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Showing posts sorted by date for query Ellen Greenberg. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Ellen Greenberg. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024

New evidence in Ellen Greenberg who was stabbed 20 times yet ruled a 'suicide' may have damaged Josh Shapiro VP chances

DIN posted a story about Ellen Greenberg's "suicide" on August 5.

Nancy Grace has revealed a catalogue of evidence in the case of Pennsylvania teacher Ellen Greenberg whose death was controversially ruled a suicide after she suffered 20 stab wounds.

The case was catapulted even further into the spotlight recently when Josh Shapiro emerged as a potential running mate for Kamala Harris.

As the state's Attorney General Shapiro had doubled down on the suicide ruling and blocked an attempt by Ellen's family to have the case reinvestigated.

That has been cited as one of the reasons Shapiro was not selected by Harris, who opted for Minnesota Governor Tim Walz instead.

On January 26, 2011 Ellen, 27, a first-grade teacher with a 'megawatt smile,' was found dead in her Philadelphia apartment.

Ten of the 20 stab wounds were to her neck and the back of her head.

Assistant Philadelphia Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne initially ruled her death a homicide, but changed it to suicide after a meeting with police and prosecutors.

In her upcoming book What Happened to Ellen? An American Miscarriage of Justice, Nancy reveals a series of reasons why she believes that should be changed back to homicide.

Crucially, an expert tells her three of the wounds were inflicted post-mortem.

And her investigation uncovers that a lawyer present at the meeting with the medical examiner has been given immunity in the case.

Last week, Pennsylvania's Supreme Court finally agreed to hear arguments from Ellen's parents, Joshua and Sandee, as they try to gain legal standing to challenge the suicide ruling.

Nancy, who has visited with the Greenbergs, told Dailymail.com they have been through 'Hell and back.'

Commenting on the three post-mortem wounds, Nancy said: 'Her heart is no longer beating and she's still stabbing herself, really?'

An expert also said one of the stab wounds 'nicked' Ellen's spinal cord cutting the dura, the membrane around it, yet she would have had to be still stabbing herself after that.

In addition, Ellen was also found sitting propped up against a kitchen cabinet.

'Why is there then blood going horizontally from her nose toward her ear? I believe in the law of gravity,' said Nancy. 'The scene was staged, her body was moved. There's been a cover up.'

She added that Ellen would have had to stab herself with a right hand motion, going left to right, then rotate the knife and stab right to left. 'That did not happen,' she said.

She added that the kitchen was 'extremely clean' when there should have been a 'bloodbath'.

'It stinks to high heaven. How can anyone go along with that?' she said.

At the time, no fingerprints were taken from the knife found still plunged in Ellen's chest, and police did not video the scene,

No luminol was used at the scene to look for signs of diluted blood.

The apartment manager was given permission to have it professionally cleaned. He took video before and after, but the video was 'lost' by police.

Nancy said a female prosecutor who was at the meeting with the medical examiner in 2011 had been given immunity in the case.

'Why do people get immunity? Usually when the state believes that person has information.

'We have been told the female prosecutor that has been given immunity was in the meeting with the medical examiner,' she said.

Shapiro's involvement came to the fore again in recent weeks.

It reemerged that Shapiro had been Pennsylvania Attorney General when in February 2022 his office announced it had reviewed the case and stuck by the suicide ruling.

In July 2022 Shapiro recused himself from the case without offering a detailed explanation.

In a statement his office said: 'While the Office of Attorney General does not have an actual conflict in this matter, circumstances beyond our control have created the appearance of a conflict and our involvement is no longer serving one of the primary purposes of the District Attorney’s original conflict referral.'

Shapiro's 'mishandling' of the case had caused 'anger, hurt, outrage' for Ellen's family, Nancy said.

'lt hit the fan when Shapiro was on the shortlist for VP.

'Instead of saying this is beyond wrong he doubled down. He blocked a reinvestigation of the case, he fought it tooth and nail.

'What they should have done is say we don't know what happened so lets have a hearing.'

Nancy described Ellen as a 'poster teacher for first grade' who loved her students.

She was also a 'Daddy's girl' who loved going to sporting events with her father and played softball.

She said it had been a 'very long ordeal' for the Greenbergs as they try to get the ruling changed. 'They tried and tried and tried,' she said.

Ellen was found with 10 stab wounds from a 10-inch knife to her neck and the back of the head, and 10 to her stomach, abdomen, and chest.

Her fiancé Sam Goldberg told police he broke down the door, which was locked from the inside, found her, and attempted CPR while on the phone with 911.

The Greenbergs sued the medical examiner's office and Osborne in 2019 but were rejected by the Commonwealth Court last September.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has not granted their appeal to hear the case as a 'matter of statewide importance'.

Following that decision Sandee told Dailymail.com: 'We're smiling, we're very optimistic. I hope we're making our daughter proud. There's been a lot of frustration, but we haven't given up,' Sandee said.

The court will hear arguments on whether 'executors and administrators of an estate have standing to challenge an erroneous finding recorded on the decedent's death certificate.'

Nancy said she wanted the case 'ruled appropriately' as a homicide and anything else would be 'putting the cart before the horse'.

'Then and only the will this case proceed to an appropriate homicide investigation,' she said.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Ellen Greenberg 27 Was Stabbed 20 times Yet the Med Examiner Ruled it a Suicide??

Sam Goldberg's call to 911 

This graphic shows knife wounds Ellen suffered to her neck and chest, that pierced her brain and severed her spinal cord

The Door That Sam said he broke down, Latch looks almost Intact

Parents of a young teacher found with 20 stab wounds have won the right to challenge the ruling of her death as a suicide.

Ellen Greenberg, 27, was found dead on the kitchen floor of her apartment in Philadelphia in the middle of a blizzard on January 26, 2011.

She had 10 stab wounds to her neck and the back of the head, and 10 to her stomach, abdomen, and chest with a 10-inch knife still plunged into her heart.

Her fiancé Sam Goldberg told police he broke down the door, which was locked from the inside, found her, and attempted CPR with on the phone with 911.

Assistant Philadelphia Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne initially ruled her death a homicide but changed it to suicide after a meeting with police and prosecutors.

Greenberg's parents Joshua and Sandee have spent the 13 years since, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, trying to reverse it.

'Ellen stabbing herself 20 times before dying is bulls**t. She died from a very vicious, very painful knife attack,' Joshua told DailyMail.com 

After amassing a wealth of evidence pointing to homicide, they sued the ME's office and Osborne in 2019 but were rejected by the Commonwealth Court last September.

But the Pennsylvania Supreme Court this week granted their appeal to hear the case as a 'matter of statewide importance'.

'We're smiling, we're very optimistic... I hope we're making our daughter proud. There's been a lot of frustration, but we haven't given up,' Sandee said.

The court will hear arguments on whether 'executors and administrators of an estate have standing to challenge an erroneous finding recorded on the decedent's death certificate'.

The order noted 'that finding constitutes a bar or material impediment to the recovery of victim's compensation, restitution or for wrongful death, as well as private criminal complaints'. 

Joshua said the family would change a longstanding precedent if it won, and hoped Greenberg's cause of death would at least be changed to 'undetermined'.

'Medical examiners apparently have this ability that you and I don't have - they can walk on water so their conclusions cannot be challenged, except by a court. So, we are challenging something that cannot be challenged,' he said.

The family's lawyer, Joseph Podraza, said getting the finding changed could force Greenberg's death to be reinvestigated as a possible homicide.

'We've got our fingers and toes crossed. That's why we were ecstatic when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided to take up the matter,' he said.

'We're hopeful that one of the reasons that they took this case is to set that precedent and to correct what we contend is an erroneous determination.'

Though the Commonwealth Court found the Greenbergs had no standing to challenge the medical examiner, the judges were otherwise on their side.

The 39-page decision was a scathing indictment of how the case was handled, giving them hope for the Supreme Court appeal.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Ellen Greenberg was stabbed 20 times but Medical Examiner Ruled it was a "suicide"?


The parents of a Pennsylvania woman who died of 20 stab wounds are taking the medical examiner’s office to court for declaring her death a suicide.

Ellen Greenberg’s parents have been granted a non-jury trial in their lawsuit against the coroner’s office over her January 2011 death in her Philadelphia apartment, CBS Philly reported.

“We look forward to the trial in hopes of obtaining justice for Ellen,” Sandra Greenberg, Ellen’s mother, told the outlet.

On the day of her death, Ellen, 27, had returned home to her apartment early from her first-grade teaching job on account of a snowstorm.

She was later discovered dead on the kitchen floor by her fiance, Sam Goldberg, when he returned home from the gym.

She had suffered stabbing wounds to her chest, neck, head and torso, police said.

Police initially suspected her death was a suicide, noting the lack of forced entry, defensive wounds or DNA on her body that wasn’t hers, the Washington Post reported.

Medical examiner Marlon Osbourne, however, determined her death to be a homicide before reversing course and amending the ruling to suicide more than a month later, according to the lawsuit.

“It makes no sense,” the Greenbergs’ attorney, Joseph Podraza, told the newspaper.

Greenberg’s family hired a team of experts in the aftermath of her death who pointed out that a knife in her apartment was overturned, possibly suggesting that she had been involved in a struggle, and a gash on the back of her head may have rendered her unconscious and unable to defend herself, the newspaper reported.

Her family has also questioned why she filled up her gas tank before coming home and didn’t leave a note indicating that she planned to take her own life.

Podraza said the family is taking action now to get to the bottom of her death.

“They want to know what happened to their daughter,” he told the newspaper.

An attorney for the city argued that the medical examiner’s office came to its conclusions based on years of experience — and noted that the death certificate does not prevent local authorities from probing her death as a homicide.

“The medical examiner’s determination is binding on no one. … If a prosecuting authority were convinced that Ellen Greenberg was murdered, there is no statute of limitations on homicide and they could pursue it,” the city argued in court filings, the paper reported.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Meet the Fake Hollywood “Jews” Who Endorse the Obama Deal

It’s hilarious that the ad identifies those on the list as “American Jewish supporters of Israel,” when they are no such thing and never have been. These people have zero ties to Judaism (other than being born ethnically Jewish) and have never done a thing to support the State of Israel in any way, shape, or form.
Here is the full list of these self-hating frauds:
Mel Levine, Mickey Kantor, Eli Broad, Norman Lear, Frank Gehry, Stanley Gold, Irwin Jacobs
David Abel, James Adler, Daniel Attias, Elaine Mitchell Attias, Lawrence Bender, Peter and Barbara Benedek, Michael Berenbaum, Donna Bojarksy, Peter Braun, Rabbi Sharon Brous, David Bubis, Rabbi Ken Chasen, Eli Chernow, Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels, Bruce and Toni Corwin, Geoffrey Cowan, Bert Deixler, David Fisher, William and Patricia Flumenbaum, Terry Friedman, Abner Goldstine, Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater, Arthur Greenberg, Earl Greinetz, Richard and Lois Gunther, Stephen Gunther, Janet Halbert, Michael Hrischfeld, Elaine Hoffman, Jane Jelenjo and Bill Norris, Charles Kaplan, Marty Kaplan, Steven Kaplan and Janet Levine, Glenn and Miriam Krinksy, Luis and Lee Lainer, Mark Lainer, Peter Landesman, Shawn Landres, Shari Leinwand, Irwin Levin, Peachy Levy, Rabbi Richard N. Levy, Mike Medavoy, Douglass Mirell, Charles Mostov, Allan and Nicole Mutchnik, David N. Myers, Mark and Marsha Novak, Rabbi Arnold Rachlis, Carolyn Ramsay, Gene Reynolds, Victoria Riski and David W. Rintels, Fredric D. Rosen, Rick Rosen, Monica and Philip Rosenthal, Ranni John Rosove, Thomas Safran, Dena Schechter, Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller, Larry Shapiro, Abby Sher, Richard Siegel, Glenn Sonnenberg, Carolyn Strauss, Bradley Tabach-Bank and De Dee Dorksind, David A. Thorpe, Larry Title and Ellen Shavelson, Matthew Velkes, Hope Warschaw, Rick Wartzman, Matthew Winer, Sandford and Karen Wiener, Daniel Weiss, Marcie and Howard Zelikow and Michael Ziering.
98 soulless, traitorous bastards. 
Back in the day, in 1943, they had a different name: kapo.
Oh, and Peachy Levy? How on earth can I take anyone named, “Peachy,” seriously?
Are we to assume that Norman Lear and the rest of them read all that, word for word, and if they did, are we to assume that, in their careful consideration, this work is so perfect that it is ready for production? No rewrite necessary? Are there no plots and sub-plots that, according to the language of the trade, needs more work?

No, after careful study on their yachts and then sharing lunch at Spago, they concluded that they know best.

They know better …better than the nuclear physicists who declare the deal a flop favorable only to the mullahs of Iran.

Or is it that these Jewish Liberals remain so gaga for Obama that they don’t care who lives or dies, so long as Liberalism lives?
That’s got to be it because nothing else makes sense.

Hemingway never liked the movies they made from his novels. He was fond of giving the following advice – “Stick to what you know.”
Otherwise, we might add, you risk making complete fools of yourselves.