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Monday, May 13, 2013

Crazy new "Chumra" ‘Oy’-glasses! Bobov bans ‘hip’ thick-framed glasses

Thou shalt not wear nerdy glasses!
An Orthodox Jewish school in Brooklyn has forbidden thick-framed retro glasses favored by the likes of Woody Allen.
“We are asking that everyone buy simple glasses,” reads a letter written in Yiddish that was recently issued to parents of students at Borough Park’s Bobover Yeshiva B’Nei Zion, which caters to members of the Bobov sect.
“What we have to commit ourselves to is we have to stand on top of this and not tolerate the new modernism.”
Students at the 48th Street school, which serves Grades 4 through 12, plus older rabbinical students, had been taking a shine to thick-framed and multicolored glasses.
“The good deed that accompanied the Jews in Egypt was that they didn’t change their names and clothes, and this same strength is still accompanying us and maintaining us in exile — in all generations,” explains the letter, which calls for traditional garb and was posted by the blog Failed Messiah.
School officials admit there’s no easy way to head off trends in specs, since styles fluctuate so much.
Still, the thick frames — often seen on celebs such as LeBron James and Justin Timberlake — “give the child a very coarse look,” the letter says.
“It doesn’t matter what age — a student cannot come to yeshiva with these glasses,” the letter reads.
Parents are asked to exchange the “immodest” frames and told that the expense should be viewed as an “educational boost.”
Lumiere Eyewear, a local optical shop, said it has already exchanged 30 pairs in just two weeks.
School officials recently descended on another local eyewear shop, MS Optical, to inspect its wares, an employee told The Post.
“They basically said these are the Hasidic ones — and those are not,” the employee said.
The store keeps its “acceptable” glasses — frameless, semi-rimless — in a separate display, far away from bolder styles.
Students — all wearing plain, wire-framed glasses — said they support the edict.
“What one kid does, another will copy. The school doesn’t want a domino effect,” said Nafle Frank. “Style is not a sin, but the culture is to stay away from new things and to keep them the way they were.”
He joked that the two Satmar grand rabbis — Aaron and Zalman Teitelbaum — have been wearing hipster glasses for the past 35 years.
“Now they look up to date,” he said.
A Brooklyn yeshiva now favors wire specs over thick frames like those worn by Woody Allen.
EYE FOR AN EYE: A Brooklyn yeshiva now favors wire specs over thick frames like those worn by Woody Allen.

IRS targeted Jewish Groups, and questioned them about Israel

The passionately pro-Israel organization Z STREET filed a lawsuit against the IRS, claiming it had been told by an IRS agent that because the organization was “connected to Israel,” its application for tax-exempt status would receive additional scrutiny.  This admission was made in response to a query about the lengthy reveiw of Z STREET’s tax exempt status application.
In addition, the IRS agent told a Z STREET representative that the applications of some of those Israel-related organizations have been assigned to “a special unit in the D.C. office to determine whether the organization’s activities contradict the Administration’s public policies.” . . .
And at least one purely religious Jewish organization, one not focused on Israel, was the recipient of bizarre and highly inappropriate questions about Israel.  Those questions also came from the same non-profit division of the IRS at issue for inappropriately targeting politically conservative groups. The IRS required that Jewish organization to state “whether [it] supports the existence of the land of Israel,” and also demanded the organization “[d]escribe [its] religious belief system toward the land of Israel.”

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Father of child abuse victim, testifies against the "Chazir" Kolko

Yosef Kolko, 39, right, walks with an unidentified man, near the Ocean County Courthouse in Toms River, N.J., Thursday, May 9, 2013, during a break in his trial on sexual assault charges. Testimony continues in the trial of the yeshiva teacher accused of sexually abusing a boy at a summer camp where he was a counselor. Prosecutors say the boy's parents were pressured by members of their Orthodox Jewish community to drop the charges and let a rabbinical court deal with them. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

A former yeshiva teacher is on trial in New Jersey on charges he sexually abused a socially awkward boy whose family members, prosecutors say, were ostracized by their Orthodox Jewish community for taking the allegations to civil authorities.
Rabbi Yosef Kolko, 39, met the boy in 2007 at religious school-run summer camp in Lakewood where he was a counselor. The boy was 11 at the time, and authorities say abuse continued until early 2009.
Kolko has denied the charges, which include sexual assault and child endangerment.
The boy’s father, a rabbi, testified Thursday that during a car ride back from his son’s therapist office, the boy said he had been sexually abused.
said, he called Kolko. The two met and the father told Kolko he needed to attend therapy and stop working with children. The father wanted to bring the matter to a group of rabbis who had “experience dealing with these issues,” he said, and did not intend to make the allegations public. The father recorded the conversation at his wife’s urging.
The next morning, the father 
Kolko did not dispute the allegations, the father said. At one point Kolko told the father he had nothing to say to him, which the father took as an admission as guilt, something Kolko’s lawyer disputed.
Later, the father and Kolko went to the home of a prominent Lakewood rabbi, where the father said Kolko was contrite and looked “close to tears.” The father said the rabbi took the allegations seriously.
The Associated Press generally does not identify accusers in sex crime cases and is not naming the father to protect the son’s identity.
The boy’s father wanted to bring the matter to a rabbinical court. After a few months he was unsatisfied with how the case was being handled and that Kolko was not following his recommendations and still teaching. After hearing Kolko was planning to return to the summer camp, the father called the head of the camp and Kolko, who told him to talk to a Brooklyn rabbi.
“I was more concerned that he was still at his jobs,” the father said. “And I felt that children are being endangered.”
In July 2009, the father decided to bring the case to Ocean County prosecutors. He said that if the allegations had been dealt with appropriately through rabbinical channels, he probably would not have gone to the police.
“Going to law enforcement is not, at this time, common within the Orthodox Jewish community. Even when it’s necessary it’s considered unusual,” the father testified. “Particularly with some people who might believe that the alleged molester is innocent would give the person going to law enforcement a very hard time.’
Prosecutors said the family was ostracized by the Orthodox Jewish community.
A flier was circulated in Lakewood, a community with a large Orthodox Jewish community, saying the boy’s father had made a mockery of the Torah and committed a “terrible deed” by taking the case to state prosecutors, the Asbury Park Press reported.
The family has since moved to Michigan.
The boy’s former therapist also testified Thursday, saying the boy told her in late 2008 he no longer needed help with his social skills because he had made a new friend, Rabbi Kolko.
“He’s my best friend. He’s the only one who understands me,” Dr. Tsipora Koslowitz recounted the boy telling her.
The boy took the witness stand Wednesday on the first day of the trial, testifying how he wanted to remain close to Kolko, even though his actions made him uncomfortable, because Kolko was his friend and he had no friends in school or camp.
The boy described a series of encounters with the rabbi, who would pick him up in his car, including molestation and oral sex and occurring in such locations as an empty classroom, a storage room, Kolko’s car and the basement of a synagogue, the newspaper reported.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yated calls Israel's Finance Minister, "Hitler"

This idiot, who calls himself Walder, who has no clue what happened during the Nazi era, calls another Jew "Hitler"!
The "punk" Chaim Walder

Read the following by the blog Failedmessiah.
Yated Ne’eman, the haredi daily newspaper that serves as a mouthpiece for ‘mainstream’ non-hasidic haredi leadership, published a column today comparing Israel’s Minister of Finance Yair Lapid to Adolf Hitler, the Israeli haredi website Shtieble.net reported.

Written by the paper’s former editor, Chaim Walder, who is now a regular columnist, the column says that what Lapid is doing now by cutting government support of haredi schools that refuse to teach the country’s core curriculum and by his demand that haredi yeshiva students be drafted into the military resembles what Hitler did to the Jews in the Holocaust.

"Why do they hate us, why despise us, why is it that in all the surveys haredim are the most hated, why is it that Yair Lapid[’s party] got any - so many [Knesset] seats in January’s election?”

Walder then quotes Adolph Hitler for his answer.

“We will have to solve the Jewish question. [We must cause the Jews to abandon] the notion that the Creator of the World chose the Jews, and therefore it is their right to be parasites that feed on the bodies of other productive citizens. Jews must adapt to real and productive work just as other citizens do, if not, we will sooner or later face a crisis whose dimensions are immeasurable. If the Jewish money and power continues in Europe or elsewhere - it will lead to civil war, then the result will not be the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jews across Europe,” Walder wrote.

Walder does qualifies his comments a little, saying that the intent of Lapid and his allies is "not to physically destroy haredim.”

Instead, Walder wrote that Lapid and his allies want to destroy haredim in other ways through other means.

“[Lapid and his allies] have malicious intent when it comes to quality of life, ability to lead a normal life and in giving us basic rights, such as allowances, discounts, property tax, income support, food for the children, after-sch
ool programs, day care centers, education - there are even those who speak of taking away our freedom to vote, or of forcing us to leave Israel. [Lapid’s policies are] dictatorship at its best.”

Walder then cited a column Lapid wrote two years ago to defend his comparison of Lapid and Hitler.

"Forget ideology, forget about that I do not understand how it does not bother you [haredim] that you that you live at my expense, but I do not have the ability to pay for it all.…Not only for your kids but I have to give to my children, too. Do you realize how it makes me feel? We must find a way, my [haredi] friend, or it will end badly. What does it say in [Megillat] Ta’anit: Friendship or death,” Lapid allegedly wrote.

"Now tell you tell me what the difference is [between Lapid and Hitler] in that final sentence?" Walder asked.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Frum children's card game curses all Israelis

The Card Game

By: John Roberts , Yourjewishnews.com
Children in Jerusalem, Israel have begun playing with a new card game which lists curses against all Israelis.

The apparently new hot item is circling around the Meah Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem. The anti Zionist card game lists quotes against Zionism from ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis.

The game is divided in four categories. One category lists Jewish people who were allegedly murdered by the evil Zionists.

Another category shows portraits of many ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis along with quotes cursing all Israelis. The Chafetz Chaim is quoted one of the cards: "For me it is clear that the Zionists are the seed of Amalek." Satmar rabbi is quoted on another card as saying: "There is no doubt that the Kingdom of heresy will be burned to the ground before the coming of the messiah." Belzer rabbi is quoted on another card as saying: "Every Jew should pray to God everyday to destroy the Zionists and the Israeli settlers."

A local resident explained that the game was distributed in thousands of packages for the children in the neighborhood. "The goal is to introduce the anti Zionist ideology to children through a game, and teach them from a young age to hate Zionists," a Meah Shearim resident who declined to give his name, told YourJewishNews.com.

“The government should confiscate all these card games and burn them in one large fire. The manufacturers of this card game should be arrested and charged with inciting violence related charges and conspiracy to commit murder as a hate crime. What normal person gives a child a game that calls to murder innocent men women and children?” Frank Scott, 40, of Long Island, New York told YourJewishNews.com after learning about the disgusting card game.

Palestinian imprisoned in Israel converts to Judaism, to join the Israeli military

Yaniv Eliasaf

By: Shifra Unger 
 In a truly amazing turnaround, a Palestinian man, who was imprisoned in Israel on terror related charges, converted to Judaism, and is now ready to join the Israeli military.

This is probably a story that can happen only in Israel. The Palestinian converted to Judaism, joined the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, received Israeli citizenship, and wants to join the Israeli Army. The former Palestinian, married a Jewish woman, and studies in a yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel. Today he said: "Thank God I'm a Jew. I wake up every morning and bless God for that."

Yaniv Eliasaf, was born as Boosman, in a Palestinian city near Nablus. He spent 11 years in an Israeli prison. When he was released, he burst into tears because he had nowhere to go. He wrapped himself in a prayer shawl and put a skullcap on his head, because during his imprisonment he converted to Judaism. The danger of death hovered over him, because his fellow Palestinians considered him as a collaborator with Israel, and in Israel he was Palestinian.

Two years ago, when the checkpoint Brigadier General learned of Yaniv, he was granted entry into Israel. For the past two years he has lived in Israel with temporary status, he works odd jobs and deals mainly with the study of Torah. He seeks to establish his home in Israel, and he wants full citizenship.

He said that he is ready to join the army, and if they sent him to Nablus, his birthplace, he will fulfill all orders. A few months ago, he returned to Nablus as a Jew, and went to Joseph's Tomb. Yaniv's story is almost unbelievable. This story teaches more than anything the complexities of life in Israel and Palestine.

“This is an amazing heartwarming story, as this man went from a person that sought to destroy as many Jews as possible to a practicing Jew. Not only that, he will soon join the Israeli Army and fight against
 his former brothers, very inspiring,” Larry Brown, 61, of Dallas, Texas told YourJewishNews.com after learning about Yaniv.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Jewish 97 year old dies leaving 41 million to no one!

A 97 year-old Staten Island real estate developer and Holocaust victim has left behind an estate valued at $40M with no apparent will, no surviving blood relatives, and no known heirs.
The NEW YORK TIMES (http://nyti.ms/11ONB1h) is reporting that Roman Blum, who died in 2012, had only a former wife, who died in 1992, and that his unclaimed estate becomes the largest on record in the history of the state.
Blum and his wife, Eva, were both Holocaust survivors who came to the U.S. and settled in Forest Hills, Queens, in 1949.
The Public Administrator’s office assigned to handle Mr. Blum’s estate on behalf of the Richmond County Surrogate Court is in the process of liquidating Blum’s many properties, and also plans to use money from the state to fund an in-depth search for a will, as well as hire a genealogist in hopes of finding relatives.
Failure by the county to successfully find an heir would result in Mr. Bum’s estate eventually being turned over the the state’s comptroller’s office.
Longtime friends and associates of Blum have called it “odd” that a shrewd business man like Blum would die without leaving a will, and are hoping that either Blum or his former wife have a distant relative back in Europe.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Satmar Rabbi Zorger orders Chassidim to beat Israeli Soldiers

First these gangsters used to beat the Lubavitchers, when the Lubavitchers would march to Williamsburg on Yom Tov, then they harrassed the Kloisenberger Rebbi Z"L, forcing him to move to Union City, now these animals are ordering their goons to beat the IDF soldiers if they enter Shul with uniforms:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Second Boston Marathon bombings suspect captured

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is visible through an ambulance window after he was captured in Watertown, Mass. Friday.

The Chechen immigrant brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon were devout Muslims who appeared to become more radicalized in recent months — posting Islamic “jihad” videos on social-media sites and following the preachings of a firebrand cleric.
But the men’s motive for Monday’s massacre — which killed three and maimed more than 170 others — remained a mystery as the younger brother, college student Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was taken into custody last night.
HE’S SUNK: Home surveillance video catches Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sneaking into a boat in the back yard of a Watertown, Mass., property, where police caught the Boston Marathon bombing suspect last night.
HE’S SUNK: Home surveillance video catches Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sneaking into a boat in the back yard of a Watertown, Mass., property, where police caught the Boston Marathon bombing suspect last night.
GRATITUDE: Relieved residents of the Boston suburb of Watertown applaud departing law-enforcement officials last night after the surviving bomber was taken into custody.
Getty Images
GRATITUDE: Relieved residents of the Boston suburb of Watertown applaud departing law-enforcement officials last night after the surviving bomber was taken into custody.
He was captured after a nearly two-hour standoff and shootout with cops after he hid out in a boat stored in a back yard in Watertown, a Boston suburb.
His brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was fatally shot yesterday morning after cops said the pair executed an MIT campus cop, carjacked a man in his Mercedes SUV, then fired assault rifles and lobbed pipe bombs and a grenade at pursuing police.
Dzhokhar escaped on foot after running over his mortally wounded brother with an SUV — triggering an unprecedented lockdown of Boston and its surrounding suburbs.
Among yesterday’s rapid developments:
* Three people were taken into custody in New Bedford “on the assumption there is an affiliation with suspect Number 2,” said Lt. Robert Richard of the New Bedford Police.
Dozens of cops swarmed the neighborhood, detaining two young men and a woman, and evacuating neighboring apartments, witnesses said.
* Authorities found multiple assembled pipe bombs in the brothers’ Cambridge apartment, where investigators planned to carry out a “controlled explosion” to make the residence safe to enter.
They also found other explosives linked to the brothers elsewhere, including unexploded pipe bombs along the chase route.
* It emerged that the FBI had interviewed Tamerlan about his “extremist views,” but then closed the case.

Tamerlan was interviewed by the FBI in 2009 after authorities in Russia said he was a “radical,” according to sources. When G-men asked Tamerlan whether he was a radical, he replied “no,” a source said.
* Their father, Anzor, was interviewed by the FBI in 2001 for taking pictures of the Manhattan skyline after the 9/11 attacks.
* Their mother, Zubeidat, speaking from their native Russia, said, “My sons would never do this. It is a set-up” — and bizarrely claimed that Tamerlan “was controlled by the FBI . . . for three to five years.”
* The brothers’ uncle Ruslan Tsarni, speaking on TV, called both the men “losers” of whom he was “ashamed,” and urged, “Dzhokhar, if you are alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness.”
Tsarni said the brothers struggled to adjust to American life during their decade living here, but ended up “just hating everyone.”
* Authorities searched the West New York, NJ, apartment of one of the suspects’ sisters.
* The Boston Red Sox and Boston Bruins postponed their games to keep people off the street as the search for Dzhokhar continued.
The events capped a dramatic week that began when two homemade bombs exploded seconds apart — about 100 yards from each other — near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Boston Globe via Getty Images
Police clear the bleachers after two explosions went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15.
The explosions’ three fatalities included an 8-year-old boy, Martin Richard. Multiple people lost limbs in the blast, including two brothers who each lost a leg.
For three days, authorities scrambled to discover who had planted and ignited the two bombs — and sifted through thousands of videos and photos they obtained from surveillance cameras and private individuals’ snapshots and smartphones.
On Thursday afternoon, the FBI for the first time released video and still images of two unidentified men, both wearing baseball caps and walking swiftly with backpacks toward the locations where the bombs were left.
An image showed the man who had been wearing a white baseball hat backward walking calmly away after the explosions — without his backpack.
That man was later identified as Dzhohkar, and his black-hat-wearing companion as his brother, Tamerlan.
He was seen leaving the scene as panicked spectators scrambled from the smoke-filled scene on Boylston Street.
The FBI released these surveillance photos of the suspects Thursday.
Hours after their images went viral on the Internet — setting off a flurry of tips to authorities — police said the brothers began their rampage by killing MIT campus cop Sean Collier and carjacking an unidentified man who the took them to multiple ATMs to get money from his account.
“Tell the police that we did the bombing,” the brothers told that man, according to a source.
The running firefight the AK-47-toting brothers started in suburban Watertown with cops stunned residents who cowered in their houses. In addition to firing, the brothers flung homemade bombs at the cops.
Getty Images
SWAT team members and police swarmed Watertown Friday searching for 19-year-old bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
The brothers’ father echoed his wife when he spoke to reporters from the Russian republic of Dagestan, saying that his sons were “set up — they were set up!”
“They killed my older son, Tamerlan,” Anzor said.
And he called Dzhohkar “a true angel.”
But Boston Police Commissioner Ed David had something much different to say about Dzhohkar yesterday.
“We believe this man to be a terrorist,” David said. “We believe this to be a man who’s come here to kill people.”

Friday, April 19, 2013

Oorah's Fiveish Gets Attacked by crazy Mea Shearim Chassidim - SHOCKING FOOTAGE!!!

Halpern's (the alleged rapist from London) goons arrested for harassing the victims

Two Orthodox men have been charged with harassment.
Samuel Erlanger and Shlomo Feldman will appear in court next month.
They were arrested in January as part of an ongoing investigation which saw Golders Green rabbi Chaim Halpern questioned in February in connection with alleged sexual assault and perverting the course of justice.
Rabbi Halpern, head of the Divrei Chaim Synagogue, has not been charged and denies all allegations of wrongdoing.
Mr Erlanger, 38, of Powis Gardens, Golders Green, faces one charge of harassment in relation to incidents alleged to have taken place between December 25 last year and January 23 this year.
He has been bailed to appear at Hendon Magistrates' Court on May 2.
Mr Feldman, 29, of Lynmouth Road, Stamford Hill, faces three charges of harassment without violence. He will appear at the same court on May 15.
The men were charged today at Colindale police station.

Dascalowitz admits to raping 15 year old

An Orthodox Jewish man accused of raping a young Brooklyn boy in a ritual bath pleaded guilty today in an agreement that will likely get him five years in prison when he is sentenced.
Meir Dascalowitz, 29, had faced 32 counts of felony and misdemeanor sex abuse but pleaded guilty to just one count of sexual abuse in the second degree.
“Do you admit that you … engaged in anal sexual conduct with a person who was less than 15 years old?” Judge Joseph Gubbay asked Dascalowitz, who answered, “Yes.”
The victim’s father joyfully held up his hands in court as the plea was announced.
“I’m very happy my son got justice. To go through a trial would have been very difficult for a mentally-disabled boy,” said father Mordechai Jungreis, who was exiled from his Orthodox community for reporting the abuse to outside authorities.
“I was shunned in the community. I’m happy to show the community that the game is over. If you do the crime, then you need to do the time.”

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Saudi suspect in Boston Attack ruled out as the attacker

Breaking news now:
Fox News reports that the Saudi man in police custody is no longer a suspect!