Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Kapparas Gone Insane! ....

The Shulchan Aruch got it 100% correct  that the "minhag" of Kapparois is "Darkei Amorie" "the ways and customs of the Ammoreites" ....

Do babies sin? Do babies need forgiveness? ....
Crazed mishagayim.....

 Below see ONE single chicken for many boys

 Below see an expert Kapparah Shlugger


Anonymous said...

Barbaric and disgusting. It's 2019, not the dark ages.

Anonymous said...

Check the Halachah. It goes so far that pregnant women take 3 chicks - 2 female chicks and 1 male chick. 1 for mother - 1 for male fetus - 1 for female fetus (since we don't know the gender of fetus).

Dusiznies said...

So I checked the Halacha and I found that lo and behold that the Halacha is that Kapparois with chickens is "Darkei Amoiri"