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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jews are not welcome in Lakewood, Monroe and Bloomenberg, Yet won't move to Israel where they are welcome!

The "pushy" frummies are arrogantly trying to expand the territories of Lakewood, pushing their collective weight to the neighboring town of Toms River! 
The Goyim are up in arms and fighting back! 

In Monroe, Satmar is in the midst of "annexing" hundreds of acres to extend their town ....
The goyishe neighbors are fighting them tooth and nail!

In Bloomenberg, the Satmars are creating their own enclave and the Goyim are sick and tired of the encroachment of their lifestyle by the  Chassidim!

In Monsey, there isn't a day that the Goyishe neighbors aren't protesting, be it about the School Board or about the total chaos of the infrastructure of Monsey perpetrated by  the Heimishe  developers who ignore local zoning laws!

The Chillul Hashem cannot be measured!

Yet there is one country in the entire universe that will allow every single Jew to come home!

The goyim have millions of refugees! But there are no Jewish refugees in the entire world, even though we have been expelled by all Arab countries! All thanks to the Zionist idea that there will always be a home for every single Jew! ........

What's fascinating is, that  the Chutz L'aretz Leaders, be they Chassidish or Yeshivash, have boycotted the  topic of Aliyah; a look at a Nefesh BeNefesh Flight will show  very few from the Heimishe Olim!

The Frum world has decided that it is better to instigate the neighbors in Chutz L'arretz then to promulgate the idea that Jews have to come home!
But they have no problem and have no issues raising funds to come home in a box.......
Didn't the holy Chasam Sofel z"l once say ותוליכינו "קוממיות" לארצינו 
"Bring us home .... "קוממיות"  "standing up,"  while we are still alive !

Now I am aware that the Frum communities have multiplied B"H to the point that we must expand all the frum neighborhoods, but at what cost? 
Isn't  the Satmar battle cry "Hisgarus Be'Umois"? ....
Are we going to antagonize the Goyim until they explode and start beating Jews and start pogroms??

I can already contemplate the comments to this post>>>>>
"well aren't there problems in Israel?"
"isn't there a housing shortage in Israel"
"what about parnasseh in Israel"

My answer to this is that the Chazal say that Eretz Yisroel comes with Yesurim!
B"H the country has already been built by the Chilonim who put the infrastructure in place! 

And there are thousands of homes bought by Americans and Europishers who  know that one day they will be forced to move from Chutz Le'aaretz and so they keep them empty until the goyim will inevitably throw them out of their luxurious Chutz Le'aaretz homes ... 

There are neighborhoods in Yerushayim that look like an abandoned Hollywood set, left by Frum Richies, who won't even rent  out their apartments! 

There are solutions and if we all put our heads together, we will overcome the difficulties that Israel presents.
But we have a country that is ours... waiting for each and every one of us...

Let's put our differences aside and come home!

The founder of the Satmar dynasty fabricated an idea that Jews cannot move to Israel until Moshiach comes ... no one ever heard of this idea  .... but he managed to convince even the Litvaks! 

Tannaim and Amoriem, Rishonim and Achronim ... all made Aliyah! 
Time to move .... guys! 

Press "read more"

NJ town comes together in fear of haredi 'invasion'

The residents of a New Jersey town are concerned that a haredi "invasion" will soon take over their neighborhoods.

As the predominantly-Orthodox town of Lakewood continues to grow, some of its residents are looking to new homes, including in nearby Toms River. Mayor Thomas Kelaher, however, is leading an effort to show the haredim that they would not be welcome.
Kelaher told Bloomberg that residents have been complaining about "highly annoying, suspicious and creepy" realtors trying to purchase their homes. He claims they threaten homeowners that the area will be completely bought out and there will be no more non-Orthodox neighbors.
Toms River and Lakewood have similar populations, both a little under 100,000, though Lakewood's smaller size causes it to be over four times as crowded.
"It’s like an invasion," said Kelaher. "It’s the old throwback to the 1960s, when blockbusting happened in Philadelphia and Chicago with the African-American community -- ‘I want to buy your house. You’ll be sorry if you don’t.’ It scares the hell out of people."
The state director of Agudath Israel of America, Rabbi Avi Schnall, acknowledges that some of the realtors "are overly aggressive and making a bad name for the others," but also added that the "extent of the anger" against haredim runs deep in the surrounding towns.
Many of the opponents are gathering under a social media group called Toms River Strong to encourage their neighbors not to sell to haredim. The group's founder, Michael Dedominicis, says that the members are not anti-Semitic, but rather that they fear the newcomers would cause a decline in standards, mentioning his fear of overcrowded houses, piles of garbage on the street, and cars left on the lawns. He also suggests that the haredim would abuse the taxpayers' money.


Anonymous said...

Wow,DIN Kol HAKAVOD this is one of your best posts ever,keep it up


Anonymous said...

DIN,you are the lone voice of sanity in our insane asylum called chareidi Judaism
Keep it up,we need i


Echter yid said...

To you (with fully but fully respect dus is nies) (1) please understand that klal yisroel, has been learned all this years that the mitzva of ,,pruh urvuh,,is to produce and produce children every,9,month if the wife could take it or not, so automatically klal yisroel is expending in a very fast pace,(every second a baby is being born) the matzev became so badly that its becoming a normal game by hatzalah that they are constantly getting (full trauma calls) expecting mothers are delivering babies at home or in cars on the way to the hospital,,end of story is that in Williamsburg Brooklyn,,and borough park Brooklyn, there is no place where to put in anymore married couples, new married couples would live in/ hotels/basements/furnished apartments/ the matzev became so so bad that the night of the wedding the couple would be going home to one of the parents homes, when such a ,matzev,should never be happening,(2) I am not saying that your not right in one way,? but because klal yisroel is growing in such a fast pace And there is no more place in Brooklyn where to go or expend? klal yisroel will be seeking other places like /Monsey/monroe/bloomenberg/Lakewood//jersey city/ and unfortunately other places,( but I have a better question for you,) why when it comes the summer we love the Catskills we are running out to the Catskills we sit over there almost,9,weeks straight,, and the Catskills is so so settled with lots of //shulls//mikvas//groceries// winterhouses// pizza stores//restaurants// butcher stores from all chasidisha hechshierim//we have everything we need, even (nushim mikvas) all comfortabilitys, we need over there,,so my question is to you why don't we stay in the Catskills the entire year,and one thing we need over there,,schools,,mosdos hatoras,,yeshivas,,like fallsburg yeshiva,,? Let's build over there school system's,,and simcha halls And automatically we will not have to take over,/Monsey/Monroe/bloomenberg/Lakewood/ and other places,,the government is ready to give away properties for pennies just we should come out in the Catskills and build it up ,but ( unfortunately the song goes like this) (1) oy my husband doesn't want to travel every day to work, (2) oy my wife would never move away from Brooklyn, (3) oy my wife is singing that she doesn't want to be the first nachshoin ben amenuduv, this is one of our major problems,

Echter yid said...

Problem number,2, your singing about Israel, moving to Israel, this is my story, I was born in Israel, but unfortunately we moved to America before my ,bar mitzva,, my mother's entire family lives in Israel,,including my bobi,,my mother's mother, and including ,4, of my brothers,, do I wish to move back over there ( I am getting crazy to move back to my land Israel) and live there you bet, yes you bet I wish, but can I ,? (1) my wife would never ever even try to take a try out, to taste the taste of Israel, she is a burned satmar talmidah, (2) I have major health issues that I am more in hospital then at home, from, g.I.problems to heart conditions, and other problems so take in consideration that not everyone can move to Israel because they are settled with their team doctors,hospitals,,and it would be very very hard for them to move to Israel, but someone who can move yes I would consider them to take a try out, (3) moving to Israel is a very very big change especially for woman who never ever tasted the taste of Israel, it would take years and years to convince them to move to Israel,,

Salted Pretzel said...

It's not fair for you to only bash the greedy realtors & developers without bashing the plain anti-Semites too. There are good Yidden not bothering anyone who just need a place to live and yet they were mistreated by the shkotzim even before the greedy creeps started working those areas.

Dusiznies said...

My intention was not to bash anyone, it was simply to state a fact ... that it is time to go home ... because of the anti-Semites

Echter yid said...

If Jewish Hasidic families are willing to move away already from Brooklyn,? Why don't the Jewish communities who regularly went out summer to the Catskills just stay over there and expend over there and build up the Catskills? There is millions and millions of empty land (empty shtuchim) to expend in the Catskills, why don't we expend over there,? And especially the government is ready to help out and sell properties for pennies, Is it better to fight the non Jewish neighbors in other neighborhoods let the Jewish Hasidic community stay in the Catskills and build it up, and one problem could be solved,?, by the way satmar yes satmar ( both satmars)are buying off millions and millions of acares land in the Catskills, and they are getting it from the government for pennies, so why are we stupid and sitting and watching how satmar is trying to take over the Catskills to ? When we can do it and we could expend over there ? With what is /bloomenberg/ or/ Jersey city/or /Lakewood/ better,?

Unknown said...

Some Chasidishe person told me ... since Eretz Yisroel "Asido LeHispashet" it will expand all the way to New York so why move ... ? Might as well enjoy "Chutz LaAretz" ... as the Talmud says in Avoda Zarah 8a ... that the Jews in Chutz HaAretz are all worshiping idols ...

Unknown said...

Some Chasidishe person told me ... since Eretz Yisroel "Asido LeHispashet" it will expand all the way to New York so why move ... ? Might as well enjoy "Chutz LaAretz" ... as the Talmud says in Avoda Zarah 8a ... that the Jews in Chutz HaAretz are all worshiping idols ...

Echter yid said...

Sam kay its a good joke, but there is no place where to put couples after marriage, that, newlyweds, the new married couples the night of the wedding will be sleeping in hotels ,or at the parents house, this should never ever be happening, but what's more pain and shocking is that the /rabunim/dayunim/askunim/ are aware of this problem, but instead of calling together a emergency meeting what to do about this huge problem? They consistently tried to cover up all this major problems happening by klal yisroel And blamed the internet for all the problems,,newlyweds,should never ever have to sleep the night of the wedding by parents, ever, newlyweds should never ever have to pay /2/3/thousand dollars rent for a stinky one bedroom apartment a small kitchen and a toilet, there are couples who are living with,,4,,to ,,7,,children in a one bedroom apartment, yes, so with the sky rocketing hi rent what they pay, plus having lots of children in such a small apartment under their feet ( with out hurchuvas hadas) breaks them down ,mentally and physically, why in ,Israel, the mentality, changed and broke years years ago people don't cry anymore that they must must live in center of Jerusalem, in the expensive hot place in the hot pot, but they moved out of Jerusalem and they expended into,/ beth shemesh/ betar ilit/chatzar/ arad/ chiefa /ashdud/ Emanuel/etc etc etc,, we must do every thing in the world to move away and give our children and our next generations ,hurchuvas hadas, a smile on their faces, and not going for divorces of our married children because the young couple wasn't able to pay the hi rent And couldn't take the pressure of the small ( supposedly so called apartment) with lots of children (that's for sure something must must be done to bring a miracle for married couples) and its such a chutzpah and such a shame that the rabunim are aware that our own Jewish Hasidic so called landlords are ripping off married couples with taking crazy hi prices of rent from what they break down from it and the rabunim don't give a dam about it,? What a shame

Anonymous said...

Hey what happened? Looks like you're gut ungizetzt if you're ready to put YOUR differences aside "Let's put our differences aside and come home" a real depressed beggar LOL

Moses said...


You really know how to hit these guys !

Perhaps my son should get credit...

Paulie said...

When are YOU moving?

Echter yid said...

To you anonymous,,tell me when is the medina good and when not? When is time to scream and curse them with the slogan ,tziyonim, and when not,? so when reb aron satmar wants to coming to Israel (to the madina) to make a big Shabbat hisvadas in meron suddenly the medina becomes a good place and a kosher place for satmar,?Or When it comes to take pictures on Shabbat from the rebbe suddenly the medina becomes a nice place and a good place a kosher place for satmar,right ? satmar has guts and
chutzpah to constantly educate the satmar chasidim to bash the Israeli government,,but they will come to Israel to make Shabbatons right?? If the ,medina,are tziyonim,? how was reb aron satmar aloud to step into such a triefene, medina,? Not only that but he brought with him thousands and thousands of chasidim to the Shabbat hisvadus,? how was he aloud to be (machshull) his chasidim with schlepping them into the ,,terrible medina,?, and who protected them the entire Shabbat? who secured them the entire Shabbat? ( o not the medina?) the answer is ,you are corrupted,, your rebbe is corrupted,,and your chasidus satmar is corrupted,,if the medina is called by your chasidus ,,medina hatemieah,, automatically not reb aron is aloud to step in in such a ,tumene medina, and not reb zalman lieb,is aloud to step in in to such a ,,tumene medina,,and not a satmar chusid,? because the medina is by satmar considered tumah,? Got it clear? So satmar are hypocrites ? When the medina is good for them they will come in the thousands and make their big Shabbat hisvadasan,,and when they get angry on the medina, they scream tziyonim,, what a bunch of low life's?

Anonymous said...

The shit-mar trolls are out today.
Get a job you worthless POS!!

Anonymous said...

To pretzel:
Lets call a spade a spade. Show me one development which takes in goyim. You guys have a double standard. Maybe if us goyim see that the jews are not so selfish then you would see alot more harmony.

Spade said...

It's true that some new Jewish developments are positioned by the builders to become all or mostly Jewish but that is 100% legal because the realtors advertise the houses in the multiple listings. Don't tell me that you are dying to move in there because then you would be lying.

What is ILLEGAL is when subdivisions that are decades old have a listing or two available and Jews who want to buy the house are intimidated because hypocrites like you will try their darnedest to make sure no Jews move in.


How's you buddy Ed Day?

He won't get re-elected forever with the changing demographics that you ultimately cannot stop.

Unknown said...

Let us make Aliyah from a positive standpoint of a Mitzvah ... rather than wait till we are forced & kicked out ... Like the famous Zev Jabotinsky said "Liquidate the Exile before it liquidates you" ... for which he was pelted with eggs & tomatoes by fellow Jews ...

Anonymous said...

And to you ECHTER MONKEY,as i said before I'm not a satmar chosid, and the two Teitelbaum brothers aka the administrators of the Satmar empire are not my representatives so i don't have to answer for them, but EY does NOT belong to the Zionist murderers, they robbed the name Israel and the land of Israel and they will lose it hopefully sooner than later

Anonymous said...

Satmars are stealing from the State.
There is NO dispensation in Torah that allows these vile filthy beggars to steal and defraud.
The length of the beard, or the gartel is irrelevant. The flashier the Bekisher, the bigger the crook.
Start with your filthy rebbe and work your way down.

Sam said...

And u robbed Willy

Anonymous said...

We have section 8 here in Israel .We have very good health care inexpensive and areas you can buy in very Orthodox kehillas without all the shetels for 130 ooo dollars. People can make living here and more and more haredim are entering the workforce. The problem is people in america are spoiled.

Anonymous said...

As far as all you anti Zionists are concerned more kids are going off the derech in Lakewood than in our mixed community of Ofakim which is much more frummer than Lakewood.I've lived in both and and know the people who handle the dropouts in both.But I forgot.Zionism is behind the dropouts in america.

Anonymous said...

You got more dropouts in america than our zionistic Medina.I know the numbers of both communities from the askanim.And please stop sendinding your off the derech kids to us here.You take care of your own.Including the child molesters.