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Thursday, December 8, 2011

G-D's Greatest Miracles! Lizards that resemble a leaf and other camouflage experts!

Stare at these pictures for long enough and you might just spot some clever creatures playing the ultimate game of hide and seek.
This Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko is barely visible against the leaves in the Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar.
These amazing animals are true masters at blending effortlessly into their environment as a means of survival in the natural world.
Blending in: This Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko hides from predators in Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar, or is it just a leaf?

Nothing to see here: A  Toad hides among dead leaves in Amacayacu National Park, Colombia

A Speckled Sanddab blends perfectly with the pebbled ocean floor
A Righteye Flounder camouflages himself on the ocean floor

This Peppered Moth has found the perfect hiding place on a rock

A Vietnamese Mossy Frog is perfectly adapted to his surroundings
The Great Potoo hides in a tree in Brazil as it searches for food
A Katydid blends into foliage in Costa Rica

This Mossy Leaf-tailed Gecko is a master of disguise in Montagne dAmbre National Park, Madagascar

This Sandhopper protects itself by covering red sand all over its body in the desert

Young Jewish Girls, some 12-13 years old, marrying Arabs!

Deputy Mayor of Afula: "Mothers come to me and cry that their 12 and 13 year olds have moved into Arab village
A growing number of young Jewish girls are marrying Arabs, according to Dr. Boris Yudis, deputy mayor of the northern town of Afula.
Yudis was interviewed for a report on intermarriage in the regional newspaper Index Haemek Vehagalil.
"The phenomenon of girls aged 12 and 13 who are in Arab villages breaks my heart, but unfortunately my hands are tied," he was quoted as saying. "Mothers come to me and cry that their 12 and 13 year olds have moved into minority villages, this is a painful thing that wounds my heart."
He was further quoted as saying: "I am really frustrated and this is not about Jews and Arabs - it is about the fact that instead of learning and studying they waste their lives. It is a sad phenomenon that we are unable to treat in a thorough way, from the root. I no longer believe only in law enforcement; I think we will have results if we act through education."
Israel's pro-Jewish Identity NGO Yad L'Achim confirmed the claim. Its chairman was quoted as saying that they receive requests to assist in similar cases nationwide. The girls involved are aged 11 years and upward, he said.
The Family Lobby responded to the report by saying that "the painful phenomenon of Jewish girls who cross over into Arab society is the direct result of the weakening of the family unit and the deterioration of the status of fathers in the Jewish family in recent decades – due to the activity of militant feminist women's groups."
Family Lobby chairman Gil Ronen explained: "The inflated propaganda about battered women in the Jewish sector and the encouragement of divorce through unwarranted perks for single parent households wind up hurting these girls, who end up in the Arab sector, where their chances of being battered are far higher."

Underage Yeshivah Bochur arrested for DWI, coming home from a Wedding!

Time for the Rabbonim to admonish the ladies to dress more tznisdik! Why? You ask? If the Bochur would have killed another Yid, C"V, while drunk, the Rosh Yeshivas would have come out with a Kol Koreh warning the ladies to dress tznisdik.... but now that he only wound up in the back of a police car .. nothing will be done!
I am sarcastic of course, what my real message is that instead of dealing with the issue, like banning underage Yeshivah Bochrum from drinking at weddings, bar-mitzvas etc, the Rabbis admonish the ladies!

Read the report from, yes, Yeshivaworld.

A Yeshiva Bochur returning from his friends Chasunah was arrested for DWI, Tuesday night.
According to our sources, the boy was stopped by officers from the NYPD in the Flatbush area, after displaying signs of being intoxicated. The 19-year-old Bochur, who is a student at a prominent Yeshiva was taken into custody, and will now need to face the consequences of his irresponsible, and potentially deadly actions.
Thankfully, he did not hurt or kill anyone – including himself – while at the wheel.
YWN spoke with a leading Rov on Wednesday morning to hear his thoughts on this story.
“It’s time people dig their heads out of the sand, and deal with this issue head-on”, he said.
“This story should be a wake-up call for Klal Yisroel, and no I don’t mean to discuss it at an Agudah Convention. I mean to DEAL WITH THE ISSUE, and once and for all eradicate this plague of Yeshiva Bochrim drinking at weddings, vorts, shabbos meals etc.”
He added that “Klal Yisroel should give Shevah V’hodaah to the Robono Shel Olam that this Bochur ended up in police car, rather than in an emergency room or worse, Chas Veshalom”.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Australian sentenced to 500 lashes because he "insulted" friends of Muhammad

Insulting the friends of the founder of Islam earned an Australian national 500 lashes and a year in jail in Saudi Arabia last month.

Mansor Almaribe, a resident of southern Victoria state, was arrested by religious police on November 14 in Medina while participating in the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca known as the hajj. His eldest son Jamal told The Melbourne Age newspaper that Almaribe was reading and praying in a group at the time.

Family members told Australian media that Saudi officials accused the 45-year-old of insulting companions of Islam's Prophet Muhammed; blasphemy is considered a serious offense in Saudi Arabia, which is governed under Shari'a (Islamic) law.
No information is available about exactly how or when he insulted them, or even which companions of Muhammed he allegedly had insulted.

He was convicted Tuesday and sentenced to two years in prison and 500 lashes. The court later reduced the sentence to "only" one year in jail, in the presence of an Australian consular official who attended the proceedings.
The maximum number of lashes ever allowed to be used as a sentence under
Jewish law during the time of the Holy Temples was 39, and that was to be delivered under the supervision of a medical doctor, in sets of three, so as to ensure the convicted person did not die as a result.

A sentence of 500 lashes is considered equivalent to a death sentence.
Another son of Almaribe, Mohammed -- named for the very prophet on whose behalf he is set to be tortured -- has expressed fears for his father's safety. "Five hundred lashes on his back, and he has back problems," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "I wouldn't think he'd survive 50."
Almaribe, a father of five, suffers from diabetes and heart disease.

Australian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Neil Hawkins has appealed to Riyadh for leniency, according to Canberra's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. "The Australian government is universally opposed to corporal punishment," the department in a statement.
Approximately 300,000 Muslims now live in Australia, and there are over 100 mosques, according to an Australian government website.  The Arab community in Australia, numbering more than 210,000, is "diverse and includes many high-profile and successful members," the site notes.
from Arutz Sheva

Chinese Women laugh & Smile minutes before being executed

A young woman sits cross-legged on the ground laughing playfully as she is fed a lychee. Another plays cards in pair of baggy pink pyjamas.
The moving images could show any group of young women as they go about their daily lives in prison.
But just hours - and in some cases minutes - after the pictures were taken, each of the four women were led into a concrete yard and executed
A fragment of dignity: Ms Xiuling smiles as she squeezes into the new shoes she will wear for the execution

A last moment of joy: Ms Xiuling sits with prison guards and inmates the night before her execution, revealing her natural lively side as she rests her head against another woman

Last wishes: At 10:15pm the evening before her execution, an inmate records condemned drug trafficker Li Juhua's last will and testament

Facing death with a smile: Dai Donggui tries on an outfit for her to wear before her execution.

Preparations: Ms Donggui, in handcuffs and ankle shackles, neatly folds her red clothes onto the mattress she'll sleep on before she's shot in the morning

a female police officer feeds a lychee to condemned drug dealer Dai Donggu the evening before the execution 

A painful walk: At 7am in the morning, the convicts are walked into the execution ground to face their death as the guards watch them

Paraded as an example: Ms Xiuling is at the front of the line as 16 other convicts are walked in front of members of the public to the execution ground
She was worried about appearing 'too fat' in her pyjamas, and one of the inmates found her a black top to change into. Another image shows her squeezing into a new pair of shoes.
But throughout the evening she was restless, and began praying to the heavens to be allowed another chance at life.
At 6am, Ms Qingxiu, 49, hands over her old clothes to another inmate who will need them.  She moves to a temporary cell and joins Ms Xiuling, who is dabbing tears from her eyes.
The final few photographs show the inmates walking into the execution ground. Some of them have their legs shackled as they join 16 other death row inmates.
Ms Xiuling is held by a guard, but she can't stop herself from crying as her life draws to a close. The women are taken away by guards and minutes later shot in the back of the head.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069844/Chinese-execution-pictures-Women-executed-drug-smuggling.html#ixzz1fr5sNYki

Obama definitly losing it: Sends Ambassador Ford back to the murderous regime of Syria!

The Obama administration is sending Ambassador Robert Ford back to Syria, even as the regime continues to attack civilians and opposition groups.

Ford had been recalled in October, prompting Syria to recall its ambassador to the U.S. He is now scheduled to return, after a delay prompted by fears for his security.
Though originally a recess appointment, Ford was recently confirmed by the Senate through the end of President Obama’s term. He won praise for monitoring Syrian human rights abuses, but by the end of October it became clear that the regime was simply uninteresting in “reform,” no matter what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once said.
The Obama administration had re-established full diplomatic relations with Syria, as part of an effort to “engage” the Arab world, regardless of the character of the regimes that rule it.
That effort was itself the continuation of an effort undertaken by Democrats in 2007 immediately after taking control of Congress, when then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously met with the Syrian dictator in an attempt to distance her party from the interventionist and pro-democracy policies of then-President George W. Bush.
President Bush had broken off all relations with Syria in 2005 due to the Assad regime’s likely role in the assassinating former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri.
The Obama administration thus far has continued to prioritize “engagement” with hostile regimes above human rights and democracy. When it has confronted autocratic regimes, it has done so belatedly, and it has tended to be most harsh with pro-American regimes (such as Egypt) or those that had complied with western demands (such as Libya). The Obama administration has largely ignored warnings about the Islamist character of the new governments that have replaced the old regimes, even in nominally liberal Tunisia.
As Israeli physicist Dr. Haim Harari noted last month, the Obama administration’s policy “works against dictatorial friends of America and does not oppose, in any significant way, all dictatorial foes of America.” 
It is a post-colonialpolicy, driven by a misplaced and contrived western guilt that has been embraced by the president, the Democratic Party, and too much of the American foreign policy establishment.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Obama's Friend, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to give Hamas 300 Million

Turkish sources reported that Turkish Prime Minister, Receb Tayyip Erdogan, sent a confidential letter to Ismail Haniyya, Prime Minister of the Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip, inviting him to visit Turkey, and informing him that he decided to grant the government $300 Million.

The United States and Turkey are on a honeymoon, with President Obama and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan having formed what is probably the best relationship between a U.S. president and a Turkish prime minister in decades…. Obama and Erdogan seem to have really hit it off: Turkish media outlets reported that after Erdogan’s mother died last month, Obama was among the world leaders who called him and that the two “spoke for 45 minutes about their feelings.” This personal rapport is the foundation of the new U.S.-Turkish relationship. (Washington Post)
Unfortunately, the Turkish regime now is a major supporter of such terrorist groups as Hamas and Hizballah. In addition, the Turkish government is closely aligned with the IHH, an Islamist terrorist group which the Turkish government backed in the Gaza Flotilla in order to create an international crisis.

This September, Obama and Hillary Clinton selected Erdogan’s Turkey to co-chair the new Global Counterterrorism ForumAs Barry Rubin pointed out, there’s a slight problem with that– specifically, Erdogan’s support of actual terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
At the very moment when the U.S. government is making the Turkish government its partner in fighting terrorism, that same government is turning Turkey into a dictatorship. Every day, military officers are being arrested on ridiculous charges. Freedom is steadily contracting.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Jewish "taliban" Woman introduce new headpiece

According to different testimonies, radical women have begun wearing cloth-covered pipe on their head to conceal their human figure
Notice the headpiece on the crazy lady on the left
Have the "Taliban women" invented a new strict modesty rule? According to testimonies received by Ynet's local portal, Mynet, the radical group of ultra-Orthodox women dressed in cloaks has begun wearing a cloth-covered tube on their heads in order to conceal their human figure.

A source close to the group reveals that "the stricter members have decided that the veil is not enough, as the form of their face can still be seen. The solution found is a sort of pipe in the form of a funnel, which they wear on their heads under the veil."

The haredi public recently stepped up its war on the radical phenomenon, and even the most conservative rabbis affiliated with the extreme Eda Haredit faction have lashed out at the women.

A special meeting of the Badatz – the Eda Haredit's supreme religious-spiritual authority – concluded with a proclamation titled, "Holy call for the sanctity of Israel's homes." The rabbis warned Jewish women to stay away from the customs and ways of the "Taliban women", who "are doomed".

85 year old Granny,4' 9" and 110 Pounds, stripped searched by TSA!

85 year old grandmother, Lenore Zimmerman is planning to sue the TSA Agents of the JFK Airport after undergoing a humiliating stripped search on Tuesday.

Zimmerman said she was on her way to  catch a flight destined for Fort Lauderdale when some security officers at the airport whisked her away to a private room then began to take off her clothes.
“I walk with a walker — I really look like a terrorist?” she said sarcastically. “I’m tiny. I weigh 110 pounds, 107 without clothes, and I was strip-searched.” “I was outraged,” said Zimmerman.

All this happened after Zimmerman requested to forego the advanced image technology screening equipment, because she fears it might interfere with her defibrillator.

“My sock was soaked with blood,” she said. “I was bleeding like a pig.”
She said despite her age, the TSA agents showed no signs of sympathy throughout her ordeal. Instead, they proceeded to pull down her pants and asked her to raise her arms.
However, TSA spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said review of the closed circuit TV footage from the airport shows “proper procedures were followed,” in how the agents dealt with Lenore Zimmerman.
“Our screening procedures are conducted in a manner designed to treat all passengers with dignity, respect and courtesy,” Farbstein continued.
Zimmerman who missed her flight because of the ordeal, had to be treated by medics, and given a tetanus shot for fear of infection from the walker wound.

Obama spent $200 million to help Islamist win in Egypt!

The Obama administration spent some $200 million on democracy building in the lead-up to the elections this week in Egypt.
But with 65 percent of the vote going to Islamist candidates, it doesn’t appear the money was well spent. 

Stephen McInerney, executive director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, told Campaigns & Elections magazine that $65 million went to Egypt after the uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak and an additional $100 million was earmarked for economic development but also to train Egypt’s nascent political parties.

The money is going through the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute.

A Washington-based consultant who works with USAID and the State Department says the focus of the aid to Egypt has been on helping the smaller political parties that are competing against the better organized Freedom and Justice Party, the Muslim Brotherhood’s party.

This week saw the first round of Parliamentary elections, with voting in nine of the country’s 27 provinces. The staggered elections will continue over the coming months. The Freedom and Justice Party won 40 percent of the vote on Wednesday, with an additional 15 percent going to the Salafis, a group of hard-line Islamists who reject the right of women to vote.

“Poorly organized and internally divided, the liberal parties could not compete with Islamists disciplined by decades as the sole opposition to Mr. Mubarak,” the New York Times reported.

Read more on Newsmax.com: U.S. Spent $200M on Egypt Election

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wesley Hills 9 Year Old boy Hit by car on 306

A 9-year-old Wesley Hills boy suffered a broken leg and a head injury when he was struck by a car while trying to cross Route 306 this afternoon.Ramapo police said the boy, with his brother, was attempting to cross the road in front of 419 Route 306 to join his father when he was struck by a 2008 Honda Accord driven by an Orange County woman, Wendy Nodop, 43.The boy's brother was not injured.The accident occurred shortly before 1 p.m., police said, when there were a large number of pedestrians on the road due to the Jewish Sabbath. There are no sidewalks on that section of Route 306. Because of the heavy pedestrian traffic, cars were moving slowly along the road, witnesses told police. The boy was treated by Hatzolah Ambulance medics at the scene and was transported to Westchester Medical Center. Police said the boy was alert and responsive at the scene, and that his injuries were not life-threatening.No charges have been filed as police continue to investigate the incident.

Many Chassidic songs are Gypsy Songs, Non-Jewish

Anyone who is familiar with the world music genre knows that some of the most beautiful music comes from the Balkans in southeastern Europe.
Balkan music reflects the unique musical culture of the gypsies, and when one hears a gypsy violin playing, one cannot help but be affected.
As it turns out, the Hassidim in Romania were also moved by Balkan music. The Vizhnitzer Rebbe Chaim Meir Hager would go out to the road, listen to the gypsy singers and then command his followers to sing the same tunes when setting his table.

Two years ago Naor Carmi, a ba’al teshuva through Chabad who has played with some of the best singers in Israel, took upon himself to find out exactly
how much gypsy music had affected the Vizhnitz Hassidim. During the course of his research he found out that over 200 Hassidic melodies had been drawn from gypsy culture, directly and indirectly.

Carmi then decided to start a unique project: to produce some of these tunes in a way that takes them back to their original gypsy sound. In order to do this he found an authentic gypsy violin, brought a musical Jewish family from the Balkans, invited renowned Hasidic musician Chilik Frank, and created a show which combines the purity of Vizhnitz with the purity of the gypsies.

The show quickly sold out and Carmi had no choice but to continue and hold more shows due to the demand.

For those who missed any of the shows, one of them was recorded last year and now, after much studio work, it has been released as an album entitled “Playing Vizhnitz.”

The alternating extremes of joy and sorrow, the authenticity and professionalism of the artists and the Jewish Balkan family which takes part make this album rare in its intensity.

From Arutz Sheva

Clinton bashes Israel's loss of "democracy"

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the weekend expressed her concern over the “threat to democracy” in Israel. Speaking at the Saban Forum in Washington, Clinton said she was concerned over laws that could be seen as anti-democratic, especially the efforts to pass a law limiting donations to leftist organizations by foreign governments.
The United States itself has laws against donations to political causes by foreign governments.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Monsey House of Prostitution Busted

Irina Alkhimova 
Two more women working in a Rockland County spa have been arrested in a police investigation into alleged prostitution.
The latest arrests were made after Ramapo police began an investigation into N&Y Ultimate Service Spa at 12A N. Airmont Road.
Police launched a sting operation after receiving information about suspected prostitution at the spa.

An undercover officer visited the establishment Wednesday night.
As a result, two women were arrested.
No customers were in the spa at the time.
Irina Alkhimova, 34, of Brooklyn was charged with one county of count of unauthorized practice of a profession, a felony, and one count of prostitution, a misdemeanor.
Tamara Napikova, 26, of Manhattan was charged with unauthorized practice of a profession.

Instances of New York City women, usually from Asia or Russia, working in suburban spas and nail salons, and accused of working in sex trades have become more common.
In October, a Queens woman was arrested in an undercover investigation into possible prostitution at New City Spa, 59 Main St.
Nine women were arrested in a sweep of five spas in New City, Nanuet and Bardonia in 2006.
Another was arrested in a spa in Central Nyack in August 2010.Businesses offering body massages along with offers of sex have been a problem across Rockland for years, leading to periodic police investigations.The businesses often operate in strip mall storefronts or office buildings.
"It's insidious," said Sonia Ossorio, executive director of the National Organization for Women in New York City.

"These nail salons, spas, massage parlors are fronts for the international sex trade," Ossorio said.
The organization has been monitoring the growth of such criminal enterprises and their links to human trafficking .
"These criminal enterprises are global in scope and they are very sophisticated," she said.
Investigators in Rockland have tried to determine if the women were forced into the sex trade by smugglers who brought them into the country illegally.
The two women arrested Wednesday night were arraigned in the Airmont Village Court.
Alkhimova was released on $2,500 bail and Napikova was released on $1,500 bail.
Both suspect were due in court Thursday night.