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Showing posts with label updated accident in tiberias 8 killed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label updated accident in tiberias 8 killed. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

8 from same family killed in Tveryeh Car Accident! 7 year old survives! Updated 5/22

Eight people were killed near Tiberias overnight Monday in an accident that occurred when a vehicle's brakes went out, sending it careening into a wadi where it flipped over and burst into flames, according to police.

A seven-year-old girl was thrown from the vehicle before it went up in flames, sustaining light-to-moderate injuries. The remaining occupants of the vehicle remained trapped inside. MDA paramedics attempted to rescue survivors from the wreckage, but reported that they had evacuated eight dead bodies from the vehicle.

Paramedics treated the seven-year-old girl on the scene before evacuating her to Poriah Medical Center in Tiberias.

According to Israeli media reports, all of those killed in the crash were members of the same family, two parents and their six children.

The driver called police from the vehicle prior to the accident upon realizing that the car's brakes had ceased to function. According to police, the dispatcher who took the man's call heard the crash occur while he was on the line with the driver. The first police car to respond to the call found the car already in flames upon arriving at the scene.


Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz announced that his ministry would nominate an investigative committee to investigate the car crash that killed Rafael and Yehudit Atias and six of their seven children overnight Monday.
Given that the fatal accident was reportedly caused by a brake failure, Katz called to find out who had maintained the car and inspected it.
The driver called police from the vehicle prior to the accident upon realizing that the car’s brakes had ceased to function. According to police, the dispatcher who took the man’s call heard the crash occur while he was on the line with the driver.
Police said the call was “chilling and difficult” to hear, adding that the recording of the conversation would not be released as it would hurt the family’s sensitivities.
Ichud Hatzalah rescue told VIN News that the vehicle was in flames killing all trapped inside except their seven-year-old girl.