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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Is Moshiach Close By? Satmar Brothers Talk After 20 years of Feuding

The  Satmar brothers had a phone conversation on Sunday night, to discuss the medical conditions of their family members who have the Coronavirus.
According to the blog Kikar HaSabbas,  Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, HaRav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum called his older brother the Satmar Rebbe of Kirays Yoel, HaRav Aharon Teitelbaum on Sunday night.
Ttheir brother, HaRav Lipa Teitelbaum, known as the Zenta Rov, has COVID-19 and is in critical condition on a respirator for nearly three weeks. Additionally, the wife of the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel, Rebbitzen Sasha Teitelbaum has just been released from a Manhattan Hospital with COVID -19. Her condition has Bichasdei Hashem been improving.
Late Sunday night, Rav Zalman Leib called his brother in Kiryas Yoel and discussed the grave medical condition that their brother Rav Lipa is currently in. Rav Zalman Leib then inquired about the condition of his sister-in-law who has B”H been doing much better the past two days. The brothers then exchanged greetings for a Gut Yom Tov.
Please continue to say Tehillim for Sasha bas Leah Esther who has Bichasdei Hashem been removed from the respirator and doing better.
Please continue to say Tehillim for Chananya Yom Tov ben Pesel Leah who is in need of Rachmei Shomayim and remains critical 
חג כשר ושמח

1 comment:

frum but normal said...

DIN,you are mistaken,it is these two Israel and Jew hating Kapo gangsters who are holding back Moshiach,these two filthy sewer rats spend hundreds of thousands dollars yearly in anti-Israel and pro Arab propaganda thru their organization called "Netruna" (no this is not Neturei Karta) but a Satmar run and funded org. telling the whole world that jews have no right to their GOD GIVEN HOMELAND before the arrival of Moshiach,and right now it belongs to the Arabs,these filthy sewer rats instruct their mindless followers to pray three times a day for the destruction and elimination of Medinas Yisroel,and 4 years ago when Israels P.M was here begging congress not to let Hussein Obama yemach shemo make that murderous nuclear deal with Iran, one of these sewer rats Kapo Ahron,instructed the mayor of Kiryas Yoel to write letters to all the senators and congressmen of NY that religious Jews are loyal American citizens of the U,S and fully support the deal with Iran,this filthy Kapo bastard was ready to incinerate six and a half million men women and children of Israel in order to prove to Hussein Obama what a loyal citizen he is,if this is not a KAPO i don't know what is