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Friday, December 27, 2024

Biden administration told Benny Gantz that it was taking over the efforts to overthrow the Netanyahu


1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

The Left is frustrated. After repeated elections, they only managed to beat Bibi once and that fell apart when they realized "We hate Bibi" isn't enough to produce a functional government for very long.
October 7 was their big chance. He's the captain of the ship so if it hit an iceberg, it doesn't matter that the navigator was asleep at the wheel and the executive officer never told him about the danger. He's still responsible. So they had him. He would have to resign in humiliation and they would win the next election!
Except he didn't. He didn't resign. He didn't bow to America's dictates not to retaliate or to surrender in exchange for some hostages. He didn't listen to the military's advice on how to conduct the war. He pushed through with his plans and every step of the way there was fury against him and how terrible his ideas were and how they would lead to disaster.
And then Israel took over Gaza with incredibly low casualities. It wiped out most of Hezbollah in a couple of weeks. It neutered Iran and is now showing the Houthis who's boss. All under his leadership.
They had their chance. He pushed back. Boy they're going to stay mad.