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Sunday, April 19, 2015

J Street Push Obama to Drop Support for Israel at UN During White House Parley

Yup ... these Self-hating Jewish Bastards told Obama to stop supporting Israel in the United Nations! 
Hard to believe but true!

Members of a group of Jewish supporters of the Democratic Party who met with President Barack Obama this week urged him to remove the long-standing American veto protection of Israel at the United Nations. 
The group, affiliated with the left-wing lobby group J Street, pledged to support the president within the Jewish community in the event of a Security Council resolution calling for the creation of a Palestinian State.
The exchange took place in the second of two meetings Obama held with American Jewish leaders to discuss the current negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, as well as other regional issues. 
According to a source who was in the room, one J Street supporter told the president that if he decided to back a Palestinian state resolution over Israeli objections, “let us know first, and we’ll do the legwork for you, in the community… so you’re not going to come in cold.” 
Among the J Street supporters who were part of the delegation meeting with Obama were Alexandra Stanton, Lou Susman and Victor Kovner.
The atmosphere at that second meeting was described as pleasant and cooperative, in marked contrast to the first meeting, described by one source as “ungiving, very stern and tense.”
The Algemeiner spoke to four individuals who attended the meetings, as well as one other who did not attend, but was extensively briefed on what was said. All of the sources declined to be named for this report, as they were not authorized by the Administration to speak on the record.
The discussions totaled approximately two hours and forty minutes and were likely the most significant ones between the two sides since the start of the Obama presidency. “For sure this was the most important” one prominent Jewish leader stated, “because it was about Iran.”
Regarding the first meeting, at which senior representatives of groups like the World Jewish Congress, the Conference of Presidents and the Anti-Defamation League were present, one source said the conversation was “difficult” and “depressing.” The source added that “nobody was breaking ground, they were at cross purposes.” An attendee who spoke with JTA described the gathering as “intense” and said, “There was an openheartedness, there were some deep reflections by the president.” Other participants who spoke with JTA used the term “therapeutic” to describe the tone of the talks.
The President joined the first meeting at 1:50 pm, about 5 minutes after it was opened by National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and spoke for about forty minutes before he took any questions. He reportedly discussed “everything in the world” including Israel and Iran. He left the meeting at about 3:00 pm.
In his opening remarks, Obama reiterated the sentiments he raised in an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, published on April 5th, in which he asserted that “It has been personally difficult for me to hear the sort of expressions that somehow we don’t have, this administration has not done everything it could to look out for Israel’s interest.”
One source told The Algemeiner that “the President acted as though he was very hurt that he has been so supportive of Israel and at this critical juncture finds that people are so critical of him for trying to keep Iran from having a nuclear bomb.” The President was at times anguished, participants told the JTA.
Obama addressed his relationship with Israel and recognized “the motivations of the Jewish community when they express concern” about the Iran deal “because of existential threats coming from [Iran's] Supreme Leader and others.”
In a report on Monday, shortly after the meetings took place, The Washington Post cited a participant who said, “The president talked about how deeply he feels about Israel and the Jewish people and antisemitism. It was not just about Iran. It was much, much deeper in terms of the president sharing with us how he felt.”
“It was very cordial, he had all our attention,” another participant told The Algemeiner. “He spoke from the heart.”
“In that part of the discussion, I think people around the table appreciated those comments,” yet another commented.
After the President’s introduction “there was ample opportunity for everybody to weigh in on a whole range of issues” one of the attendees said. “Anyone around the table who had something to say… the opportunity certainly was there.”
“The impression [President Obama] was left with was that many remain skeptical about Iranian intentions, not about the [White House's] intentions in trying to negotiate to end the program, we have differences about that,” one participant said.
Rabbi Marvin Hier, Founder and Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Algemeiner that he raised two questions with the President. The first was about the silence of the P5+1 powers in the face of threats to annihilate Israel, and the second was about why Israel should be required to relinquish land to the Palestinians while Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip.
Hier referenced an upcoming presidential trip to Berlin to commemorate the victims of World War II, and asked in light of Iranian threats to destroy Israel, “what is the meaning of the memorial if we don’t take action when [something similar] occurs.”
One source quoted a “well known Jewish leader” as telling the President that “unfortunately we have learned the lesson that when people say they want to exterminate us, they tend to try it.”
“The language at the table was, ‘what about this? and what about that?’ and what about the issue of billions of dollars that will come into the hands of the Iranians when the sanctions regime is loosened, or ended, that they would then plow back into their terrorist activity or to other military related issues,” an attendee said. “What was being said was, here are our concerns, we are in the middle of this, and these concerns are going to continue, because we don’t feel quite comfortable with where we are now.”
In terms of the takeaway from the first meeting, one participant said, “I think [Obama] understands that people are upset, and that people have a different, a very urgent view of the Iranian threat” but added that the leaders in the room “would not have felt that he totally understood our concerns.”
“Many people walked in having questions and left having questions,” another said. “I don’t know that positions were necessarily changed around the table.”
The second meeting, which was largely stacked with Obama allies, “was very pleasant,” according to one of the guests. It was “all his friends,” the guest said. As well as J Street supporters, others present included Haim Saban, the Israeli-American entertainment mogul who has been critical of Obama’s Middle East policies, and Democratic donors associated with AIPAC, including past presidents Amy Friedkin and Howard Friedman
Obama presented himself as thinking “like an ultra-liberal Jew” and conveyed the “J Street mantra,” according to the source.
Although some pointed questions were asked, Obama faced far less resistance, and was even encouraged to take steps against Israel and remain steadfast in his approach to Iran negotiations.
According to the source, one “J Streeter” pushed Obama to remove the American veto protection of Israel at the UN in the event that a Security Council resolution called for the creation of a Palestinian State.
The individual “said if you decide to go against Israel at the UN, ‘let us know first, and we’ll do the legwork for you, in the community… so you’re not going to come in cold…’ and they pushed him to do it,” the participant told The Algemeiner. “Another major Jewish leader… not J Street, more centrist, but he wants to cosy up to Obama, says [regarding Iran] ‘you are doing the right thing, we are behind you 100 percent’.”
Obama said that despite his disagreements with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on a host of issues, “the countries are still working tightly together on security and military issues,” and “the fact that him and Bibi are not getting along is not hurting the relationship between the two countries.”
Obama was also asked if he would invite Netanyahu to visit the US in the near future. The President said he would not because “‘all Bibi will do is… go out there and publicly criticize me,’ so it will be awkward.” The President said “we’ll wait until July,” according to the source.
The President also criticized efforts in the Senate to assume a role in the negotiations through the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which unanimously passed review at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday and will now move to the full Senate for a vote.
The President expressed a “deep, deep resentment of Republicans in Congress…. and a feeling that Congress is out of bounds” in its actions on Iran, according to one of the sources.
The meetings with the Jewish groups were initiated as part of an extensive outreach effort by the Administration to win support for a framework nuclear agreement reached with Iranian negotiators in Switzerland last week. Critics of the deal say the White House has made far too many concessions in the talks. The agreement’s most vocal opponent, Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, has said that it paves Iran’s path to nuclear armament and leaves Israel vulnerable. Israel has long called for the removal of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure as well as the cessation of uranium enrichment.
Just days before the meetings were held, a Gallup poll found that American Jews’ approval of President Obama has dropped 23 percentage points since 2009, and the gap between Jewish approval and general American approval of Obama—which has been marked by higher Jewish approval—is narrowing.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Chareidie Savages In Beit Shemesh Scream "NAZI" At Charedi Soldier on Holocaust Day

Time to stop these animals!
This is the fruits of the anti-Jewish Satmar/Brisk SHIT'ah!

Read some of the comments posted YWN:
First read "Geula's" crazy sick perverted comment!
geula says:
This chayal (although I completely disagree with protesting and insulting one) was very well aware what neighborhood he was in… He knew when he walked in there that he is going to get that. Big chances are that he walked in their to spite them… if thats the case then you get what you pay for.

Now read from "LBJ" the Chuchem from the Ma Nishtana
lbj says:
Tzioni Haganah Leyisrael represents kefirah.

Read an answer to LBJ from "Chardalnik"
Chardalnik says:
LBJ – please read Sefer Devarim, Sefer Shmuel, Sefer Yehoshua again and also Rambams laws of Melachim. You might find that you are the one who is Cofer!!! Also read again books by Rabbi Avigdor Miller about how we need the army and how in Sefer Shmuel certain tribes are admonished for not training and arming themselves
The reason Hashem had to use the Secular Zionists to bring us back to Eretz Yisral is because we didnt heed the signs. The Vilna Gaon and the Chasam Sofer (amongst others) tried to get us back but again we didnt listen. Where is Vilna, Voloshin and Brisk today? Zionism is changing within itself and secular zionism is dying. Religious Zionism is thriving Baruch Hashem

From Dotty:
dotty says:
I am a jewish charedi yeshivish woman and all I can say is that I’m absolutely disgusted. If you don’t want to join the army then get a petur and don’t join how dare you call someone a nazi for being in the army. Where are these chuldrens mothers and fathers. I hope they are very ashamed of the chilul Hashem they made. There children have no middos at all. Have you ever taught your children who nazis are???? If you wanna call an boy in the idf and nazi then you should not live in Israel and be protected by them day and night. In fact they should be receiving so much respect from all of yisroel

Read from "aArmedJew"
ArmedJew says:
Our zaidi Avraham, Rebbe Akiva and his tens of thousands of talmidim, and the Chofetz Chaim all just tore kriyah at this bizayon. Those weren’t yidden yelling. Those weren’t the sounds of baalei bayshanus, rachmanus and chasadus…. those beings were klippos mamesh.

Monsey Yeshiva Bochur Riding Bicycle Struck By Hit And Run Vehicle - Taken To Westchester Hospital

A 15-year-old boy was injured while riding his bike to Yeshiva in Monsey, Thursday morning.

The boy was struck at the intersection of Myrtle and Maple Avenue at around 9:20AM.

Hatzolah of Rockland responded to the scene where he was treated and then transported to the Westchester Trauma Center.

If you have any information which can assist police, please contact the Spring Valley Department.Spring Valley Police are looking for a white Nissan Maxima which fled the scene. The attached photo is the actual vehicle being sought by police.

Moshe Yitzchok Greenfeld's body Still Not Released By London Coroner

It is reported that Greenfeld and a friend went swimming, taking advantage of bein hazmanim. It appears at some point he was unable to continue swimming and he began calling for assistance. Ultimately he drowned. 

The family had another tragedy a number of years ago. The father, R’ Chaim Yaakov z”l, a prominent member of the London Satmar community, died of a serious illness. That was followed by a second tragedy in the family, when his sister was niftara, also from illness. The death of Yitzchok is the third tragedy to befall the family R”L.

Meanwhile, all Batei Midrashim have signs handing asking people to be Mispallel, and calling for Minyanim to recite Tehillim in the hopes that the body will be released quickly in order to make a Levaya and Kevura as soon as possible. The body is currently at a Jewish mortuary. But the Chevra Kadisha can’t proceed until the coroner signs off the papers. It appears that the Levaya will not be held until Friday.

Local residents say that the coroner is notorious for causing problems for the Jewish and Muslim communities – both who rush to make the Levaya as soon as possible.

 There is currently legal action being taken against Coroner Mary Hassel for ignoring the religious beliefs of Jews and Muslims.

Joel and Amram Israel Brooklyn Slumlords Arrested To Be Charged Today

A Brooklyn landlord accused of intentionally trashing his own properties in an attempt to force tenants to relocate will be the subject of a press conference this afternoon being held by Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson.
Thompson will announce charges being leveled against both Joel Israel and his brother Amrom Israel.  Sources told said that both brothers were arrested this morning and are expected to be arraigned this morning.
In the past 12 months WCBS News had numerous reports of alleged self-inflicted destruction by Israel at several buildings. City records showed that Israel’s 10 buildings in Brooklyn had amassed 482 housing code violations as of March 2014, with 98 Linden Street racking up 85 of those violations.
According to reports, Israel intentionally demolished the kitchen and bathroom in one Linden Street unit in late 2013, allegedly without a permit.  While Israel told a court that tenants refused to give him access to the apartment to perform the necessary repairs, an attorney for tenant Noelia Calero charged Israel with lying, saying her landlord intentionally gutted her bathroom and kitchen as part of a larger plan to force her out, renovate the apartment and charge higher rents.  The city issued a partial vacate order on the apartment, allowing Calero use of her bedrooms, but preventing her from accessing her kitchen or bathroom.
Governor Cuomo’s Tenant Protection Unit launched an investigation into Israel’s JBI Management last April amid allegations of harassment and illegal eviction of tenants.  This past February a housing court judge ordered Israel to make repairs at one building which had been deemed uninhabitable over a year ago.

Chareidi Soldiers arrest Dozens of Hamas Terrorists

In a joint operation of IDF, Shabak and the Israeli police, dozens of Hamas terrorists were arrested in the region of Shechem. 
During the night, tens of Chareidi soldiers were flown and marched to Nablus to participate in this special operation.
In recent months Hamas has been trying to establish terror infrastructure in northern Samaria, say Israeli Security sources.
29 Palestinians were arrested in the complicated joint operation, after which they were transferred into interrogation. Among the detained were high officials of Hamas and ex-cons who were involved in Hamas terror in the past. These detainees acted with the financing and under the direction of Hamas headquarters in Gaza and Turkey, as was exposed in recent months by Israeli intelligence when Hamas attempted to establish terror infrastructures in Northern Samaria.
Tens of Nachal Chareidi soldiers were rushed to this nocturnal incursion, and were brought to Nablus and the Balata refugee camp by helicopters and on foot. Hunderds of combatants of the Golani Brigade and the Duvdevan Unit joined them.
Sources in Nablus disclose that more than 50 military vehicles raided the city around 2 a.m. simultaneously from various entrances. In one of the houses of the detainees, 40 thousand shekels were confiscated, along with computers and cellphones.
“At the same time these warriors were conducting these successful and vital arrests,” Retired Col. Yonatan Branski, Director of the Nachal Chareidi Foundation and former commander of the Nachal Charedi battalion, told Matzav.com Israel, “the rest of the Chareidi Nachal Battalion was still keeping its routine positions in its new military zone of Binyamin, north of Yerushalayim.”

Hundreds Protest Rabbi Aaron Ramati and his Girl Seminary Be’er Miriam

Hundreds of people took part in a protest earlier this week against Rabbi Aaron Ramati and his Be’er Miriam Seminary located in the Sanhedria neighborhood of the capital. 

Mrs. Miriam Vaknin was among the pained mothers, explaining their daughters are over 18 and have been influenced by the rabbi to close out their families and remain secluded in the school, cut off from any outsiders. Mrs. Vaknin painfully shouted “They took part of my body but Hashem and Rochel Imeinu are with me and ultimately, I will be victorious”

Numerous rabbonim and gedolei yisrael have come out against the rabbi and his seminary, which distances the young women from their families and communities. 

In some cases, young frum girls who are not accepted elsewhere opt to enroll in this school and now pained mothers and family members cried for their daughters to return home and that was the case  case with one student who was turned away by schools in her home community of Modi’in Illit.

Dozens of police were on hand to maintain order and prevent parents and family members from entering the school. 

Former Shas MK Nissin Ze’ev spoke at the protest, calling on authorities to shut the school down. “We must understand that every young lady in the school is a prisoner by the hands of this man. She will only have good things to say about the school as captives are compelled to do. I have personally heard testimony from girls who left as well as from their families. This is a cult in every sense of the word”.

Some family members report that girls are often compelled to sleep on chairs, and at times that are summoned ‘for consultations’ with the rabbi in the middle of the night.

MK (Yesh Atid) Dr. Aliza Lavie is calling on authorities to take immediate action to shut down the school. She calls the school “a dangerous cult”, citing Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L and Maran HaGaon HaRav Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L were against the school too. 

Lavie stated rabbonim three years ago called to close the school, which continues operating today. Lavie promises parents she will continue working towards the closure of the school.

Moshe Yitzchok Greenfeld's Body Recovered in London after Drowning!

Rescue personal and divers on the scene (London Fire Brigade)Rescue personal and divers on the scene (London Fire Brigade)
London – Divers have recovered the body of 19 year old Moshe Yitzchok Greefeld who drowned in Hampstead Heath in London Wednesday evening.
Witnesses say the boy was swimming in an area not designated for swimming and called for help before going under water. The boys clothes were found earlier today near where he went swimming.
Police have brought in divers to go underwater to search for the body.
Hatzalah, Emergency teams were on scene, including six fire crews and 30 firefighters. 
Rescue personal and divers on the scene (London Fire Brigade)Rescue personal and divers on the scene (London Fire Brigade)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rebbitzen Wosner: The Picture You Will Never See!

Nope! You won 't see it in the Yated, you won't see it in Der Yid, Der Blatt, Dee Zeitung, the Anti-Jewish Ami, or even in the MIshpacha!
This beautiful picture of Rav Wosner z"l sitting with his Rebbitzin on a bench, you will not see anywhere except on the "Tumedika" Blogs!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Jews in WW1, fought for Germany, France, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Belgium, and then got their butts kicked in!

Between two world wars

A hundred years ago, one of the most terrible wars the world has known was raging. 

For the first time in their history, the Jews -- about a million and a half of them -- actively took part in a war that belonged mainly in the Christian world. 

Some of them charged eagerly toward the front lines, volunteering to fight with zeal.

In 1961, the German army, the Bundeswehr, published a book called "War Letters of Fallen German Jews." Franz Josef Strauss, then West Germany's defense minister, recognized the Jewish contribution to the war effort in the book's preface: "These letters reveal a patriotism that has since been lost. More than this, the Jewish soldiers' letters from the front exhibit a profound love of their homeland that nowadays is no longer understood."

Indeed, the Jews fighting in the First World War were devoted to their homelands, whether Germany, France, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Belgium, or elsewhere. Preserved old photos show Jewish soldiers guided by military rabbis, mostly Orthodox, on both sides of the front praying in makeshift synagogues or outdoors for the defeat of their enemies, including the Jewish ones.

Zionism was not part of these patriotic Jewish fighters' experience. The Zionist movement had just begun to develop mainly in the extremely anti-Semitic Russian empire. 

However, in central and western Europe most Jews had not heard about it and those who had ignored and scorned it. 

Their loyalty was devoted solely to their country of residence.
World War I was an unexpected historical opportunity for European Jews to prove loyalty to their "homelands" and thereby assimilate into the societies they longed to be a part of. 
Until then, the 19th century Jewish emancipation in central and western Europe had only seen the legal recognition of Jews as equal citizens, but socially they were still perceived as foreigners.

Their ardent sacrifice in the war was supposed to fundamentally change that perception and allow the integration of the Jews into their Christian surroundings.

We all know what happened just little over 20 years later. 

Those patriotic Jewish fighters were forced to flee their so called "homelands" to save their lives from the ruthless Nazi regime that persecuted them. 

Those Jews who fought valiantly in World War I but were unable to escape the Nazis, including amputees and decorated heroes, were led to the gas chambers along with their families and medals.

World War I was a key event in the Jewish nation's history, not only for the many lives lost in it, but because it changed the Jews' perception and world views. It led to the Balfour Declaration and the end of Ottoman rule in pre-state Israel. Yet, its importance has been forgotten from the heart.
Avi Primor is an Israeli columnist and former ambassador to Germany, and the director of the Center for European Studies at Tel Aviv University.

Shepard Smith: FOX News’ Anti-Israel Anchor Blocks Blogger on Twitter for Defending Israel

Debbie Schlussel

By Debbie Schlussel
FOX News’ openly anti-Israel anchor, Shepard Smith, blocked me on Twitter for defending Israel. That’s despite the fact that as a not-so-closeted gay man, Israel is the only place where he’d live to see another day. I pointed that out after he attacked Israel on Twitter, so he blocked me. 

Why confuse people with the facts, though, and get in the way of Smith’s Jew-hatred? 

He loves the Muslims, regardless of the fact that they’d cut off his penis and shove it in his mouth (as they’ve done to the dead bodies of many gays–and straight men, too). And he hates Israel. 

I have to laugh anytime anyone tells me how “pro-Israel” FOX News is when the network has some of the most anti-Israel personalities on American TV. And Smith is Exhibit A (Exhibit B is FOX News Senior Correspondent Carl Cameron, an Israel-loather who reported on FOX News after 9/11 that Israeli illegal alien “artists” were behind 9/11). 

Smith isn’t just an anchor and reporter at FOX News, he’s also the director of its “Breaking News Division,” so you can assume all of FOX’s breaking news is filtered through his anti-Israel lens.

As I’ve told you , David Shepard Smith, Jr. a/k/a Shepard Smith likes Israel as much as he’s known to like women: not at all. 

He’s gone out of his way to defame the Jewish State. On FOX News, he and his anti-Israel buddy and fellow FOX News-er Judith Miller compared Israel to Cuba but came to the conclusion that Israel is “worse than Cuba.” 

And on the network, he’s been repeatedly critical of Israel, using every single irrelevant opportunity to attack the state. 

When ISIS released the video of the terrorist group burning the captured Jordanian pilot alive in a cage, he blamed Israel. The day after the video was released, Smith traveled to Jordan where he repeatedly filed reports, telling fellow FOX News anchors and contributors, including the cast of “The Five,” that the reason the Jordanians were angry over the burnt-alive pilot was that “they are angry over U.S. policy towards Israel and they are angry at the way Israel treats the Palestinians,” as if that had a thing to do with ISIS’ incineration of the pilot or the price of tea in China. Not one of the FOX News anchors or personalities, including the boobs on “The Five” said anything in response or disagreement. Nothing. Yeah, that’s “pro-Israel”.

As we all know, ISIS brutally tortured and murdered the pilot because ISIS opposes any forces fighting it and/or bombing it and any parties who are not strict Sunni Muslims according to Muslim orthodoxy. Israel ain’t got a thing to do with it. Israel was never mentioned in the video or any statements ISIS released regarding why it murdered the pilot. 

But Shepard Smith doesn’t care about that and all “news” or “reports” you hear from him on FOX News should be taken with a grain of salt because he lets his far-left agenda get in the way of the facts. Sometimes violently so, as when he deliberately ran over a woman because he wanted her parking space during the Bush-Gore recount in Florida in 2000 (and was criminally charged for it–but he got away with a slap-on-the-hand plea deal).

The thing is, it is one of the worst kept secrets at FOX News that Shepard Smith is known to be gay. I am told he wanted to come out but FOX News opposed it in the past (maybe they’ll allow it, now, because they care about polls and trends, not about conservatism). 

And, as a gay man, if he were not a FOX News “reporter” and “anchor” and traveled to any Muslim country, he would be lawfully executed. Homosexuality is forbidden and punished with death in Islam and in every single Muslim country on the planet. The only place in the Middle East where Shepard Smith could safely live as a gay man is in Israel. In fact, as a gay man in Israel, he’d have more rights than as a gay man in America, even in New York City. (Maybe he feels a kinship with late, gay PLO leader Yasser Arafat?)

Toward the end of March, Smith tweeted in favor of Barack Obama’s statements against Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu regarding a Palestinian State. A few of my Twitter followers referred me to Shep’s tweet, and I responded that it’s interesting he so hates the only place in the Middle East where gays like him have any rights (including, again, the right to live for another day). I tweeted a few things in this regard, and my followers retweeted them. He couldn't handle the truth and let his Israel-hatred blind him. So, he blocked me, a badge of honor for me.
When I tweeted about this, I got a lot of responses, almost all of them favorable. People who are actually paying attention know what this guy is about: pure, unabashed liberalism. Accurate news coverage has nothing to do with him and he with it.

So, the next time you hear FOX News blare one of its slogans, “Fair and Balanced,” or “We Report, You Decide,” think about Shepard Smith blaming ISIS’ torture-murder of the Jordanian pilot on Israel and recognize that there is no fairness, no balance, and the deciding has already been done for you.
As for reporting, well, it’s no different than the typical anti-Israel crap you see on any other news program. Only, worse.

Shepard Smith & Judith Miller Attack Israel, Compare to Cuba – Posted w/ Approval & Praise for FOX News By George Soros’ Anti-Israel Media Matters . . .

The Iran Irony: The US is Lying and Iran is Telling the Truth about the Iran Nuclear Agreement!

I can’t imagine what it’s like when the top editors at The New York Times get together to further glorify Obama at the expense of Israel, only to find themselves a laughingstock.

Or maybe I can:

Tom Friedman: “We made a mistake.”

“Mistake? We’re Liberals. We never make mistakes. Friedman, you’re fired.”

If only…

What happened? 

On Wednesday the wizards at the Times’ “editorial board” 
sought ways to put lipstick on a pig to sell it as kosher. 

The editorial, written under the spell of gobbledygook, declared that the Iran Nuke agreements were a win for the United States over the ayatollahs and that Israel ought to know better than to second-guess President Obama.

So shut up, the Times explained. We know what’s good. Iran has agreed to everything, even the gradual lifting of sanctions.

But oops, the next day it was a different story, literally. 

The Times had to retract, without saying so, of course. 

Iran’s supreme leader rushed to twitter to say that NOTHING from Obama’s fact sheet is true and indeed, the sanctions are to be liftedimmediately.

Quite a fix if you are The New York Times and got caught being stupid. 

So on Thursday, the Times admitted, “the truth depends on who’s talking.”

So we’re left with a terribly sad conclusion. If you seek the truth, listen to the ayatollahs.

The government of the United States  “lies, deceives” and has “devilish intentions.” Who says so? Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Him you can believe.

One thing he’s not is a Liberal. Liberals have a bad habit of fabricating to fit a specific point of view. The Times does it every day. Rolling Stonemagazine does it every other day, on going after Israel with falsehoods or reporting as fact a rape that never happened at the University of Virginia.

The Liberal agenda must be served no matter who gets hurt or whose reputation gets tarnished, like Harry Reid’s whopper about Mitt Romney.

But politicians are not expected to be truthful. 

That’s why we invented journalists.  “Journalists are assigned to be the flies on the walls of civilization in order to alert us to the intrigues being whispered in dark corners,” a quote from the newsroom drama The Bathsheba Deadline

There has never been a time in America when journalism has failed so miserably. Tom Friedman illustrates the point with his THREE Pulitzer prizes.

In general terms, never before has news been delivered so one-sided from print to broadcast.

Never before has journalism been so wedded to a specific ideology, so that we are fed a constant diet of mendacity and disinformation.

Go – ask the ayatollahs.

It’s a sad day when we have to turn to tyrannical regimes for news we can trust.

Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. The new thriller from the New York-based novelist, The Bathsheba Deadline, a heroic editor’s singlehanded war on terror and against media bias. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller Indecent Proposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. Website: www.jackengelhard.com

Is a Plane Seat Next to a Woman Against the Orthodox Faith?

Francesca Hogi, 40, had settled into her aisle seat for the flight from New York to London when the man assigned to the adjoining window seat arrived and refused to sit down. He said his religion prevented him from sitting beside a woman who was not his wife. Irritated but eager to get underway, she eventually agreed to move.

Laura Heywood, 42, had a similar experience while traveling from San Diego to London via New York. She was in a middle seat — her husband had the aisle — when the man with the window seat in the same row asked if the couple would switch positions. Ms. Heywood, offended by the notion that her sex made her an unacceptable seatmate, refused.

“I wasn’t rude, but I found the reason to be sexist, so I was direct,” she said.

A growing number of airline passengers, particularly on trips between the United States and Israel, are now sharing stories of conflicts between ultra-Orthodox Jewish men trying to follow their faith and women just hoping to sit down. Several flights from New York to Israel over the last year have been delayed or disrupted over the issue, and with social media spreading outrage and debate, the disputes have spawned a protest initiative, an online petition and a spoof safety video from a Jewish magazine suggesting a full-body safety vest (“Yes, it’s kosher!”) to protect ultra-Orthodox men from women seated next to them on airplanes.
Francesca Hogi, while traveling from New York to London, agreed to change seats when an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man refused to sit next to her. 
Some passengers say they have found the seat-change requests simply surprising or confusing. But in many cases, the issue has exposed and amplified tensions between different strains of Judaism.

“I grew up Conservative, and I’m sympathetic to Orthodox Jews,” he said. “But this Hasid came on, looking very uncomfortable, and wouldn’t even talk to the woman, and there was five to eight minutes of ‘What’s going to happen?’ before the woman acquiesced and said, ‘I’ll move.’ It felt like he was being a yutz,” Mr. Newberger added, using a Yiddish word for fool.

Jeremy Newberger, 41, a documentary filmmaker who witnessed such an episode on a Delta flight from New York to Israel, was among several Jewish passengers who were offended.

Representatives of the ultra-Orthodox insist that the behavior is anomalous and rare.

“I think that the phenomenon is nowhere near as prevalent as some media reports have made it seem,” said Rabbi Avi Shafran, director of public affairs at Agudath Israel of America, which represents ultra-Orthodox Jews. Rabbi Shafran noted that despite religious laws that prohibit physical contact between Jewish men and women who are not their wives, many ultra-Orthodox men follow the guidance of an eminent Orthodox scholar, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, who counseled that it was acceptable for a Jewish man to sit next to a woman on a subway or bus so long as there was no intention to seek sexual pleasure from any incidental contact.

“The haredi men I know,” Rabbi Shafran said, using the Hebrew word for the ultra-Orthodox, “have no objection to sitting next to a woman on any flight.”

But multiple travelers, scholars and the airlines themselves say the phenomenon is real. The number of episodes appears to be increasing as ultra-Orthodox communities grow in number and confidence, but also as other passengers, for reasons of comfort as well as politics, push back.

“It’s very common,” said Rabbi Yehudah Mirsky, an associate professor of Judaic studies at Brandeis University. “Multiculturalism creates a moral language where a group can say, ‘You have to respect my values.’ ”

Anat Hoffman, the executive director of the Israel Religious Action Center, which has started a campaign urging women not to give up their seats, said, “I have a hundred stories.”
While traveling from San Diego to London via New York, Laura Heywood refused to move so that her husband, Steven Soden, would not have to give up his aisle seat. “I wasn’t going to put his comfort for no good reason above my husband’s,” she said of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who had asked her to change seats. Credit
And Rabbi Ysoscher Katz, a Modern Orthodox Talmud scholar who grew up in the ultra-Orthodox Satmar sect, said, “When I was still part of that community, and on the more conservative side, I would make every effort I could not to sit next to a woman on the plane, because of a fear that you might touch a woman by accident.”
Airlines, and flight attendants, are often caught in the middle. Morgan Durrant, a Delta Air Lines spokesman, acknowledged
the phenomenon, saying: “This is a dynamic of some customers who utilize our service. We’re aware of it, and we do what we can to get ahead of it prior to boarding.”

Other airlines had little to say about the situation, other than to agree that a variety of passengers make a variety of requests when traveling, and that carriers try to accommodate them.

It is not an entirely new issue; some ultra-Orthodox travelers have tried to avoid mixed-sex seating for years. But now the ultra-Orthodox Jewish population is growing rapidly because of high birthrates. Ultra-Orthodox men and their families now make up a larger share of airline travelers to Israel and other locations, giving them more economic clout with airlines,  and they are making their views more widely known in response to what they see as the sexualization of society.

The issues on airplanes echo controversies over efforts to separate men and women on buses and streets, as well as to remove women from somenews photographs.

“The ultra-Orthodox have increasingly seen gender separation as a kind of litmus test of Orthodoxy — it wasn’t always that way, but it has become that way,” said Samuel Heilman, a professor of sociology at Queens College. “There is an ongoing culture war between these people and the rest of the modern world, and because the modern world has increasingly sought to become gender neutral, that has added to the desire to say, ‘We’re not like that.’”

Some passengers are sympathetic. Hamilton Morris, 27, a journalist from Brooklyn, said he agreed to give up his seat on a flight from Los Angeles to Newark via Chicago because it seemed like the considerate thing to do.

“There was a Hasidic Jew sitting across the aisle, between two women, and a stewardess approached me and quietly asked if I would be willing to exchange seats because the Hasidic Jew was uncomfortable sitting between two women,” he said. “I was fine with that. Everyone was trying to be accommodating because on airplanes everyone is anxious about offending anyone for religious reasons.”

And yet Ms. Heywood, a paralegal from Chula Vista, Calif., said she declined to give up her seat for reasons of both politics and seat preference — her husband finds flying less stressful in aisle seats. “I wasn’t going to put his comfort for no good reason above my husband’s,” she said.

Other passengers, like Andrew Roffe, 31, a writer based in Los Angeles, said he and a friend wound up debating the ethics of the situation after Mr. Roffe described his experience on a United Airlines flight to Chicago. When passengers started to board, he said, an ultra-Orthodox man stood in the aisle, refusing to move and delaying the departure for 15 to 20 minutes until another passenger volunteered to switch seats.

“My buddy who is Orthodox was saying this is a traditional thing — he doesn’t want to be tempted when his wife wasn’t there. And I said, ‘Are you kidding?’ This was just some woman flying to work or home and minding her own business.”