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Friday, September 9, 2022

Chinese Restaurant Owner Duped Mashgichim and Admitted to Feeding Customers Treif


A new statement from the OK hashgacha says that the proprietor of Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan intentionally sold treif to his customers. Just a few days ago, we reported that OK Kosher has pulled their certification of Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan, NJ, after damning video emerged of the eatery’s proprietor buying treif meat and chickens at a nearby wholesale store.

OK Kosher has completed an extensive investigation into the events at Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan, New Jersey. Kosher Chinese Express intentionally violated its obligation to the kosher consumer despite OK Kosher’s having assigned multiple Mashgichim Temidim to this restaurant.

These Mashgichim Temidim were the only people who had keys to the restaurant, refrigerators, and freezers.

A video of the owner buying non-kosher chicken and meat in bulk was shared with OK Kosher. The restaurant was immediately closed for investigation. It was determined that those products were not brought into the restaurant and they were permitted to reopen with additional kosher precautions.

A few days later, empty boxes from non-kosher chicken and meat (a different brand from the original video) were discovered by OK Kosher Rabbis in one of the communal dumpsters in the shopping plaza where the restaurant is located. The neighboring restaurants were questioned and it was confirmed that the boxes were not their property and they had not used the products which were originally in these packages. At this point the owner was notified that the restaurant would remain closed until further notice.

The owner was questioned by OK Kosher Rabbis about the boxes in the dumpster. The owner then decided to permanently close Kosher Chinese Express, essentially acknowledging wrongdoing.

Later, we obtained verbal admission from the owner that he brought in non-kosher chicken and meat in small amounts over an extended period of time. We did not find physical proof of this, but it seems that the products were somehow snuck in during operational hours.
Consumers can contact OK Kosher Certification at 718-756-7500.

The owner verbally admitted to bringing in the non-kosher items beginning with the nationwide chicken shortage in March 2022.

HaRav Menachem M. Weissmandl shlit”a was consulted throughout the investigation and he ruled that kashering is necessary if you reheated the food using your own equipment. Consult a Rav about koshering questions.


Yudel Shain said...

About 18 years ago, Rabbi Yehuda Shain from Lakewood was the original kosher certifier, then he brought on the OK as co-certifiers.
Rabbi shain did not allow the owners to have keys to the place and he ran a very tight ship.

After about 2 yearsRabbi Don Yoel Levy head of the OK decided to allow the owners to have keys, Rabbi Shain left.

After a few weeks, Rabbi Shain's Mashgichim were very unsatisfied how lax the OK was in the kashrus of infestation among numerous other areas, so they left the restaurant.

The rest is history.
The chicken shortage was from February 2021, not March of 2022.
so the owners is admitting that for at least 18 months he gave the treif.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it sounds like the ok is misleading everyone or they are extremely naive in which case they should not be giving HEchsher. Time for an outside investigation of all parties involved

Anonymous said...

Yudel is history, we don't need kashrus clowns. Kashrus clown like Yudel Shanada cause kashrus confusion. It the kashrus clown Yudel that brought about this entire travesty.