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Saturday, March 9, 2024

US Kills 5 Innocent Gazans and Children with the Humanitarian Airdrops which are Turning Deadly

 The United States has killed at least two innocent Gazans with the airdropped humanitarian aid shipments that President Joe Biden ordered dropped into enemy territory, according to a report on Galei Tzahal.

 Torat_IDF reports that five Gazans were killed by the deadly US airdrops, condemned the US for their deaths, and called on the US to stop sending supplies to Hamas.

Besides the killed Gazans, multiple people were also wounded by the impact from the US aid. Videos from within Gaza show children chasing after the shipments as they land. At least two of those killed by the US are reported to be children.

Israeli citizens have been protesting the delivery of humanitarian aid into the Hamas terror stronghold, as the shipments delay Hamas’s surrender and allows them to continue to hold Israeli citizens hostage.

On Thursday, Biden announced he will also set up a seaport to get even more humanitarian aid into Gaza for the Gazan civilians, which Hamas then takes for themselves.

Unfortunately, the one step that would actually get civilians out of danger – facilitating and allowing their exit from the Gaza war zone, is not on the table. The US, Egypt and the world are holding the Gazans hostage to create a “Palestinian” state and perpetuate the conflict.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine, it's 1944 the US and England are bombing Germany to end the war and as we are doing that we give them a bunch of food for their men, women and children. How does that end the war ? it only prolongs it.
We never gave any food to the enemy until the enemy surrendered.
We should do the same thing with Gaza, no food until they surrender.