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Monday, April 27, 2020

Jewish Agency estimates global crisis will spark mass return, floats 100,000 number

Jewish Agency chairman Isaac Herzog expects that up to 100,000 people may leave their home countries for Israel, or make aliyah (literally “ascent”), once the current global health emergency is under control, Makor Rishon reported on Sunday.
Herzog called for the government and aliyah-oriented groups to prepare for “a major wave of immigration to Israel when the corona crisis ends, as happened in the past after many crises in Jewish communities around the world since the establishment of the state.”
In many places, Jews have been especially hard-hit by the deadly COVID-19 virus, with infections and deaths far out of proportion to their percentage in the population.
In Great Britain, 335 Jews have accounted for 1.6 percent of the deaths so far, while consisting of only 0.37 percent of the population. In France, an article in Haaretz stated two weeks ago that “coronavirus-related deaths are reportedly four times the proportion for the overall population.”
In the United States, there seems to be no official breakdown by religious affiliation, but anecdotal evidence suggests many hundreds of deaths at least, as Jewish burial societies report being overwhelmed.
JTA reported in early April that New York City’s Department of Health released figures showing that heavily Jewish areas have especially high rates of infection. While the average positive test rate in the city was 53 percent, in Boro Park, for example, over 67 percent of tests came back positive.

The Agency’s hopes are based on the number of inquiries they have received recently regarding the possibility of immigrating. The first group consists of 60,000 citizens who left the country years ago and have expressed an interest in returning as soon as possible.
The rest are people who have asked about making Israel their home for the first time, with the expectation that the 2020 figure would beat the decade-high number of 35,000 who immigrated in 2019.
Last month in the UK, for example, 500 people inquired about aliyah when the annual number of British immigrants is usually around 700. And in France, said Makor Rishon, some 1,000 families are currently preparing to come to Israel.
Israel’s well-publicized relative success in battling the pandemic is one reason for the high-level interest, said Herzog.
“In parallel to the global crisis, they look at the way Israel is functioning in the fight against the virus and see a strong country that is functioning well, comparatively, and I am receiving many reactions about it from all over the world,” he said.
Over a hundred new immigrants have actually landed in Israel in the past several weeks, in the midst of the health crisis, as a special exception to the general lockdown on travel. This number included 72 Ethiopians who have been waiting for years for permission to reunite with family in the Jewish state, but also 44 Americans ranging in age from infants to retirees.


Yehudi said...

The steady amount of yoirdim plus assimilation will make that
within time the Arabs will outnumber the Jewish population,
Aliyah even with those for burial will not match the Arab birth rate,
Thats what Reb Yoel said to be mispallel that the Medina should become
Butel Bli Shim Nezek Vtzaar LaYehidim

The 3 Stooges said...


were they trying to get DIN's attention with this moronic behavior?

this is a new frontier in stupidity

what's the point of wearing an already shvache non-N95 mask if they are al kol ponim throwing punches & wrestling others who can shed loads of virus on them?

Dusiznies said...

First of all the "yoirdim" are coming back...last year 11,250 came back
Second of all the birth rate of Jews in Israel ast year according to Haarerz has topped the Arab birth rate
Third of all ..Anyone with eyes can see that R' Yoel was wrong ...even his own chassidim will no longer talk about his predictions ... when he predicted in 1956 that in "20 years there will no more Torah Institutions"
in 1967 he predicted "that in 20 years most Jews in Israel will have assimilated" ...
now 50 years later the assimilation rate in Israel is less than 2% and there is more Torah Institutions in Israel than anywhere in the world ..
and instead of davening for the Jewish people he had time to daven that the "Butel Bli Shim Nezek Vtzaar LaYehidim" .....
in that respect he was actually right ... the government in Israel collapsed and B"H we will have new elections soon ...
Meanwhile I have a question ...are you also waiting to drop dead before you move to Israel?

Anonymous said...

Yehudi ;
So first of all , don't forget NOT to say Tachnun tomorrow, and say Hallel….. Yom Ha'atzmaut Sameach.
You and your fake news bunch remind me of a Jewish man I once knew who served in the American army in WWII. He was wearing the uniform jacket with ribbons and medals and even came to shul on Shabbos dressed this way. He was nebech in a time warp for 50 years and couldn't get over the past.
You guys are stuck in the midmar demanding that Moshe serve them herring and lox fish that they supposedly ate in Mitzraim. Sheker v'chazav. Mitzriim gave them fish?
It's time to realize the great Nissim in Eretz Yisroel and it's going m'chayil l'chayil B'H.
Nobody believes your crap anymore.
The SHIT'ta was wrong no matter how many of your rabbonim supported it.
They were wrong and the pro-Zionists gedolim were right. Every last one of them.
Don't worry about the Arab population. Your prediction is wrong as was all of your leaders' predictions. Do some fixing and introspection about yourself first, then worry about the next Jew.
Worry about meraglim talk, too.
Anybody who spoke bad about EY dropped dead in the midbar during a 40 year period. Every last one of them. There was no Kastner Train to save their be-herringed behinds.

Israel is here and it's bringing the geulah closer.
Tell your yeshivishe toocheslekkers the same thing.

Cha Cha de Chazzente singing Hatikvah.

Anonymous said...

yehudi@ meanwhile all of Europe's Jewry with yeshivos and synaogues were butel mvutal, not to mention gas chambers.

Anonymous said...

"......The steady amount of yoirdim plus assimilation will make that ……"

Blah, plop,plop,ploppitty plop...

The first thing you ought to do is check your gatches.
You're probably ensconsed in off-brand stuff , what we used to call "seconds".
Get a dozen Fruit of the Loom or Hanes but better quality.
When you did that , we'll go to the next step.
But my guess is that this is where the problem is.

the Derby.... edited by Yenk & Ukelele ( Rachaeli's sister)