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Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Mayor Of Beit Shemesh Caves into Extremists and allows them to Terrorize Beit Shemesh


The Clueless Dunce Greenberg

If you remember, Beit Shesmesh had an election last year for mayor, Shmuel Greenberg "the dunce" against the incumbent, the Mayor Dr Aliza Bloch! 

Dr. Aliza Bloch was a Mayor for all of the Beit Shemesh residents; the population of Beit Shemesh incorporates all different types, Chilonim, Dati Leumi, Sfardim, Litvaks, Chassidim, Chareidim and of course a minority of extremists! She managed to placate all of them! 

But the Chareidim, even though they hate each other guts managed somehow to unite and put up a clueless puppet Shmuel Greenberg as their candidate! They reasoned that Greenberg could be manipulated and if he would win they would pack the entire City Hall with Chareidim to cater exclusively to Chareidim! Greenberg was the candidate running under the Degel flag, and they made a deal that in the next mayoral election Shas or Aguda's candidate would be the anointed one! 

To get him elected they dragged Rav Dov Landau from Bnei-Brak who could barely walk to a Campaign Rally on a Motzei Shabbos that took place in Beit Shemesh in a Sports Center where until now the Local Chareidie Rabbis, (that will remain nameless for this post ,) prohibited יהרג ועל יעבור  to enter!
But what would we not do for כבוד התורה?

I had the honor and זכות to come to the event!
It didn't take long until someone shoved a piece of paper under Rav Landau's nose, a note for him to read to the 3,000 who attended! 

I could not believe what I heard him say!
He said that it was of utmost importance to vote for Degel in this election and that this election was a מלחמת מצוה!
I want to repeat what I just wrote!
 Rav Landau told 3,000 people that voting for the "dunce" Greenberg was a מלחמת מצוה!

The dais was packed with the local Beit Shemesh Chareidie "gedoilim' nodding along as if this was תורת אמת לאמיתו של תורה!

I must put this in the context of what was happening at that very time in Israel! 
It was 5 months after the massacre of October 7, and Jewish blood was gushing in the streets of Gaza and in the North! Millions of Israelis were running during this very Motzei Shabbos event, to shelters! Millions of Israelis were evacuated from their homes! Husbands left their wives and families to serve selflessly in the reserves. Sons said goodbye to their parents, some unfortunately for the last time, and here were 3,000 participants totally disconnected to what was happening to their very own brothers and sisters just a couple of miles away, to listen to dribble and nonsense! 

And who was this מלחמת מצוה against! 
Dr Aliza Bloch who is a שומרת תורה ומצות and whose children and grandchildren are all in Yeshivois! 

To get Greenberg elected, all Yeshivois that had students who were of voting age closed for the day and those students who lived in Beit Shemesh but learned in Yeshivois outside of BS were bused in from Bnei-Brak, Ashdod, Yerushalayim etc! After all, Rav Landau paskened that this was a מלחמת מצוה! And by a מלחמת מצוה all those learning must slam their gemmarras shut and go out and "fight" in this case 'vote'! 

It is interesting to note that when Dati Leumi Rabbis said that this war was a מלחמת מצוה, and that even a Kallah under the Chupah goes to war,  they mocked them quoting the Rambam on what the criteria of a מלחמת מצוה should be! I looked up the Rambam and couldn't find anywhere that a מלחמת מצוה is closing down yeshivos to vote for a bono-fide clown! 

I was sitting there stunned, looking around if I was the only one who saw the irony of all this! Am I the only crazy one here? I was thinking, I grew up in a frum family, learned in Chareidie Yeshivois, married Chareidie and lead a Charediie life, all my friends are Chareidie and I couldn't believe what I was listening to? 
I wondered if there was even one other solitary person in the entire audience of 3,000 that was thinking like me?

This very same Rav Landau paskened that it was יהרג ועל יעבור not to fight for the survival of their own Jewish brothers and sisters but that this Mayoral Election was a מלחמת מצוה and  Yeshiovois had to close down and be מבטל תורה  to give the students an opportunity to vote for a complete imbecile, who ran against a fellow Frum Jew! 

It didn't take long, and Greenberg was elected by a landslide! 
Now, I know Shmuel Greenberg personally, and I think that he is the nicest guy, but a Mayor?

Anyway he appointed Shimon Goldberg as one of his Assistant Mayors who is really the Mayor! 
Shimon Goldberg immediately closed down Dati Leumi Ganim that were bordering Chareide Neighborhoods like in Sheinfeld and stuffed them with Chareide Children exclusively leaving parents of Dati Leumi children without schools! 
I could go on and on!
But as expected, you cannot keep feeding a hungry lion thinking that he will be satisfied! The Extremists living in Beit Shemesh Bet saw an opportunity and began rioting, burning Trash bins, and stopping traffic for reasons only G-d knows, all while Jewish children in uniform were dying and getting injured! When I write "injured" I mean permanent "injuries" some losing limbs, some paralyzed etc etc! 

There is now a new neighborhood in Beit Shemesh, called Beit Shemesh Dalet! Extremists from Beit Shmesh Bet come every night in buses to disrupt life and make residents miserable. Greenberg won't do anything because he is afraid of them and he packed his entire cabinet with Charedie crazies who have zero experience running a government! 
Purim came early for Beit Shemesh! 

Disappointment: Beit Shemesh Police Again Surrender to Extremists ▪︎ Watch the Arrest That Stirs Up the City* 📢
 Last night, after many months, the police finally decided to intervene in the 'Bnei Aliya Community' situation and make an arrest.

However, instead of arresting the extremists who are terrorizing the residents, the police chose to arrest the rabbi of the American synagogue, who has been suffering for many months from repeated harassment by the extremists.

*A little background to the affair that is currently stirring up the Rama D neighborhood in Beit Shemesh:*

Chernobyl Hasidim erected an illegal concrete monster in the Rama D neighborhood. 
After an investigation by 'City News' -Police in a nighttime operation completely demolished the structure!

Since the demolition, the Hasidim, together with extremists from the city's fanatical circles, have been trying to take over the synagogue building of the neighboring American 'Bnei Aliya Community.

Every Shabbat extremists arrive there en masse and hold prayers in the American synagogue, with some not even hiding their intentions: to slowly take over the building *and scare away  the American worshippers, 

Disappointingly, despite repeated complaints to the police, the Beit Shemesh police have so far chosen to ignore and not take any action that would prevent the extremists from taking over.

Recently, the American community was shocked to learn that the Chernobyl Hasidim have another place where they hold Shabbat prayers and meals, right on the street next to their destroyed building. 

Last night, Yoni - the gabbai of the American synagogue - arrived to visit there and see for himself whether the rumor is true and why, if so, they are harassing them.

However, unlike the police's behavior so far in the face of the threats and bullying that Americans are enduring - the police arrived within minutes at the scene and took Yoni into custody, humiliating him in front of dozens of Hasidim.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that the police have been subjected to pressure from extremist activists in Beit Shemesh. However, it now turns out that the new station commander *Assef Doak* is no different from his predecessor in the position.

* 📢

** אמש, לאחר חודשים רבים, מחליטה סוף סוף המשטרה להתערב בפרשיית 'קהילת בני עליה' ולבצע מעצר.

אלא שבמקום לעצור את הקיצונים שמהלכים אימים על התושבים, במשטרה בחרו לעצור את גבאי בית הכנסת האמריקאי שסובל כבר חודשים ארוכות מהצקות חוזרות ונשנות, מצד הקיצונים.

*מעט רקע לפרשיה שמסעירה כעת את שכונת רמה ד' בבית שמש:* 

חסידי טשערנוביל הקימו מפלצת בטון לא חוקית, בשכונת רמה ד'. לאחר תחקיר 'חדשות העיר' - במבצע לילי שנערך בחודשים האחרונים ובהשתתפות עשרות שוטרים, המבנה נהרס כליל. 

מאז ההריסה, מנסים החסידים יחד עם קיצונים מחוגי הקנאים בעיר, להשתלט על מבנה בית הכנסת של קהילת 'בני עליה' האמריקאית.

מידי שבת הם מגיעים לשם בהמוניהם ומקיימים את התפילות בבית הכנסת האמריקאי, כשחלקם אף לא מסתירים את כוונותיהם: להשתלט אט אט על המבנה *ולהרחיק מהשכונה את המתפללים האמריקאים שנחשבים לליברלים יותר.*

למרבה האכזבה, חרף התלונות החוזרות ונשנות למשטרה, עד כה בחרה משטרת בית שמש להתעלם ולא לבצע שום פעולה שתמנע את השתלטות הקיצונים. 

בתקופה האחרונה, נדהמו בקהילה האמריקאית לשמוע, שלחסידי טשערנוביל ישנו מקום נוסף בו הם עורכים תפילות וסעודות שבת, ממש ברחוב הסמוך למבנה שנהרס להם. אמש, הגיע יוני - גבאי בית הכנסת האמריקאי, לבקר שם ולראות במו עיניו האם השמועה נכונה ומדוע אם כך הם מתנכלים אליהם.

אלא שבשונה מהתנהלות המשטרה עד כה מול האיומים והבריונות שסופגים האמריקאים - תוך דקות בודדות הגיעו למקום שוטרים ולקחו את יוני למעצר, תוך השפלתו לעיני עשרות החסידים. 

נציין כי זו אינה הפעם הראשונה בה המשטרה נתונה ללחץ עסקני הקיצונים בבית שמש. אלא שכעת מתברר שגם מפקד התחנה החדש *אסף דואק לא שונה מקודמו בתפקיד.*


Garnel Ironheart said...

If everything is yehareg v'al ya''avor, then nothing in yehareg v'al ya'avor

Anonymous said...

Aliza Bloch was such a heroine,eh?
My female cousin,with political connections on both sides of the ocean,supported AB in her original election.
Then my cousin concluded that Bloch was overly obtuse when push came to shove regarding some important topics.Thereupon my cousin switched to Greenberg

Dusiznies said...

Where in the entire post did I say that she was a "heroine?" It took her first 3 years to undo the disastrous policies of the totally incompetent Abutbul. The next two years she tried her best, she was not on the take like Abutbul and her own coalition tore her apart limb by limb!
Ask your cousin now what she thinks? BTW there were Frum Jews that voted for Kamala Harris too!

Beit Shemesh Resident said...

Tell your cousin that she is one stupid fool!
I live in Beit Shemesh and Greenberg and his cronies are on the take from Chareidie developers and don't care about infrastructure, building without cheshbon. The traffic in Beit Shemesh during drop-off and pickup on school days are at a total standstill. Going to work in the morning and taking Highway 10 is a nightmare. Riots every single night in Bet, I have stopped going to simchas there! Extremists disrupting life and hanging Palestinian flags in Neve Shamir and now harassing people in Restaurants and on the streets every single night in Dalet! Police don't do anything under this Dumb Fool Greenberg who is afraid just like DIN wrote! At least under Bloch it was somewhat under control and she was stopping the developers from building until they could show how their developments would effect traffic! Beit Shemesh is in serious trouble as the extremists are starting to get more and more power thanks to idiots like your naive foolish cousin!

Dusiznies said...

Do you care that they’re turning RBS into a concrete jungle?
Does it bother you that the traffic is only getting worse?
Do you mind that there are more people than infrastructure?

If the answer is YES, come protest with us!
Just 15 minutes of your day can change the future of our city!

When: Tuesday 14 January
Time: 7.50-8.50am
Where: Traffic circle Hayarkon-Hayarden

Sign the petition: https://bit.ly/bet-shemesh

Cohen said...

Heaven forbid.It is an egregious misuse by such fanatics