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Showing posts with label susan rice netanyahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label susan rice netanyahu. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Obama upset about 'manners' and 'protocol' when the topic is NUCLEAR WEAPONS?"

Has Susan Rice Gone Off the Deep End?

Veteran Fox News commentator Greta Van Susteren slammed NationalSecurity Adviser Susan Rice on Wednesday, after Rice called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's upcoming speech before Congress "destructive" to the US-Israel relationship. 

In a long Facebook post, which she asked supporters to share, Van Susteren asked incredulously, "Has President Obama's National SecurityAdviser Susan Rice gone off the deep end? What kool aid is SHE drinking?" 

"Rice...just claimed to Charlie Rose on CBS that Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to Congress next week is 'destructive' to the relationship between the US and Israel. Really? PM Netanyahu is the destructive one to the relationship?" Van Susteren continued. 

The Fox commentator, who also hosts her own show called On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, then listed four instances where Rice's boss, President Barack Obama, was "destructive" to the relationship. 

The first example of bad conduct, Van Susteren writes, was when Obama was caught in 2011 "trash-talking PM Netanyahu with then French President Nicolas Sarkozy."
Sarkozy told Obama that he couldn't stand Netanyahu, to which Obama replied, "You are sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day," creating an embarrassing scandal. 

The second instance, Van Susteren outlines, was Obama's notable absence from a mega solidarity rally in Paris last month following terrorist attacks on a satirical magazine and a kosher grocery, in which 17 people were killed. 

"In October an Administration official called PM Netanyahu in a magazine article 'chicken ****' and 'a coward,'" Van Susteren continues, also blasting Obama for not immediately sending an apology to Netanyahu on behalf of his administration. 

She then brought her diatribe to present matters listing all the ways the US government plans to insult Netanyahu during his trip to Washington next week. 

These include Democratic legislators boycotting the speech, Vice President Joe Biden being a no-show, and Obama's refusal to meet with Netanyahu. 
"Does she think THAT was not destructive to the relationship?" Van Susteren writes alongside each of her examples.

"The is all because the White House is upset because Speaker Boehner did not tell them first before inviting PM Netanyahu.

Do you know how insane that is to be upset about 'manners' and 'protocol' when the topic is NUCLEAR WEAPONS?" Van Susteren concludes. 
Netanyahu is slated to address Congress next week on Tuesday, March 3. 

He has stated he will not give up the speech despite opposition both at home and abroad.