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Thursday, July 6, 2023

IDF Soldier Killed In Jenin: ‘He Was All Goodheartedness’


 IDF soldier Sergeant-Major David Yehuda Yitzchak, a 23-year-old resident of Beit El, was killed in action Tuesday evening during the final stages of the Bayit V’Gan operation in Jenin. Yitzchak, who was a member of the Egoz commando unit, leaves parents and six siblings.

Yitzchak was taken to hospital in critical condition for medical treatment, but was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said, “This evening (Tuesday), a non-commissioned officer in combat service was killed by live fire during the operation against terrorist infrastructure in the Jenin Camp.”

“His family has been notified. The IDF sends its heartfelt condolences to the family and will continue to support them. ”

Yitzchak will be laid to rest on Wednesday, June 5th 2023, 16:00 at the military cemetery in on Mount Herzl. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit relayed that the family has requested that there be no media coverage of the funeral.

Beit El Local Council head Shai Alon siad: “The residents of Beit El mourn the death of David Yehuda Yitzhak Hy”d (may G-d avenge his blood), killed in action during the IDF operation in Jenin. David was a fighter in the Egoz commando unit, eldest son of Moshe and Emunah, brother of six siblings. Our hearts go out to his family at the news of the terrible loss ‘For He will avenge the blood of His servants, inflict revenge upon His adversaries, and appease His land [and] His people (Devarim 32)’.”

Y’, a friend of David Yitzchak, eulogized him stating that “he brought me up and taught me. He had an amazing approach, he was all goodheartedness, a fantastic soldier, a hero of Israel. He taught me that whatever happens we must maintain unity. He felt that we are all brothers whatever happens.

“His benevolence was something unusual, whatever he did was with a true small, with all his heart.”

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