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Showing posts with label peaches geldof dies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peaches geldof dies. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Did "juicing" kill the Jewish Peaches Geldof?

Geldof, 25, who was found dead at her home in the village of Wrotham, Kent, had spoken about her drastic eating habits in the past.
“I do juicing. You juice vegetables and then you drink it three times a day. It’s gross. I do it usually for about a month,” Peaches, a mother of two, told OK! magazine.

In 2011, she said she could lose about 10 pounds in four weeks by following the diet,the Daily Mail reported.
“I will lose it, then I’m back going mental for the chips.
“I have no willpower but with the juicing I’m like, ‘I have to do it because I have to lose this extra 10 pounds.’
“I’ll juice and then I eat chips.”
When the interview was published, Cath Collins, a spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, warned Peaches about her health.
“Surviving on fruit is a very dangerous diet,” Collins said.
“Peaches is at high risk of electrolyte abnormalities which could lead to acute cardiac arrest.
“Rapid dieting like this not only makes you lose muscle strength but wastes away your internal organs.
“It is what kills anorexics.”
Peaches responded to her worried fans on Twitter, after her dramatically transformed frame was revealed.
She said: “To those telling me I look skinny and to eat something, I can assure you I’ve just cut out eating crap.
“I still eat like a horse.”
She confessed that she was very aware of the pressure to be thin in the media spotlight.
“Sometimes it’s hard. If you open any high-fashion magazine, the girls in it are stick-thin and then they’ve been airbrushed down to the point where it’s just ludicrousness,” she said.
Kent police said officers were investigating the “unexplained sudden death,” and will hand their findings to a coroner, with a post-mortem to be performed in the next few days, but did not consider it suspicious.
Peaches was the daughter of Irish musician Bob Geldof and TV host Paula Yates, who died of a drug overdose in 2000. She grew up in the glare of Britain’s press, which reveled in the late-night antics of her teenage years.
More recently, she married for a second time, to musician Tom Cohen, had two children and worked as a broadcaster and writer.
Bob Geldof said the family was “beyond pain.”
“What a beautiful child. How is this possible that we will not see her again? How is that bearable? We loved her and will cherish her forever,” he wrote in a statement.
Cohen said in a statement: “My beloved wife Peaches was adored by myself and her two sons Astala and Phaedra and I shall bring them up with their mother in their hearts every day. We shall love her forever.”
Peaches was just 11 when her mother died of an accidental heroin overdose at 41. Yates divorced Bob Geldof in 1996 after forming a relationship with INXS frontman Michael Hutchence.
Hutchence was found dead in a hotel room in Sydney, Australia, in 1997, and Yates went on to lose custody of the three daughters she had with Geldof — Peaches, Pixie and Fifi — the following year. Bob Geldof later adopted Yates and Hutchence’s daughter, Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily.
Peaches Geldof’s death came as a shock to Britain’s entertainment and fashion circles. She was a frequent attendee at fashion shows in London and New York, and was photographed just last week at a London show for Tesco brand F & F.
In an interview last spring, she described how she had never fully recovered from the divorce of her parents when she was 6 years old and her mother’s death five years later.
“The transition of my mother, who was amazing, who wrote books on parenting, who gave us this idyllic childhood in Kent; and who then turned into this heartbroken shell of a woman who was just medicating to get through the day,” she said.
“On top of that, there was my father who was very embittered and depressed about it and for us children, an environment that was impossible, veering between a week with my mother that was complete chaos, and then with my father, which was almost Dickensian — homework, dinner, bed — because he was trying in his own way to combat what was going on at my mother’s.”
In her last interview, given to Mother and Baby magazine, Peaches wrote of her enthusiasm about being a mother and said that it had “broken” her “in the best possible way.”

“Becoming a mother was like becoming me, finally,” she wrote.
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“After years of struggling to know myself, feeling lost at sea, rudderless and troubled, having babies through which to correct the multiple mistakes of my own traumatic childhood was beyond healing.
“I felt finally anchored in place, with lives that literally depend on me, and I am not about to let them down, not for anyone or anything.”