The Satmar bros were fighting in the secular courts, in Bais Din and on the streets but they laid their arms down and united in a show of "achdus" to endorse this bitch!
Both Bobover Rebbes, endorsed her.
There is a decent Jew, Lee Zeldin running for governor and has a great chance of winning, but they dissed him in favor of Hochul.
מה רבו מעשך ה
Guys keep voting for the DemonRats, keep listening to the Ezra Friedlanders of this world, they will lead you into the abyss before you have a chance to see what hit you.
Question: How much money did the "Moisdois Ha'Torah contribute to her campaign?
What did she promise in return?
inaptocracy (i.e. left, dems, progressists...) is a system of government where those least able to govern are elected by those least able to produce and where other members of society least able to support themselves or to succeed are rewarded with goods and services that have been paid for by confiscating the wealth and labor of a steadily diminishing number of producers.
Can anyone please explain this to Ezra F. ?
First things first. The most important shayla is does Kathy still like me?
Ezra, you never know, she may have a fetish for a zhlobby, low IQ, dull guy in a langa rekel. Go for it!
I think Ezra married a "giyores" anyone know her actual status ?
They have a picture of a w-o-m-a-n on the front cover!!!
Some kohen is liable to see the front cover, get a hard-on, become a baal keri, and then Moshiach might come and the kohen will not be able to bentsch us!
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