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Monday, March 11, 2024

Mazal Tov .. 87 Year-old RY R' Zvi Kushelevsky and his Wife in her 50's Gives Birth to a Baby Boy ...

 87-year-old, Rabbi Zvi Kushelevsky and his wife in her 50s have given birth to a baby boy. 

Rabbi Kushelevsky  leads Yeshivat Heichal HaTorah in Jerusalem. 


LES AYM said...

Not really my business, but since it's been widely publicized. What infertility treatments used? His sperm and her old egg, or donated? I assume she was passed menopause. Used hormones to restart her monthly cycle? Her eggs still viable? C-section? Invitro? No birth defect concerns?
Also why's he wearing tefillin in the picture, was that already the bris?
I know I'm being a yenta, but still :)

Anonymous said...

What a disgraceful comment.
@dusizneias for the sake of kavod shamayim please remove

Anonymous said...

What's "disgraceful" about the comment? I don't get it?
DIN don't take it off, this guy's questions is what every single person in shul is asking.

Anonymous said...

Interesting very interesting. A guy finds legitimate questions "disgraceful" but doesn't find the fact an 87-year-old married to a 56-year-old "disgraceful'? I don't know about you but I cannot get the picture out of my mind, and I cannot unsee it. But either way it's better news than what's going on in the world now.

LES AYM said...

To Anonymous @8:23 PM
I've on occasion said things a little brusk with intent, here I did not mean to be hurtful. If this story was kept private and personal and out of the limelight, well Id've never asked. But here it's being paraded about as a story to announce and proclaim. So I'm sure there HAS to be more to the story. Also surely others dealing with this hurtful matzav, would surely like to know some of the mechanics and medical interventions that certainly played a part in this simcha.
(Also does anyone know the deal, why's he wearing tefillin?)

Anonymous said...

I think it’s beautiful news. To be zoiche to be married to such a Gadol is so special . I don’t think anyone who commented had to wait so long to have a child but anyone that has waited can understand . Do we question the marriage of Mordechai & Esther ? Go check out other nations around the world who have 20 wives ( yes some countries allow this still ) and they are 50 years younger then them ( and they have children ) and the women do it just because they need a roof over their heads . ( This lady merited to marry a Gadol . The child will be taken care of . We cannot judge as we are not on that level . And no it doesn’t mean she has past menopause because she was 55 at the time .

Huh? said...

Does anyone else see something wrong here?

You mean he didn't get it through donating to Kupat Hair????!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really really feel for you that you can even answer in such a way . I did not grow up narrow minded nor in a box ( yes I am from out of town ) but one thing I know is that we need to respect our Gedolim’s decision’s . I feel for you because I think that you are missing something in your life if you can’t fargin ( only word that really says it like it is ) another persons happiness . If you are married and have children B”H then appreciate them . If you don’t then maybe change your attitude as I don’t want Hashem to show you what it feels like to be childless .

Anonymous said...

Gedoilim should think before they make a decision. He obviously did, and he shouldn't be surprised that people will talk. This decision wasn't a "klall" decision it was a personal one, so he should have expected this.
You last line is sick and perverted, you need help, and lots of it!

Anonymous said...

If anyone needs help it’s you . I never said a comment about it . Someone commented . I responded to his comment . I don’t judge other people . Everyone is allowed to make their own decisions without people commenting on it . It’s simply not your Buisness and it’s definitely Motzei Shem Rah . You obviously have not been around long enough to understand the implications of your comments . Sorry but I don’t get insulted when you call me for the simple reason that i feel bad for you . If you want to comment on people then there is a lot of good to do out there . Spend your time on that

Anonymous said...

I feel for you that you see it that way but you don’t make fun of Gedolim like “didn’t he have the child because he gave to Kupat Ha’ir .” . That should never have been said .

Anonymous said...

I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way . I apologize. It is hurtful for Klal Yisroel when people make fun of Gedolim and their ways

Anonymous said...

Please be moichel me . I apologize. Hashem should bentch you with all the Brochos in the world