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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How would you vote if your children’s lives were at stake?

The following article was written by Michael Oren....
let me tell you a little bit about this guy! ....

Michael Oren, was Israel's ambassador to the United States and is presently a member of the Knesset, and just wrote the best selling book "My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide distributed by Random House....
in that book he basically accuses Obama to be an anti-Semite but doesn't say it out right!

Supporters of the Iranian nuclear deal appear to have achieved a Congressional victory. But before casting their fateful vote, they need to hear one more voice — the voice of my Israeli grandchildren. One of them is a precocious toddler named Ariel, and the other is Romi, an azure-eyed girl born last January. 

This is what the Iran nuclear deal means for them:

Ariel and Romi face 100,000 rockets — more than possessed by all of NATO — supplied by Iran to Hezbollah. 

Currently, many of these rockets can be intercepted by Iron Dome, the Israeli-designed and American-financed anti-ballistic system. 

But Iran wants to upgrade Hezbollah’s rockets into guided missiles capable of eluding Iron Dome and striking our military bases, electrical grids, and airport. 

Only the sanctions have prevented Iran from funding the upgrade. But since the nuclear deal fails to compel Iran to cease threatening to destroy Israel, the hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief can help Hezbollah realize that goal. 

Before they are old enough to sprint, Ariel and Romi may well be rushed by their parents into shelters while missiles paralyze their state.

Israel will, of course, do its utmost to protect my grandchildren, but its ability to do so will be hindered by the Iranian deal. 
As the arms embargo on Iran wanes, the Islamic Republic will equip its allies — not only Hezbollah in Lebanon, but also Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza — with the world’s most advanced weaponry.
 Shielded by its newly-purchased Chinese jet fighters and Russian anti-aircraft system, Iran can also attack Israel with hundreds of Shehab missiles, each packing a ton of TNT. To defeat the terrorists and defend its home front, Israel can mobilize tens of thousands of reservists, including Romi and Ariel’s fathers. But the nuclear deal may reduce the chances of their safe return.
The nuclear deal grants the oppressive Iranian regime, which is acting to overthrow pro-Western governments throughout the Middle East, with unquestioned legitimacy. Iranian forces are advancing to the south, east, and north of Israel, and have tried to launch attacks against Israeli civilians from the Golan Heights, a short drive from my grandchildren’s homes.
By the time they enter kindergarten, Romi and Ariel will be even more perilously surrounded. Yet the West which views Iran as a “very successful regional power” is unlikely to break that stranglehold. On the contrary, to support the Palestinians and the growing BDS movement, many of the same countries that freed Iran from sanctions may be imposing them on Israel.
Condemned to endure the very war that the nuclear deal was supposed to prevent, Ariel and Romi will grow up with little hope of peace. 
The deal strengthens those Palestinians most opposed to peace and deepens Israeli fears that creating a Palestinian state will merely furnish Iran with another base for launching rocket attacks. 
The American credibility essential to mediating and guaranteeing peace will also have vanished. Having falsely promised that Iran will never possess the right to enrich uranium and retain underground facilities, Israelis and other Middle East partners will unlikely place their trust in the United States.
And by the time Ariel enters middle school and Romi celebrates her Bat Mitzvah, Iran will almost certainly be a nuclear power. 
By submitting false specimens from secret sites to the UN and repeatedly exploiting the minimum 24-day delay in international inspections, Iran can cheat its way to weapons-grade uranium. Or it can wait out the ten-year period, develop centrifuges capable of enriching uranium at twenty times the current rate, and emerge the following day with enough fissile material for two hundred bombs. Weaponizing — forging a warhead and the intercontinental missile to carry it — will be no obstacle for Iran, for all of its military activity is exempted from the deal.
Yet, in addition to facing an existential threat from Iran, Ariel and Romi will also find themselves living in a highly unstable nuclear neighborhood. 
Arab countries in the Gulf, along with Egypt and Turkey, will not wait and see if Iran complies with what they agree is a bad deal. Rather, they will develop military nuclear capabilities of their own. In a region of incessant turmoil, the question of whether these atomic arsenals might fall into jihadist hands will always haunt these young people’s lives.
Nor can they escape that horror by traveling abroad. Iran is the world’s foremost state-sponsor of terror, plotting attacks in thirty cities across five continents. Iran is responsible for the murder of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq, the murder and maiming of thousands of Israelis. But Iran’s support for global terror is not even mentioned by the deal. It never considers how a massive influx of cash, combined with international legitimacy, might enhance Iran’s ability to strike at “soft” targets such Ariel and Romi.
Advocates of the Iran deal must ask themselves one question. 
Would they support it if the lives of their children and grandchildren depended on it? 
Mine do.
 Indeed, the deal will threaten all of our families — Israeli as well as American — for generations to come.

DNC Leader Wasserman Schultz Is 16th Jewish Democrat Traitor to Stand With Iran, Video

Discusting back stabbing Kapos! 
These Jews will have blood on their hands!
Shame on these bastards!
Watch her crocodile tears in the video!

DNC leader Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the ugly Katchke from Florida  became the 16th Jewish Democrat Judenrat to stand with Iran and support Obama’s capitulation to Iran. Kapo Wasserman Schultz made the announcement this morning on CNN.
Was there ever any doubt she would put party before Israel’s survival?
Here are the Senate Jewish Democrats in the Judenrat n support of the Iranian nuclear deal.
— Michael Bennet
— Barbara Boxer
— Dianne Feinstein
— Al Franken
— Brian Schatz
— Bernie Sanders
At least eight Congressional Hero Jewish Democrats have opposed the Iranian nuclear deal.
–Rep. Ted Deutch
–Rep. Elliot Engel
–Rep. Lois Frankel
–Rep. Steve Israel
–Rep Elliot Engel
–Rep Nita Lowey
–Rep. Brad Sherman
–Rep. Lee Zeldin
Here are Jewish members of Congress and where they stand:
David Cicilline (D-RI) – Undecided
Stephen Cohen (D-TN) – for the deal
Susan Davis (D-CA) – for the deal
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Alan Grayson (D-FL) – undecided
Steve Israel (D-NY)
Sander Levin (D-MI) -for the deal
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) -for the deal
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) -for the deal
Jared Polis (D-CO) -for the deal
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) – for the deal
Adam Schiff (D-CA) – for the deal
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) – for the deal
John Yarmuth (D-KY) – for the deal
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)*
The deal is wildly unpopular in America.
Only 27 percent of Americans believe Congress should approve the deal.
Miami Herald reported:
U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston, who heads the national Democratic Party, has announced she will support the controversial Iran nuclear deal that is a top priority for President Barack Obama but has faced widespread voter criticism, including in Florida.
In a five-and-a-half page statement released exclusively to the Miami Herald on Sunday morning, Wasserman Schultz wrote that after wrestling with the agreement she still has concerns but will support it.
“I have subsequently come to the conclusion that the agreement promotes the national security interests of the United States and our allies and merits my vote of support …” she wrote. “This agreement is not perfect. But I join many in the belief that with complex, multilateral, nuclear non-proliferation negotiations with inherent geopolitical implications for the entire world, there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ deal.”
She appeared on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning to speak about her decision.
35 Senate Democrats (with Senator Booker) have now come out in support of the nuclear deal.

Lakewood Doctors defy R' Shmuel Kaminetzky,R' Malkieil Kotler and R' Mattiyahu Salomon and advocate pro vaccine

As they say in Yiddish .... "A neiah maaseh" Rabbonim becoming doctors.....

Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky has a Rebbeizin that is an anti-vaccine cult follower, and has convinced her patsy husband to join the bandwagon, so to speak!
Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky though a nice fellow cannot take any pressure at all. Years ago he gave a haskama for Slifkins book,a book that was then distributed by Feldheim Books, but when other Rabbonim who couldn't read a word English banned the books, he withdrew his haskama, even though he was the only Rabbi that read English, and found absolutely nothing wrong with it.

He also cowered when his brother, Rav Nossen Kaminetzky came out with a book "The making of a Gadol," where he wrote that Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, his father, was well read in the classics especially the book Anna Karenina.  He also wrote that Rav Aron Kotler wrote a love letter to his then kalleh, a no no! 
So Lakewood Gedoilim went berserk and  banned that book.
 So instead of standing tall with his brother R' Nossen , R' Shmuel ran to the hills and  suddenly  vanished!

This anti-vaccine business will certainly without a doubt kill thousands of children, but these Rabbonim could care less and are fighting the parents that are terrified that children without vaccines will come into the schools and contaminate the others....
This has already happened in the US school system, with diseases like, mumps, measles and polio that were long eradicated, coming back in full force!

So now a bunch of courageous doctors got together and put out an ad to notify the parents that "lo zoo ha'derech" and not vaccinating the children is a danger to other children and to themselves.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz the Satmar Chassidisteh Supports Iran Nuclear Deal

Politics make strange bedfellows! 
Who would think that Debbie "the blabbermouth" Wasserman Schultz  would read Der Goy and Der Blutteh? 
It seems she got her advice from the Romanian gypsy rabbis from Sakmar! 
She decided to throw her fellow Jews under the bus even though her entire Florida constituency are  Jews! And most of those Jews are either Holocaust survivors themselves or children of survivors!

 The only reason a Jew would even think of supporting handing over a license  to a country that vows to annihilate all Jews living in Israel, to allow them to build nuclear weapons, must either be they are  self hating Jews or they  so enamored by the  Jew hater in the white house that they are happily willing to stab their very own family in the back just to appease him! 

The Sakmar gypsies, like Blabbermouth Shultz are only concerned about the here and now, thinking they are safe in their respective environs, but if they would have only read our bloody history they would have noticed that time proves otherwise, that appeasement just brings more and more war, because you can never appease a hungry lion, except for feeding it more and more meat!

The world now has a huge Arab refugee problem, and the Satmar meshiginer Herzog, the leftist MK in the Knesset, wants to bring them to Israel? 
How insane and demented is this? 

Is there ONE Arab country that will take them in?
if there is, I haven't read about it...

But Karma is a "bitch," 6 million Arab refugees  are now heading to Germany to replace the 6 million Jews they brutally murdered, I would like to see how that works out!
Remember when the English expelled the Jews in the 1200's? Well now they have Arabs swamping their shores in ..... 2015!

America better watch out now.... with the mindset of  meshagaim like Schultz representing us in Congress .... and the mindset of Sakmar cultists supporting Iranians.... the arabs will soon be the majority in the US, too!

I really believe that if all Jews were united against the deal, then politicians like Nadler, Schultz, and Corry would never have supported the President, but when you read Frum Newspapers like this weeks Der Goy and Der Bluteh that attack the Agudah for advocating against the deal, what chance do we have?

Hey guys, when was the last time you took a trip to Flatbush? 
Take a drive down Coney Island Avenue between Cortelyou Road and Avenue H ....
Flatbush is surrounded by thousands of Arabs..... and it was from a mosque on Avenue H that they plotted the destruction of the World Trade Center, it was the Imam from the mosque on Avenue H that plotted and succeeded to murder the late Rabbi Meir Kahana z"l ..

 It's only be' Chasdei Hashem, that they are so far, quiet!

Satmar thinks that Jews living in Israel are in jeopardy, how wrong they are....
It is far more dangerous to  live in New York, 
This year so far there were over 328 murders in New York, Israel with the same population had fewer than 15!
15 is a lot, I agree, but when in the history of the Jewish people pre-Zionist State were there so few Jewish deaths?
Every Jew killed is of course too much.... but let's look at the entire picture!

 And the authorities will do absolutely nothing when the Arabs  begin rioting. murdering and raping..

You think I'm exaggerating?
Ask the Lubavs when the shvartzas rioted for 3 consecutive days, with the police allowing them to vent.
Ask them....

Ask the Fergeson residents whose business were destroyed with police looking on....'
Ask them!
Ask the Baltimore Jews who lived barely a mile away from the riots..
Ask them!
At least in the Zionists State, they have half a chance!

The following are statistics done in 2011.... remember its 4 years later now! 
I'm not trying to scare you but its time to tell the Satmars and the Wassermans to shut the hell up already!

Question: Ponder this for a moment ..... you see any arabs escaping Israel "occupied" Judaia & Shomron?
I wonder why they run, from Iraq, Syria etc???? Hmmm?

A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers. Of the 100 mosques surveyed, 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no violent texts at all. Mosques that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent counterparts. In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts. The leadership at Sharia-adherent mosques was more likely to recommend that a worshipper study violence-positive texts than leadership at non-Sharia-adherent mosques. Fifty-eight percent of the mosques invited guest imams known to promote violent jihad. The leadership of mosques that featured violence-positive literature was more likely to invite guest imams who were known to promote violent jihad than was the leadership of mosques that did not feature violence-positive literature on mosque premises.[24]

Friday, September 4, 2015

Yaakov Yoisef Rosenberg crashes his Plane in New Jersey

Info so far is that the plane that crashed in Cresskill, New Jersey was piloted by R' Yaakov Yoisef Rosenberg ... he needs a big yeshuah
Yaakov Yoisef ben Ruchel

A small plane on a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary patrol crash-landed in the borough late Thursday afternoon, leaving two people seriously injured, officials said. 

 The pilot of the plane is a longtime volunteer of Chaverim of Rockland, and a member of the Chesed Shel Emmes Organization. He is currently in surgery – and his name for Tehillim is Yaakov Yosef ben Leah Rochel.

The crash was 
reported near the Cresskill Swim Club, not far from an athletic field.
The plane was occupied by two people who were on a routine patrol of the Hudson River as part of a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary mission, a Coast Guard spokeswoman said Thursday. 

Auxiliary members are volunteers working on behalf of the Coast Guard.

Officials confirmed that two people on the Cessna suffered serious injuries and were taken to Hackensack University Medical Center. Further information on their conditions was not immediately released.

Both occupants of the plane were alert and conscious when first responders arrived, according to Bergen County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Anthony Cureton.
The plane was a single engine 1978 Cessna Skyhawk according to registration records.

The pilots were surveying the Hudson River when they encountered problems with the plane, Cresskill Police Chief Ed Wrixon said. They radioed air traffic controllers at LaGuardia Airport and had hoped to land in the river but instead came down in the field at around 4:45 p.m.

The two-seat plane came to rest under trees that separate the recreational field from a stream and an apartment complex.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Aharon Tzvi Korlandski beat the hell out of a frum IDF soldier and is now in Jail!

On Tuesday, the State Attorney’s Office in Jerusalem charged 34-year-old Aharon Tzvi Korlandski with verbally and then physically attacking a Charedi soldier – whom the indictment names only as “P.M.” – while both men were attending Maariv in the charedi Jerusalem neighborhood of Ezrat Torah last month.

He has been charged with one count of attacking a public official, one count of insulting a public official, and one count of interfering with a police officer while carrying out his duties.

P.M., who is serving in the IDF’s Shahar program for ultra-Orthodox soldiers, was wearing his uniform when he went to the synagogue on August 20. According to the indictment, when Korlandski arrived at the prayer service, he noticed P.M. and began shouting, “Hardak, hardak! Get out of here now, take off your kippa, what are you praying here for?” “Hardak” is a derogatory term meaning “simple-minded haredi,” with a play on the Hebrew word for germ, “haidak.” It was coined by haredi extremist groups that have waged a fierce incitement campaign against haredi soldiers and anyone involved in encouraging ultra-Orthodox men to enlist in the IDF.

According to the indictment, Korlandski also incited other worshipers against the soldier, and several of them joined Korlandski in shouting, “Hardak!” at P.M.

One of them allegedly tried to photograph P.M. with his cellphone, even though the soldier requested several times that he not do so.

Korlandski then approached P.M., began punching him in the chest and tried to grab his beret off his shoulder, the indictment said. When P.M.’s father tried to intervene, he, too, was struck in the chest and arm, it added.

Another worshiper, Eliezer Goldis, reportedly tried to intervene and help P.M. and his father. The police were alerted to the altercation, and once Korlandski became aware of this, he fled the scene.

He was arrested on August 24 and has been in police custody since.

While in detention, he has been verbally aggressive and has physically attacked some of the prison officials, the indictment stated. It said that at various times during his incarceration, he had called police officials “a nothing, an imbecile,” “Satan,” “Nazis” and “the police of Amalek” – a reference to the ancient biblical enemy of the Israelites. At one point, he allegedly expressed the wish that Islamic State would “come to the state and wipe them out.”

The IDF said in response that it was “doing everything necessary to protect its haredi soldiers and to enable them to serve with honor while continuing their haredi lifestyle and faith.”

The so-called “hardak campaign” against haredi men serving in the IDF has taken the form of posters, pamphlets and booklets with cartoons and other images that incite readers against haredi officials involved in promoting IDF service. These publications routinely depict such people as pigs and malign elements attempting to corrupt haredi youth.

In July, extremists published a booklet containing the names, photos and contact details of senior figures in the haredi community who were promoting enlistment, as part of efforts to harass and delegitimize them.


On Wednesday Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
 became the 34th Democrat in the U.S. Senate to support the Iran deal, handing President Barack Obama a veto-proof majority.

In so doing, Mikulski drove the final nail into the coffin of the pro-Israel lobby, centered around the once-vaunted American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which hadvowed in July to fight the deal “with the entirety of our institutional resources.”
AIPAC’s loss proves that the so-called “Israel lobby” was never as strong as antisemitic conspiracy theorists said it was. But AIPAC was weakened even further, and deliberately, by the Obama administration, which cultivated a George Soros-funded left-wing alternative called J Street, which promoted appeasement with Iran and was inspired by John J. Mearsheimer and Steven M. Walt’s controversial 2007 book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy.
The left-wing cohort of foreign policy professionals infesting the Obama administration, the State Department, and the Democratic constellation of think tanks in Washington takes The Israel Lobby as gospel truth. Now they have slayed their dragon, which turned out to be something of a rubber chicken. They did so with ample help from self-seeking Jewish leaders in major community organizations and within the upper echelons of the Democratic Party.
In terms of domestic politics, the death of the Israel lobby means three things. First, it opens the floodgates to more dramatic anti-Israel policies, which had previously been held in check. Second, it confirms that Israel is a partisan issue, since the Democratic Party has drifted so far left. And third, it marks the eclipse of Jewish political power in the United States, at least in collective terms.
AIPAC bet on influence within the Obama administration. It lost, big.

Unofficial adviser regularly sent Hillary Clinton anti-Israel articles

A former aide to President Bill Clinton regularly sent articles decrying Israeli leadership to Hillary Clinton when she served as secretary of state, a new batch of emails released by the State Department revealed Monday evening.
Sidney Blumenthal, who appears to have served as an unofficial adviser to Clinton during her tenure at the State Department, sent the former secretary of state an assortment of articles, many of them penned by his son, Max, regarding Middle Eastern politics.
Max Blumenthal has not only accused Israel of committing war crimes, but he has also described the nation as an apartheid state.
In 2010, Clinton received a handful of Max Blumenthal's articles, including "The Great Fear," "Days of Rage — The Noxious Transformation of the Conservative Movement into a Rabid Fringe," "The Flotilla Raid Was Not 'Bungled.' The IDF Detailed Its Violent Strategy In Advance," "Netanyahu and Pastor Hagee's Lovefest on Eve of Biden's Arrival in Israel" and "The Israeli Media's Flotilla Fail."
Referring to Israel's break up the 2010 "Gaza Freedom Flotilla," the elder Blumenthal wrote of his son's work, "Max Blumenthal, who is now reporting from Israel, writing a book on the crisis of democracy there, details from the Israeli press how the raid was long planned and who approved it, how the Netanyahu government is stirring up support, and the internal consequences."
Sidney Blumenthal, who appears to be none too fond of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referred to Israeli leadership and the Jewish community in the United States as "hysterical" for opposing efforts by the international community to encroach on the country's sovereignty. He also suggested that Clinton use a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as an opportunity to, "Hold Bibi's feet to the fire" and to promote the liberal group J Street, which is critical of the Israeli government.
That same year, Blumenthal sent Clinton a blog post penned by Uri Avnery titled "The Doomsday Weapon," wherein the author accused the "ultra-right government in Jerusalem" of treating President Obama with "thinly veiled contempt."
The column also contains extremely charged language, such as: "Obama, it seems, has crossed the Rubicon, much as the Egyptian army had crossed the Suez Canal in 1973."
"Netanyahu gave the order to mobilize all the reserves in America and to move forward all the diplomatic tanks. All Jewish organizations in the US were commanded to join the campaign. AIPAC blew the shofar and ordered its soldiers, the Senators and Congressmen, to storm the White House," the column added.
The Obama administration specifically barred the elder Blumenthal from being granted a job at the State Department because the president's team had not forgotten the role he played advising Clinton's failed 2008 presidential bid. Nevertheless, the longtime Clinton ally appears to have fed the then-secretary of state a stream of literature and supposed intelligence on major moves in the Middle East.
And based on Clinton's replies to his emails – frequently asking her aides to print copies – she listened.
"Without an effort, the two state solution is dead; if failed, on the other hand, also dead. Another idea, don't know if it can be made to work: How to introduce Israel entering the [Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons treaty] and ending its nuclear ambiguity, which is its state policy, but which itself is the model for Iran now," he wrote in a note addressed to one of Clinton's many personal email addresses.
"Can this issue be used profitably in negotiations, a wild card, as it were? Can options be developed on whether it can, how it might work, potential effect on peace process? Israel's nuclear ambiguity policy is certainly a big issue coming given Iran," he added.
His ended his note by attaching a Haaretz article titled, "Why Israel should end its policy of nuclear ambiguity."
The emails to Clinton varied, with the supposed non-advisor regularly advising Clinton on State Department-related issues.
In 2010, Blumenthal forwarded Clinton a Foreign Policy article titled, "Will David Axelrod please be quiet, please?" In additional notes to Clinton, Blumenthal said that "Axelrod should not be a foreign policy spokesman on any issue or area," suggesting also that they needed to "rein" in Obama's former senior adviser.
"Axelrod has enough to do fixing the domestic messes he's made," Blumenthal wrote.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Reb Yitzchok Dovid Grossman a true Ohaiv Yisrael

People have said to me , and I won't mention names... "He was a big tzaddik, and he really loved every Jew, and even gave money to Zionists!" 
As if saying he was such an Ish Chessed that he even gave money to people he hated" What else could it possibly mean?

Well here see a Yerushalmier Yid really loving every Jew and actually showing it!

Meah Shearim "savages" destroy Frum IDF's Car

The IDF’s Central Command Chief Rabbi, Lt.-Colonel Yishai Eitan came under attack on Tuesday night on Jerusalem’s Yechezkel Street, near Meah Shearim. 

The officer was driving his private vehicle but it appears the attackers detected his military uniform.

Rabbi Eitan was driving in the area at about 3:00 PM when he came under attack. While the rear window of the vehicle were smashed, B”H he escaped without physical injuries.
Police responded and searched the area for the attackers.

Satmar London violating Hisgarus Be'Umois calling Non-Jews "Evil"

 Satmar barbarians are constantly berating the State of Israel for what they call "Hisgarus Be'Umois," which basically means that there is a biblical prohibition "not to antagonize the gentiles". Satmar amai- ratzim apply this prohibition to the IDF, Jewish soldiers protecting Israeli citizens which include Satmar families!

But they have no problem teaching their innocent 3 year-olds that goyim are evil!
A London based Newspaper, The Independent, called them out on it and now they are scrambling around like poisoned rats to contain the damage.

These ignorant uncivilized Romanian peasants are in the news on a daily basis violating the biblical prohibition of "Hisgarus Be'Umois."  To take the heat off them,they scream at the Israeli Administration that is busy protecting the Jewish people, putting their lives on the line, "Hisgarus Be'Umois"!
A bunch of sick puppies!

Just as an aside, I don't have an issue with calling a spade a spade; Jewish children have to be taught to be wary of gentiles, and be taught that gentiles throughout history have murdered, raped and expelled us,just read our bloody history, however, my beef is Satmar's hypocritical stance that only The State of Israel violates the precept of "Hisgarus Be'Umois"

Notice that satmar's response states:
"When celebrating the 21st Kislev, the day that the Satmar community was saved from the horrors of the Holocaust as their founding Rabbi, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum escaped the Nazis,"
No mention that the Rebbe was saved by a Zionist! He escaped the Nazis? How?
How come the majority of his community didn't escape?
was it because of his bad advice?

London - Statement on behalf of the Beis Rochel D’Satmar School in response to The Independent, 2nd September 2015
The Independent newspaper has falsely accused the Beis Rochel D’Satmar Girls’ school in London, of teaching its students that “non-Jews are evil” in a recent report. When celebrating the 21st Kislev, the day that the Satmar community was saved from the horrors of the Holocaust as their founding Rabbi, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum escaped the Nazis, the students are reminded of their history by studying about that time period. The students were given a worksheet during lessons in the context of learning about the Nazis and their history and asked to answer questions based on what they had learned.
The worksheet referred to Nazis as ‘goyim’. The newspaper failed to understand the context and mischievously suggested that children were being taught that goyim rather than Nazis, were evil.
The Independent falsely accused the school of fearmongering, encouraging young children to believe that all non-Jews are evil. Although this is simply not the case, to avoid any confusion the school will explicitly refer to Nazis next year when teaching its students about the history of the 21st Kislev.
Speaking on behalf of the school Shimon Cohen said: “The leaflet that the Independent refers to was handed out on the 21st Kislev, when the Satmar community celebrates the rescue of their founding rabbi from horrors of the Holocaust. This was explained in detail to the Independent, but they chose to ignore the facts and pursue their mischievous story.”
“The questions were only talking about the specific event, but there is no Yiddish word for Nazis. The suggestion that children are being taught that non-Jews are evil is nonsense and simply false. They are being taught that Nazis are evil.”
“It is almost like, if you are sitting around a seder table and you say that the goyim made us build pyramids, you are obviously talking about the Egyptians. You’re not talking about the Welsh. It’s just daft.”
Mr Cohen said that, next year, the school would explicitly refer to Nazis to avoid any confusion. “We will be very clear to avoid any misunderstanding,” he said. “But then, for Yiddish speakers, it was clear. This is a storm in a tea-cup.”