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Showing posts with label Reuvein Dovid Herbst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reuvein Dovid Herbst. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2011

6 year old Monsey boy electrocuted! EXLUSIVE UPDATE AUG 29

A six year old boy is in critical condition after touching a live wire that was dangling near his house.The boy's father was also hurt trying to save his son. Initial reports are that the child was flown to Westchester. Will updated as soon as we get more info. The child's name is Reuvein Dovid Herbst.There was also one fatality from this incident but reports are still sketchy, reports are that the fatality was a neighbor, his name Reichenberg z"l.

This is the story as related to us by a close family member.
Rabbi Herbst went out AFTER the storm to Shmooze with his neighbor R' Reichenberg Z"L. Little Reuvein Dovid Herbst followed his father and touched the gate. The gate was electrified by a loose live wire that touched the gate that nobody noticed.  When Reuvein Dovid touched the gate he got electrocuted. Rabbi Herbst who was wearing rubber boots, because he was repairing something in the yard, grabbed his son's hand to remove him from the gate. By touching his son, Rabbi Herbst got electrocuted and burned his hand, he was immediately thrown to the ground; his life was saved by his rubber boots. R' Reichenberg z"l attempting to push the child further from the gate, was immediately electrocuted and killed. R' Reichenberg's funeral was last night and was buried in the Monsey Bais Hachyim. The child has 65% burns on his body and is now breathing on his own b"h.