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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Police Release Cause Of Triple Fatal Crash On Route 17

The State Police in Wurtsboro are investigating a one car fatal motor vehicle accident that claimed the lives of three New York City residents. The accident occurred on 09/07/15 at approximately 4:30 PM on State Route 17 eastbound near Exit 112 in the Town of Mamakating. The vehicle, occupied by six family members, was returning to New York City after spending the weekend at a resort in the Ellenville area.
Based upon the initial investigation, the vehicle was traveling eastbound in the driving lane (right lane) and attempts to move into the passing lane (left lane). An uninvolved vehicle was already in the passing lane so the vehicle’s operator quickly steers back into the the driving lane. The operator overcorrects the steering and leaves the roadway off of the right shoulder. The operator again overcorrects the steering to the left causing the vehicle to overturn. The vehicle rolls on to its side, becomes airborn, and rolls several more times before finally coming to rest.
The deceased were identified as Morris Faitelewicz age 58 (vehicle operator), his wife Beth Faitelewicz age 54 both of New York City, and their soon to be son-in-law Yehuda Bayme age 31 of the Bronx. The other passengers in the vehicle were Jason Faitelewicz age 29, Sheryl Faitelewicz age 27, and Alan Faitelewicz age 23 all of New York City and children of Morris and Beth Faitelewicz.
The accident was investigated by State Police Members from the Wurtsboro and Liberty barracks, SP Wurtsboro BCI, Troop F Forensic Investigation Unit, and the Troop F Collision Reconstruction Unit. The State Police were assisted at the scene by Hatzolah and the Wurtsboro Fire Department. The cause of the accident remains under investigation and any persons with information are asked to contact SP Wurtsboro BCI at (845) 888-5379.

Story that shows how sometimes when we ask Hashem for a sign, he really listens.Video

Barak & Betsy 

Morris Fatelewicz and his wife Beth and Yehuda Bayme Killed on Route 17

Morris & Beth Fatelewicz z"l
 A husband, his wife and their future son-in-law were killed in a tragic vehicular accident that left their other children in critical condition in Rock Hill, New York, this afternoon.

New York State Police officers and Hatzolah paramedics responded to a multi-car accident on Route 17, at Exit 112, at approximately 4:30 p.m. today.
The husband, Mr. Morris Fatelewicz z”l, was a devoted Hatzolah member, ES-17, from the Lower East Side of New York City and previously served as a captain with the NYPD Auxiliary Police. His wife, Mrs. Beth Faitelewicz a”h, was a nurse at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan.
Their future son-in-law, who was killed in the accident, was Yehuda Bayme z”l of Riverdale, New York. Yehudah had gotten engaged at the end of June to Martin’s and Beth’s daughter, Shani.
Yehuda Bayme Z"L on his engagement page

The survivors, who are in serious condition, include the couple’s two sons and their daughter, Shani, the kallah.
The Faitelewitzes had celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary in June.
Mr. Faitelewicz was a second vice chairperson of Community Board 3 and served as citywide coordinator/deputy inspector of the New York Police Department Auxiliary Police Support Emergency Services Rescue Unit.
Mr. Faitelewicz, with 30 years of service, was commanding officer of the police auxiliary volunteer E.M.S. unit in the World Trade Center area and supervised other auxiliary units at Ground Zero for nearly nine months after 9/11. He received a New York City Council proclamation in September 2002 honoring his unit for its volunteer work at Ground Zero on and after 9/11, as well as at other major incidents, and the Port Authority’s Exceptional Service Award in June of 2002 for his work at Ground Zero.
In a sad twist, Morris was miraculously saved on 9/11 as he worked with hundreds of other Hatzolah members to save lives. Unfortunately, he was taken from this world of the same date that 9/11 happened – כג אלול.
Mr. Fatelewitz served as a senior Clinical Cardiology Instructor at Mt. Sinai Heart and owned Pre-Hospital & Hospital Emergency Cardiac Care Consultants.
The Faitelewitzes are survived by their sons, Avi and Yaakov.
Further details will be posted as they become available.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Democratic National Committee chair 
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
 cried over the Iran deal on CNN’s State of the Union this weekend when she was asked by host Jake Tapper what she would say to fellow Jews who would say to her that she had “sold out Israel” by casting a vote in favor of the agreement.

Wasserman Schultz briefly lost her composure as she argued that she believed she had strengthened Israeli and American security by supporting it.
You know, I’m the first Jewish woman to represent Florida in Congress. I’m a Jewish mother. And I wrote an op-ed today that is in The Miami Herald, my home–one of my hometown papers that talked about my Jewish heart [chokes up] and how important this was to me that, as a Jewish mother, that we have a concept of l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation.
There’s nothing more important to me, as a Jew, to ensure that Israel’s existence is there throughout our generations. And I’m confident that the process I have gone through to reach this decision is one that will ensure that Israel will be there forever. It’s the homeland of my people. I’m an American citizen, and I believe fervently in protecting America’s national security interests. And there’s no way that we would be able to ensure that better than approving this deal and ensuring that Iran is not ever able to get access to nuclear weapons, and that we can shift our focus with the rest of the world on going after their terrorist ambitions.
And, most importantly, I had the privilege of talking with President Obama last night, who assured me that, as we move forward and discuss with Israel enhanced–the enhanced security package that will absolutely be essential for us to provide to Israel, as well as ensure that we tighten the ability–our ability to enforce this deal, that I will be part of a group of members of Congress that will be working with him and his administration on that. That’s critical for me.
Wasserman Schultz’s defense can be summarized as follows:
 1. She cares deeply about Israel’s existence, which ought to mean she has made the right decision. 

2. The Iran deal protects Israel because it prevents Iran from “ever” gaining access to nuclear weapons. 

3. The Iran deal allows the world to shift focus to the regime’s terrorism. 

4. The president will offer Israel an “enhanced security package” that will be “essential” in the aftermath of the Iran deal.

None of these arguments is convincing. Let us take each in turn.

1. Wasserman Schultz may care about Israel, but that is not reflected in her political leadership. During her time as chair, the Democrats have moved away from pro-Israel positions–most visibly in the floor fight at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. People can care about an issue and still be wrong. And, quite possibly, she cries because she really does care–and knows she is wrong.

2. Wasserman Schultz is wrong that the deal prevents Iran from “ever” attaining nuclear weapons. It is, at best, a temporary deal. The so-called “permanent” provisions citied by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are non-binding and voluntary. Even the deal’s defenders–such as, lately, Colin Powell–acknowledge that the deal merely kicks the can down the road. If Wasserman Schultz thinks otherwise, she is deeply confused.

3. The Iran deal does not shift the world’s focus to terrorism. Clearly, it does the opposite by providing the regime with hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief that even the Obama administration admits will be used, at least partly, to fund terror. Confronting Iran’s terror in the region would also require a dramatic escalation in the U.S. military presence in the region. The Obama administration is plainly moving in the opposite direction.

4. Unlike the Saudis, who have traded away their public opposition to the Iran deal in exchange for sophisticated weaponry, the Israeli government has resisted the Obama administration’s offers of military aid in exchange for supporting the Iran deal. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees this as an existential and moral issue, and has refused to be bought. And if the Iran deal makes Israel safer, why does it need new weapons in the aftermath?
So none of Wasserman Schultz’s arguments to Jake Tapper suffice. In her article in the Miami Herald, she offered a more detailed explanation of her position. It is one of the more heartfelt defenses of the Iran deal yet, but still fails. She accepts, for example, the president’s claim that “Iran cannot self-inspect.” She does so on the basis of classified information about Iran’s side deals with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
We still do not know, however, if she has actually read the documents–nor do we know why they have not been presented to Congress, as required by law. To believe her, we simply have to trust President Obama, who has misled Americans throughout this process.
Wasserman Schultz’s tears are real–this has probably been her toughest ordeal. But she knows she has chosen party over principle. At some level, even in the most political of souls, that decision has to hurt. As well it should.

Frum secretary of President Rivlin makes Huge Kiddush Hashem meeting Pope Francis

Yesterday in Rome Israeli President  Ruvi Rivlin 
and his personal secretary Rivka Ravitz (orthodox woman) went to the Vatican to visit Pope Francis!

Protocol is when you meet the pope you shake hands and bow down

When it came to Rivka's turn to do so she explained to the pope that according to Jewish law a
woman is not allowed to shake a mans hand and can't bow to a cross (on his 
necklace )
Look at this picture and see the pope covering the cross and bows to her as respect 
to Jewish law (halacha)!!!

Here ia abit of Rivka Ravit's background!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

How would you vote if your children’s lives were at stake?

The following article was written by Michael Oren....
let me tell you a little bit about this guy! ....

Michael Oren, was Israel's ambassador to the United States and is presently a member of the Knesset, and just wrote the best selling book "My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide distributed by Random House....
in that book he basically accuses Obama to be an anti-Semite but doesn't say it out right!

Supporters of the Iranian nuclear deal appear to have achieved a Congressional victory. But before casting their fateful vote, they need to hear one more voice — the voice of my Israeli grandchildren. One of them is a precocious toddler named Ariel, and the other is Romi, an azure-eyed girl born last January. 

This is what the Iran nuclear deal means for them:

Ariel and Romi face 100,000 rockets — more than possessed by all of NATO — supplied by Iran to Hezbollah. 

Currently, many of these rockets can be intercepted by Iron Dome, the Israeli-designed and American-financed anti-ballistic system. 

But Iran wants to upgrade Hezbollah’s rockets into guided missiles capable of eluding Iron Dome and striking our military bases, electrical grids, and airport. 

Only the sanctions have prevented Iran from funding the upgrade. But since the nuclear deal fails to compel Iran to cease threatening to destroy Israel, the hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief can help Hezbollah realize that goal. 

Before they are old enough to sprint, Ariel and Romi may well be rushed by their parents into shelters while missiles paralyze their state.

Israel will, of course, do its utmost to protect my grandchildren, but its ability to do so will be hindered by the Iranian deal. 
As the arms embargo on Iran wanes, the Islamic Republic will equip its allies — not only Hezbollah in Lebanon, but also Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza — with the world’s most advanced weaponry.
 Shielded by its newly-purchased Chinese jet fighters and Russian anti-aircraft system, Iran can also attack Israel with hundreds of Shehab missiles, each packing a ton of TNT. To defeat the terrorists and defend its home front, Israel can mobilize tens of thousands of reservists, including Romi and Ariel’s fathers. But the nuclear deal may reduce the chances of their safe return.
The nuclear deal grants the oppressive Iranian regime, which is acting to overthrow pro-Western governments throughout the Middle East, with unquestioned legitimacy. Iranian forces are advancing to the south, east, and north of Israel, and have tried to launch attacks against Israeli civilians from the Golan Heights, a short drive from my grandchildren’s homes.
By the time they enter kindergarten, Romi and Ariel will be even more perilously surrounded. Yet the West which views Iran as a “very successful regional power” is unlikely to break that stranglehold. On the contrary, to support the Palestinians and the growing BDS movement, many of the same countries that freed Iran from sanctions may be imposing them on Israel.
Condemned to endure the very war that the nuclear deal was supposed to prevent, Ariel and Romi will grow up with little hope of peace. 
The deal strengthens those Palestinians most opposed to peace and deepens Israeli fears that creating a Palestinian state will merely furnish Iran with another base for launching rocket attacks. 
The American credibility essential to mediating and guaranteeing peace will also have vanished. Having falsely promised that Iran will never possess the right to enrich uranium and retain underground facilities, Israelis and other Middle East partners will unlikely place their trust in the United States.
And by the time Ariel enters middle school and Romi celebrates her Bat Mitzvah, Iran will almost certainly be a nuclear power. 
By submitting false specimens from secret sites to the UN and repeatedly exploiting the minimum 24-day delay in international inspections, Iran can cheat its way to weapons-grade uranium. Or it can wait out the ten-year period, develop centrifuges capable of enriching uranium at twenty times the current rate, and emerge the following day with enough fissile material for two hundred bombs. Weaponizing — forging a warhead and the intercontinental missile to carry it — will be no obstacle for Iran, for all of its military activity is exempted from the deal.
Yet, in addition to facing an existential threat from Iran, Ariel and Romi will also find themselves living in a highly unstable nuclear neighborhood. 
Arab countries in the Gulf, along with Egypt and Turkey, will not wait and see if Iran complies with what they agree is a bad deal. Rather, they will develop military nuclear capabilities of their own. In a region of incessant turmoil, the question of whether these atomic arsenals might fall into jihadist hands will always haunt these young people’s lives.
Nor can they escape that horror by traveling abroad. Iran is the world’s foremost state-sponsor of terror, plotting attacks in thirty cities across five continents. Iran is responsible for the murder of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq, the murder and maiming of thousands of Israelis. But Iran’s support for global terror is not even mentioned by the deal. It never considers how a massive influx of cash, combined with international legitimacy, might enhance Iran’s ability to strike at “soft” targets such Ariel and Romi.
Advocates of the Iran deal must ask themselves one question. 
Would they support it if the lives of their children and grandchildren depended on it? 
Mine do.
 Indeed, the deal will threaten all of our families — Israeli as well as American — for generations to come.

DNC Leader Wasserman Schultz Is 16th Jewish Democrat Traitor to Stand With Iran, Video

Discusting back stabbing Kapos! 
These Jews will have blood on their hands!
Shame on these bastards!
Watch her crocodile tears in the video!

DNC leader Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the ugly Katchke from Florida  became the 16th Jewish Democrat Judenrat to stand with Iran and support Obama’s capitulation to Iran. Kapo Wasserman Schultz made the announcement this morning on CNN.
Was there ever any doubt she would put party before Israel’s survival?
Here are the Senate Jewish Democrats in the Judenrat n support of the Iranian nuclear deal.
— Michael Bennet
— Barbara Boxer
— Dianne Feinstein
— Al Franken
— Brian Schatz
— Bernie Sanders
At least eight Congressional Hero Jewish Democrats have opposed the Iranian nuclear deal.
–Rep. Ted Deutch
–Rep. Elliot Engel
–Rep. Lois Frankel
–Rep. Steve Israel
–Rep Elliot Engel
–Rep Nita Lowey
–Rep. Brad Sherman
–Rep. Lee Zeldin
Here are Jewish members of Congress and where they stand:
David Cicilline (D-RI) – Undecided
Stephen Cohen (D-TN) – for the deal
Susan Davis (D-CA) – for the deal
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Alan Grayson (D-FL) – undecided
Steve Israel (D-NY)
Sander Levin (D-MI) -for the deal
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) -for the deal
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) -for the deal
Jared Polis (D-CO) -for the deal
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) – for the deal
Adam Schiff (D-CA) – for the deal
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) – for the deal
John Yarmuth (D-KY) – for the deal
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)*
The deal is wildly unpopular in America.
Only 27 percent of Americans believe Congress should approve the deal.
Miami Herald reported:
U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston, who heads the national Democratic Party, has announced she will support the controversial Iran nuclear deal that is a top priority for President Barack Obama but has faced widespread voter criticism, including in Florida.
In a five-and-a-half page statement released exclusively to the Miami Herald on Sunday morning, Wasserman Schultz wrote that after wrestling with the agreement she still has concerns but will support it.
“I have subsequently come to the conclusion that the agreement promotes the national security interests of the United States and our allies and merits my vote of support …” she wrote. “This agreement is not perfect. But I join many in the belief that with complex, multilateral, nuclear non-proliferation negotiations with inherent geopolitical implications for the entire world, there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ deal.”
She appeared on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning to speak about her decision.
35 Senate Democrats (with Senator Booker) have now come out in support of the nuclear deal.

Lakewood Doctors defy R' Shmuel Kaminetzky,R' Malkieil Kotler and R' Mattiyahu Salomon and advocate pro vaccine

As they say in Yiddish .... "A neiah maaseh" Rabbonim becoming doctors.....

Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky has a Rebbeizin that is an anti-vaccine cult follower, and has convinced her patsy husband to join the bandwagon, so to speak!
Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky though a nice fellow cannot take any pressure at all. Years ago he gave a haskama for Slifkins book,a book that was then distributed by Feldheim Books, but when other Rabbonim who couldn't read a word English banned the books, he withdrew his haskama, even though he was the only Rabbi that read English, and found absolutely nothing wrong with it.

He also cowered when his brother, Rav Nossen Kaminetzky came out with a book "The making of a Gadol," where he wrote that Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, his father, was well read in the classics especially the book Anna Karenina.  He also wrote that Rav Aron Kotler wrote a love letter to his then kalleh, a no no! 
So Lakewood Gedoilim went berserk and  banned that book.
 So instead of standing tall with his brother R' Nossen , R' Shmuel ran to the hills and  suddenly  vanished!

This anti-vaccine business will certainly without a doubt kill thousands of children, but these Rabbonim could care less and are fighting the parents that are terrified that children without vaccines will come into the schools and contaminate the others....
This has already happened in the US school system, with diseases like, mumps, measles and polio that were long eradicated, coming back in full force!

So now a bunch of courageous doctors got together and put out an ad to notify the parents that "lo zoo ha'derech" and not vaccinating the children is a danger to other children and to themselves.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz the Satmar Chassidisteh Supports Iran Nuclear Deal

Politics make strange bedfellows! 
Who would think that Debbie "the blabbermouth" Wasserman Schultz  would read Der Goy and Der Blutteh? 
It seems she got her advice from the Romanian gypsy rabbis from Sakmar! 
She decided to throw her fellow Jews under the bus even though her entire Florida constituency are  Jews! And most of those Jews are either Holocaust survivors themselves or children of survivors!

 The only reason a Jew would even think of supporting handing over a license  to a country that vows to annihilate all Jews living in Israel, to allow them to build nuclear weapons, must either be they are  self hating Jews or they  so enamored by the  Jew hater in the white house that they are happily willing to stab their very own family in the back just to appease him! 

The Sakmar gypsies, like Blabbermouth Shultz are only concerned about the here and now, thinking they are safe in their respective environs, but if they would have only read our bloody history they would have noticed that time proves otherwise, that appeasement just brings more and more war, because you can never appease a hungry lion, except for feeding it more and more meat!

The world now has a huge Arab refugee problem, and the Satmar meshiginer Herzog, the leftist MK in the Knesset, wants to bring them to Israel? 
How insane and demented is this? 

Is there ONE Arab country that will take them in?
if there is, I haven't read about it...

But Karma is a "bitch," 6 million Arab refugees  are now heading to Germany to replace the 6 million Jews they brutally murdered, I would like to see how that works out!
Remember when the English expelled the Jews in the 1200's? Well now they have Arabs swamping their shores in ..... 2015!

America better watch out now.... with the mindset of  meshagaim like Schultz representing us in Congress .... and the mindset of Sakmar cultists supporting Iranians.... the arabs will soon be the majority in the US, too!

I really believe that if all Jews were united against the deal, then politicians like Nadler, Schultz, and Corry would never have supported the President, but when you read Frum Newspapers like this weeks Der Goy and Der Bluteh that attack the Agudah for advocating against the deal, what chance do we have?

Hey guys, when was the last time you took a trip to Flatbush? 
Take a drive down Coney Island Avenue between Cortelyou Road and Avenue H ....
Flatbush is surrounded by thousands of Arabs..... and it was from a mosque on Avenue H that they plotted the destruction of the World Trade Center, it was the Imam from the mosque on Avenue H that plotted and succeeded to murder the late Rabbi Meir Kahana z"l ..

 It's only be' Chasdei Hashem, that they are so far, quiet!

Satmar thinks that Jews living in Israel are in jeopardy, how wrong they are....
It is far more dangerous to  live in New York, 
This year so far there were over 328 murders in New York, Israel with the same population had fewer than 15!
15 is a lot, I agree, but when in the history of the Jewish people pre-Zionist State were there so few Jewish deaths?
Every Jew killed is of course too much.... but let's look at the entire picture!

 And the authorities will do absolutely nothing when the Arabs  begin rioting. murdering and raping..

You think I'm exaggerating?
Ask the Lubavs when the shvartzas rioted for 3 consecutive days, with the police allowing them to vent.
Ask them....

Ask the Fergeson residents whose business were destroyed with police looking on....'
Ask them!
Ask the Baltimore Jews who lived barely a mile away from the riots..
Ask them!
At least in the Zionists State, they have half a chance!

The following are statistics done in 2011.... remember its 4 years later now! 
I'm not trying to scare you but its time to tell the Satmars and the Wassermans to shut the hell up already!

Question: Ponder this for a moment ..... you see any arabs escaping Israel "occupied" Judaia & Shomron?
I wonder why they run, from Iraq, Syria etc???? Hmmm?

A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers. Of the 100 mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no violent texts at all. Mosques that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent counterparts. In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts. The leadership at Sharia-adherent mosques was more likely to recommend that a worshipper study violence-positive texts than leadership at non-Sharia-adherent mosques. Fifty-eight percent of the mosques invited guest imams known to promote violent jihad. The leadership of mosques that featured violence-positive literature was more likely to invite guest imams who were known to promote violent jihad than was the leadership of mosques that did not feature violence-positive literature on mosque premises.[24]

Friday, September 4, 2015

Yaakov Yoisef Rosenberg crashes his Plane in New Jersey

Info so far is that the plane that crashed in Cresskill, New Jersey was piloted by R' Yaakov Yoisef Rosenberg ... he needs a big yeshuah
Yaakov Yoisef ben Ruchel

A small plane on a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary patrol crash-landed in the borough late Thursday afternoon, leaving two people seriously injured, officials said. 

 The pilot of the plane is a longtime volunteer of Chaverim of Rockland, and a member of the Chesed Shel Emmes Organization. He is currently in surgery – and his name for Tehillim is Yaakov Yosef ben Leah Rochel.

The crash was 
reported near the Cresskill Swim Club, not far from an athletic field.
The plane was occupied by two people who were on a routine patrol of the Hudson River as part of a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary mission, a Coast Guard spokeswoman said Thursday. 

Auxiliary members are volunteers working on behalf of the Coast Guard.

Officials confirmed that two people on the Cessna suffered serious injuries and were taken to Hackensack University Medical Center. Further information on their conditions was not immediately released.

Both occupants of the plane were alert and conscious when first responders arrived, according to Bergen County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Anthony Cureton.
The plane was a single engine 1978 Cessna Skyhawk according to registration records.

The pilots were surveying the Hudson River when they encountered problems with the plane, Cresskill Police Chief Ed Wrixon said. They radioed air traffic controllers at LaGuardia Airport and had hoped to land in the river but instead came down in the field at around 4:45 p.m.

The two-seat plane came to rest under trees that separate the recreational field from a stream and an apartment complex.