the decision is "technical, not political." 
"This is a technical issue not a political stance," European Commission vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis told AFP, adding that the bloc "does not support in any form a boycott or sanctions against Israel."

Dombrovskis said the labelling decision was related to consumer policy in the European Union, the world's biggest economy with a combined population of over 500 million.
"The Commission is providing guidance to the EU member states and economic operators to ensure the uniform application of the rules on indication of origins of Israeli settlement produce," he said.

He said the EU decision "is not a new legislation or new policy, it clarifies certain elements linked to the interpretation and effective
implementation of the existing EU legislation."

Ahead of the ruling, the NGO Monitor watchdog warned moves to label Jewish-made goods in Israel - even from only a specific part of the country - were being engineered and encouraged by far-left NGOs as a precursor for more extensive boycotts against the Jewish state.

"The European Union’s decision to label Israeli-made products from beyond the Green Line is another act in the ongoing NGO campaign to delegitimize Israel," 

NGO Monitor head Professor Gerald Steinberg of NGO Monitor said. "This strategy is also the driving force of BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaigns, and it is led by EU-funded NGOs that are detrimental a peaceful, negotiated solution."

NGO Monitor outlined how extremist NGOs whose only agenda was to attack Israel were being funded by the EU itself, and that those very groups were behind the latest measure.

"For years, the EU has given money earmarked for humanitarian aid and peace-building to political groups that abuse human rights to promote their own agendas. These organizations have lobbied hard for the EU to adopt their ideas, with the rhetoric of 'consumer choice' masking what is clearly an anti-Israel measure," the group said in a statement.
"NGO Monitor research shows that NGOs push labeling as a first step in the BDS process, aimed at all Israeli products and services. This allows these NGOs to talk about the pre-1967 lines while actually targeting Israel within the 1948 borders."

"The multiplicity of examples shows that many highly political NGOs are not only following the EU’s decision to label products, but that they were active in shaping the resolution and promoting it as a step in their long war against Israel,” 

Steinberg added. "The EU and its member countries are the primary supporters of many of these BDS-related NGOs. This support is inconsistent with Europe’s claims to promote international values and human rights."

Elliot Halberstam charged with sexual abuse of 16 year old

A therapist who counsels children and teens was arrested by the FBI Tuesday for allegedly sexually abusing a 16-year-old patient.
Prosecutors charged Elliot Halberstam of Bergenfield, New Jersey of filming his own sexual relations with the teenage boy.
Halberstam, who is listed as an assistant director with Jewish Family Service & Children's Center of Clifton-Passaic, is also accused of asking the teen to make numerous explicit videos that were later emailed or texted to him.
The FBI said it has the videos and graphic texts, and investigators searched his home Tuesday morning.
Halberstam rented hotel rooms to film some of his interactions with the teen, the FBI said, and in the criminal complaint, prosecutors detail nearly a dozen pages of graphic texts and emails the child therapist allegedly wrote to his minor patient.
Investigators said Halberstam set up sham email accounts to try to hide his online activity and sexual relations with his patient.
Calls and emails to Halberstam and his offices were not immediately returned.
During a court hearing Tuesday afternoon in federal court in Manhattan, Halberstam was ordered held without bail.
Prosecutors said Halberstam had been seeing the underage patient since at least 2011.
** The allegations contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.