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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Frieda Vizel Ex-Satmar Yente Wants to start a YouTube channel to Explain the "Frum Anti-Zionist View!" to Goyim!


On May 23 of this year I posted an article about the ex-Satmar Yente, Frieda Vizel. It’s ( כדי) worthwhile, to read it!

In that article, I commented that this Satmar-Katchke, though she left the community is still an anti-Zionist!

 The Satmar Rebbe z”l managed to instill such hate against the only Jewish State in the world, that even if one leaves this cult they cannot isolate their hate against Zionists, and though she is an admitted “Mechallel Shabbos” she cannot take “anti-Zionism” out of her system. In fact she wrote on her blog that OTDs are anti-Zionists since “Israel commits atrocities against Arabs!”

It’s been 45 years since the passing of the Satmar Rebbe, and the Zionist State of Israel has become the home of the majority of the Jewish people. There are now 7.5 million b"leh living in Israel. There are more Torah institutions in Israel than anywhere in the entire world! More Torah is being leaned in the Zionist State than at any time in Jewish history! Though the Satmar Rebbe z”l issued a “fatwa” against Hebrew and prohibited speaking the language, he referred to it as "tumei". Millions of Jews speak the language and the majority of them cannot speak any other language. In fact, even the virulent anti-Zionist Chassidim in Israel speak Hebrew! You cannot possibly live in Israel and communicate with anyone unless you speak Hebrew! You cannot possibly do business with the banks if you don't speak Hebrew. Shiurim in the finest Yeshivois are given in Hebrew!

Frieda Vizel’s Blog and Utube channel cater to Goyim, the video that I posted on my May 23 post had 14,000 views and 1.2 thousand likes. In it she states that is totally dumbfounded that Goyim hate Jews and equate all Jews to Zionist Jews! She couldn’t understand why she got hate mail on a binary video like Kosher Phones!

Well, it’s four months later, and she is still amazed that goyim hate her guts and wish her ill!

In the video (link below) on the 26:59 mark she is “surprised” that even though her videos are primarily about Jews that hate and loathe Israel, the Goyim making comments are not distinguishing between those frum Jews that hate Israel and those who love Israel!

I sincerely believe that she is a very kind and gentle soul, and doesn’t have a bad bone in her body; but having said that,  this is what makes her so dangerous!

 Thousands of her Goyishe followers have the highest respect for her and she now wants to take advantage of that respect to make sure they understand the differences among the Jews!

In her video she lumps all "innocent victims" together,  she G-d forbid, would not express feeling bad for "Jewish Victims" she must lump women raped and mutilated with Arab "victims" who overwhelmingly elected a terrorist government, and launched over 100,000 missiles on Israel without one Jew living in Gaza in 20 years! She feels for all "victims" equally! How absurd! 

 How sick! How twisted!

She now wants to explain to her followers (30:03 mark) that not all Jews love Israel, that there are Religious Jews who believe that Zionism is the cause of the Holocaust and that the Zionist State should not exist!  She now wants to “separate” Jews and make clear to the Goyim “that we have nothing with Israel.” She wants through “hasbara,” to clearly mark a line of demarcation between those who are Zionists and those who are not! She naively thinks that the Goyim will through her UTube channels understand the difference!

She cannot get through her thick skull that Goyim hate all Jews! Period!

99.9% of all secular media and many Frum Media, expound the anti-Zionist View, Frieda believes that that is not enough, she has to put another UTube channel to make sure the Goyim get it! 

UPDATE: I Understand that she took the video off but you can still watch it at this link:


The video garnered 14,000 views she is no small fry she has 70.1 thousand subscribers, and she has already made 246 videos! 

You can respond to her 

mail @ friedavizel .com


Frieda Vizel said...

Someone sent this to me. First of all, the video is up. The one from Oct 7 was never taken down. Second of all, it’s no secret that I’m a Zionist and based on the comments on that video, which are largely expressing fondness for Israel, it seems most viewers can deduce that. My point was that anti Zionism is antisemitism (as I wrote on my instagram) which I showed based on the tremendous hate anti Zionist Hasidic Jews are now getting on my YouTube channel (under the guise of “anti Zionism”). You completely misunderstood me (perhaps intentionally?) and I find it hilarious to be called an anti Zionist from a post in which I express my love for Israel. You can see in the comments that people did understand what I was saying. As for you citing me from a 2012 (that’s about when I left Monroe, many moons ago) from a cartoon post in which I said as an aside that ex Hasidim are anti Zionist because of x reasons and because of israel’s atrocities against Arabs: honestly! This is ridiculous.

Garnel Ironheart said...

As the meme on Facebook say

A Zionist Jew and and an anti-Zionist Jew walk into a bar.
The bartender says "Get out, we don't serve Jews!"

Dusiznies said...

Frieda Vizel
I may or may have not "misunderstood " you, but at the same time YOU certainly misunderstood the entire intention of my article which is the Headline! That is that you intend to start another UTube channel to explain the "Frum" anti-Zionist view! We need that like we need another hole in the head. The entire world is against Israel, do we need to give goyim more ammunition? We need to give excuses to the ones who raped and mutilated 1,500 Jewish people? In your video, you lump "All Victims" together? Are you serious? Did you hear the message from the released hostages that said that "there are no innocent Gazans" let me repeat that so that there is no misunderstanding, "There are no innocent Gazans"
Other than these two videos mentioned I really enjoy your content and I wish you well!

Anonymous said...

the konfused klavta rabbi abby stein (a ben/bas acher ben of the besht hakodash, nebuch !) regularly joins pro palestine demonstrations in nyc. another example of the saying that a chasid might have left "villiamsburg", but the "villiamsburg" doesnt leave the chasid

Anonymous said...

You're being disrespectful to Frieda when Frieda is being so respectful in her video. Not nice.

שרה ליין said...

I'll tell you what being "disrespectful" is! Being "disrespectful" to the Jewish people by opening a channel to denigrate and slandering the Jewish State! Thank G-d for DIN who watches over these dangerous "respectful" demagogues!

Akiva Eiger said...

I live in "Villiamsburg" and my friends and I will make sure she is not welcome in the food establishments she frequents with her brood of tourists on her visits, should she open that channel. We are prepared to make sure that she is not welcome here if she should try to slander the Jewish people with her fake "anti-Zionist" spokespeople. No Way Jose!