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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Peshuto Shel. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

How the Eida Hachreidis Murdered the Author of "Rashi Kepshuto"

I had written way back in October about how the Eida Hachreidis Savages went after Harav Zalman Gottleib, the publisher of "Peshuto Shel Mikra/ Rashi Kepshuto," a sefer that explains each pasuk and Rashi in a very concise and easy to understand format. The Gangsters had initially given him an "haskama." 
After the great success of this Sefer, the jealous Eida issued a "fatwa" that his sefarim was "chazir treif" Why? Only G-d knows. They pressured all Seforim Stores to remove the sefarim. Harav Zalman Gottleib republished the set but removed the "Rashi Kepshuto." which was edited by none other than Harav Naftali Anshin z"l who died Erev Shabbas Kodesh at the young age of 66 years old. He was the father of 15 children. 
After the set was republished minus "Rashi Kepshuto" no one bought it. 
But instead of rejoicing that they were able to defeat and practically bankrupt Rav Gottleib they went harassed with outright "achzurious" cruelty, the editor, Harav Anshin z"l, who being a very sensitive soul and whose heart couldn't take the vicious campaign of abuse, collapsed of a heart attack! , 
May Hashem Avenge His soul! HY"D 

Below is a synopsis in Hebrew and a loose translation of this murder story!

רוצחים פשוטו כמשמעו, כל מי שלחמו בו על ספרו הם רוצחים במלוא מובן המילה, מפני שהם ביקשו לרוצחו, הם ידעו שבהתקפות כאלו אדם רגיש כמוהו לא יוכל לעמוד בזה, וכאשר ממשיכים וממשיכים בלי סוף לפגוע ובתקופה כל כך ארוכה, היה ברור כי הוא ימות, ליבו לא יוכל לשאת את הצער שהם גורמים לו, בשל דבר שאין כל הצדקה לכך. מותר לחלוק על כל מה שכותב מאן דהוא באיזה ספר שלא יהיה, אבל לרדוף אדם שכתב פירוש על התורה בדרך שיש בה רציחה ברורה, - מעט אנשים מסוגלים לעמוד בהתקפות כאלה, - הם רוצחים על פי כל דין

לא אכנס כאן לכל ההיסטוריה של הספר, הבאנו בעבר הרבה על מה שמתחולל מסביב המערכה שמנהלים כמה רשעים נגד אדם שכתב ספר פירוש על התורה ושם ספרו 'פשוטו של מקרא', וכמו בכל ספר יש מי שלא אוהבים את הספר וחולקים, כאן החליטו כי יורדים לחייו בכל דרך, הסיתו רבנים שיחתמו נגדו, ניהלו בו מלחמה מן הגרועים שידעה ירושלים, גייסו את כל אנשיהם שיסייעו לרוצחו, ומאחר ואי אפשר לעשות זאת על ידי אקדח כי יישבו בבית הסוהר אז יש להם את השיטה הידועה יוצאים במודעות ובאיסורים חמורים וכותבים נוסחאות שישברו אותו שבר על גבי שבר, עד אשר הוא התמוטט ומת

בשל קוצר הזמן היום יום שישי היום שנפל ומת לאחר מסע דמים נורא, אני מסתפק במה שאני כותב כאן, אבל בל"נ כל אלו אשר נתנו יד לרצח הזה לא ייצאו נקיים, נעמיד את מי שצריך על מקומם. חיים אנו בדור של רוצחים ממש בלבוש קנאי מן הסוג של עדה'ניקעס עץ'ניקים ודומיהם  שכל עניינם הוא לשפוך דמים ממש ונוכיח זאת, כשלצידם סיקריקים וקבוצות חותמים, כשברור שזה ישפוך דם, מעטים הם החזקים היכולים לעמוד מול השמצות מן הסוג הזה, הם יודעים כי מודעות מן הסוג הזה כפי שעשו יכול לשפוך דם, כך שאינם יכולים להתחמק בטענה כי לא ידעו, ברור היה מראש כי שופכים את דמו, מעידים כל מי שהכירוהו כי הוא בכה בלילות על מה שעשו לו, הוא התהלך שבור על הרדיפות שרדפו אותו - כולל באלימות - רק בגלל שהסביר את החומש כפי שהוא מבין את הדברים, ולא הפסיקו, מילא כשכותבים מגלים דעת ובכך זה נגמר, המערכה נגדו הייתה מתוך מגמה ברורה לרוצחו נפש, כל מי שהיה לו חלק בעניין הזה הוא רוצח ושופך דמים ולא ינוקה
חיים שאולזון

Murderers literally!!! Everyone who fought him and were against his sefer are murderers in the full sense of the word, because they wanted to murder him, they knew that in such attacks, a sensitive person like him would not be able to withstand it, and when they continued to hurt him endlessly and for such a long period of time, it was clear that he would die, his heart would not be able to bear the sorrow they were causing him, because there was no justification for it.
 It is permissible to disagree with everything that anyone writes in any Sefer, but to persecute a person who wrote a commentary on the Torah, in a way that they did , involves obvious murder, - few people are able to withstand such attacks, - they are murderers according to any law!!!

I will not go into the entire history of the Sefer here, we have written a lot in the past about what is happening around the campaign waged by some wicked people against a man who wrote a commentary Sefer on the Torah; the name of his book is "Peshuto Shel Mikrah", and as in any sefer there are those who do not like the sefer and disagree, here they decided that they would descend into his life in every way, incited rabbis to sign against him, waged one of the worst war in Jerusalem, 

They also recruited all their men to help his murderer, and since it couldn't be done with a gun because they would have to spend time in prison,  they used a well-known method, of posting pashkevels, Kol Koras issuing fatwa after fatwa, issuing severe prohibitions against this Sefer , breaking him, limb by limb, knowing full well that this would kill him, until he did collapse and die!

Due to the shortness of time, today is Friday, erev shabbas, the day he fell and died after a terrible bloody journey, I am satisfied with the little that I write now, but bli neder all those who gave a hand to this murder will not come out clean, we will put those who need to, in their place. 

We live in a generation of murderers in fanatical clothing of the kind of Extremists and the like, whose only business is to spill blood, and we will expose those who tormented him and go after those who signed those Kol Koras, knowing full well that these Kol Koras would spill blood. Very few are those who can stand up to slander of this kind, they knew full well that this kind of Kol Koras can shed blood, so they cannot get away with claiming that they did not know,
 It was clear from the outset that his blood was shed, everyone who knew him testified that he cried at night for what was done to him, he walked around broken by the persecutions that persecuted him - including violence - just because he explained the Pentateuch as he understood things. The campaign against him was with a clear intention of murdering his soul, everyone who had a part in this matter is a murderer and whose blood and will not be cleansed.
Some of the signatories in the Fatwa above who will give "din ve'cheshbon" are the Roshei Yeshiva of Lakewood, which does not surprise me at all. One of those Roshei Yeshiva is a guy who has two wives, one in Israel and one in Lakewood.
Interesting that this RY got a "Heter Meah Rabbanim" to get himself an additional wife after she refused to accept his get, yet this very RY does nothing when a guy refused to grant his wife a get and got himself "Heter Meah Rabbanim" to marry another one, after he said that his "wife has a get waiting in Bais Din" but this menuval featured many times on this blog doesn't tell you that the get is attached with a condition that his first wife must cough up a fortune to get it! 
Please Note that that according to Halacha no one sitting as a Dayan has a right to issue a verdict unless he has heard the other side. I checked, years ago, on the "Heter Meah Rabbanim" of the rasha "get refuser" who lives on the West Coast, and none of the rabbanim who signed ever met his wife. NOT ONE! I naively asked one of them how he signed on knowing he hadn't met the other side, he laughed, and told me "you will never understand how this heter works." Little does he know that I know exactly how this works, and the answer is simple...................... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
Woe to us!!!! Woe to our generation. 


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Badatz Hooligans Continue to Threaten the Life of the author of "Peshuto Shel Mikrah"

 Rabbi Zalman Gottlieb, the humble publisher of Peshuto she Mikrah, left all his personal belongings at home last night and disappeared.‎

‎He had returned from abroad where he was trying to clear his name and enterprise, and when he arrived in Israel, "Rabbi" Yehoshua Rosenberger issued a letter from some of the Badatz judges destroying all his hope.‎

Gottlieb told his family that he couldn't stand it anymore. Yesterday he disappeared, Police are looking for him...‎

In ‎a dramatic development in the investigation into his disappearance police discovered recordings of phone calls that include explicit threats to his life. ‎

‎His associate who found him the hiding place says:
 "For several months now, he and his family have been undergoing an unbearable terror campaign, which includes harassment at all hours of the day, but the explicit threat that included a time and place to harm him forced us to smuggle him out immediately, and at the same time involve the police."‎

‎As you may recall, a group of rioters, and one of the leaders against the sefer published by the Leshem Institute, broke into the home of Gabad Betar Hagarach Weiss, who supports the book, and fled only when the police were called. 
This threat to the life of one of the Institute's leaders is certainly another escalation on the part of the same extremist sect that has terrorized the public and rabbis in recent years.