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Showing posts with label Iron Dome intercepts two rockets over Tel Aviv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iron Dome intercepts two rockets over Tel Aviv. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Iron Dome intercepts two rockets over Tel Aviv, Today

Interception follows two rockets fired at the city earlier in the day; rocket strikes car in Ofakim, injuring 5, and a home in Ashdod, injuring 2; over 100 rockets fired into Israel since morning.

The Iron Dome intercepted two long-range rockets fired at Tel Aviv on Sunday evening. No injuries or damage was reported, police say.
Hamas claimed responsibility for firing at the city.
It was the second strike on Israel's commercial capital on Sunday.
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired over 100 rockets towards a number of Israeli cities Sunday morning, striking among others, Beersheba, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Sderot. The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted two rockets fired toward Tel Aviv, and 30 overall throughout the day. The IAF struck over 80 targets in Gaza in the same time period.
A rocket struck the roof of an 8-story residential building in Ashdod on Sunday afternoon. The rocket penetrated the elevator shaft and descended five stories before exploding and causing extensive damage to the building. Two people were lightly injured and thirty were treated for shock.

Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfekld said "We're now seeing large rocket salvos involving 5-10 projectiles. This is an increase from what we've seen before."
One rocket struck a building in Ashkelon Sunday morning, lightly injuring two people and causing serious damage to the building. Another rocket moderately-to-seriously injured another man in Sha'ar Hanegev.
At least three other rockets hit Asheklon Sunday morning. Iron Dome intercepted two and another fell into an open field. Three rockets were shot at Beersheba, two of which were intercepted by Iron Dome. The third caused damage but no injuries.
Magen David Adom said Sunday that by 1 p.m. it had treated four injured people, one in a moderate condition and three who were lightly injured. Twelve others were treated for shock.
Iron Dome intercepts rockets over Tel Aviv
The Iron Dome anti-rocket shield had intercepted 17 rockets heading for city centers at the time of this report, including at least two heading for the Tel Aviv Metropolitan area. Sirens sent Tel Avivians scattering for cover for the fourth time since the operation to suppress Palestinian rockets began last week.
Shrapnel from one of the rockets struck a car in the Holon area south of Tel Aviv, setting it on fire and destroying it completely. Miraculously, the driver had left his vehicle when the siren sounded, and survived the incident without injury.
Since the start of the operation on Wednesday, more than 520 Palestinian rockets exploded in Israeli territory. A small percentage of those exploded in urban areas. A further 280 rockets heading straight for population centers were successfully shot down by Iron Dome.
Schools in southern Israel located within 40 kilometers from the border with Gaza remain shut.
South experiences quiet night after days of heavy rocket fire
After Saturday saw dozens of rockets fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip, including two missiles directed toward Tel Aviv, a sole rocket landed in Israeli territory overnight Saturday, just after midnight. The rocket landed in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council area, failing to cause injuries or damage.
On Saturday, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi said in Cairo that "there are some indications that there is a possibility of a cease-fire soon, but we do not yet have firm guarantees."
Egypt has mediated previous cease-fire deals between Israel and Hamas, the latest of which unraveled with recent violence.
A Palestinian official told Reuters the truce discussions would continue in Cairo on Sunday, saying "there is hope," but it was too early to say whether the efforts would succeed.
In Jerusalem, an Israeli official declined to comment on the negotiations. Military commanders said Israel was prepared to fight on to achieve a goal of halting rocket fire from Gaza.