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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ezra Friedlander chastises Young Advocates for Fair Education! Upadated with Yaffed's response

The following is a letter by Ezra Friedlander attacking YAFFED!
My comments in RED
Yaffed's response below the article!

By Ezra Friedlander
Recently, we’ve been hearing much in the news about a group that calls itself Yaffed (Young Advocates For Fair Education).  They sent a letter to New York City Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina and seven district superintendents, calling upon them to investigate “the quality of secular education, and in particular English instruction, at (the listed) Yeshivas, and to take steps to ensure that pupils at these Yeshivas receive the essential and substantially equivalent education to which they are entitled.”
This group, led by Naftuli Moster, is causing a tremendous amount of controversy in our community, and I’d like to share my own thoughts here.
On the face of it, their proposal seems fair.  What could be more beneficial to our community than enhancing the quality of its education, even secular education?  In fact, my wife and I, who are parents of two young boys in the Yeshiva system, were recently also discussing this very same issue.
So what could be wrong with Yaffed’s proposal? Plenty!
In our community, mesorah (loosely translated as tradition, values, and fundamental beliefs) is the core of our educational system, a concept that has defined the Jewish people from time immemorial and has been the source of our continued survival.  So when a person like Mr. Moster and his organization comes along, calling on the New York State Department of Education to investigate our Yeshivas, my only response is:  “How dare you?  What right do you have to interfere with such sensitive and sacred matters?”
Do Moster’s claims have any validity at all?  That is irrelevant. 

DIN: Why is it irrelevant? For the last 30 years parents have been  fed up with the lack of secular education in the Yeshiva Systems, but are bullied into silence.. ask any parent of any child attending any Chareidie School!
Way before Mr. Moster wrote the letter to the NYS Dept of Education, they put billboards up warning the Yeshivos to do something....
Now years after their futile efforts they finally take some action by putting a fire under your collective  asses,  you attack them?
"sacred matters?”
taking money from the government and not providing services, is "sacred?" 
Mr. Moster's claims are absolutely valid.

 His actions speak louder than his words.  By what he has done, he has completely disqualified himself from the conversation.  He is like a prosecutor who is representing his case to the jury but has gathered evidence illegally.  Any judge would throw his case out of court without a moment’s delay.

DIN: What evidence has been gathered illegally?
 Why don’t we ask any Frum Teacher teaching in the Yeshivos, and ask them what they're teaching? 
Let's ask the teachers what is really going on? 
They will tell you, that all they do, is babysit!
The Yeshivas contrary to what Ezra says, don't care!
The children in the English classes in Yeshivos are by in large chuzpadik, and act like a bunch of untamed dogs!

Last year I met a non-frum English teacher of a well known Chareidie Yeshiva in Monsey, he also teaches in public school. He told me that the yeshiva students are a bunch of "savages" making "choizik" from him, throwing stuff at him and refusing to be taught. The sheer chutzpah is not to be believed,  whereas in public elementary school the children by in large behave.
He quit. He told me that in 35 years of teaching he was never as abused as in the Frum Yeshivos.
What a Chillul Hashem!

I had the occasion to go into an elementary public school last year and saw all the children sitting in their seats like little soldiers. The children in the hallways were accompanied by an adult and walked calmly to where they had to go. The very same day I picked up a child in a Frum Yeshivah early and the kids that were in the hallways were pushing and shoving each other with no adult in sight. Walking in the classroom  to pick up the 8 year old child was like walking into a wrestling ring, with the teacher shouting at the top of his lungs, trying  hard to calm the situation; the kids paid him no heed. 
Walking outside, I found out that it was recess, that explained the  total chaos with no organized sports, just kids fighting with sticks and beating the hell out of each other .... the Rebbe was calmly eating his orange as if this was ordinary day!

And by the way, isn't Mr Moster a product of the defunct Yeshivos? Isn't he himself legal evidence?

I highly doubt that this organization truly cares about our youth.  Or about the quality of our Yeshiva system.

DIN The Yeshivos don't care either. If the Yeshivos really  cared about our youth, they would be teaching them proper English, reading, writing and arithmetic.

 Because if they did desire to communicate effective change, they would not have gone about it by retaining the former Director of the New York Civil Liberties Union Norman Siegel (a man who I do respect on many levels) to represent their case.  It seems to me that, the sole purpose of this whole campaign is to besmirch our community’s reputation and to undermine our system at its core.  And for that I unequivocally condemn their efforts.

DIN: You Ezra, know more than anyone around, that this organization tried everything in their power, including contacting all major Yeshivos, and were rebuffed!

It pains me greatly that it takes this person and this organization to raise points about our system that do indeed need to be addressed.  They are hardly the proper messengers to deliver this message. 

DIN: Who, Ezra, are the “proper messengers” to deliver this message?” 
Why don't you do something about it, instead of bashing people that are trying to help?
You're the one shooting the messenger! 

In order to bring about productive change, the demand must come from the parents themselves and not from outside forces whose very mission is to attack our system with a viciousness and mean-spiritedness that will put our Yeshivas at risk.

DIN: Parents, as you very well know, Ezra, are thrilled that the Yeshivos even have a space for their children in their moisid, they will never speak up. 
The parents that do speak up are the ones with the mighty dollar, and they don’t need their children knowing English … they will be taken care of…. speaking English like a Russian with a Chinese Mandarin accent will be just fine.
But, what about the ordinary Szlub that punches a clock and wants a better life for his children …. What about him? Who will speak for him? He is terrified of opening his mouth, because he is  not paying full tuition. So who will listen to his silent cry?

Frankly, I personally feel that, by and large, our Yeshivas do adequately meet the State’s educational criteria. 

DIN: What? Yeshivos “do adequately meet” bla bla etc. WHAT??????
You insane?
Didn't you just say that you and your wife are worried that the Yeshivos are not addressing the issue?

 And most of us are very much aware of the serious failings within the New York public school system, so I would advise the DOE to focus on their own schools.

DIN: So  the NY Public Schools are in shambles ,….  are you suggesting we sit back and ignore the welfare of our own precious children?  Are you suggesting that our children be on par with the drug addicts of the public school systems?

Be that as it may, my goal here is not to criticize that system.  I’d rather focus on our own Yeshivas.

DIN: So Focus…. Whose stopping you? Why don’t you get off your high horse and “focus”!

When discussing this same issue, my wife and I came to the conclusion that it would be disingenuous for us to demand that our Yeshivas take on additional expenses at this time.  

DIN: Well I discussed it with my wife as well and we came to the conclusion that you and your wife are a bunch of morons and may I add "disingenuous."

They are sadly underfunded and struggling to survive.  Especially in the Chassidic world, where a minimum of four to six children in a family can be attending Yeshiva at any given time, tuition barely covers the necessities. So how can we possibly demand that they do more?

DIN: Crazy logic….. the yeshivos are doing poorly because the alumni are all in Kolleliem and nobody speaks English, nobody works… so who is going to support the Yeshiva system? How about changing the system and teach English to our children so they will be productive to society? Is that too much to ask?
"So how can we possibly demand that they do more?"
Whose asking them to do more? We are asking them to do the bare minimum that every single Yeshiva is supposed to do ...and that is teaching them English, reading, writing and arithmetic ...we are not asking for the yeshivos to teach history, geography or poetry, G-D forbid,.... we are asking for the basics!

Is there room for improvement?  Certainly.  But the only way to improve the system is through the united efforts of the parent body.

DIN: Helllloow? Are you listening? Again, the parent body is afraid to speak up, because their children will find themselves in public school!

It is our responsibility to ensure that our children are properly educated to prepare for their future, including giving them the tools to succeed in life.  The Torah demands that parents educate their children and the Yeshivas are essentially our shlichim in this endeavor.  But the onus is essentially upon us.  Parents should work together with the Yeshivos to create a curriculum that would allow their children to be properly trained to enter the workforce.  That is, after all, the stated objective of this campaign for change.

DIN: Hey Ezra? Are you still there????? Hellllooow?
Again and again, parents have their hands tied behind their back…. The’re not going to do doing a thing… 
they want to marry off their children, and they don't want some yenteh shadchtendeh to say "the parent of the girl is a big troublemaker, he is a crazy meshiginer he wants his kids to actually speak English" 

Its people that graduated from the archaic system like the people running the above mentioned organization that will do something!

It’s important to me that my children are prepared to earn a livelihood and I take that responsibility very seriously.  If Mssrs Moster and Siegel would really care about this, I call on them to redirect their talents and energies to find creative ways to request that government funding be increased so that Yeshivas can enhance their curriculum. 

DIN: Government funding????? If you take government funding… 
your precious Yossily will find out that when he gets older he can marry Yankele!
Is that your solution? Mr. Friedlander, the Chuchem fin de ma nishtana?
More "government funding?' is that the reason why Chareidim voted for Obama and gay candidates? Because they are feeding your mosdos money? Is it all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I guess so!
Who can forget the headline in the blaring headline of  Vosizneis     

 "Ezra Friedlander: I’m Voting For Christine Quinn For Mayor, And So Should You"

Doing so would at least give them a seat at the table to participate in this conversation.  It would show that they truly care about our children.
The Jewish people have only survived through the millennia because of the wholesome purity of our chinuchsystem.  And that is uncompromising.  Back in 1892, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, (the Netziv) actually shut down the famed Yeshiva in Volozhin because Russian authorities, prodded by members of the Haskalahmovement, sought to introduce secular studies to the Yeshiva.  He closed down the Yeshiva rather than submit to their demands.

DIN: Im not familiar with the Volozhin Yeshiva whose population wasn’t more than 300 students … a far cry to today’s yeshivah of thousands. In addition the Volozhin yeshivah students were by in large in their mid 20’s …and all were able to converse fluently, read and write in the language of the country.
Today’s yeshivah students cannot read a traffic sign.

I’m certainly not comparing the DOE to the communist regime.  I’m simply trying to demonstrate how sacred our Yeshivas are to our community and how outside interference can only be counterproductive. Moster certainly knows this. And calling on the DOE to investigate our Yeshivas tells me in no uncertain terms that his agenda is not to improve our Yeshivas, but to disrupt and destroy them.

DIN: When I went to a chassidishe yeshivah many moons ago, the Yeshiva had an adequate English Department, and so did many others…those graduates are still supporting their Alma Maters  and, may 
I add, supporting their grandchildren…
Moster will be the one who will force Yeshivas to come to their senses!

Sadly, his claim, as legitimate as it might be, has lost all credibility.  It reminds me of the halacha which states that a Sefer Torah written by an apikores (non believer) is not kosher and cannot ever be used.  I’m not accusing him or anyone else of being an apikores, just that their actions have invalidated their initial intent.

DIN: Is that what Moster reminds you? Hey Ezra? How did you get your job?
Do you speak English? Do you write English? I see you write pretty well.
You did nothing till now to foster and support a basic secular education in a Torah setting… so  shut up and let Moster's organization take care of business!

It pains me to write this article because I truly believe that positive change can be accomplished when there’s unity and people work together for a common cause.  But when it comes to our sacred mesorah and the education of our precious children, there is no compromise.  We must ensure that they are brought up al taharas hakodesh.
Don’t blame the messenger?  In this case, I do.

DIN: It "pains me" more to have read an article that contradicts itself and offers zero solutions! 
Adios Ezra!

Ezra Friedlander is the CEO of The Friedlander Group, a NYC and Washington DC based public policy consulting group.  Follow him at @ezrafriedlander on Twitter.  For more information, contact ezra@thefriedlandergroup.com or visit www.thefriedlandergroup.com.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Exposé: Jewish Foundations That Fund Boycotts of Israel

Ronn Torossian
The author is CEO of 5WPR, 1 of the 25 largest PR Agencies in the US.

As CEO of one of the largest independently owned American public relations firms, it was interesting to find this week that The Jewish Communal Fund (JCF) is seeking a “Public Relations and Marketing Associate”, who can “write blog posts”, and “identify articles and blog posts that are relevant to JCF and gain permissions to re-post on the JCF blog.” 

There is much information available online that I have shared recently - and I give them full permission to use any of the articles which I have written about them that show their support for organizations that boycott Israel.

In the last few months, numerous organizations and individuals have written about The Jewish Communal Fund, (JCF) the largest Jewish donor advised fund in the United States, which manages $1.3 billion in charitable assets. An organization for the mega-rich, they facilitate and promote charitable giving – it has been demonstrated that the JCF has given millions to The New Israel Fund, which actively supports a boycott of Israel.  

The JCF has also granted thousands of dollars to A Jewish Voice For Peace - which the ADL said “..uses its Jewish identity to shield the anti-Israel movement from allegations of anti-Semitism and provide a greater degree of credibility to the anti-Israel movement.”

The policy governing the Jewish Communal Fund notes: "'The Jewish Communal Fund is committed to supporting causes that promote the welfare and security of the Jewish community here and abroad. Consequently, as part of the grant review process, the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Communal Fund retains the right to deny any grant request where the purposes and activities of the recommended charitable organization are deemed to be adverse to the interests of the Jewish Community.”

Funding those who boycott Israel, therefore, is clearly unacceptable for The Jewish Communal Fund – and instead of hiring PR people, they should stop funding boycotters. The uber wealthy in America create foundations through which they give to charities - from yeshivas to community centers, healthcare organizations to childrens projects – but nothing can justify their donating to organizations that support a boycott of the State of Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently said that those who fund boycotts against Israel must be exposed.  As Netanyahu explained, “We must not cave into the pressure, expose the lies and attack the attackers.” Netanyahu is right.

Buried in the tax-returns of numerous foundations is funding for organizations that support boycotts of Israel – and they must be exposed. 

The Jewish Communal Fund, as well as foundations including
 The Lopatin Family Foundation, 
The Annenberg Foundation, 
the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund, 
The Russell Berrie Foundation,
 J.S. & S. Michaan Foundation, 
the Jim Joseph Foundation, 
Leichtag Foundation,
 David Hochberg Foundation
 must stop giving millions to help organizations like the NIF and Jewish Voice for Peace damage Israel.

Harvard professor Ruth Wisse rightfully has noted that, “the rapid demoralization of Jews in the face of anti-Zionism… shows the depth of the influence of the past, for many have yet to achieve the simple self-respect that has been eluding the Jews collectively since the dawn of modernity.”

Reject the extremist foundations who fund boycotts of Israel.
Unless the foundations themselves change their donating patterns.

Where was Pres Rivlin and Netanyahu when Adele HY”D Died,

Adele Biton HY""D

Jews around the world were praying for the recovery of Adele Biton HY”D, who died in Shevat 5775 at the age of 5, a number of years after being gravely injured in a vehicular accident. 

She was traveling in a vehicle with her mother when they came under attack by Arabs hurling stones on the Trans-Samaria Highway. She was 3 at the time of the attack and accident, which left her fighting for her life and when her condition stabilized, she spent most of her remaining time in rehabilitation due to the neurological damage she sustained. - 

Mrs. Edva Biton, Adele’s mother, told Galei Yisrael Radio that when her daughter died she does not remember President Rivlin or Prime Minister Netanyahu visiting her. She expressed her anger over the actions and statements of President Reuven Rivlin whose has spoken out and visited with family members of the victims following the arson attack in Duma, which claimed the life of an Arab infant and left three others badly burned.

She stressed that while she has the utmost respect for President Rivlin, she does not understand his actions following the attack in the PA (Palestinian Authority) village. She explained he never visited her or Adele in the hospital, and never spoke out so sternly as he has done in this case. 

Mrs. Biton stated the same is true regarding Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who has made phone calls and hospital visits. She added the media covers such events differently as well, depending if the victim is Arab or Jewish. She spoke of the events that occur daily throughout Yehuda and Shomron, serious attacks, but most of these attacks are not reported in the media. She highlighted the fact that she is in no way approving of the fatal arson attack and one should not misinterpret her words, but her point is she does not understand the behavior of state leaders as compared to their response after Jews are killed. “…but chevra, what is happening here? I feel we are stigmatizing the kippa sruga community and they come to me as one of them. 
What connection do I have to these murderers? 
What connection to the murderers?

Mrs. Biton repeated the prime minister did not visit her as we have seen in recent days regarding the victims of the attack in Duma.

 “The honorable president did not come to me. The prime minister did not visit me”.

“I think we must denounce this act in every possible way. This is a murder of a baby. I permit myself to speak since I lost my daughter on the backdrop of hatred but dozens if not hundreds of people in Israel have lost their children in terror attack and all kinds of incitement, so I am asking, please, let’s not begin to be here. Everyone gets on the airwaves and is squeamish. We should be proud of our people”.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Unbearable Double Standard After Anti-Gay Attack In Jerusalem

Over the past six days, Israeli authorities answered 112 calls from Jewish civilians being attacked by Arabs.

Week after week Israelis are harassed, stoned, firebombed, run over, shot, knifed…but no headlines for this.
No stories at all. Zero. Nothing happened. 

It only makes noise when once every four years a single Israeli breaks bad.

All right, call it two Israelis who broke bad, one for the anti-Gay stabbing incident in Jerusalem followed by an arson attack against the Arab village of Duma, both crimes actively and gloatingly blamed on “religious Jewish extremists.” The piling on begins at once.

The Jewish Daily Forward, where Jane Eisner serves as editor, wants the entire “Settler” movement punished. (Eisner believes it’s a sign of “maturity” when American Jews abandon Israel.) Other fanatical Jewish leftists want Religious Israelis abolished. “Something must be done,” they say.
Over two solitary attacks.

In Israel, two or three Jews gone rogue constitutes “a crime wave.”

The EU, silent over the rape epidemic sweeping England, where Muslim men use Christian English women for sexual pastimes by numbers that are staggering, was quick to respond, insisting that Israel must show “zero tolerance” for  “Settler violence.”
Thank you for the lecture. But first tell it to the Palestinians for whom violence against Israelis is so unbearably routine.

The criminal acts allegedly committed by Israelis over the past few days are the exception, never the rule. Because they happen so infrequently, this is why the pictures travel so fast and the headlines are written so bold…and why once in a blue moon Israel’s enemies get to cheer and shout, “I told you so.”

The New York Times and Haaretz were thrilled at the chance to knock Israel as a nation of Gay intolerance – all because ONE MAN went berserk.
Israel’s hospitality to Gays is seldom remarked.

There are no stories about Gays being stabbed in the Muslim world because there are no Gays in the Muslim world – none that are still alive.  

Within America we have the same sensationalized coverage but it’s against the police and it’s the same business of stereotyping.

Over the past eight days every TV network has played and replayed another white cop-black suspect shooting event, this time in Cincinnati.
This comes after Ferguson, Baltimore and New York, so four altogether where cops are in the crosshairs of a frenzied media. Four.

Never mentioned are the million cops who make their daily stops heroically and honorably and without fanfare.

Quite a media frenzy it’s been about Cincinnati, people saying here’s more proof of police brutality against blacks.
No! This proves the opposite. We are shocked by alleged police misbehavior in America not because it is so frequent, but because it is so rare.

If it were frequent it would be as boring and as unreported and last night’s 38 black-on-black shootings in Chicago.

We are shocked by criminal acts committed by Israelis because it is so out of character.
From Israelis we demand perfection. Likewise cops. One false move and it’s Gotcha.

New York-based novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. Websitewww.jackengelhard.com

Iranian Supreme Leader Publishes Book Calling To Wipe Out Israel, Give Iran Full Reign In The Middle East

The supreme leader of Iran is apparently now an aspiring author but one thing is for sure: this is no love story. 
According to a report on Saturday in the New York Post, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s new book Palestine outlines his case for whyIsrael must be wiped out and how. “The solution is a one-state formula,” he writes, which is called “Palestine.”
He said this “practical and logical mechanism”  would have Israel under Muslim rule with some Jews being allowed to stay as a “protected minority” but only after proving “genuine roots.” He advocates strict apartheid against Jews saying that they would not be allowed to vote in a future Muslim state while Arabs would have full rights. 
"Palestine" by Ali Khamenei, Iran book on Israel.

He claims that his plan would promote “the hegemony of Iran” while removing “the West’s hegemony” from the Middle East.
Khamenei, who is described in the book as “the flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem,” wrote that his views are not anti-Semitic but Islamic and based on “well-established Islamic principles.” This goes on the opinion in Islam that land which was once owned by Muslims can never be ruled by non-Muslims again. Along with Israel, this also includes Russia, many parts of Europe, Thailand, India and parts of China and the Philippines.
However, Khamenei singles Israel out as anadou [enemy], doshman [foe] and a “cancerous tumor” for several reasons, the first of which is for being an “ally of the American Great Satan” which is waged in a war to overtake “the heartland of the Ummah[nation].” 
Second, he says Israel is singled out because of his claim that it has waged a war on Muslims and therefore has become a kaffir al-harbi [hostile infidel]. 
Third, he claims that Israel “occupies” Jerusalem and calls it “Islam’s third Holy City.”
Khamenei says his plan entails low-intensity warfare based on wearing down the patience of Israelis and the international community. He writes that this plan does not entail “classical warfare” and he supposedly does not want to kill Jews.
His plan goes on the assumption that all Israelis have dual citizenship and would rather live in the US or Europe.  He recommends therefore to make life in Israel so uncomfortable that they leave voluntarily to avoid threats on them.
He then describes using the tactic of “Israel fatigue” wherein the international community would decide to stop supporting Israel’s military programs.
Another section of the book boasted past Iran-supported warfare against Israel using examples from Gaza and Lebanon. He writes that he aims to recruit West Bank “fighters” in units modeled after Hezbollah. 
“We have intervened in anti-Israel matters, and it brought victory in the 33-day war by Hezbollah against Israel in 2006 and in the 22-day war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip.”
Though he doesn’t reference an Iranian nuclear program directly, he mentions that a nuclear Iran would be able to deter Israel from taking any military action against the Islamic republic. 
Referring to the Holocaust, Khamenei called it a “propaganda ploy” and writes that “we don’t know why it happened and how.”
The 416-page book is currently only available in Iran in Persian, but apparently an Arabic version is on the way.‎

Sex-abuse charges dismissed against bus driver Shlomo Erps

 Sexual-abuse charges against a Monsey school bus driver were dropped Friday after prosecutors said they could not prove their case.
Shlomo Erps, 27, of Nancy Lane, was charged in June with a felony count of first-degree sexual abusethat accused him of molesting a 4-year-old boy who attended a private school in Ramapo. The child told investigators that the incident occurred on a school bus Erps was driving.
“He declared his innocence from day one and today he feels vindicated,” said his New City attorney Keith Braunfotel. "He and his family are ecstatic — a huge weight has been lifted from their shoulders.”
The case ended  in Spring Valley Village Court after prosecutors asked for an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal. That means that the case against Erps will be formally closed Jan. 29 as long as he is not charged with any other crimes.

Shira Banki Victim of Jerusalem Gay Parade Stabbing Dies of Her Wounds

One of the victims of Thursday's stabbing attack at the Jerusalem gay parade has succumbed to her wounds Sunday afternoon.

16-year-old Shira Banki died in hospital after being stabbed in the back by haredi extremist Yishai Schlissel, who attacked marchers at the annual Jerusalem gay parade.

Five other people were also injured in the attack, one of them seriously, before Schlissel was wrestled to the floor and disarmed by police.

Astonishingly, Schlissel had only been released several weeks beforehand, after serving 10 years in prison for an identical attack on the parade in 2005. Upon his release he had posted messages online denouncing the gay parade and calling for it to be stopped by any means; the fact that such a dangerous individual was able to get so close to the parade has prompted anger and accusations of police incompetence.

Police said on Sunday they had formed a committee to examine the "background and circumstances" that allowed the latest attack to take place.

The annual gay pride march through Jerusalem has been the source of heated controversy, due to the city's holy status to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Since the 1990s, gay activist groups have held an annual mega-parade in the largely-secular Tel Aviv. However, in 2002 they began holding a smaller, far more contentious march through Jerusalem, amid bitter opposition from the city's largely traditional and religious residents.

Unlike the Tel Aviv event, the Jerusalem march is usually met with loud counter-protests, although for the most part in recent years these have remained peaceful.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Judge Finds Moshe Taubenfeld Not Guilty Of Sexual Abuse

Following a multi-week, non-jury trial a Rockland County judge has found a well known rabbi from New Square “not guilty” of sexual assault charges on Thursday. 
Rabbi Moshe Taubenfeld was accused of sexually molesting a 9-year-old boy over a five-year period after the child came to him for counseling from September 2001 until May 2006.
Taubenfeld did not take the witness stand in his own defense.
The rabbi was facing seven years behind bars if convicted.
According to the Journal News, Court Judge Rolff Thorsen the non guilty verdict said it was based on the evidence, and had nothing to do with public opinion.
Well know Williamsburg activist Nachum Rosenberg who came to court Thursday to hear the verdict, called the decision political, saying the judge owed his election to New Square. He said as long as judges are subject to political influence, “there will be no peace for children.”

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Frum Jewish Man Stabs Several People At Jerusalem Gay Parade, just released after sitting in Jail for stabbing gays in 2005

Police arrest Yishai Schlissel suspected of stabbing six people at the annual Jerusalem pride parade. Schlissel was just released from a 10 year jail term for stabbing three people at gay pride parade in 2005. July 30, 2015. Photo byFLASH90

An Orthodox Jewish assailant stabbed and wounded six participants in the annual Gay Pride march in Jerusalem on Thursday, police said.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned “as a most serious incident” what was the worst attack in years on the event in Jerusalem, a city where the religious population is more prominent than in other parts of Israel.
Marchers numbering about 5,000 and waving banners were heading down an avenue when an ultra-Orthodox man jumped into the crowd and plunged a knife into some of them, witnesses said.
Police arrested the suspected perpetrator and were questioning him, police spokesman Assi Aharoni said.
The attacker was identified as Ishay Shiser, who according Israeli media reports stabbed three people at a parade 10 years ago.
Police and medics said the assailant had wounded six people. Two were taken to hospital in serious condition.
“I saw an ultra-Orthodox youth stabbing everyone in his way,” said Shai Aviyor, a witness interviewed on Israel’s Channel 2 television.
“We heard people screaming, everyone ran for cover, and there were bloodied people on the ground,” Aviyor said.
The march, which attracts thousands of participants, has long been a focus of tension between Israel’s predominantly secular majority and the ultra-Orthodox Jewish minority, who object to public displays of homosexuality.
While the event takes place annually in the more gay friendly business hub of Tel Aviv without incident, in Jerusalem, where the religious population is more prominent, violence has erupted in the past.
The march is held in the largely Jewish side of the divided city. Palestinians predominate in occupied East Jerusalem.
Oded Fried, the head of a leading gay rights group, said the attack would not deter the movement.
“Our struggle for equality only intensifies in the face of such events,” he said.
Netanyahu said in a statement: “This is a most serious incident. We will prosecute those responsible to the full extent of the law. Freedom of individual choice is a basic value in Israel.”
Anti-gay activists from the far-right Jewish group Lehava were protesting at the parade.
Lehava released a statement ahead of the pride parade, stating that it would not allow the event “to pass quietly.”
Ten years ago, an ultra-Orthodox man stabbed three marchers at the 2005 Jerusalem gay pride para

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ami defends its Editorial Condemning those who protest the Gay Marriage Law of The Supreme Court

Letter courtesy of the Nuchem Rosenberg blog
Franfurter's answer to an email asking why Ami condemns those who oppose  and protest the Supreme Court Decision vis vis Gay Marriage!
Ami Email"The Supreme Court's ruling is not appealable and is the law of the land"

DIN:That's true and it's not true..... legislators can introduce new laws to circumvent the Gay Marriage laws once these Justices die off ... and  get normal thinking justices who have values and morals  ....

Ami E mail: " Protests are futile, and to try to ferment a revolution even if one was to do so is not only a crime but is one of the harshest of sins and something which G-d has forsworn us from doing when we went off to exile.

DIN: So why do you support the anti-Israel protests that the Satmar Hooligans do in lower Manhattan? Didn't "G-d  forsworn us from doing when we went off to exile?"
Why is it ok for Satmar to annex land in Golus and to protest when they hell they want, but it's not ok for a Jew to stand up for Torah even if it is a futile attempt...
aren't Jews supposed to spread Torah Values in the World?
 Didn't the Ari Hakodash quoting the Zohar say that, that is precisely why we are in Golus to spread light among the goyim?
Why does Ami have a double standard?
Why when Satmar protests, is Ami in the forefront of supporting them !
This Frankfurter keeps licking the lower orifices of the Satmar Gypsies even though Satmar keeps throwing his anti-Israel rag under the bus? Just last week in a letter to the Editor to Der Blatt a reader blasted Ami for some stupid idiotic reason!
But the Frank the Dunce, still slobbers over the uncivilized gypsies!

Ami E mail: "Harshest  of sins?" 

DIN:  Is telling the world that "gay marriage" is not ok with the Torah, a worse sin than raping innocent teenage girls?

It seems so,because the CLOWN FRANKFURTER supported the teenage rapist, Weberman! He, in fact, dedicated a whole issue to that effect.
I guess its a bigger "sin" for a lone rabbi to protest the Supreme Court than for Weberman to destroy countless lives!

How about supporting and protesting the Iran Deal, which is a direct threat to 6 1/2 million Jews in Israel .... is that a sin at all?
or is the sin of a lone rabbi protesting the Supreme Court a larger sin than standing in Times Square and SUPPORTING the Iran deal, like the cursed Neturei Karta did, holding Iranian flags ... 
By the way,  Neturei Karta is a group that is  supported by Satmar funds?

How about the march of 400 Rabbis on October 6,1943 in support of American and Allied action to stop the destruction of European Jewry, in Washington D.C. .... why didn't they just sit home and be ready to "suffer all the consequences?" 

Ami E mail: "We must suffer the consequences of the law of the land and be ready to suffer all the consequences including our well-being not to transgress even a single halacha"

DIN: ok ..... how about the law "of the land"that one is supposed to learn English, writing, reading, and math? Do you think we can suffer the "consequences" on that?