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Showing posts with label father commits suice because daughter isnt accepted in school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father commits suice because daughter isnt accepted in school. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

Father of Child Rejected from 1st Grade in Rechasim Takes his Own Life

I don't really know what precipitated this man to kill himself.
A neighbor said that he was very distraught because yesterday morning he received a call from the school that his 5 year old daughter was rejected from attending the school. And that was the straw that broke the camel's back!

Why was the child rejected? Why isn't there room for a Jewish child in a Jewish school?
If there isn't room, build another classroom.
This problem is in the US as well. Schools have made their own demented rules for not admitting Jewish children!
There are schools in Lakewood and in Israel that will not allow a child in the school, if the parents work! 

There are schools that won't allow children in if the parents own a smart phone!

I say that if a Jewish child wants to learn Torah... admit the child! Finished!

If you can't accept children only if they follow your crazy sick rules, shut your doors!

In Monsey Yeshivah Ateres Tzvi, closed it's doors, I don't have the details or the facts, why it closed, but now other Yeshivas do not want to take those children in!
Can you imagine? What is going on? 

All I hear and see is brochures and posters about Loshon Harah! 
How about admitting ALL children that want to learn Torah?

A new Sefer was just published about Loshon Harah from the Chofetz Chayim, a precise translation of the original Hebrew Sefer....
I had a chance to peruse the sefer, and couldn't find one line stating that it is a Choiv Kadosh, a Holy obligation, to accept ALL children in Yeshivah .... not one line in this entire thick book!

Where are our values?
 So now we can't call out a principle of a Yeshivah that refuses to accept Jewish Children that don't fit the criteria of the school, because this new English Sefer writes that it is forbidden to speak about the principle?
Well I say that it is a "Mitzvah Le'farseim" to talk about them! Absolutely!

There are Chassidish schools that will only admit a child if he has a 4 part kipot, if it's 8 part they send home a note.  I'm not kidding! 
One school will not allow eyeglasses to be plastic, and there is another school that will not allow wire rimmed eyeglasses! Sheer madness!
In New Square a family was informed that their youngest child will not be admitted into school because the mother wore a snood instead of a turban while she was bullsh__G with her friends outside!

I know I will get emails stating that the values of the house is not on par with the values of the school!
well, isn't that just too bad! 
Isn't that what education is all about?
Maybe just maybe if you admit this child, the parents will automatically get in line?

The Menahlim and the principles and the Rabbonim running these schools have blood on their hands!
Stop with the Loshon Harah campaigns, and let's start exposing these bastards before it's too late!

This tragic story happened yesterday at 11:00 am. 
A resident of Rechasim, a man in his 50s employed as a driver, transporting chareidi children in the city was not answering his phone. His employer continued calling but he did not respond. Calls were directed to his voice mail. 

As the hours passed there was growing concern for the man and a search began in an effort to locate him. 

 His lifeless body found in his vehicle near a shul in Kfar Chassidim 5:00PM. It appeared he had a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The details of the tragic story began to unfold during the hours that followed. The man did not leave a letter explaining his actions. He learned that morning that his daughter was rejected from first grade. ‘H’, a person who knew the niftar explained he believes the rejection of his child from school broke him – it was the final straw.

Ladaat News quotes ‘H’ saying “It is a mafia here in Rechasim. I will not give my name for if I do I will be a dead man. Tomorrow my daughter will be ousted from school and they will make sure to ruin my life and that of my family”.

‘H’ continued, explaining “I knew him well. He was about 50 and normative as you fine. His older daughters are married and now his little one was going into first grade however in the morning he learned she was not accepted. 

There may have been other factors but there is no doubt this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. He had no one to turn to and those he asked for help did not assist him”.

The niftar’s mechutin was maspid him at the levaya, calling on the tzibur of Rechasim to do a cheshbon nefesh, adding “Do not say ‘my hands did not spill this blood’”.

Police determined the niftar used his own handgun to take his life.