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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Israel targeted the Hezbollah commander responsible for the Majdal Shams massacre in Beirut.


The IDF confirmed that the senior Hezbollah commander responsible for the murder of 12 Israeli children on Saturday was targeted in a UAV strike in Beirut.

The commander was reportedly Hezbollah's second-highest ranking official, Fuad Shukr, who also known as Hajj Mohsin, according to Lebanese reports. Mohsin played a role in the 1983 bombing of the US army barracks in Beirut in which 241 American servicemen were killed. He has a $5 million bounty on his head.

"The IDF carried out a targeted strike in Beirut, on the commander responsible for the murder of the children in Majdal Shams and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians. At the moment, there are no changes in the Home Front Command defensive guidelines. If any changes will be made, an update will be released," the IDF stated.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said following the airstrike that "Hezbollah crossed the red line."

Moshin's fate is currently unknown, though Arabic media is reporting that he was not killed in the strike. Lebanese media is reporting that at least 10 people were wounded in the explosion.

Eyewitnesses reported hearing an explosion in the Lebanese capital Tuesday evening

Sky News Arabic reported that the explosion took place in a Hezbollah stronghold in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh.

The airstrike comes three days after 12 Druze children were murdered in a Hezbollah rocket attack in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.

On Tuesday afternoon, an Israeli man was killed in a Hezbollah rocket attack on the Galilee.

Outrage in Israel on the leftist Army Brass !!!!! Investigators approached terrorists to collect allegations against soldiers


Knesset Member Limor Son Har-Melech spoke with Arutz Sheva - Israel National News after a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee about the Force 100 arrests.

"I am leaving a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. The Military Advocate General chose not to attend, and during the session, additional details emerged that should concern us all," said Son Har-Melech, noting that during the session, it became apparent that, as Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich claimed Monday, IDF investigators contacted released terrorists who are already back in Gaza to gather information about their time in Israeli prison and to hear whether they have complaints about how IDF soldiers treated them.

"We wondered," said Son Har-Melech in reference to the committee discussion, "what motivation those terrorists might have to make positive statements regarding the soldiers when they know that every complaint they make will be investigated, and those soldiers will be arrested and interrogated."

Son Har-Melech added further details of the allegations against those soldiers. She mentions that the committee did not discuss the investigation process itself, but she wants to highlight and detail one significant issue:

 "The media echoed, and it's not clear who in the Military Advocate General staff they were echoing, that our soldiers are labelled as rapists and abusers. But the real story is that there are phones smuggled in by lawyers we allow in [to the prisons]." She noted that "the Military Advocate General approved the shortening of the waiting time for a lawyer at the request of the terrorists."

She stressed that the lawyers are smuggling communication devices and phones to the terrorists, which allow them to communicate with the outside world and even direct terrorist activities: "That terrorist took the phone and hid it in the place where he claims he was assaulted, and the device had to be retrieved, but it is echoed to us as a case of sodomy and rape. It's something entirely different, but the Military Advocate General repeatedly accepts the terrorists' allegations."

Son Har-Melech recalled that "to date there are zero indictments against terrorists, and I do not see her rushing to issue indictments."

 In her opinion, the legal arm's conduct proves that there is an inexplicable willingness to persecute the soldiers who are devoted to our security and arrest them in such a degrading manner. 

"We are dealing with a Military Advocate General whose agenda is sick, whose worldviews are distorted. We do not begin to understand the depth and breadth of the implications of yesterday's event in relation to our soldiers, to the message sent to the world, and to those holding our captives. What do we think this will cause?"

She also mentioned that contrary to what was claimed in the media, the battalions allegedly transferred to Beit Lid to deal with the protesters were not sent as a response to the protests, but are battalions of soldiers who left Gaza and were supposed to go to Beit Lid anyway for a breather after their operations in the Strip and before continuing their activities. Now she fears a severe blow to their motivation due to the events they were exposed to.

When asked if the boundaries of lawful protest were breached, Son Har-Melech replied:

 "In the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, the hypocrisy screamed to the heavens. Knesset Member Merav Michaeli, who responded to the inconceivable acts of destruction and public disorder and vandalism [of the left] with the words 'not pleasant, not terrible,' today speaks of unprecedented rioting, so someone there told her [sarcastically] 'not pleasant, not terrible...'"

"There is no anarchy, but there is a public awakening and people are beginning to understand how our judicial system operates. Either you identify with your own nation or you're alienated from them. There is no in-between," alluding to accusations that the legal system is acting as if there is no ongoing war.

Son Har-Melech emphasized another aspect of the issue:

 "They forget the context. The soldiers were guarding the Nukh'ba terrorists who murdered, raped, beheaded, and dismembered. That's the context, and it must not be confused or given a peaceful and calm image. We will not forget and we will not let anyone forget the context and the overall event."

Regarding the question of whether the Military Advocate General could ignore a complaint placed on her desk, Son Har-Melech responded with a brief question, "Who is the complainant?" and added, "I asked the representative of the Military Advocate General who the complainants are. They talk about complaints being submitted, but who made the complaint? It’s a battalion commander in Jabalia. Understand who we are dealing with. It feels like an unreal moral decline."

Alter Satmar "Shvantz" "Israel is NOT my Country! "


Now Listen to this Israeli Satmar Shvantz Who Says that he has no problem with Terrorists because they observe mitzvois, his problem is with Chilonim!

Now watch this Satmar not-tzneesisdikeh yente screaming at an IDF Soldier on the Bus

A peek inside the Warsaw Ghetto

Rachel (Rokhl) Auerbach believed writing about the Warsaw Ghetto’s Jews was a debt she owed to the dead. Eighty years after the Nazis “liquidated” most the city’s Jews in the Holocaust, Auerbach’s harrowing memoir has been translated into English by historian Samuel Kassow.

Published on July 2, “Warsaw Testament” documents Auerbach’s struggle to survive — and keep her fellow Jews alive — during the ghetto’s two and a half years of existence. Having grown up among Poles to develop what she called a “Slavic temperament,” Auerbach was uniquely suited to document the unfolding Holocaust from multiple viewpoints.

Rachel Auerbach Finds a cache of the "Oneg Shabbos" 
archive after the war 

“She lived to make sure that people remembered,” Kassow told The Times of Israel. A professor at Trinity College, Kassow previously published on the Warsaw Ghetto’s clandestine “Oneg Shabbat” archive, a project in which Auerbach played a key role.

'Show up at Draft Office': Charedi minister opposes Shas rabbis' bizarre position


Welfare Minister Yakov Margi (Shas) has clarified that a Charedi youth who receives a call-up order must appear at the Draft Office.

"The law of the land - that is the law," Margi told the Knesset Channel. "If the country calls you, then first of all, you go show up, tell them what is bothering you, ask to learn Torah or ask for a Charedi track. I am not one of those who will tell you not to show up, to throw off every burden. The law of the land is the law."

Earlier this month, Sephardic-haredi rabbis urged young men who received draft orders not to appear at the Draft Office.

This is not the first time Margi has voiced a more liberal stance: Last Thursday, he spoke about the Charedi frameworks in the IDF, saying that a Charedi framework would bring "great benefit."

"If we are speaking about Charedi brigades - there need to be adaptations," he told Kikar Hashabbat in the mid-July interview. "I have no doubt that the rabbis will discuss the core of the matter and understand that the benefit is great and the young man is in a Charedi framework, and it will look different."

He also said that the required number of Charedim can be drafted without affecting those who learn Torah: "The Defense Ministry knows who to draft, and also the goal that the Defense Minister set for himself - and that is a goal which can be met without [affecting] the Torah world."

What A Crazy Story!!!!! .........."ACHDUS: Viznitzer Rebbes Reach Historic Agreement In Catskills Meeting"

I am going to comment within the Monsey Scoop article itself in red! 

MS: In a landmark meeting held last week in the Catskills, 

DIN: A "landmark meeting?" Does the Monsey Scoop even know what this term means? In what universe are they living in? 99.9% of the Frum world have no idea who these guys are? Who are they? 

MS: the eight Rebbes of the Viznitz dynasty reached a significant and historic agreement, Monsey Scoop is reporting

DIN: "Viznitz Dynasty?"According to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, a "dynasty" is a "powerful group or family!" Viznitz is "powerful?" Where are they powerful? Do they have an army?  Outside of their "dalet amos" no one cares and no one actually knows who the hell they are! "Historic?' What? In what way was this "historic?" Not even in Viznitz itself is this nonsense "historic." 

MS: The Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey announced that, moving forward, Viznitzer Chassidim will be permitted to transfer brisim from one city to another. This new policy allows Chassidim to honor their chosen Rebbe by having him serve as the Sandek.

DIN: "Viznitzer Chassidim will be permitted to transfer brisim from one city to another!" 

They will be permitted? Who prohibited this in the first place? Who? "Transfer brisim?" What does this even mean? 

Listen guys! The world is falling apart as I am typing these words, and Viznitz make an "Historic Landmark" announcement that from now on, a Viznitzer Chusid will be able to take his crying screaming infant and transfer him to another city so that another Viznitzer Rebbe can hold him during the Bris! 

What's historic about this is, that the Viznitzer Rebbe in Monsey has absolutely nothing to do with his day while Jewish children are being murdered on a daily basis and is occupied with "shtisim & havalim" total nonsense! 

Tell me guys that I am hallucinating! Please tell me that this is all a dream! This made the front page of the YESHIVAWORLD! 

The Headline of the Monsey Scoop begins with the word "Achdus" 

I don't get it, can someone help me out? 

Doesn't "achdus" mean being together? And isn't this within the Viznitz Community itself?  So now after six years they decided to open more Viznitzer Shuls within the same community and probably on the same block and this is called "achdus?" Isn't this "pirud?" Wouldn't "achdus " mean davening together instead of davening separate. For Heavens Sake this is in Viznitz itself! 

So these eight guys gave a new meaning to "achdus", Viznitzer Chassidim will not daven together, G-D Forbid, but will now separate and daven separately!

Exactly Haman's words to Achasveirosh:

ישנו עם אחד מפוזר ומפורד ... "there is ONE nation that is spread out and separate! 

MS: Additionally, the agreement includes the establishment of new shtiblech independently by each community in cities where any of the brothers reside.

This agreement comes after six years during which the Viznitzer Brothers refrained from accepting Sandekois from Chassidim living in cities where another brother served as Rebbe. Furthermore, during this period, none of the brothers had opened a shtibel in a city where another brother was already leading.

DIN: Did anyone know that a Viznitzer Chusid couldn't get his rebbe to be a sandik at his child's bris if he lived in another city? Again, I'm asking if any one Jew knew this? 
And who cares? And why are people giving strangers the honor of being sandik of their child, in the first place? Are there no grandfathers there? Did everyone die?

When I was growing up there was no one who had a grandfather! They were all murdered in the Holocaust. Oh! What we would have given to have a grandfather be a sandik? 

It took "six years" to work this out? Wow! Isn't that longer than it took Kushner to work out the Abraham Accords?

MS:  "Furthermore, during this period, none of the brothers had opened a shtibel in a city where another brother was already leading."

DIN: We need another Viznitzer Shteeble like we need another war! 

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Sharply Criticizes Kamala for Equating Israel and Hamas


Finally a frum rabbi with cogilones ! Where are the Chareidie "Gedoilim?" So it's only the "ketanim" that speak on behalf of our Jewish brethren? 

עולם הפוך ראיתי

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, who leads the Boca Raton Synagogue and hosts the ‘Behind the Bima’ podcast, slammed VP Kamala Harris over her critical statement following her meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu.

Rabbi Goldberg, an influential Rabbi in American Modern Orthodoxy, who is also vocal on social media, suggested that Harris’ comments about the Gaza war were not supportive of Israel. In a post on X responding to Kamala’s video statement, following her meeting with Netanyahu, he slammed her “’balanced’ remarks criticizing Hamas and pivoting to Israel,” saying that based on her comments “you would have no idea that one party are barbaric terrorists and the other a democratic ally.”

Rabbi Goldberg also said, “She is more concerned with the rioters calling for a ceasefire knowing she “hears them” than letting those who know that the IDF is just, moral, and more concerned for civilians losses than America ever was, feel heard.”

The Lying Kamala HQ Falsely Connects Project 2025 to Donald Trump 21 Times in Past Week


In the past week, Kamala Harris’ campaign headquarters has been under scrutiny for repeatedly and falsely linking former President Donald Trump to Project 2025, a controversial initiative. Reports indicate that the Harris campaign’s official X account (formerly Twitter) has made this false connection 21 times in the past week alone.

This development unfolds amidst mounting tension, with the left threatening legal action against Elon Musk for sharing a parody video. Despite Trump’s clear disavowal of Project 2025, the Harris campaign persists in disseminating misleading information.

“Some on the severe right came up with this Project 2025… I don’t know what the h*ll it is. I read some of the things, they are extreme,” Trump said, distancing himself from the initiative.

The Harris campaign, however, continues to share deceptive content. They have been posting videos of Trump speaking, followed by claims that he is discussing Project 2025, which is not the case.

Several misleading messages from the Harris campaign include statements such as, “To Trump and his Project 2025: We’re not going back,” “Trump meets with Project 2025 board member,” and “Trump’s Project 2025, can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Bobov Targeted by Canadian Antisemites

The question is who do these antisemites hate more Bobov 45 or Bobov 48?

 A school bus used by the Bobov Chassidic yeshiva was found torched early Monday, in an apparent hate crime. It is pretty clear that it was an act of arson. Other school buses, belonging to non-Jewish schools, were untouched.

Toronto has had an increase in antisemitic crime this year, including shots fired at Jewish schools and the vandalism of shuls. Jewish businesses have also been targeted with firebombs and graffiti.

Monday, July 29, 2024

How a Jewish Lady Returned to Yiddishkeit and Divorced Her Goy Husband all Because of the Yiddish Song "A Yiddishe Mama"

 In Hebrew!


It's all "Heimish"


Media all in Sync Starts Vicious Campaign to Call Vance "WEIRD"


 Vice President Kamala Harris and her surrogates have started to use the attack line that Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R) is “weird.”

Vance, who former President Donald Trump picked as his running mate, responded on Sunday with a short video clip of Harris on CNN, telling the audience she uses “she/her” pronouns.

“JD Vance is weird,” Vance mockingly captioned the clip of Harris.

“And my pronouns are “she, her and her’s,” Harris says at the 2020 town hall event. Then-CNN host Chris Cuomo seems to rib Harris over the absurd statement, responding, “Me too.”

Chaos at Sde Teiman:Knesset member Tzvi Sukkot and additional protesters have managed to break into the detention facility.


Israeli protesters have arrived at the entrance to Sde Teiman detention center to show their support for the nine detained IDF reservists.

A soldier, whose father was murdered in 2002 by terrorists, and who is celebrating his birthday today, has now been detained by the Military Police for an investigation regarding the alleged assault on Hamas terrorists in Sde Teiman.

Military Police have arrived at the IDF’s Sde Teiman detention center. 

The IDF has not commented. 

Hear Listen to Kamala Harris Say "Defund the Police" though the media Erased it


Wow...Washington Post Front Page Has a Photo of a Child Murdered by Hezbollah but makes it look like Israel Did it!


Bunch of Fat Communists Want to Take Over the USA ...


Watch this Kamala Ad that Musk retweeted


Watch this Leftist wants billions for Ukraine but won't spare a Quarter for a Black Homeless guy


Watch how the media reported the wholesale Slaughter of 14 Israeli Children by Hezbollah This Past Shabbos


Watch all networks say that Kamala is worthless just 3 years ago!