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Showing posts with label Zolton Hirsch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zolton Hirsch. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Handicapped Chasid Sues Strip Club & Treif Food Restaurants

Zoltan Hirsch, a riding Chillul Hashem, who is a double amputee in a wheelchair, has filed 87 federal claims in the last year seeking damages and legal fees against establishments that do not cater to the handicapped. People are wondering whether Hirsch is a con man. Hirsch who lost his legs in a car accident seven years ago, files lawsuits at the rate of one a day. He sued Dunkin Donuts and a City Crab restaurant, and get this, he sued The Lace Strip Club. He even sued the Red & White Spa in SoHo eventhough he has no legs. Hirsch typically maintains he cannot get into a business, but his lawsuits are filled with precise violations including bars that are inches too high. I am wondering if when Moshiach comes he will sue the Bais Hamikdash, because  Kohanim cannot serve if they are handicapped.
For more readNew York Post