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Saturday, September 14, 2024

DA Charges Veteran for Defending Himself from Palestinian Gangster at Pro-Israel Rally That Turned Violent...Dershowitz Questions Charges

A pro-Israel rally in a Boston suburb turned violent Thursday evening when a passerby was shot during a scuffle after confronting a group of demonstrators, authorities said.

Police were called at 6:40 p.m. to the scene of what they described as a small rally in Newton. Words were exchanged before a passerby rapidly crossed the street and tackled one of the demonstrators, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan said.

“A scuffle ensued. During that scuffle, the individual who had come across the street was shot by a member of the demonstrating group,” Ryan said during a news conference late Thursday.

Scott Hayes, 47, of Framingham, was arrested on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury. He is scheduled to be arraigned in district court Friday, Ryan said.
The shooting victim, who was not identified, was being treated at a hospital for life-threatening injuries, Ryan said.

Acting Newton Police Chief George McMains asked witnesses to provide investigators with photos or videos of the confrontation. He said police would provide extra patrols at “houses of worship” over the next several days.

Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller called the shooting a “frightening incident” and asked for everyone to remain calm as police investigate.

“I know people will have a lot of questions, and we will share information with Newtonians and the press when we are able,” Fuller said. “It’s really early stages of an active investigation.”

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz raised concerns about the handling of an incident at a pro-Israel rally in Newton, Massachusetts, where a man was shot during a confrontation. Scott Hayes, a 47-year-old Iraq War veteran, allegedly shot a man who tackled him during the rally, and was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Dershowitz argued that the person who initiated the assault should have been arrested first, as video footage clearly shows the attack. He questioned the fairness of the process, noting that the investigation into whether the shooting was in self-defense should be thorough and based on all available evidence.

“The fact that the attacker hasn’t been arrested raises serious questions,” Dershowitz said, emphasizing that determining self-defense requires a full investigation.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Zera Shimshon Ki Seitzah


IDF Raids Iranian Weapons Facility in Syria and Captures 4 Big-Shot Iranians and 3 Syrians


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Ben Gvir is making good on his promise to arm Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria.


Too Funny! CNN Fact Checks ABC on Debate!


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Look who the IDF Blew to pieces!


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Media Assures Americans That Migrants Haven’t Killed Any Cats, They Just Kill and Rape Women And Children


Judge Judy Shuts Up Chris Wallace !


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Unbelievable! Kamala is on tape saying the exact opposite of virtually every position she claims to believe now.


This is how its done : Trump Advisor Leaves CBS Reporter Mumbling Like a Fool!


In a landmark decision, the “State of Palestine” has been granted a permanent seat at the UN General Assembly

Egypt’s Ambassador Osama Abdel Khalek praised the move as “history in the making,” while Israel condemned it as a "reward incentive for terrorism."

The decision, backed by overwhelming UN support, is expected to have significant diplomatic and political ramifications for the Israel-Gaza war.

Three out of Nine UNRAW Workers Killed by IDF Were Confirmed Terrorists

 Israel is yet again under attack by worldwide antisemitic entities, media outlets, and countries for carrying out an airstrike against Hamas terrorists who embed themselves within civilian populations and use women and children as human shields.

IDF forces carried out an airstrike on a Hamas command center in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip on Wednesday. As per Hamas’s customary behavior of using civilians as human shields, the terror center was located in a school that was turned into a shelter after the war began.

The UNWRA (otherwise known as a terrorist organization), claimed that six of its “employees” were killed in the strike, prompting the UN, the US, the UK and others to slam Israel for defending its citizens against murderous terrorists.

On Thursday, the IDF published a list of Hamas terrorists that have so far been confirmed to have been killed in the strike and revealed that three of the terrorists were UNWRA “employees.”

The IDF stated: “The Israeli Air Force on Wednesday, under the direction of the IDF and Shin Bet, conducted a precise strike on terrorists who were operating inside a command and control center embedded within a compound that previously served as the Al Jaouni School in the area of Nuseirat in central Gaza.

“Upon receiving reports claiming that local Palestinian UNRWA workers were killed as a result of the strike, the IDF requested that the agency provide details and names of the workers in order to thoroughly review the claim. To date, no answers have been provided by the UNRWA despite repeated requests.

“So far, a number of Hamas terrorists were confirmed to have been eliminated in the strike, including:

1. Aysar Qaradia, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and internal security forces.

2. Muhammad Adnan Abu Zayd, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing who was responsible for launching mortars at IDF troops and at Israel previously served as an operative in Hamas’ naval forces, and was also an UNRWA employee.

3. Bassem Majed Shaheen, the commander of a terrorist cell in Hamas’ military wing took part in the October 7th massacre in southern Israel.

4. Amar al-Jadili, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and internal security forces.

5. Akram Saber al-Ghalaydi, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and internal security forces.

6. Muhammad Issa Abu al-Amir, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing who took part in the October 7th massacre in southern Israel.

7. Sharif Salam, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing.

8. Yasser Ibrahim Abu Sharar, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and an operative in Hamas’ emergency bureau in Nuseirat was also a UNRWA employee.

9. Ayad Matar, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and also a UNRWA employee.”

The outrageous statement of British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, who recently announced an arms embargo on Israel, can be seen below. Despite the fact that he published the statement before the IDF’s announcement, there is no excuse for his “ignorance” considering that major international media outlets have reported that UNWRA employees participated in the October 7 massacre and held captives.

TRAGEDY IN HUNGARY: Chaim Yeshaya Steinberg Killed in Crash Near Kerestir

One of the Chassidim involved in a terrible car wreck near the tziyon of Reb Shayale in Kerestir, Hungary, has tragically been niftar.

R’ Chaim Yeshaya Steinberg Z”L, a Karlin-Stolin Chossid, was a resident of Beitar Illit in Israel, and was returning from Reb Shayale’s kever when the crash occurred. He was just 26 years old.

The accident happened as the vehicle in which R’ Chaim Yeshaya Z”L was traveling collided with a truck just minutes away from Kerestir. He, along with other chassidim in the vehicle, was seriously injured in the incident.

While at first hospitalized in Hungary, R’ Chaim Yeshaya was transported to Israel this past Shabbos as his condition deteriorated. Tragically, despite doctors’ efforts and countless tefillos on his behalf, the young avreich was niftar on Thursday night.

He is survived by his wife and three young children.


Gerer Rebbe: A Chazan Must Have A Beard To Lead Tefillos, Even If He Is A Chiyuv

 DIN: In these chaotic times it is amusing to see how out of touch chareidim are!  We are losing children in uniform every single day, but they are obsessed with trivial stupidities and narishkeitin! I remember the Gerer Shtiblich in Brownsville, Crown Heights, Flatbush and Williamsburg when 98% of the Chassidim were clean-shaven but wore bekishis on Shabbos! If they had tried this shtick then, the survivors would have told them where to shove it! BTW Satmar always had these "regulations" but some gabbaim look away when someone is a chiyuv! 

A new "halachic" imperative has been issued for those seeking to lead the Tefilos in the Gur chasidic sect’s shuls and yeshivos, according to a report on Bchadrei Charedim.

Rabbi Chaim Bunem Shatz, a Gerer posek from Jerusalem, wrote several rules which have been displayed in the various Gerer institutions.

  1. One whose beard has not yet grown, will only be allowed to be a chazan (lead the Tefilos) if he is over the age of 20.
  2. One whose beard has begun to grow but is not fully grown will be allowed to be chazan from the age of 18.
  3. These rules apply even for one who is leading the Tefilos on any random day.
  4. Mussaf can only be led by a chazan who is over 20
  5. One who is in the year of mourning for a parent or who has Yahrzeit, can lead the prayers at Shacharis or Mincha in accordance with rules 1 and 2. If his beard has not grown yet, he may lead the tefilos from Ashrei [towards the end of the Shacharis] and for Maariv he may lead even from the age of 13.

The new rules were issued in the wake of a discussion the Gerer Rebbe had with one of his grandchildren. The rebbe heard that a young boy had led the tefillos and was shocked, stating that this is a violation of the halacha which stresses that the chazan should have a beard. The grandchild tried to explain that the boy was an orphan and had an obligation to lead prayers but the rebbe dismissed this stating that it was enough for him to say kaddish and he should not be chazan unless he has a beard.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fat Nadler Mocked & Criticized For "Chapping a Shluff" While Witness Describes How Her 12-Year-old Daughter Was Raped & Murdered by Illegal

 He was resting his case.

Longtime Manhattan Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) was mocked and criticized after he appeared to shut his eyes and rested his head during an emotional House Judiciary Committee hearing on the border crisis Tuesday.

Lawmakers were hearing from family members of victims who had suffered at the hands of violent illegal immigrants, including the mother of murdered Texas 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Two Republicans on the Judiciary Committee quickly blasted Nadler — the panel’s top Democrat — claiming he wasn’t taking the testimony seriously.

“From frustrated families in the audience⁦ @JudiciaryGOP hearing listening to witnesses who lost loved ones to violent illegal aliens. Hardly any Dems present – those who are…….,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) wrote on X alongside an image of the sleepy-looking Nadler.

“In Judiciary Committee, we’re hearing from moms of girls and women beaten, raped, strangled, discarded and a boy poisoned to death by fentanyl. Democrats:” Rep Dan Bishop (R-NC) also swiped alongside a photo of Nadler.

During his opening remarks, Nadler expressed sympathy to those who lost loved ones, but also accused Republicans of excessive partisanship.

“I would like to take a moment and express my sincerest condolences to all of our witnesses who have lost loved ones, and to all of their families.  I cannot imagine how difficult this loss has been for you, and I appreciate your being here to share their stories. May their memories be a blessing,” Nadler said.

“Instead of working in a bipartisan fashion to find meaningful solutions to our broken immigration system, we are sitting in yet one more partisan hearing designed to divide us and to score political points before an election,” he added.

The panel heard testimony from eight witnesses during the hearing.

Among them was Alexis Nungaray, who retold how her 12-year-old daughter was allegedly stripped naked and strangled to death by two illegal immigrants from Venezuela.

Sitting next to Nungaray was Patty Morin, whose daughter Rachel was allegedly raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant after going for a run not far from her home.

“One of the ladies that came with me, she took a picture of the Democrats on the other side as we were speaking and telling our stories, us, the mothers, mothers crying, telling our stories – and one of them is sleeping, and the other one’s on his phone,” Morin told Fox News.

“It was so disheartening.”

That friend who took the photo, Cathie Groenewold, lambasted the New York congressman.

“I was astounded at the careless attitude of Jerry Nadler,” she told the outlet. “They are pouring out their hearts, these women, who have lost their children to fentanyl and the most gruesome murders you could imagine, and they don’t have the common decency to sit up and give them their undivided attention.”

The Post contacted Nadler’s office for comment.

Nadler been caught nodding off during official business before, including during a 2021 hearing featuring Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Oldest map of the world on nearly 3,000-year-old Babylonian tablet deciphered to reveal surprisingly familiar story

The “oldest map of the world in the world” on a Babylonian clay tablet was deciphered over multiple centuries to reveal a surprisingly familiar story, according to a recent video published by the British Museum.

The cuneiform tablet from the 6th century BC shows an aerial view map of Mesopotamia — roughly modern-day Iraq — and what the Babylonians believed lay beyond the known world at the time.

The ancient artifact, discovered in the Middle East, was acquired by the British Museum in 1882 but remained a mystery for centuries until curators found a missing part and transcribed its cuneiform.

The tablet has several paragraphs of the cuneiform on its backside and above the map diagram describing the creation of the Earth and what its writer believed existed beyond it.

The map shows Mesopotamia surrounded by a double ring — which the ancient scribe labeled the “bitter river,” a river that created the borders around the Babylonians’ known world.

Inside the bitter river, small circles and rectangles represent different cities and tribes in Mesopotamia including Babylon and another rectangle represents the Euphrates river.

“You have encapsulated in this circular diagram, the whole of the known world in which people lived, flourished and died,” British museum curator and cuneiform expert Dr. Irving Finkel said in the video. “However, there’s more to this map than that.”

“When it comes to operating beyond the limits of the known world into the world of imagination, [the tablet] is indispensable,” Finkel added.

The Babylonian scribe also mapped out what they believed existed outside their world, including mythical creatures and lands as well as a reference to a well-known story today — essentially the Babylonian version of the biblical story of Noah’s ark.

The ancient Babylonians believed the remnants of the giant ark built in 1800 BC by their version of Noah, named Utnapishtim, at the instruction of god lay beyond the bitter river on the backside of a mountain — the same mountain that Noah’s ark crashed on, according to the Bible.

“That’s quite a meaty thing, quite an interesting thing to think about because it shows that the story was the same, and of course, that one led to the other,” Finkel concluded.

21 False Claims & Hoaxes by Kamala Harris that ABC’s Debate Moderators Did Not Fact Check


Vice President Kamala Harris issued a slew of false claims and hoaxes that ABC debate moderators did not fact check during Tuesday’s debate against former President Donald Trump.

Here are 21 false claims and hoaxes that Harris uttered on live television, in front of millions of Americans:

1. “Very fine people” hoax

Harris claimed Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people,” a widely known hoax that Democrats continue to repeat, despite it being debunked for years by numerous outlets, including by the left-wing fact checking website Snopes.

2. Project 2025 hoax

Harris accused Trump of wanting to implement Project 2025. This is false. Trump has repeatedly stated that he has nothing to do with it and hasn’t even read it.

Trump promptly corrected Harris on the debate stage, saying, “I have nothing to do — as you know, and as she knows, better than anyone — I have nothing to do with Project 2025. I haven’t read it, I don’t want to read it, purposely. I’m not going to read it.”

“I have nothing to do [with it],” Trump added. “Everybody knows I’m an open book. Everybody knows what I’m going to do: cut taxes very substantially, and create a great economy like I did before.”

3. False claims on Trump trade deficit

Harris claimed “the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit” that was “one of the highest we’ve ever seen in the history of America.” This is patently false.

The trade deficit climbed to around $653 billion in Trump’s final year as president, in part because of depressed global demand for U.S. goods and services and a U.S. economy that recovered sooner than most other developed economies.

But the trade deficit never rose to the levels seen under former President George W. Bush or the Biden-Harris administration.

4. Putin can “do whatever the hell he wants”

Harris claimed that Trump told Russian President Vladimir Putin that he could “do whatever the hell he wants and go into Ukraine.” This is false. Trump never told Putin he could do “whatever the hell he wants,” and he never told Putin he could invade Ukraine.

To add insult to injury, this false claim is also coupled with stark gaslighting, given that Putin appears to be doing whatever he wants during the Biden-Harris administration — such as invading Ukraine — and not during the Trump administration.

5. “Dictator on day one” hoax

Harris claimed that Trump “wants to be a dictator on day one.” This is false. Trump has never said this.

Oddly, Harris attempted to justify her false claim by making another false claim (the aforementioned erroneous claim coupled with gaslighting), which was that the 45th president told Putin he could “do whatever the hell he wants.”

Remarkably, Harris failed to mention that Putin has actually been doing whatever he wants during the Biden-Harris administration.

Moldova bars Israeli Jews from annual pilgrimage to Uman for Rosh Hashana

 The government of Moldova is taking steps to block Jewish pilgrims from visiting a popular religious site in Eastern Europe this fall, complicating plans for tens of thousands of Jews to pray there during the upcoming holiday season.

With the war between Russia and Ukraine still raging and air travel to Ukraine limited, Jewish pilgrims to Uman have relied on roads from the neighboring state of Moldova to access the tomb of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, the late 18th-early 19th century founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement.

A popular pilgrimage destination for Breslov Hasidim and other Jewish visitors during the High Holidays – and in particular Rosh Hashanah – Rebbe Nachman’s tomb in Uman is located some 75 miles (120 kilometers) from the Moldovan border.

Despite the war in Ukraine and the difficulties in reaching Uman, tens of thousands of visitors took part in last year’s Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage, with most of the pilgrims reaching Uman from Moldova.

In 2023, Moldova coordinated with Israel to facilitate the influx of Israeli tourists into the country, with Israel compensating the Moldovan government for the special security preparations necessary to handle the surge in tourists and the need to adhere to Israeli standards of security.

This year, however, Moldova has indicated it will not permit the mass entry of Israelis seeking to reach Uman, Yedioth Aharanoth reported Wednesday, claiming that Israel has yet to pay Moldova back for last year’s security arrangements.

A number of flights from Israel to Moldova ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday – which begins on October 2nd – have been canceled, and Moldova is reportedly planning on blocking access to the roads used to reach the Ukrainian border by Israeli pilgrims last year.

Daniel Voda, spokesman for Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean, said that without repayment for last year’s security provisions, his country would not facilitate the mass entry of Israelis this year.

Moldovan Chief Rabbi Pinchas Salzman said he was “surprised by the news,” claiming that an agreement was in place between Israel and Moldova.

“I am trying to schedule meetings to cancel this decree,” Rabbi Salzman said.

“The State of Israel gave the Moldovans a guarantee to pay the debt. Maybe someone thinks that Israel is weak because of the war and can be blackmailed, but they are wrong.”

IDF avenges the abduction of Noa Marciano,

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have avenged the abduction of Noa Marciano, successfully neutralizing her captor in a precision airstrike. Marciano, who was taken hostage during the October 7th massacre, and was murdered in Shifa Hospital, Gaza.

Among those eliminated were:

❌Abdallah Abu Reala of the Hamas Shati Battalion, responsible for holding Corporal Marciano. The operation, carried out by the Israeli Air Force, targeted several terrorists involved in the attack.

❌Ayman Khaled Ahmed Abu Allahyani, a Nukhba terrorist who participated in the assault on the Erez Humanitarian Crossing, was also killed in the strike.


Hamas commander to Sinwar: ‘We are broken, our people don’t tolerate us anymore’

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed a document on Wednesday written by a now-deceased Hamas commander to Yahya Sinwar describing the “difficult situation” the military wing of the terror group was facing.

The former commander of Hamas’s Khan Younis Brigade, Rafa’a Salameh, who was killed with Mohammed Deif in an airstrike in July, wrote to Sinwar, “We have lost 90-95% of our rocket capabilities, and we have lost some 60% of our weapons.”

The letter continued, “We have lost at least 65-70% of our anti-tank launchers and rockets, and most importantly, we have lost at least 50% of our fighters between those who are martyred and wounded, and now we are left with 25%. ”

Salameh added, “The last 25% of our people have reached a situation where the people do not tolerate them anymore, and they are broken on a mental or physical level.”

Gallant pointed out that the letter emphasizes that even Hamas’s most senior commanders have reached a breaking point.

The Defense Minister commented on how Salameh “cries out” to the Sinwar brothers “but they, of course, cannot save him.”

“Why? Because we are continuing the effort that started in October and continues step by step… and reaches all senior Hamas officials,” said Gallants.

Salameh worked closely with Hamas leader Mohammed Deif, including the planning of the execution of the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and the 2005 suicide bombing at the Orkhan outpost.

There was initial doubt that the airstrike that killed Salameh in July also eliminated Deif, but the news of Deif’s death was later confirmed.

Yoav Gallant tweeted in August, “Muhammad Deif, the ‘Osama Bin Laden of Gaza,’ was eliminated on 13.07.24,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant tweeted Thursday.

“This is a significant milestone in the process of dismantling Hamas as a military and governing authority in Gaza, and in the achievement of the goals of this war.”