Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Only Community that Doesn't Take a Penny from "the Medinah" No SS, No Medicaid, No Medicare, No Health Insurance, No Fed Grants for Yeshivas..... Nada ..Gurnisht!

They don't apologize for not being doctors, lawyers or dentists!


Anonymous said...

Is there any statistic about how many of them go OTD ?
I'm just curious.

der yid said...

they have rumspringa, which is a significant period in their youth when they can take time off from being amish and then choose which type of life they want to live. (and a lot of them come back and stay amish)

perhaps there are similarities between this and the new popular twisted parenting method, where according to its's founder, mr. a. f., if someone's child is already otd, (mixed gender relations, michallel shabbis, ochel navelios u'treifos and drugs), the parents support them fully, give them money, keep them in the house and show them love and support...and then the idea is they eventually come back on the derech...ayin shum...

Anonymous said...

שלא עשני גוי

Anonymous said...


Anyways...there is a reason they are so small...the world cannot sustain the current population of not for the industrial revolution. Fact!

Joe Magdeburger said...

There is a fair amount of OTD. Also a big problem with sexual abuse, where the pressure is more on the victim to extend "Christian forgiveness." No shortage of problems in their communities.

Garnel Ironheart said...

I've met a couple of their OTD's and it's scary how their stories are the same as Orthodox OTD's

Anonymous said...

nice except Ben sorer U'moreh instructs us the antithesis

From but normal said...

Their statistics show that after Rumspringa, only around 10% decide to not come back.
What’s amazing is that even if they decide to leave and give up on their religious upbringing, the parents are absolutely not angry at them or alienated, and their family relations and dynamics do not change at all.

Just curious if we Frum Jews would have something similar like Rumspringa, and send away our children for a year or two to the outside world and let them taste the world without any supervision, what the statistics would be, if it would as low as 10%

Cohen Y said...

While as stated previously it would be nice except the subject of Ben sorer U'moreh demands from us to the contrary

Frum but normal said...

Cohen Y.
Could you elaborate and explain what the heck your comment was all about?
What the heck does Ben sorer U’moreh have to do with our discussion

Anonymous said...

If only all Jew haters would look at chareidim like another Amish sect, we would be able to live much more in peace