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Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Big Lie that the Allied Forces Defeated the Nazis!


To all my fellow Jews !

It’s long past time that we all realize that everything we believed about the history of the last 79 years is wrong. Just take a look around you. It almost doesn’t matter where you are in the world. Look deeply and what do you see?

We’ve been taught that the allied forces defeated the Nazis and that on May 7th, 1945, the Nazis surrendered. But when you look at everything we see and hear and read, and the very specific type of propaganda employed, and the types of personalities pushing the propaganda, you quickly realize that the Nazis were not defeated. Not even a little.

We start to realize they evolved. They learned what worked and what didn’t. They had many allies and sympathizers of their own spread all over the world, especially in the West and throughout Europe. They had an extensive spy network embedded in most countries indoctrinating, pushing their propaganda and recruiting for the next stage. Over the decades we’ve seen many glimpses of that evolution, from Nazi General Secretaries of the United Nations to the 1972 Munich Olympics attack perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists aided by their Nazi collaborators.

The close relationship between the Nazis and the Arabs of the region has been around for a century. Just as the Nazis gave Amin Al Husseini refuge in Berlin, so too did the Arab world give refuge to some of the most notorious Nazis after the war. Together they continued their joint efforts to eliminate the Jewish nation, wherever we were.

And here we are today, with the identical kinds of propaganda and propagandists, the Nazis of old have finally risen to show us exactly what they’ve become and evolved into, and their reach is literally everywhere. Every political party, every educational institution, the United Nations, the NGOs, the media. It’s almost like a far fetched James Bond film, yet when we look at everything happening around us with open eyes and clear minds, we can see it.

Sure we have some friends out there. But as a nation, we stand alone. The United Kingdom is going into their elections tomorrow and you cannot find a single party that doesn’t have strong elements of our enemies.

Few know what the Nazis are truly capable of more than the Jewish people. They didn’t just genocide 6 million of us. They took our wealth, our possessions, our identities, our everything. We had no defense against it then.

But we do have defense against it now. And the most important defense against it is opening our eyes and accepting that our greatest enemies of old have come together today to become our greatest enemies of now. We have to be united like never before. We have to accept that to live we must stand up and fight. We have our own nation and it stands proudly against all our enemies. Our soldiers put everything on the line to defend all of us. Our future. Our very existence.

Today we face an existential threat that we have never faced before. Sure we’ve defeated our enemies throughout history, but always at great cost. We must be ready to do it again and put everything on the line if we are to survive. We may need to do whatever it takes. There is no negotiation with our enemies. They have made it clear they have no interest. There is no diplomacy. There is no reasoning. And to survive, unfortunately, there can be no mercy. No empathy. No sympathy. No “we are better than this because we are Jews”. We are not fighting against those with morality. And we cannot give it. This is about the survival of our people and we have to stop trying to find the good in them. There is no good. They want just one thing… you, me, and everyone we know to be dead. That’s it. They keep telling you that. It’s time to believe them.

We have one chance to get through this. Only one. It won’t be easy and most of us will have to make the most impossible of choices. But we must survive. We will survive. But only if we are together.

Quaran Teached that the "Land of Israel Belongs to the Jewish People"


Yeshiva Bochur's Dream Finally Comes True


How Trump Brilliantly Negotiated With the Taliban


The New Democrat Nominee


SAGES OF CHELM: State-Attorney Seeks Probe Against Ben-Gvir For Inciting Against Gazans


State Attorney Amit Aisman asked Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara to launch a criminal investigation against National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir for allegedly inciting violence against the residents of Gaza, Kan News reported on Tuesday evening.

According to the report, the request is intended to satisfy the International Court of Justice at the Hague that Israel is investigating Israeli officials for statements inciting “genocide.”

The State-Attorney and Attorney-General’s Office responded to an inquiry on the matter by stating: “As the State of Israel informed the International Court of Justice in The Hague, all statements on the matter that could amount to a criminal offense are being examined. Contrary to the publication, no decisions were made on the issue by the heads of the law enforcement system.”

The absurd request was condemned even within the state attorney’s office and no one believes that such an investigation would lead to an indictment.

In fact, the request is so outlandish that a Walla reporter even jumped to Ben-Gvir’s defense, first clarifying how much he dislikes Ben-Gvir, saying, ‘there are a thousand reasons to dislike him” and describing him as “one of the most failed ministers in Israel’s history.”

The reporter continued by saying that, “still, the State Attorney’s decision to open an investigation against Ben-Gvir is the kind of folly that is usually read in the stories of the sages of Chelm.”

Israeli Left Working Overtime to appease the Hamas Nazis and Arrest Soldier For Allegedly Killing A Nukhba Terrorist On Oct. 7


A discharged soldier was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly murdering a Nukhba terrorist on October 7th and brought to the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, where the police requested an extension of his arrest, Channel 12 reported.

According to the report, a police investigator accused the soldier: “You interrogated a terrorist in the field, then shot him in the head. That’s why you are suspected of murder.”

The soldier replied: “I didn’t murder any terrorist but I eliminated the terrorists who shot at us.”

The report was later taken down but not before it was quoted by every other media outlet. The police later slapped a gag order on the case and there are likely details that are unknown about the case. Some social media reports said that three soldiers were arrested.

Channel 14 News journalist Yinon Magal quoted the soldier’s father as saying: “On October 7th, while half of the country was in shelters and half of the country was probably sleeping.. my son and another soldier he knows, without being called, quickly drove in their own to the south in order to help and save as many people as possible.”

“They encountered terrorists in the Shaar Negev area. They eliminated some of them and even managed to rescue the wounded. The soldier who was with him was even injured in the incident while trying to rescue injured soldiers. Among other things, they risked a lot in order to prevent attempts to kidnap the bodies of soldiers who were in the field.”

“Today we found out that there are delusional elements in our dear country who are trying in every way to demoralize our soldiers and instead of handing out medals to people who did the maximum while others didn’t even do the minimum, they are busy trying to discredit soldiers.”

Dozens of Israelis showed up outside the court in Tel Aviv to protest the arrest.

One of them explained, as quoted by Ynet: “This is a young man who went down to the south that morning, saved lives and saved the bodies of soldiers so that they wouldn’t be abducted. There is no connection here to the right or the left.”

R’ Shloimy Lonner Z”L from Lakewood Murdered In South Jersey


It is with much regret that DIN informs you of the petirah of R’ Shloimy Lonner z”l, who was stabbed at a mental health facility he operated in Atlantic City today, Lakewood Alerts reports.

R’ Shloimy was a devoted husband to his wife, Shani yb”l, a loving father to three children, and a prominent baal chesed in the Lakewood community.

Initial reports suggest he was murdered in an unprovoked and sudden attack from an unstable resident of the facility he operated.

Misaskim is at the scene of the murder and working closely with local and state officials to ensure proper Kavod Hames.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Footage of Karmiel stabbing attack


Below see the terrorist's mother being arrested!

Three people in their 20s were injured Wednesday around noon after they were stabbed in a Karmiel mall, and one of them later died of his wounds.

The stabbing, which took place on the second floor of the Hutzot Karmiel mall, left two of the victims with serious injuries and the third with moderate to serious injuries.

Sometime later, the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya pronounced one of the victims dead. The victim was identified as IDF soldier Sergeant Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, aged 19 from Nahariya. At least one other wounded victim was an IDF soldier as well from the same battalion as Iakiminskyi.

The terrorist has been identified as an Arab-Israeli from Nafeh. He was eliminated by one of the victims. The Northern District police commander has ordered the arrest of all of the terrorist's family members.

MDA Director General Eli Bin reported that one of the victims is in critical condition and a second is in serious condition. Both suffered loss of blood after being stabbed in their upper bodies. A third victim is in moderate condition.

MDA EMT Ran Moskowitz recalled: "When I arrived at the shopping mall I was sent to the second floor. I saw 2 casualties, males in their 20s, lying close to the stalls with penetrating injuries, one was unconscious. We placed them in the MICU while providing medical treatment, with one in critical condition and the other conscious and in serious condition."

The Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, where two victims were brought, reported that one of them was admitted during resuscitation attempts and is still in critical condition. He later succumbed to his wounds. The second victim is in stable but serious condition.

Israel Police confirmed "initial reports regarding a suspected terror attack."

"A short time ago, we received a report to the police hotline regarding a suspected stabbing attack in the city of Karmiel, during which two men were injured lightly and moderately. The stabber was neutralized at the scene and large numbers of police forces from the northern district are at the scene."

What to know about the fallout from President Biden's debate performance:


What to know about the fallout from President Biden's debate performance:

Get your popcorn and grab a seat.

The hottest political show of the moment is one Americans haven’t seen for decades: Democrats behaving like Republicans. 

Suddenly, members of the party with a recent habit of sticking together are engaged in a circular firing squad.

The insults, name-calling and nasty exchanges echo the way the GOP has squandered its House majority. 

The Dem civil war involves even bigger stakes, of course, because it was sparked by President Biden’s debate debacle.

In an arrogant response, the campaign blasted the “bedwetting brigade” and told complainers to get back in line if they want to beat Donald Trump

Alas, the order to shut up isn’t working, as even some of the party’s most reliable handmaidens are abandoning ship.

CNN’s Jake Tapper, usually a full-time Trump basher, accused the White House and Biden campaign of using Orwellian tactics to silence dissent. 

Monsey Police Arrest Suspect for Terroristic Threats Against Skverer & Satmar Communities Calling them "Zionists"


I know that this is tragic but it is funny as well. 

The suspected terrorists called Satmar and Skverer Chassidim "Zionists!" Who knew that the Satmar community are closet Zionists!?

 No matter how many times the Satmars try to convince the Goyim that they are Against Zionism, the Goyim don't believe them and are ready to murder every one of them., but not before they rape their wives and daughters!  The Satmars have not learned a thing from the Holocaust and don't even teach this in their schools, in fact, on the contrary, in the Satmar Curriculum, they teach that the Zionists are the ones responsible for the brutal murders of 3/4 of the Jewish people! How sick and depraved! 

But one solitary goy hopefully taught them a big lesson, that a Satmar Chusid with a beard and bekesheh and "vaaaseh zokin" is the same as a chiloni in Kibbutz Be'eri! To the goy they are all "Zionists" 

On June 25, 2024, the Ramapo Police Department launched an investigation into social media posts that contained threats targeting the Village of New Square community. The post, which included a map of New Square and Kiryas Joel with the words “ZIONISTS LIVE HERE” alongside references to weapons, prompted immediate action from law enforcement.

Collaborating with the Ramapo detective assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Rockland County Sheriff’s Intelligence Center, authorities swiftly identified a suspect. Last night, Ramapo detectives arrested a 44-year-old male from Suffern. The suspect has been charged with Making a Terroristic Threat, a Class D Felony. He was arraigned earlier today and subsequently released on his own recognizance.

The Ramapo Police Department expressed gratitude to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Rockland County Sheriff’s Intelligence Center, the NYSP Intelligence Center, and the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office for their support and assistance in the investigation.

Watch Pro-Hamas "Karen" Complain on a Jordanian Flight that she is getting Israeli Water


Unbelievable! Watch Sen Kennedy Decimate Potential Biden Judges ... Sick Sick and getting Sicker!


Overcrowded prisons? Shin Bet against the early release of a Jew who attacked an Arab


The ISA (Shin Bet) opposes the early release of a Jewish resident of the center of the country for good behavior after he was convicted of attacking an Arab during Operation Guardian of the Walls (2021), according to a document submitted by the organization on Tuesday to the Prison Service Parole Committee.

"In light of the serious incident in which the subject was involved, the detailed intelligence information found in the confidential investigation, and the volatile situation in the region following the Swords of Iron War and its consequences – we would like to oppose the early release of the subject," the document reads.

The Jewish man was convicted of attacking Arabs, along with others, during Operation Guardian of the Walls in Herzliya. After his arrest, he was interrogated by the Shin Bet and an indictment was filed against him. He was convicted by the High Court who sentenced him to 15 months in prison.

This week the parole board is expected to discuss his request for early release due to good behavior. After the indictment, this prisoner underwent rehabilitation and treatment.

Attorney Adi Keidar from Honenu, which represents the prisoner, said:

 "In such sensitive times, the General Security Service was expected to put in efforts and invest resources in protecting the security of the state and not to waste time with a young man who has no criminal record, who rioted during Operation Guardian of the Walls and received a relatively light sentence, and he has only several months left until his release. It is a shame that we hear about the release of terrorists, including senior officials and the director of the Shifaa Hospital, while on the other hand, this is what the Shin Bet has to do. Freeing terrorists in the middle of a war is important for stability, freeing Jews is dangerous and volatile. The Shin Bet is stagnant on October 6, and this should keep us from sleeping soundly."

Charedi soldiers ate at McDonald's and caused an uproar on Arab media


Two Haredi soldiers, Yossi Reis and Liron Matalon, who serve in Galatz [army radio], just wanted to eat some fries at McDonald's.

Afterwards, they posted a photograph on their personal Instagram, without realizing what was about to happen next.

Within hours, their photo spread throughout the Arab media and caused an uproar, alongside calls for boycotting the popular food chain. Among other comments, some responded that "McDonald's feeds soldiers and supplies them with weapons".

"We were in shock," said Reis in an interview with Channel 12 News, "we realized something was happening when our friend called to tell us that our photo had spread all over pro-Palestinian media."

"We went in to look and saw that it had already been shared thousands of times on large pages. We only went to eat fries. We haven't received any personal hate messages, but it's crazy what has happened from one picture of us eating fries."


Dumb Israeli Fools reconnect Gaza to electricity


Gaza's electricity company began connecting cables on Salah al-Din Street in the Deir al-Balah area, for the first time since the outbreak of the war.

After the infrastructure works are completed, the water desalination and sewage treatment facility will be operated directly from the Israeli electricity grid. The order to connect was given by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who explained that it was a move to provide "a response to basic humanitarian needs."

The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) noted that the operation of the water desalination facility is being carried out with the approval of the political echelon and derives from humanitarian considerations to prevent pollution and the outbreak of diseases in the Strip.

An official IDF statement on the process claimed: "The eyes of the world, and certainly the eyes of the United States, were focused on the question of how we would handle the humanitarian and civilian aspects of the operation in Rafah. The purpose of the power hookup is to operate a water desalination plant that will provide drinking water to the area where most of the Gaza population now resides. This is water for sanitation and disease prevention - which could endanger both our soldiers and our hostages."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich responded: "We've lost our minds completely. With our own hands, we are rehabilitating Gaza, before disarmament, and mainly the hospitals, which are the centers for terrorism. Mr. Prime Minister, stop this foolishness. This time, it won't be possible to say that we didn't know, like with the release of the terror commander in Shifa yesterday."

Member of Knesset Gideon Sa'ar responded: "It will be interesting to see on whom the responsibility will be placed this time. A government of fools with two left hands."

MK Avigdor Liberman attacked: "The government of folly. After the release of the senior terrorist, the new Dr. Mengele, the director of Shifa Hospital, the government continues in the same direction."

"The infrastructure work in Gaza ahead of the expected connection to Israeli electricity are an even greater folly," Liberman continued. "The decision that must be made today is a complete disconnection between Israel and the Gaza Strip. No electricity, no water, no fuels, and no goods - a complete disconnection."

So Where is the $100 Million the "gedoilim Collected?' Rav Zilberstein To Kollel Members: “There Are No Funds To Pay You”

I don't get it! What happened to the money? What happened to "Adopt a Kollel" Rav Zilberstein's Kollel was adopted by a New York shul, where is the beef?

I suspect fraud!! 

And what's $100 million? The Zionist Government last year alone gave Chareidie Mosdos HaTorah over $325 million, so are they coming back to schnor in a half year? 

Why isn't there a vaad to oversee where the money is going?

 Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein, who serves as the Rosh Kollel of Beis Dovid in the city of Holon, was forced to inform his kollel members that he can no longer pay them a monthly stipend.

The step follows the revocation of funds to yeshivos and kollelim in accordance with the decision of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court.

HaRav Zilberstein wrote in the letter that the “kupas hakollel” is empty…and whoever remains in Kollel Beis Dovid should know that unfortunately there are no funds for stipends. And Hashem Yisbarach should do good with those who show goodness to talmidei chachamim.”

Eda Charedi Protesters totally Unhinged Smash Charedi MKs Cars, Heckle Them


Towards the end of the demonstration against IDF conscription organized on Sunday by the Eda Charedis and soon after Rav Sternbuch riled them up,, the protests turned violent, as the demonstrators vented their fury on charedi MKs who they felt were responsible for the current draft law which will enable the conscription of thousands of charedi youths.

Housing minister Yitzchak Goldknopf was the first to suffer the consequences of the anti-government demonstrations, as his car was significantly damaged by rocks and other items thrown at it, as protesters shouted “Be ashamed of yourself”

 Police said that violent disturbances had broken out after the demonstration. Five people were arrested, two for attacking police and three for throwing projectiles and endangering others.

“Police forces responded to a protest which took place Sunday night, mainly in Sarei Yisrael and Malchei Yisrael streets,” a police statement read. “The protest caused violent disturbances including throwing stones and objects at police and at public representatives passing by, burning items in the road as well as garbage cans in order to block streets and disturbance of the peace.

“After police announced that the troublemakers should leave and they continued to disturb the peace- police used elements to disperse the crowd and restore order.”

Mr. Cohen
 1 day ago

The Israeli Chareidim inflicted this situation on themselves by refusing all compromises.
They could have made a compromise where only non-learning Chareidim were drafted.
But they refused ALL compromises, so now ALL Chareidim can be drafted.
They could have made a compromise where Chareidim perform: food services, Bikur Cholim, paramedic duties, supply distribution, and computer security.
But they refused all compromises, so now Chareidim can be drafted into combat.
They could have made a compromise where Chareidim serve in their own units.
But they refused all compromises, so now Chareidim will serve with secular soldiers.
If I remember correctly, tractate Megillah teaches that a man should always be
flexible, like a reed, not inflexible like a cedar.