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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bibi Netanyahu Apologizes for Nothing; Marie Harf Excuses Ayatollah Khamenei

Marie Barf
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT of Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: I got up today, I must at you tell you, I bopped out of bed today, one of the first things I do after becoming fully conscious is grab the phone and check to see if there's been any emergency breaking type news overnight during the four or five hours I was asleep.  And I see that Netanyahu apologized for his racist comments about the Arab vote. 
I have to tell you, my heart sank.  A little bit of it sank and I started shaking my head and I said, "Why are so many people afraid of this inexperienced man-child president?"  In the case of Israel, I decided it must be the money.  We give them a lot of money. We give them a lot of foreign aid.  And Obama's clearly somebody who would take it back if he could, slightest provocation.  So, whatever, some kind of diplomatic pressure, was brought to bear and Netanyahu thought that the best thing to do would be to apologize for something he has no reason to apologize for. 
He didn't do anything.  All he did -- I don't want to rehash this -- was respond.  In fact, we have learned more about the Obama political operation for Netanyahu -- if anybody needs to be apologizing to anybody here, it's the Obama campaign team. The Obama team needs to be apologizing to the people of Israel for coming in and gumming up the works of their election.  They were using all kinds of American tactics, push polling, any number of things.  And they were specifically trying to gin up the anti-Netanyahu vote among the Israeli Arab population. 
All Netanyahu did was realize it and tell people this was going on.  And that, all of a sudden, became racist, when it was Obama and his campaign team that were behaving according to the tenets of racism.  Netanyahu just responded.  But he had to apologize for some reason and I just hope it's not that meaningful in terms of Netanyahu's resolve.  It's like, did you see the Iranian supreme leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei?  A lot of people noted that he gave a speech the other day and he was shouting, "Death to America!  Death to America!  Death to America!" 
Grab sound bite 18.  This is our old buddy Marie Harf, the valley girl impresario who's a spokesman at the State Department.  Wolf Blitzer spoke to her last night on CNN.  He said: "The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, all of a sudden once again today, is declaring death to America. This is the guy who's in charge. He has to approve a deal," the Iranian nuke deal that we are negotiating. "But now he's telling a crowd over there 'Death to America! Death to America!' A lot of people are suggesting, members of Congress and others, how can we even negotiate with an Ayatollah who declares death to America?"
BARF:  Well, we've heard this kind of rhetoric for a long time.  This certainly isn't new.  What we're focused on is what's happening in the negotiating room.
BLITZER:  So the words have no meaning when he says, "Death to America," you don't take that seriously?
HARF:  It's not that they have no meaning.  Obviously it's incredibly offensive, I would say, to all of us here.  We've seen this kind of rhetoric before.
RUSH:  She goes on to say he's just saying that for domestic content.  Marie Harf said you have to understand who these people are, and the Ayatollah Khamenei was just saying that for his people.  He didn't really mean it about us.  He just has to say that to his people.  Now, tell that to a uniformed American military man or woman who has seen an Iranian-made IED blow up in their face in the Middle East in Iraq or Afghanistan. You ask a uniformed military personnel if the Ayatollah Khamenei only means it for domestic consumption, that he really doesn't mean it. 
So I guess he really doesn't mean, "Death to Israel!  Death to Israel!" when he says that.  And I guess Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he didn't really mean it when he said they wanted to frog march the Israelis into the Mediterranean.  Ah, he just had to say that for domestic consumption.  So conversely, does that mean, "Well, you know, Obama really doesn't mean all this stuff when he runs around and apologizes for America.  He's just saying that for international consumption."  What, nobody means anything?  Is that it? 
"Oh, he says this all the time, death to America.  But it's not that it has no meaning, obviously it's incredibly offensive, and I would say --"  It's offensive, it's 20,000 times more offensive and dangerous than Ted Cruz, but you're running around making excuses for the Ayatollah Khamenei, and you and your media buddies are out trying to destroy a United States citizen, who you don't give anywhere near the same benefit of the doubt. 
I have to take a break. 
largeRUSH:  So the Ayatollah Khamenei says, "Death to America!  Death to America!"  And the State Department says, "Eh, it's no big deal.  He just has to say that for domestic consumption."  But Benjamin Netanyahu is required to apologize for "racist" comments about Israeli Arabs.  Note that the White House didn't shrug off what Netanyahu said.  "Well, you know, he was just speaking for domestic consumption."  Isn't it interesting?
With this White House, nations and people we've always thought to be our enemies are given the best treatment, and the people we think are our friends are treated with great suspicion, derision. They're even insulted.  Speaking of the media, ladies and gentlemen, poll after poll...  Now, get this.  This is important.  In poll after poll, the American people say they are against amnesty.  In poll after poll, a vast majority of people hate Obamacare and disapprove of amnesty. 
A vast majority of the American people claim they want a smaller and less intrusive government.  They do not want more gun control.  Increasing, they say, they do not believe in global warming.  So here comes a candidate, Ted Cruz, who espouses those very same positions.  And the news media claim that he's a lunatic from the fringest of the fringe!  How can that be? 
The American people overwhelmingly oppose amnesty, overwhelmingly hate Obamacare, and by a majority want a smaller, less intrusive government.  They don't want more gun control.  They don't believe in global warming.  Here comes not just Cruz; a number of Republican candidates who espouse the exact same things, and the media accuses them of being stupid, dangerous, dumb.  
RUSH: Little pop quiz for you.  Who said the following:  Quote, "The beautiful cry of 'Death to America' unites our nation." Who said that?  If you guessed Hassan Rouhani, the current so-called moderate president of Iran, you would be right.  But he was just saying that for domestic consumption.  Yeah, yeah.  The Iranians, doesn't matter who, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Ayatollah Khamenei, Hassan Rouhani, "Death to America! Death to America!"  He's just saying it for his own people, Mr. Limbaugh.  Don't get so worked up about it.  
RUSH: Here's Paul in Atlanta.  Great to have you on the program, sir.  Hello.
CALLER:  Hey, Rush, it's a privilege, creator-endowed dittos to you.
RUSH:  Thank you very much, sir.
originalCALLER:  Yes, sir.  When you opened your show, the thought that I had about the death to Americans and the reaction to those words was this:  If the response to that is, "That's mere rhetoric that we've heard before," that that's the response, and the reason for dismissing is, it's just to build a pathway to the negotiating table, here's my question.  Once we get to the negotiating table, will we continue to take the words of that man as mere rhetoric that we've heard before?  That's my question.
RUSH:  Well, it's an excellent question.  Since this happened in the previous hour, let's bring people who may not have been tuned in to that point up to speed.  The supreme leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Khamenei, made a speech recently in Iran to the people.  It was Happy New Year, Happy Nowruz, which Obama also celebrated, and he said "Death to America!  Death to America!"  And the crowd supposedly cheered and so forth. 
They asked Marie Harf at the State Department, "Wait a minute, now."  It was I think a CNN reporter, Costa was his name, somebody, the guy's saying "Death to America!"  We're negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran saying "Death to America!" and the State Department spokeswoman said (paraphrasing), "Well, words are words. He just meant that for domestic consumption."  What she meant was, he's just playing to his base, if we Americanize the sentiment.  He's just saying what his people wanted him to say.  They just wanted to hear "Death to America!"  He doesn't really mean it. 
Okay, now, I don't know that it was a pathway to negotiations.  I think it was their Happy New Year celebration, and it was "Death to America!  Death to America!"  So your question is, if we're not gonna take their words seriously now, then why would we take their words seriously at the negotiation table?  In other words, when they say something at the negotiation table, are we gonna say, "Oh, he really doesn't mean that. He's just saying that for --"
originalCALLER:  Right. Yeah.  Exactly.  If we don't think words mean anything -- if we pick and choose when words mean something, then it's a joke.
RUSH:  Here's the question, then.  Marie Harf, State Department, has to be speaking for John Kerry, okay?  And Kerry has to be acting on behalf of Obama.  So when the State Department spokeswoman speaking for Kerry says "'Death to America!' he doesn't really mean it." Do they really say that or are they just saying that at the State Department for their own domestic consumption, and if they don't think that the Ayatollah Khamenei really means it, then how dangerous are we in terms of being exposed here? 
If the people responsible for making a deal with these people in Iran on nuclear weapons think that all of this incendiary language is just meaningless, then just how competent are the people negotiating on our behalf at this thing?  The thing that bothers me about this is that not long ago something like that would serve to cancel the negotiations.  A President Reagan, and I dare say maybe President Bush 41, might threaten to postpone the talks rather than conduct them with that kind of rhetoric out there. 
Now, we might have to go back and research some of the things Soviet leaders were saying during the time Gorbachev and Reagan were having their summits, and there might be some allowance for this stuff that's said public stage for domestic content; I don't know.  The real question for me is, does the State Department, does John Kerry, does Barack Obama, do they really think that the Ayatollah Khamenei doesn't mean it?  Because if they think he doesn't mean it, then we are at a dangerous place here, because he does mean it. 
The people of Iran don't care, or don't matter.  The Ayatollah Khamenei does not run for election, so this idea that he's saying this for domestic consumption is purely bogus.  He's a dictator!  The Ayatollah Khamenei is a tyrant!  The elections they have over there for president, he picks who the president is and that guy wins the election.  And they got a little bit tired of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad because he was a little bit too open and up front and honest about Iran's intentions.  He didn't leave anything to doubt.  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left no doubt that his intentions were to destroy Israel and any friend of Israel.  And the Ayatollah Khamenei said, "Well, it's a little bit too much, giving me too many problems." 
originalBut the idea that the Ayatollah Khamenei has to say things to placate his people, BS.  It's the other way around.  His people have to not say things and not do things in order to placate him so they don't end up in jail.  Marie Harf, I swear, folks, this is another example I think of just dangerous folly and ignorance, because there is no similarity in the Iranian system and ours.  This idea, projecting -- she's telling us more about Obama than she is about the Ayatollah Khamenei, and she doesn't know that.  When Marie Harf says of the Ayatollah Khamenei, "He just has to say that for domestic consumption," she's giving away the thinking of this administration. 
So when Obama praises the military, he just has to say that for domestic consumption.  Or when Obama acts like he's really upset with Hamas or Palestinians, he has to say that for public perception, but he's really not.  There is no dictator in the world who cares a whit what his people think or say unless they're thinking of revolution, and if he finds out about it, they go to jail.  That's what's absolutely irresponsibly incorrect and wrong about Marie Harf analyzing the Ayatollah Khamenei.  He doesn't have to say anything for domestic consumption because domestic consumption is irrelevant to him.  Public opinion is irrelevant to him.  He doesn't run for election.  I appreciate the call nevertheless. 
David, Evansville, Indiana, great to have you on the EIB Network.  Hello.
CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  Good to talk to you.
RUSH:  Thank you, sir.
CALLER:  After all these years.  It's a pleasure.  I guess I can check this off my bucket list.
RUSH:  Well.
CALLER:  As you were talking about Marie Harf's comments on CNN -- of course since I don't watch CNN, I didn't see that -- I was thinking about the inconsistency between what she was saying and the fact that Netanyahu is responsible for his words.  They say, in his case, words matter.  In the Ayatollah's case, well, no big deal.  But as I thought more about that I began to realize that there's actually a pretty consistent thread here.  The Palestinians have "Death to America" written in their charter, so to speak, because -- not "Death to America", but "Death to Israel."  Same thing.  It's the same attitude. 
So when Netanyahu says what he says about the Palestinian state, the Obamaites have to react strongly because their orthodoxy says "Death to America."  Okay, yeah, they don't say "Death to America", they wouldn't exactly go along with those words, but they're sympathetic to the sentiment, both of the Ayatollah and of the Palestinians.  And so it's actually very consistent.  There's no contradiction here at all.  And that's actually scarier --
RUSH:  Now, wait just a second here.  I just want to make sure that I understand you here, David.  When Marie Harf says of the Ayatollah Khamenei's "Death to America!", "Hey, hey, hey, he's just speaking for domestic consumption," are you saying that she and Obama don't have a disagreement with him about that?
CALLER:  Okay, it's not "Death to America!", but they are certainly sympathetic to the sentiment, because it's part of the left orthodoxy to hate America.  And while they don't say "Death to America" themselves, they understand where that thinking comes from.
RUSH:  I don't want to nitpick here.  I'm not so sure -- people disagree with me -- I'm not sure that they have a hatred for America in the sense that you mean it.  I think they believe that America is on the wrong side of everything and that they can perfect it, that they can make America actually what it should be.  They hate America the way it was before them. But I don't think they hate America in the sense they want to destroy America as though it would be nuked like the Iranians do, but they clearly have a profound disagreement with the American way of life, rooted in capitalism, belief in God, Judeo-Christian ethic. All of that scares and intimidates the heck out of them and angers them. 
I may be nitpicking here, but it's the only way that you can, I think, safely say that they share the same Iranian sentiment in the "Death to America!"  Obama's trying to perfect it.  In his perverted, distorted way of seeing this country's sins, he thinks this country has been wrong, this country has been biased, racist, sexist, bigoted, whatever the left vernacular is since the days of its founding.  It's illegitimate, it's unjust.  You know, don't doubt me on this.  Obama, where was he, the 50th anniversary of Selma, "We are the slaves that built the White House."  That was part of his speech, "We're the slaves that built the White House." 
Now, what does that tell you?  It tells you volumes, if you ask me.  It tells you there's a deep resentment for the way this country was founded and built, and the people who really did it have been getting the shaft from the get-go.  And now it's time to give the shaft to the people who were giving it all those years. It's time they got the shaft.  And that's what Obama's about.  


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Jewish Man Shot Dead in Brooklyn

A 29-year-old Russian Jew was shot twice in the chest on Tuesday morning and died of his wounds shortly thereafter, in an attack on Ocean Parkway in the Midwood area of Brooklyn, New York.

Police told JPUpdates that the shooting occurred in front of 1663 Ocean Parkway, and that they received an emergency 911 call at around 7 a.m. on Tuesday from a passerby who found the man on the ground.

He was rushed to Coney Island Hospital where the medical staff was forced to pronounce his death.

Police are currently investigating the murder, and it has not been clarified whether the motive was simply criminal, or whether it was a hate crime.

A bullet shell casing was reportedly found at the scene, although a gun was not found, indicating the attacker fled the scene with the weapon.

The Jewish community of Brooklyn is already reeling from another tragedy, after seven young children of the Sassoon family in Flatbush were killed in a fire caused by a Shabbat hot plate malfunction.

'Wall Street Journal' Lies .... that Israel spied on US Nuclear talk with Iran

The Liars 

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Tuesday that he was "shocked" and "baffled" by a Wall Street Journal report published Tuesday morning that claimed Israel had spied on US nuclear talks with Iran, collecting information that was used to lobby him and his colleagues in Congress to drum up opposition to an emerging nuclear deal.

According to the Journal, Israel spied on the talks as part of the Netanyahu administration's campaign to publicly build a case against the deal.

"I'm not sure what the information was, but I'm baffled by it," Boehner told reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.  

The White House was critical of Boehner for inviting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress earlier this month. Boehner will visit Israel during Congress' recess in late March.

"No information [was] revealed to me whatsoever," he added.

While Israel and the US are close allies, they have been known to spy on one another, the most notorious instance being the imprisonment of US Navy analyst Jonathan Pollard.

According to The Wall Street Journal, US spy agencies intercepted communications between Israeli officials who were sharing details that the Americans say could only have been learned from the secret negotiations with Iran.

Israel, for its part, denied that it spied on American negotiators, insisting that their efforts were aimed at Iranian officials.

Both Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon strongly denied that Israel spied on its ally following the report.

Yehuda Avner author of "Prime Ministers" Passes Away BD"E

Yehuda Avner z"l

Yehuda Avner Shaking hands with Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Begin in center

Adviser to 5 Israeli prime ministers, 3-time ambassador and author of 'The Prime Ministers' passed away at age 87 Tuesday.

Yehuda Avner, who served as Israel's Ambassador to three English-speaking countries and as adviser to five Israeli prime ministers, passed away last night at the age of 87. Father of four, he will be buried in Jerusalem this afternoon.

Mourned by Yeshiva University as a "true Ohev Yisrael (lover of Israel)," Avner's biography largely tells the story of the history of the State of Israel.

He was born Yehuda Haffner in England in 1928. Having experienced anti-Semitism there and being involved in the religious-Zionist Bnei Akiva youth movement, he moved to Jerusalem at age 19. He fought for the city during the War of Independence, and in 1949, he was amongst the founders of Kibbutz Lavi, a religious kibbutz in the Galilee.

Avner traveled to Britain to head the Bnei Akiva movement there, then returned to Israel in 1954, joined the Israeli Foreign Service, and ended up in the Prime Minister's Bureau. He wrote speeches and advised Prime Ministers Levi Eshkolo, Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, Yitzchak Rabin and Shimon Peres.

Among other functions, Avner served as the liaison between the variousprime ministers he worked with and the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This was especially so with Menachem Begin during the negotiations for the 1982 Israel-Egypt peace treaty.

He was appointed Ambassador to Britain and Non-resident Ambassador to Ireland in 1983, serving for six years. From 1992 to 1995, he was Israel's Ambassador to Australia.
Among other writings, Avner authored The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership, a dramatic and historic inside look at the workings of the top echelons of Israel's government. In 1995, the Yehuda Avner Chair in Religion and Politics was established at Bar-Ilan University.
​The funeral will take place today, Tuesday March 24, (4th of Nisan) at Bet HaHesped in Givat Shaul at 4:30 p.m.
Shiva will be held at Diskin 13, Villa 116, Jerusalem, until Monday morning March 30.

Click here to read a fascinating lecture Yehuda Avner delivered in 2008

Israel Bashing J Street Features Rep Schakowsky bashing "Orthodox Jew"

Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), speaking on Monday at the 2015 J Street convention, praised the far left “Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace?” organization for backing her 2010 re-election campaign against Joel Pollak, Breitbart News’s Senior Editor-at-Large and Breitbart California Editor.

Schakowsky begins by thanking J Street for its backing of her positions when it comes to Israel.
“I’d like to begin with just a great thank you for J Street. I have to tell you that the courage to take positions that I’ve been able to take are [sic] really because of the space that, in a very short time, J Street had opened for members of Congress to expand political discussion about the State of Israel and our relationship to it.”
In the video—which was provided by Paul Miller, who served as a senior policy adviser for Pollak’s campaign and is now the executive director of the Salomon Center—the Democratic Rep. from Illinois rips into the Breitbart editor.
“In 2010, I had an election… an election within our community. That is, I ran against a Jewish-Orthodox, Tea Party Republican who made it very clear that actually Jan Schakowsky was anti-Israel because of the positions that she took,” the Congresswoman said of Pollak.
“J Street came to my rescue,” she added. “Not just with money, but with the kind of moral support that was able to assure a substantial victory in that election.”
Ron Kampeas, the JTA Washington bureau chief, wrote on Twitter that Schakowsky “ickily” noted Pollak’s Orthodox observance of his faith:
The Democratic representative was one of the fringe leftist members of the House who decided to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s March speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress.
Pundits have noted that Schakowsky has consistently taken controversial positions when it comes to Israel. Others have expressed doubt that J Street itself is in fact a pro-Israel organization.
“She has walked lockstep with the most anti-Israel administration in the history of US-Israeli relations,” Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick said of Schakowsky in February.”
Famed Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz said of J Street in April 2014, “How can you be a ‘pro-Israel’ organization and never express any pro-Israel views? It is absolutely shocking to me. Every press release seemed to have a negative about Israel.”
“I just have to shake my head when these [J Street members] ask me to believe in Iran,” former Rep. Allen West said of the group in 2010.
J Street has consistently opposed any new sanctions against the Iranian regime and has pushed for further pressure against the Jewish state at the United Nations. Its Washington D.C. policy conference, which is rife with controversial figures, ends Tuesday.

Senators Call For Defunding The United Nations If Obama Goes To The UN Against Israel

The Obama administration made a lot of noise over the weekend about its displeasure at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments over the future of Palestinian statehood. 
Even though Netanyahu walked back his comments in an olive branch to the administration, the White House’s negative, threatening rhetoric towards the Jewish State has not diminished; in fact, it has increased.
What concerns many lawmakers in the House and the Senate are the administration’s threats to possibly change the level of support that America gives Israel in the United Nations. 
\Historically, the United States has been the nation that prevents adverse action against Israel such as the United Nations proclaiming Palestinian statehood. Some senators over the weekend fired a shot across the administration’s bow on this issue.
The Jerusalem Post reports:

The US Congress should reconsider funding for the United Nations if the Security Council approves a resolution on Palestinian statehood, Republican Senator John McCain said on Sunday.
McCain, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” show, said President Barack Obama should not even be considering such a resolution.
Breitbart also reported:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threatened to cut off funding to the United Nations if President Obama uses it to bypass Congress on Iran sanctions on Thursday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.
“Here’s what the president needs to understand. If you go to the UN Security Council and you try to bypass the Congress to get this deal approved by the UN Security Council, but not come to your own Congress, then you’re going to risk Congress cutting off money to the United Nations” he stated.
The rubber is hitting the road here at the tail end of the disastrous Obama presidency. This is a very dangerous time for our nation. Our Congressional leaders are going to have to step up and defend the American way of life and our allies in the face of threats to injure them from our treasonous White House.
This may be the last opportunity for an old warrior like John McCain to rise to the occasion when his country needs him.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Red Cross and the Islamic University in Gaza plan to hold a joint conference on Sharia law.

The faculty of Sharia (Islamic law) at the Hamas-affiliated Islamic University in Gaza is preparing to hold an international conference in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross on the subject of international humanitarian law in light of Islamic Sharia
The conference is scheduled to take place on October 13 and 14 this year, according to a joint ad of the Red Cross and the Islamic University, which appeared in the Hamas-affiliated Palestine newspaper on Sunday.

According to the ad, the first session of the conference will deal with humanitarian issues. 

The second session will discuss the basic principles in the management of armed conflicts, the third session will deal with victims’ rights and measures for their protection during armed conflict, and the fourth session will deal with guarantees for the implementation of the principles of the management of armed conflict and modern challenges.

All the sessions will examine these issues according to Sharia law and international humanitarian law, the ad states.
The cooperation with the Red Cross is puzzling given that the Islamic University is considered a stronghold of Hamas and, according to Israeli intelligence, Hamas uses it to develop its rocket arsenal.

In January of 2009, the Israeli Air Force attacked a target at the Islamic University which served as a laboratory for developing weapons.
During a visit to Gaza in 2012, Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal spoke at the Islamic University, and called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to retire from politics. In the speech, Mashaal also praised Hamas’s targeting of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with rockets during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense which preceded his visit to Gaza.

Diana Feinstein's despicable Obama-engineered political assassination attempt against Prime Minister Netanyahu,

In what was perhaps the most despicable, low-point of the Obama-engineered political assassination attempt against Prime Minister Netanyahu,

 California Senator Diane Feinstein - on CNN's State of the Union -said, 
"He [Netanyahu] doesn’t speak for me on this, I think it’s a rather arrogant statement. I think the Jewish community is like any other community. There are different points of view. I think that arrogance does not befit, Israel, candidly." 

Senator Feinstein gets her mentality straight from the same 1930's and 40's mentality displayed by the American Jewish establishment during the Nazi Holocaust.  Led by Rabbi Stephen Wise, the vast majority of American Jews chose the keep-quiet, watch-the-Jews-burn, and protect their Democratic President Roosevelt at all costs.

Only the very few Jews of the Bergson Group stood up for truth, for saving European Jewry and defied the Democratic Roosevelt.  Sen. Feinstein's public animosity towards Netanyahu proves nothing has changed since the First Nazi Holocaust.  Sen. Feinstein is another Rabbi Wise.

Wikipeida:  "Gerhart Moritz Riegner (Berlin, September 12, 1911 – Geneva, December 3, 2001) was the secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress from 1965 to 1983.

"On August 8, 1942, he [Gerhard Riegner] sent the so-called Riegner Telegram through diplomatic channels to Stephen Samuel Wise, president of the World Jewish Congress. (However, Wise did not receive it until the end of the month).  The source of the information was Eduard Schulte, the anti-Nazi owner of a prominent German company that employed high-level Nazi officials. The telegram was the first official communication about the planned Holocaust."

The Riegner telegram read in part: "Received alarming report stating that, in the Fuehrer's Headquarters, a plan has been discussed, and is under consideration, according to which all Jews in countries occupied or controlled by Germany numbering 3½ to 4 millions should, after deportation and concentration in the East, be at one blow exterminated, in order to resolve, once and for all the Jewish question in Europe. Action is reported to be planned for the autumn. Ways of execution are still being discussed including the use of prussic acid. We transmit this information with all the necessary reservation, as exactitude cannot be confirmed by us. Our informant is reported to have close connexions with the highest German authorities, and his reports are generally reliable. Please inform and consult New York."

On the 28 August 1942, the Riegner telegram found its way to the President of the World Jewish Congress, Rabbi Stephen Wise, who decided to not make it public, and instead kept it quiet.

When much later in the war Rabbi Wise finally asked his "friend" US president Roosevelt to intervene, and save the Jews, Roosevelt said: “The only way to stop the slaughter is to win the war. Tell your Jewish associates to keep quiet.”  And, Rabbi Wise "kept quiet."  And 6 million Jews died.

I repeat, Sen. Feinstein is another Rabbi Wise.

For today's American Jews, "never again" is, at best, a useless cliche.  At worst, the J-Street/Peace-Now inspired American Jews perversely use the "Never Again" motto as a bully-club in their support of the Palestinians, and their BDS-laced-hate of Israel.

Unfortunately, the Feinstein type of American Jew still greatly outnumbers the Bergson-stand-up-for-truth Jew.  The proof?  Count how many American Jewish organizations came out in support of Netanyahu's congress speech.  Virtually none.  The vaunted Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish organizations was AWOL in any support of Netanyahu.

Sen. Feinstein, in her execution of Obama's shoot-to-kill-Netanyahu order, proved her loyalty is not to the Constitution of United States, and to the values of liberty and freedom it represents.  

She proved her loyalty to the democratic President Obama.  but Sen. Feinstein took an oath of office to the Constitution and laws of the United States, not to President Obama.  Feinstein's hit-job on Netanyahu showed she didn't want the true American marketplace of ideas to guide what's best for American policy.  Instead, Sen. Feinstein wants the monopoly of Obama's Iranian insanity to reign tyranny over the United States and the free world.

Imagine for a moment, if the 1940's Republicans had invited the Nazi Holocaust exposer Gerhard Reigner to a joint session of Congress, and that Sen. Feinstein was then a US senator.  On Roosevelt's and the State Department's orders, the 1942-version of Sen. Feinstein would have tried to kill the messenger then, as she sought to kill Netanyahu now.

Because, make no mistake about it, Obama's Iranian-nuclear-strategy is to politically kill the messenger of truth.  Netanyahu is only the messenger of the simple truth that a nuclear-empowered state-sponsor of terrorism will bring a new holocaust and and irreversible catastrophe to the world.
Obama knows his nuclear empowerment of Iran can't stand the truth of the light of day.  So, his strategy is to keep it in darkness and violate the Constitution by avoiding a senate ratification of Obama's Iranian deal.  Be sure, Sen. Feinstein will again violate her oath of office by supporting Obama's Iranian-nuclear end run around the US Senate.

Little did Sen. Feinstein know that Feinstein's Netanyahu "doesn't represent her", intended as an insult, was the highest compliment and endorsement of Netanyahu and his position. Thank G-d Netanyahu doesn't represent Sen. Feinstein's mentality.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sassoon Leveyeh

Father of the children eulogizing 

Caskets of the children on way to Israel

R' Gabi Sassoon Father of Children

Black Juan Williams of Fox News, a Racist!

Juan Williams should check his facts before speaking on national media.

To say that Jewish people can’t live wherever they want to live, is the same as saying Black people need to ride the back of the bus.

To say that Jews must be restricted from building in certain neighborhoods is to say that you support Jim Crow racial separation.
To say that Jews must be confined to particularzones and may not be permitted to move freely is to reintroduce the Nuremberg Laws.

We are accustomed to racist slurs, but it was doubly hurtful to hear you, Juan Williams, a leading African American spokesman, a confidante of Barack Obama, jump in with that comment. How about a moratorium on backstabbing from you and from our supreme leader?

The talk was about the just-concluded Israeli elections, won by Benjamin Netanyahu. Since you are the Liberal on that panel, Fox News’ “The Five,” it was expected of you to be disapproving. But still, it was surprising to hear you jump in to declare Israel guilty of “occupying Arab territory.”
“That’s a fact,” you said. 

Well, no it isn’t. Some other time we’ll discuss Israel’s absolute right to the entire “West Bank.” Read the Levy Report for a start.

Meantime, you seemed so pleased, so proud of yourself to present that nugget of information to the many of us who enjoy “The Five” for its lively chatter – and if not for Fox News, where to go? Fox News remains the only network consistently fair and upright in news and opinion. 

See this for the drama of the media’s war against the Jews. Might prove illuminating at this critical period.

Many of us have given up on Obama in terms of friendship. His grudge against the Jewish State, hence the Jewish people, seems limitless.
But I expected better from you, Juan. 
I had placed you in a special category so far as being a Liberal. Every now and then you veer off script and speak as a man with a mind of his own. I respect you for this, for not being robotic, still do, but on this one you lost me. 

The word “occupied,” to certain Jews, like me, sounds like the “N” word to you.
The term “occupied” as applied to Israel, rather against Israel, is another way of saying that Jews need to be segregated.
Sound familiar?

If the rest of us need more sensitivity training about what it’s like being Black, perhaps you and some others could use some sensitivity on what it’s like being Jewish. There was a time when we marched together. I prefer to think that we still do, with partners like Thomas Sowell and Amy Holmes and Harris Faulkner, thank goodness for them, but then this happens, and I wonder.
I wonder if we can count on you in a pinch, as you counted on us at Selma. With rabbinical leaders like Abraham Heschel, we showed up. 

Will you? Or will you, and Mr. Obama, always stick to the thought that Jews must know their place.
This too might sound familiar, Juan, to you and to nearly every member of the African American community.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz wants a national discussion about race relations. If that’s okay, I suggest we take up Mark Levin’s proposal – a national conversation about anti-Semitism. I say this politely. Levin, speaking to Sean Hannity, is far more direct:
“The fact of the matter, Sean, I want to say this and it’s important. Eric Holder said this nation is full of cowards because we won’t have a discussion about race. Well, I think this nation needs to have a discussion about what’s going on in this White House and this administration about anti-Semitism.
“Mr. Holder, Mr. Obama, let’s have a national discussion about the anti-Semitism that reeks from your administration.”
As for me, I’d rather not have this discussion. These conversations seldom end well. Better to simply know that we have friends in a world full of enemies.
Piling on is what we don’t need.

Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. The new thriller from the New York-based novelist, The Bathsheba Deadline, a heroic editor’s singlehanded war on terror and against media bias. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller Indecent Proposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. Website: www.jackengelhard.com