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Sunday, December 1, 2024

Syrian Chaos Continues in Full Force as Rebels Take Over Assad's Presidential Palace


Syrian rebels have reportedly seized control of the Presidential Palace in Aleppo, a symbolic and strategic blow to Assad's regime. 

The development marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict.


Brisker said...

In the spirit of Mr Falafel from this morning, I would surmise that just as it’s possible for a shor to shtoiss both people & a davar kavuah, the insurgents could beat the **** out of both Assad’s forces and his palace. There are huge nafka minos al kol ponim in the chiyuv hezek from davar kavuah (which BMG rosh yeshiva R’ Yisroel Neuman [who learned by R’ Berel] is medayek from Tosfos)

Garnel Ironheart said...

Just remember: the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend.
ISIL make just not care about maintain a direct and quiet border with Israel.