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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

An Ohio mother's attempt to provide her daughters with a better education has landed her behind bars.
Kelley Williams-Bolar was convicted of lying about her residency to get her daughters into a better school district.
"It's overwhelming. I'm exhausted," she said. "I did this for them, so there it is. I did this for them."
Williams-Bolar decided four years ago to send her daughters to a highly ranked school in neighboring Copley-Fairlawn School District.
But it wasn't her Akron district of residence, so her children were ineligible to attend school there, even though her father lived within the district's boundaries. read on:
Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Disgraced Leib Tropper Honored in Israel by the Gedolie Hador!

Leib Tropper & Shannon Orland, the lady that exposed him
The following is a loose translation of a report in the Israeli Charadei Press on January 24, 2011
Tens of people gathered motzei Shabbos Shira in a bais medrash in the Bucharan section Jerusalem with the founder of yeshiva 'Kol Yaakov' Monsey, Rabbi Leib Tropper from New York.

Two events brought Rabbi Tropper to visit Israel: He came to visit the fresh grave of his father Rabbi Yehuda Tropper z"l who died about two months ago and upon the completion and publication of the sefer [book] of the 'Taharas Yisroel' with the added commentaries of Rabbi Tropper.

Rabbi Lipa Yisraelzon, grandson of Rav Elyashiv, affirmed before the students, as one who has accompanied Rabbi Tropper on his Israel trip, on the warm connections he has merited in the homes of Gedolei Yisroel.

So, on his trip, Rabbi Tropper came to the homes of Gedolei Yisroel. Aside from the Halachic questions that he placed before Gedolei Yisroel, he received their blessings for his holy work.

At the main lecture Rabbi Tropper conveyed, that he expanded the importance of prayer as preparation for greeting our righteous Moshiach.
Hebrew Version:
עשרות איש נועדו במוצאי שבת שירה בבית-המדרש בשכונת הבוכרים בירושלים עם מייסד ישיבת 'קול יעקב' במונסי, הרב ליב טרופר מניו-יורק.

קשה להאמין כי כל המשתתפים באירוע, בני תורה ברמ"ח איבריהם, חזרו בתשובה. אחד היה רופא, השני ספורטאי - וכן הלאה. כולם היו רחוקים מתורה ומצוות. עד שהגיעו לישיבת 'קול יעקב', שם ניצת בהם הניצוץ היהודי.

שני אירועים הביאו את הרב טרופר לבקר בארץ: הוא עלה לקברו הטרי של אביו, הרב יהודה טרופר ז"ל, שנפטר לפני כחודשיים ובירך על המוגמר בהוצאת ספרו של בעל 'טהרת ישראל' בתוספת הגהותיו של הרב טרופר.

הרב ליפא ישראלזון, נכדו של הגרי"ש אלישיב, העיד בפני התלמידים, כמי שליווה במהלך הביקור בארץ את הרב טרופר, על היחס החם לו זכה בבתי גדולי ישראל.

ואכן, במהלך ביקורו, הגיע הרב טרופר לבתיהם של גדולי ישראל. לצד שאלות הלכתיות שהציג בפני גדולי התורה, קיבל את ברכתם לעבודת-הקודש שלו.

את הנאום המרכזי נשא הרב טרופר, שהרחיב בחשיבות התפילה כהכנה לקבלת פני משיח צדקנו.

Tropper Speaking (Can you believe this?)

Tropper being welcomed

Tunnels that Jews used to be "Olei Regel" 2,000 years ago,excavated!

The Israel Antiquities Authority completed the excavation of an ancient tunnel that runs from the City of David in eastern Jerusalem to near the Temple Mount.
The road in the tunnel was used by travelers making pilgrimages to Jerusalem some 2,000 years ago, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority. It was discovered during excavations on a water channel used for drainage during the Second Temple period.
Work on the tunnel took seven years
Read on:


Home Sweet Hell

Whether you live in a Beacon Hill condominium or a single-family out in the suburbs, you’ll probably at some point find reason to get annoyed by your neighbors. There’s nothing unique about that. But the chance of getting mired in an all-out battle is so high in a condo building with only a few units that some real estate attorneys counsel clients to avoid buying into them altogether. “My advice is don’t buy one unless you don’t have other options,” says Richard Brooks, a partner in the Braintree law firm Marcus, Errico, Emmer and Brooks, which specializes in representing condo associations. “When they don’t work they can be a real nightmare. It’s almost like being in a bad marriage – you’re stuck."
Read this and weep:

Monday, January 24, 2011

How to cope when life falls short of our expectations.

Rabbi Sherre Hirsch
"I never imagined I would be single. I never thought I would get divorced. I never imagined that I wouldn't be able to have a baby or that I would lose my job. I never dreamt that I would lose all my savings and never realize the American Dream."
What happens when our dreams die? What happens when our husband leaves, our child fails, the economy collapses, our parents die?"
Can we mourn dreams like we mourn the death of a loved one? Can we expect Kübler-Ross' five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance—before we begin to dream again? Or will we stop dreaming forever? Will we become hardened and say that life is unfair, death is inevitable, and dreaming is futile?
Read about the
Death of the American Dream?  by Rabbi Sherre Hirsch

Why is Mike Savage, who has 8 Million Listeners Being Blackballed?

"Why is it that Dr. Savage seems to be so persona non grata in the controlled conservative media?
Could it be that most of those listed above are nothing but political hacks…propaganda arms of the Republican Party…and that there are those in authority who do not appreciate how Savage so willingly undresses both sides of the political charade?"
Read more:

Friday, January 21, 2011

OK Guys, Lay Off! Woman Paralysed After Getting a "hickey?"

A  doctor in New Zealand had to treat a woman after she was partially paralysed by a lovebite from her amorous partner.
Dr Teddy Wu, who is currently working in the neurology department at Christchurch Hospital, said he believed it was the first time someone had been hospitalised by a "hickey".
Read more:

Is Belief in Revelation Possible in the Postmodern Age?

Today we inhabit a world in which we are assaulted by mass media and connected by the Internet. In effect, virtual reality imitates reality and even supplants it at times. Whereas in the past, philosophical investigations focused on the correspondence between the world of our senses and the world as it is, today we are left wondering whether there is anything beyond our subjective sense perceptions at all.
Is there any substance behind the plethora of images that invade our consciousness and imprint themselves upon our minds? 
The unique challenge that postmodernity poses to traditional faith does not concern particular articles of faith as such – the existence of G-d or the divine origin of the Torah, for example. 
Postmodernism does not so much undermine what we believe as how we believe.
Read more:

Verizon Sues 3 Villages in Long Island That Are Fighting An "Eiruv"

Verizon sued three Long Island towns on behalf of observant Jews. The villages prohibit the phone company from posting "lechis" on utility poles - little strips that create an "eruv," or zone where Orthodox Jews can carry objects or push baby carriages or wheelchairs to synagogue on the Sabbath and on Yom Kippur. 
     Verizon New York and co-plaintiff Long Island Lighting Co. say the towns must allow Orthodox Jews to tie the lechis to utility poles, to comply with religious observances,.
     The defendants in the federal complaint are the Village of Westhampton Beach, the Village of Quogue and the Town of Southampton. 
Read More:

This Photo Speaks for Itself!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Self Hating "Jewish" Groups Ask Obama Not to Veto UN Resolution Against Jewish Settlements!

Two Leftist and Anti Israel Jewish Groups, J Street and Americans for Peace Now called on President Obama to withhold a U.S. veto on a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement building.
Both goups are funded by the self-hating Jew, George Soros!!!


Why the Left Hates Sarah Palin

Today I read the most thorough analysis of the left and the basis for their hatred of all things Palin. I am a huge fan of Robin of Berkley on American Thinker. Read what she has to say, it is really quite chilling and we need to have Sarah's back and keep her in our prayers. 


Read Ed Koch on Palin:
Palin Holds High Ground Over Harsh and Unfair Critics
"While I disagree with her and I am prepared to oppose her politically, in the spirit of longed-for civility I say, Ms. Palin you are in a certain sense an example of the American dream: You have the courage to stand up and present your vision of America to its people. Your strength and lack of fear make America stronger and are examples to be emulated by girls and boys, men and women who are themselves afraid to speak up. You provide the example that they need for self-assurance. " Read More:

In George Orwell’s novel “1984,” on a daily basis everything stops for the Two Minutes of Hate, during which those in political control flash distorted images of their political enemies on a television screen so the populace can rage against them. Obviously, this is a manipulative, dishonest propaganda tool — four words that also describe  Jon Stewart, who yesterday served up his own dishonest Eight Minutes of Hate against Sarah Palin. Sure, he does it with a smirk, but the outcome is exactly the same. Feed the rage machine, feed the rage machine, feed the rage machine…

Civility Is Over, Democrat Calls Republicans, NAZIS!!!

A Democratic congressman invoked the Holocaust and the Nazis' "big lie" strategy last night during a speech to a near-empty House chamber about Republican efforts to repeal the health care law.
Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., also used the same phrase -- blood libel -- that got former Alaska governor Sarah Palin into trouble with some Jewish groups.

He thinks because he is Jewish he has the license to call others "Nazis."
It turns out 26 states are filing suit against the government, claiming that the Health Care Law as is, is unconstitutional! Are all these States, Nazis?
Read more:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rabbi Wants to Lower Marriage Age to 15!

Rabbi Idan
"Girls who do not want to study or work are a burden to the household," Rabbi Idan noted, "In my opinion, these young people will contribute more to the State because they won't go to nightclubs or waste their time looking for nonsense someplace else."

Currently the age of marriage allowed by law is 17, and according to the initiators of the bill, lowering it by even one year would pose a significant difference.

"There are many Hasidic communities that are interested in lowering the marriageable age, namely Vizhnitz and Breslov," explained Rabbi Idan.

"Some Hasidic communities are already violating the law by marrying at the age of 15-16. Parents of large families who cannot financially support all their children would be able to marry off their daughter earlier so that she can move into her husband's house," he added.

Read more:

Oh Oh!!! Recall on Schmaltz Herring!

The FDA is recalling Ossie’s Schmaltz Herring due to Listeria monocytogenes contamination.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest describes listeria as due to poor sanitation on work surfaces. The disease has a higher mortality rate (25%) than salmonella (1%), and has been known to affect raw and smoked fish, as in this case.It is also caused by lack of refrigeration of produce below 39 degrees, and by a lack of using pasteurization (heat) to kill the pathogen. 

Ossie’s Schmaltz Herring is packed in a 12 oz plastic container coded 2/0311. It is a product of USA. Product was distributed throughout New York State.
Consumers that have purchased Ossie’s Schmaltz Herring should not consume it, but should return it to the place of purchase. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 347-533-8200.

Weingarten Gets One Count Thrown Out On Appeal!

A perverted Hasidic rabbi who sexually abused his daughter throughout her adolescence could get 10 years knocked off his sentence under terms of an appeals court decision this morning.
Israel Weingarten was improperly convicted on one count involving incest that occurred during a trip from Belgium to Israel, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/appeals_court_tosses_daughter_count_4aHFTOdueN8Z5INnCA9bUL#ixzz1BRvDPwNQ

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weingarten's Defenders Debate the Facts! Copied & Pasted from the comments on Failedmessia.com

The following is from a Weingarten supporter who sounds like a lawyer:
Anyone who has carefully analyzed this case would realize that this Weingarten character is a devilish, arrogant, conniving, diabolical, scheming, sadomasochistic, psychopathic monster. He perpetrated his abuse in full view of the public over the course of many years. He contrived elaborate schemes as cover stories as to why he is doing what he is doing, and why his daughter would "lie" about him. Many years ago he already pre-recorded alibi tapes and set up elaborate dramatic incidents that should later serve as alibis for him. This case is suitable for a plot twisting Hollywood movie, a horror movie at that.
At the trial, where he arrogantly acted as his own lawyer, he claimed as a defense that the victim's motivation was to abandon her religion and that she was getting back at him for giving her a hard time about it. He further claimed that as a teenager she had sex with: a neighbor in Antwerp, her older brother and her mother!
If the Rabbis were smart they would let this case die from the headlines rather than to stir it up now. It will not be pretty for anyone if this hits the fan.
Although I have come to a conclusion about this monster’s guilt, there are still intriguing facts about this case which continue to perplex me. At the core of this case is a matrimonial controversy. So as they say, there is his version, her version and the truth.

1) Why did the family court in Rockland find him to be the ideal parent and award him sole custody of the kids during his divorce?
2) What is with those tapes of his ex-wife speaking in slobbering Yiddish with her sister regarding men she would like to sleep with, and with her daughter (the victim) about shaving her privates?
3) Why did the Feds conduct such an extensive 5 year investigation with extensive resources for crimes which were committed on other continents (mostly Europe), using an obscure law?
4) How was it possible for Weingarten to prevail at the Din Torah in Belgium which was conducted by pretty reasonable people there, even though the story was ongoing at the time?
5) Why do the rest of his children, to this day, swear their loyalties only to their father and still refuse to have anything to do with their mother or sister?
6) Why did he receive such a harsh sentence for a crime that by all accounts did not involve actual intercourse? Technically he got 30 years for transiting JFK Airport with his daughter.

Yaakov Margi, Shas Religious Services Minister calls the Hebrew Yated Neeman Newspaper "five grams of filth"

Hebrew Edition of the Yated Neeman
The Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox journal Yated Neeman launched a direct attack on Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, an adjudicator of religious law and spiritual leader of the political party Shas, over his decision to confirm that conversions to Judaism performed by military rabbis are legal from a religious standpoint.

The Yated Neeman article quotes anonymous senior judges and rabbis that attack Rav Yosef's decision, saying that IDF conversions are the very opposite of what is required according to religious law. Yated Neeman is considered to be the personal mouthpiece of the Lithuanian Haredi Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv.
R' Yosef Shiltah  VS
R' Eliyashev Shiltah
So, now we cannot have any normal Halachic disagreements anymore ...if the Yated doesn't agree with Harav Hagoen Ovadia Yosef, then they attack in the newspapers..... is this our Torah???
Read more:

Read the background:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Krauthammer Smacks The New York Times & Liberal Media

Crazy Jewish Group wants Fox to Fire the Best Friend the Jews have, Yes, Glenn Beck!

Instead of embracing the few friends the Jewish people have in the world, this crazy and self hating  Jewish group garneres 10,000 signatures on a petition asking the Fox News Channel to fire political commentator Glenn Beck! 
How sick and perverted is this? When are we ever going to learn?

I don’t know if its 2,000 years of Jewish guilt or something in our DNA but the Jewish people have a history of being our own worst enemies.
This discusting  Group "Jewish Funds for Justice" is funded by the self - hating Jew and the biggest hater of the State of Israel George Soros

Soros in a conversation about the Holocaust, where millions of his brothers and sisters were being tortured and murdered, actually made the following  bizzare and sick comment:

"It was actually, probably the happiest year of my life -  that year of German occupation.  For me it was a very positive experience.  It’s a strange thing, because you see incredible suffering all around you, and in fact, you are in considerable danger yourself.  But you’re fourteen years old and you don’t believe that it can actually touch you. You have a belief in yourself, you have a belief in your father. It’s a very happy making exhilarating experience."

The group JFSJ is funded by this monster!
See Soros' Foundation grant $150,000 to JFSJ!

Now see Soros granting these fools $200,000.00

Other than doing some community organizing in some synagogues, they do nothing to help their Jewish brethren....they are also involved with the Arab Organization, CAIR, that were declared unindicted co-conspirators in the 9/11 attacks in the US

Read more 

Tiger With BLUE Eyes!

Rare White Tiger Triplets

Reuters) - Three rare white tiger cubs delighted visitors at the Buenos Aires zoo on Thursday, tumbling in the grass of their enclosure in their first public appearance since being born late last year.
Zookeepers said the birth of the blue-eyed Bengal tiger triplets represented an important contribution to saving the animals from extinction.

"Kiss my butt" Governor of Maine to NAACP!

SANFORD, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- While attending a meeting for business leaders in Sanford, Governor Paul LePage spoke out about why he would not attend Martin Luther King ceremonies on the upcoming holiday.
LePage has declined invitations from theNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The organization has already expressed its displeasure with the governor's plans to not attend the events.
"They are a special interest. End of story...and I'm not going to be held hostage by special interests. And if they want, they can look at my family picture. My son happens to be black, so they can do whatever they'd like about it," said LePage.

LePage has an adopted son who is from Jamaica.

When a reporter from another television station asked LePage if his non-participation is more than one instance, and rather a pattern, he replied,
  "Tell 'em to kiss my butt. If they want to play the race card, come to dinner and my son will talk to them."

Whats Wrong With Telling Jews Not Sell Their Houses To Arabs?

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
 Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in a front page article of the Jewish Press January 12,2011,writes:

"In the Middle East,  there are Arab countries - Saudi Arabia and Jordan for example - in which land sales to Jews are banned by law under penalty of death. The Palestine Authority has executed dozens of Arabs guilty of that "crime." 

Israel Sabotaging Iran's Nuclear Plant!

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran toured the Natanz plant in 2008.

Israel has  tested the effectiveness of the Stuxnet computer worm, a destructive program that appears to have wiped out roughly a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges and helped delay, though not destroy, Tehran’s ability to make its first nuclear arms, according to a New York Times Report in Tomorrow's edition.. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is It A Mitzvah To Disturb Everyone on a Plane, So You Can Pray?

Rabbis Shmuel Wosner and Herschel Schachter (TorahWeb.org) contend that one should not establish a minyan on a flight, a position I personally practice. (Mourners reciting Kaddish fulfill their basic obligation with a single daily recitation. If necessary, they can organize a minyan for its recital before embarking or after landing.) Others believe a minyan remains permissible when the airline allows it. Rabbi Chaim P

Rabbis Put Out a Proclamation (Kol Koreh) That Weingarten the Convicted Pedophile is Innocent!!

See Proclamation ("Kol Koreh") declaring Weingarten who had relations with his own daughter innocent!
This is signed by the following Rabbis

Rabbi Moshe Green, Monsey, New York
 Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger Rabbi of Cong Shaarei Tefilah, Monsey, NY
 Rabbi Moshe Halberstam of Bobov Antwerp
Rabbi Menachem Fisher Rabbi of Vien in Monsey, NY
 Rabbi Shalom Pollack of New Square
Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Horowitz of SatmerManchester: 
Rabbi Refoel Shorr Rosh Yeshivah Visnitz 
Rabbi Yitzchok Weiss of Jerusalem
Rabbi Menachem Weissmandel of Nitra
 Rabbi Yosef Eizenberger of New Square
Rabbi Bezalel Wetenstein of Belz 

Added signatures are
Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, of Satmer in Monsey
Rabbi Eliyakim Schlesinger of London
Rabbi Eliezer Blum of Kasho in New York
Rabbi Chaim Shneibalg Monsey

Here see a letter in Yiddish asking people to send their hard earned money for "Pidyan Shevuyim" 
The letter also states that a number of Rabbis including Rabbi Green went to visit him to give him Chizuk
Scroll down to see the English translation:

English Translation
Zoom in with your tool bar ... see view
Here see a picture of Rabbis visiting the pervert in jail!
One can clearly see Rabbi Green in the Wheelchair
Now see the news reports about Weingarten

read more

Now read the blog 
Failed Messiah

Evidence that Haredi Rabbis Knew In As Far Back As 1997 That Now Convicted Pedophile Israel Weingarten Was Molesting His Daughter But Did Not Call Police

Read Translation:

Kleuter, Lagere, Middelbare School en Satmar
Lamorinierestraat 26-28
2019 Antwerpen
Tel 281-3000 – Fax 218 91-23
Friday, Parshas Pinchas, 5763, [July 18, 2003] Antwerp, May Zion be Restored

Respectfully to the renowned great scholar, presiding on justice, righteous leader to his congregation, his glory on the Jewish people, the honorable renowned, Rabbi, Gaon Benzion Yaakov Halevi Wosner, may he be granted long days, and along with him to the rabbis and sages, members of the Beit Din Tzedek (religious court) of the Holy Congregation of Monsey.

After inquiring about your well-being, I am answering your request to write what I know about the painful affair of the Weingarten family.  They lived here in our city Antwerp for many years. Their young girls were educated here in Bais Rachel of Satmar. There was a feeling during all those years that an oppressive atmosphere was controlling the girls and their mother. Though we tried to do everything for the good, it did not help much. In the summer of 5756 [1996] Reb Yisroel Moshe came and pestered us to move his oldest daughter, Frumah Leah, to a higher class; something we don’t do for others. After deliberation we decided to agree. We knew the bitterness of the daughter came from the goings-on at the house. Therefore [we thought] it is worth giving in on a trivial matter; perhaps through this the student will be more satisfied.  But actually we saw, to the contrary, that she came to school with swollen eyes, and at times, with other marks. We did not want to touch this because we knew they were odd people and we wouldn’t accomplish anything.

Reb Wolf Gross, who lives several houses away from them, was a true friend of Yisroel Moshe, and he helped them a lot so there would be something to eat in their house. He told me that Frumah Leah wants to commit suicide, G-d save us, and throw herself out the window. They actually saved her at the last moment. [He told me that] in my role as principal I am obligated to interrogate her in order not [to be guilty of] “standing by on the blood of a fellow Jew” [Leviticus 19:16].

I initiated discussions with her several times until she revealed to me that she endured murderous beatings from him [her father] for reasons she could not reveal to me under any circumstances. Only after much urging and assurances, she wrote on paper that for a long time her father was doing with her [sexually] perverted things, have mercy on us. I do not remember all she wrote. But this I remember exactly as I received it from her. “He takes and he ejaculates (motzi zerah l’vatallah) …(ellipses in original) very close to actual biblically prohibited incestuous intercourse, (ad karov ligiluy arayos mamash), have mercy on us.    She added afterwards, verbally, that she was disgusted with a life like this for a quite a while and that he hit her with frightening sadism. Because of this she wanted to put an end to her life, G-d save us.

It is self understood what a shock this was for us.  Because the one of whom we speak was a girl of 15, we passed the matter over to the rabbonim and the leader of Satmar [in Antwerp], Rabbi Chaim Yosef Dovid Weiss, may he live long, head of our congregation. [Rabbi Weiss] took the testimony and he [the father] did not deny it. As a consequence he [Rabbi Weiss] forbade him [Yisroel Weingarten] to seclude himself with his daughter (asar lo l’hityached im bito). He arranged for her to immediately go to Manchester, [England, to a girls school where she would board].

This happened during Chanukah, 5757 [December 1997]. At the end of the winter she returned from Manchester and the whole family traveled to Israel for Passover. After Passover he [Yisroel Weingarten] returned alone with his aforementioned daughter and he was secluded with her all summer. All we did was write a letter that we have no responsibility (achrayis) for the aforementioned student [Frumah Leah] from here on in. Also, that none of his children have permission to set foot in our institutions. Till the month of Ellul, his disgrace was not [publicly] revealed. On the contrary; he [Yisroel Weingarten] made himself out to be a respectable man and we kept quiet. In the middle of Ellul his true disgrace was revealed through others with more ugly things. The whole city was astonished. Suddenly it came out through a tape that the daughter was involved in sin with a neighbor, Meyerowitz. This was something that the dayan of Satmar did not hear from him [Yisroel Weingarten] all through the course of the previous winter while he judged him.

We surmised that all of his doings were astounding and full of contradictions. My wife, may she live long, told me many times at the end of long discussion that she senses from him an air of impurity (ruach tummah). I still gave him the benefit of the doubt until I heard from his daughter the aforementioned deeds [about which she wrote]. Through this were explained many contradictions.

His wife endured a lot from him. Many times she burst out in gushing tears. He was terribly, unfathomably, sadistic towards her. After some weeks she returned and said that all of her words were nonsense and lies, and so on. It was seen that he manipulates her [manipaleert ) in a terrible way.

The devastation (hachurban) [evoked] in putting forth my words pains me greatly. [Do] what it is in your power to save them from this hypocrite, crook and swindler without equal who does the acts of Zimri and demands the reward of Pinchas [BT Sotah 22b referring to Numbers 25:6-14].  I would also add, that the Admor Rabbi Leibish of  Phshevorsk, may he live long, said that they investigated the family in 5757 [1997-1998], meaning the woman and daughter, in Jerusalem the holy city, and they [the investigators] uncovered things.

Signed and sealed in sorrow and wishing you success,

Mordechai Stauber
Weingaten's Brother Says he was Molested by this pervert!