The stabbing of a yeshiva student in the Kiryat Herzog neighborhood resurfaces the phenomenon
of marginalized youths in the city "We've been complaining for a long time, but no one is
doing anything," residents of the neighborhood claim. "It was only a matter of time before it
came to a danger to human life"
The serious incident in Bnei Brak, in which a 23-year-old yeshiva student was stabbed in the Kiryat Herzog neighborhood – Bechdrei Chadarim – has resurfaced the phenomenon of marginalized youths in the city, which has intensified in recent times in the quiet neighborhood in the north of the city. Residents who spoke to "In the Ultra-Orthodox Quarters" express concern over the increase in cases of violence, and claim that the phenomenon has become a real threat.
Yaakov, a resident of the street where the incident took place, said in a conversation with "In My Ultra-Orthodox Rooms": "They walk around here at night, screaming, throwing bottles and harassing the residents. We've been complaining for a long time, but no one is doing anything. Now it's no longer just noise, it's an injury to a young man. It was only a matter of time before it came to human life."
According to the residents, some of the youths who roam around the city at night are involved in vandalism, theft and fights. "We are used to Bnei Brak being the city of the Torah, not a city of crime," said Rivka, a resident of the neighborhood. "Today I'm afraid to let the children leave the house in the evening."
According to Moshe, a longtime resident of the neighborhood, the stabbing of the yeshiva student was the culmination of the escalation that has been going on for many months: "Just two weeks ago, windows were broken near my house. Before that, we saw them cursing and threatening passersby. It used to be rare, but today it happens almost every night."
"Could end in disaster"
Some of the residents who spoke to B'Hadrei Haredim point an accusing finger at the police, which they say is not doing enough to eradicate the phenomenon. "The police's response comes too late, and even then they arrest two or three boys and release them within a few hours," says Haim, a father of four. "There is not enough punishment here to make them think twice before destroying property or harming people."
"A stabbing is not just another 'incident,'" Haim adds. "It's a sign that what has been until now – noise and breaking of property – is becoming much more dangerous. If it is not dealt with immediately, it could end in a bigger disaster. We are not asking too much – only to restore peace and security to the neighborhood. We can't live in fear in our city."
The Israel Police said in response: "The Israel Police is constantly working proactively to increase the security of the residents while maintaining continuous contact with the local authority. Upon receiving a report about the incident, police officers arrived at the scene quickly, conducted searches and opened an investigation that is still underway in order to reach the truth."
The incident began after a group of marginalized youths gathered in the street and created a noise late at night. A resident of the neighborhood asked the boys to stop the noise, but they responded by breaking his car with iron bars.
At the same time, the yeshiva student, who is not connected to the incident, passed by. Suddenly, one of the boys approached him and started punching him. During the attack, when the student tried to retreat, he felt a sharp pain and realized that he had been stabbed.
Medical teams from MDA and United Hatzalah gave the young man first aid at the scene and evacuated him to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, suffering from a penetrating wound and his condition is described as moderate. At the hospital, the doctors had to operate on him due to the serious injury.
But if the police showed up to arrest them and take them off to the army, the same people would protest and riot. "How dare they take our boys to the army!"
In a sach yuhr this kind of violence very, very rare. Ma she'ein kein Tzionim vus zei zeinen alemul chushed al retzicha
Reb Yoely
Es iz nish "rare" !
Satmar fleg tzee brechen dee beiner fin dem Kloizenberger, in dem Spinker. Satmar alein harginin zich tzvisin zich dee Aroinim in dee Zaloinim.
In Yerushalyim dee Pelig meshgoim tzee brechin dee beiner fin dee Livishe, un in Ponivitz harginin zich einer mit dem anderin!
Ger shlugin zich mit redifois in rezichos!
Violence is absolutely NOT rare by Chareidim, you must be living under a rock
dee yechidim fin Satmar, Peleg, Ger not stabbing mit sakinim & zicher nisht blowing up mentchen mit explosives vee dee Tzionim hubben getun far 1948
Reb Yoely
Zulst zein gezint in shtark uber dee bist a groiser shakran in a ligner!
Zei zenen nish "yechidim" ven men hut areingelikt electric cables in the mikva fin Kloizenberger Rebbe, in nuchdehm arois yugt fin villiamsburg in der Kloizenbergere hut gemist gein tzee Union City .. hut R' Yoilish gevist der fin in nish gezukt kein vort
Ven men hut urup geshnitin dee burd in payis fin a Satmerer vus hut gelerent Tanye, hut keiner nisht gezukt kan ein vort!
Vehn men hut sheer ibergedreit dee car fin R' Moishe Feinstein vehn ehr is gekiman tzee Villiamsburg far a chasunah!
B"h az dee Tzyoinim huben oif geblown mentchin mit explosives! B'H...Hoide La'Shem kee Toiv!
Vegen dem huben mir a medina lesheim ultiferes ,vee roiv Klall Yisrael voinin dort! A medina vus mehr Torah is gelerent dort fin vehn der RBS"O hut ge'gebehn dee Torah! A Medina vee iber 1 million freemeh yeeden voinen in krigan gelt!
Dahn Rebbe Reb Yoilish hut arein geliket asa sinah in Klall Yisrael az afilah hont retds dee vee a groiser upgerissinar naar!
Dah Rebb hut gezugt az the Six Day War is gevehn der Samech Mem!
Freg ich deer ... ven sekimpt tzee hargenen Yeeden azoi vee dee Nazis, dus iz fin dem RBS"O, mehn tuhr kein kashies nisht fregen, uber vehn es kimt tzee mazil zein yeedin, dus is der Samach Mem?
Azoi feel shtissim in a havalim fin a Talmud Chuchim, miz es zein vei ehr hut gefilt Guilty az a Tzionist hut ehm geratevet!
Dee tziyoim huben chutsh geboit a beautiful medina. vus huben Satmar getuhn, gebrenkt Chicken Soup far dee krankeh, men miz zein krank tzee huben epes fin dee Satmar reshuim! Kein Yoivdei Kol sonei Yisrael!
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