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Saturday, March 2, 2024

In this Crazed State.. The AG Letitia James sends Nassau County cease-and-desist order over trans sport ban, threatens legal action


New York Attorney General Letitia James sent a cease-and-desist order to Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman Friday, demanding he rescind an executive order prohibiting transgender athletes from competing in girls' and women's sports in the area. 

In a press release issued by the Attorney General’s office, the executive order Blakeman signed last week was slammed as discriminatory and a violation of New York’s Civil and Human Rights Laws.

"The executive order discriminates against transgender women and girls simply for being who they are, and against teams that include transgender women and girls on their rosters, in clear violation of New York’s Civil and Human Rights Laws," the press release states. 

"In a cease-and-desist order sent today, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) demanded that Nassau County rescind the order in five days or else face additional legal action." 

James reiterated the threat of legal action in a statement released by the office.   

"The law is perfectly clear: You cannot discriminate against a person because of their gender identity or expression. We have no room for hate or bigotry in New York," James said. "This executive order is transphobic and blatantly illegal. Nassau County must immediately rescind the order, or we will not hesitate to take decisive legal action." 

Blakeman’s executive order prevents transgender athletes or teams with transgender athletes from using the county’s sports venues. 

"What we are saying here today with our executive order is that if a league or team identifies themselves or advertises themselves to be a girls or women’s league or team, then biological males should not be competing in those leagues," Blakeman said at a recent press conference announcing the law. 

Blakeman responded to Friday’s cease-and-desist notice on social media, indicating no plans to rescind the executive order. 

"My EO stops the bullying of women and girls by transgender males who have many outlets to compete without putting the safety and security of females in danger," he said in a post on X. 

"In Nassau we will continue to fight for females’ right to be safe, secure and have a level playing field to compete." 

According to the cease-and-desist letter, the executive order will affect approximately 100 sites. In addition to threats of legal action, the attorney general is asking Blakeman to produce "any and all documents constituting the record supporting your decision to issue the Order."


Frum but normaL said...

This filthy treasonous criminally insane RABIES INFECTED SEWER RAT, needs to be hunted down and dealt with exactly as you would with a rabies-infected animal.

Joe Magdeburger said...

Too many New Yorkers would vote for a steaming heap of excrement if it were Democrat. That steaming heap is Letitia James.

Garnel Ironheart said...

The evolution of feminism:
First they wanted equality with men
Then they wanted superiority over men
Now they want to be men

Anonymous said...

How ironic.

Who could have predicted that women's lib would end up like this?

Anonymous said...

& men to be women