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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Chag Shevuois Samaich


Former Kahn Yunis Resident Says "There Are NO Innocent Civilians in Gaza!

Dor Shachar aka Ayman Abu Sobah

 In a deeply personal interview, former Khan Yunis resident Dor Shachar, who escaped from his home and converted to Judaism over two decades ago, sheds light on the deeply ingrained culture of hatred and violence in Gaza.

“There are no innocent civilians in Gaza,” he argued in a conversation with The Press Service of Israel.

Born as Ayman Abu Sobah, the third child in a family of seven, he told TPS-IL he was exposed to extreme views and violence from a young age.

“My grandfather would point at the Israeli soldiers and say, ‘You see those dogs? They took my land in Jaffa. All the land in Israel is ours. Kill them when you grow up.’

My father, upon hearing of Jews being killed, would say, ‘Thank God, let them all die.’ He worked in Israel for 27 years, alongside Jews,” Shachar recalled.

“Those were the days before the First Intifada. The borders were open to both directions, Jews from Israel would come freely to Khan Yunis to shop because it was cheaper. Soldiers would play soccer with us and give us candy. My father wouldn’t let me accept candy from them. Yet, every Jewish holiday, my father’s Jewish boss would send my father home with a basket of goodies.”

His earliest memories are marked by the shocking violence he witnessed in public places.

CNN Mocked and Ridiculed for saying Israeli hostages were ‘released’


CNN was shamed, mocked and ridiculed on Social Media on Saturday after running a segment that said Israeli hostages rescued in the daring morning operation in Gaza had been released.

Network anchor Victor Blackwell and Ian Bremmer, founder of the Eurasia Group, were both discussing the dramatic mission to save the four hostages when the word “release” appeared in a chyron.

Critics pounced, pointing out that Hamas did not willingly release these hostages.

“Come on @CNN the four hostages were RESCUED not released. Do better,” said the account StopAntisemitism in a posting to X.

Yaari Cohen, an Israeli student called the chyron “disgusting, adding that the network “should be ashamed.”

“Hamas didn’t “release” these Hostages, the IDF rescued them after Hamas held them for 8 months!!” Cohen said on X.

Neither man said the word “release,” during the interview, which was about how Israel’s war cabinet minister Benny Gantz would hold off on a press conference in which he was widely expected to quit the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Reps for CNN have yet to respond to a request for comment from The Post.

Henry Ford’s fortune is being used to rip America apart


Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938

It’s November 2023, and, following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas terrorists that killed some 1,400 Israelis and at least 31 Americans, thousands of demonstrators march through New York City, calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” echo through the streets, along with: “There is only one solution: intifada revolution.”

Among the crowd is the infamous Palestinian American activist Linda Sarsour, who warns through a megaphone that a cabal of wily Jews has conspired to place “their little posters” (of kidnapped Israeli civilians) across the city, seeking to entice people to rip them down.

While many onlookers might look like “ordinary people,” she says, the Jews have “their little people all around the city,” surveilling others.

Sarsour is there to deliver such rhetoric in part because she’s been paid to be there. Her nonprofit, MPower Change, has received $300,000 in grant funding from the Ford Foundation “to build grassroots Muslim power.”

It’s May 2023, and protesters have stormed the Capitol building in Washington, DC, to demand that lawmakers not accept spending cuts during negotiations to lift the debt ceiling. Many are so disruptive that the police arrest them and drag them out.

These are activists of the Center for Popular Democracy, an extreme left-wing organization that has collected $35.2 million from the Ford Foundation since 2012.

Four months later they will be imitated by 150 youth activists from “climate revolution” group the Sunrise Movement, 18 of whom will be arrested after occupying the speaker of the House’s office.

The Sunrise Movement also receives Ford Foundation money — $650,000 for “training and organizing.”

Watch The moment the hostages were found


 Dramatic new footage was released this evening (Monday) showing the moment IDF soldiers found Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), three of the hostages who were rescued on Saturday.

In the footage, the soldiers can be seen entering the apartment building in Nuseirat where the hostages were held after engaging in a firefight with Hamas terrorists while approaching the building.

The soldiers found the hostages, sitting in a corner while terrorists outside continued to shoot at them.

The rescue force came under heavy fire as they attempted to get the freed hostages to the extraction point. Despite this, they succeeded in getting the hostages to the helicopter that flew them out of Gaza.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Cancer of Radical Islam That is Running Wild Throughout Europe & the USA!


Jewish Voters Are Finally Beginning to Abandon Biden ....Poll Shows


Jewish voter's disdain for U.S. President Joe Biden appeared to get a boost this week, as a new poll shows an increase in those willing to vote for another candidate in the 2024 election.

Earlier this year, the American Jewish Committee conducted a poll among Jewish voters throughout the U.S. asking them a variety of questions relating to the current state of the nation and the 2024 presidential election.

The poll, conducted from March 12 to April 6, found 61 percent of Jewish voters in the U.S. saying they'd vote for Biden if the election was held today. In comparison, 23 percent of Jewish voters said they'd vote for former President Donald Trump, who is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Additionally, the poll found 10 percent of respondents saying they'd vote for "someone else."

While Biden still holds a lead over Trump among Jewish voters, a 2020 poll from the American Jewish Committee found 75 percent of Jewish voters said they planned to vote for Biden in the 2020 presidential election. The 2020 poll found that 22 percent of Jewish voters sided with Trump in the election.

The number of Jewish voters in 2020 who said they'd vote for "someone else" was 2 percent, the poll found, signaling an 8 percent increase in those willing to choose another candidate over both Biden and Trump.

Overall, the two polls show Biden's support among Jewish voters declining by 14 percent over the past four years.

The poll's findings come amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas militants, where Biden has faced criticism from some in the Jewish community. On October 7, the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an attack on southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking over 200 hostages. Israel subsequently launched a war against Hamas in Gaza that has killed over 34,000 people, The Associated Press reported, citing Gaza health officials. Since October 7, a war between Israel and Hamas has continued, with the U.S. supplying Israel with several military aid packages.

However, the Biden administration recently announced a pause on a shipment of weapons to Israel ahead of a military operation in the city of Rafah.

"If we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. If we need to, we will fight with our fingernails. But we have much more than fingernails," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said following Biden's announcement, The Associated Press reported.

Biden also faced criticism from other Jewish individuals following the pause of weapons.

"Delaying arms transfers to Israel is dangerous...America must continue to stand firmly with our ally Israel as it works to defeat Hamas and defend its citizens," the American Israel Public Affairs Committee said last month, the Times of Israel reported.

Trump also criticized Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war in April saying, "Biden has totally lost control of the Israel situation."

"Any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat or votes for Biden should have their head examined," Trump said.

Newsweek reached out to Biden's campaign via email for comment.

Mark Levin: 'Fed up with attacks on Netanyahu'


Popular television host Mark Levin tweeted this evening to rebuke the Democratic party for criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu.

"I am fed up with these attacks on Benjamin Netanyahu by the Biden regime, the Democrat Party, and the American Al Jazeera media," he began.

"I am fed up with the attacks from certain Republican operatives, who are trying to make a buck off the Arab countries, such as Qatar and others. Netanyahu is and has been an extraordinary leader for his country, despite the best efforts of his enemies, foreign and domestic, to take him out. We have never, ever seen the kind of organized international campaign, headquartered in our Oval Office and State Department, and including NGOs and Democrat Party donors, target any ally head of state as we are witnessed today. It is disgusting. It is appalling. And the demands that Netanyahu abandon his country's sovereignty and well-being at the say-so of the Biden regime and its surrogates is unconscionable."

"Biden continues to send Blinken and Sullivan to Israel to plot against its government. He has put relentless pressure on Israel to effectively surrender to the terrorists who surround it. He has told Israel it must not defeat Hamas (what is victory, they ask!), they must not attack Hezbollah (which is constantly firing rockets and drones into Israel, attacking its people and infrastructure), he is using the UN and foreign governments to pressure Israel, and he has stated over and over again that after Israel surrenders to it all, he will force upon Israel a final solution, which Biden calls a two-state solution, requiring Israel to abandon 30% of its country (its ancestral homeland in Judea and Samaria) to the very people who are trying to annihilate it, making it impossible for Israel to defend itself."

"Netanyahu refuses. He knows this would ultimately destroy Israel. He is leading his country in an incredibly successful war started by Iran and its surrogate, Hamas, and funded by the Biden regime, which has enabled Iran to rebuild its economy, rearm itself and its terrorist puppets, and virtually complete its nuclear program. In fact, it is Biden who has undermined Israel's efforts, prolonged the war and increased casualties, including the deaths of brave IDF soldiers (Biden never mentions them)."

Only in Israel! MK Miri Regev Takes Call From Her Mother While Speaking in the Knesset! Mother Asks "what Do You Want To Eat on Shabbat"


Muslim Lady Has Had it With Sharia Law Converts and Becomes a Frum Jew


Evil Biden administration considered unilateral deal with Hamas for American hostages


Officials in the Biden administration have discussed the option of negotiating a unilateral deal with Hamas to release five Americans being held hostage in Gaza if negotiations between the terror organization and Israel fall through, NBC News reported on Monday citing two current senior U.S. officials and two former senior U.S. officials.

According to the report, in such a case, the negotiations would leave out Israel and be conducted through Qatari mediators, as current talks have been.

White House officials declined to comment.

The officials told NBC News that they did not know what the US would give Hamas in exchange for the release of American hostages. However, according to them, Hamas is likely to gain from such a deal since it further harms US-Israel ties and puts additional pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

One of the former officials noted that administration officials discussed the possibility that the US cutting a unilateral deal with Hamas might pressure Netanyahu to agree to a version of the current cease-fire proposal.

Speaking to the Israeli Kan News, a senior American official denied the report, calling it 'nonsense.'

Gaza Civilians Launching Mortars While Sipping Coffee!


"I'm Two - Spirited" ...Help... Get me out of here!


Footage of the firefight with Hamas terrorists during the initial moments of the rescue operation.


Pro-Hamas Protestors in DC Surround a Ranger and Throw Garbage at Him!


Arabs try to rile up the crowds at a funeral of a terrorist trying to go to the Jewish Quarter. IDF security forces Won't Have Any of that Crap!


The Sicko Biden Sees the Successful rescue As Negative !


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to arrive in Israel on Monday afternoon where he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Opposition Leader Yair Lapid, and President Isaac Herzog.

Blinken is expected to pressure the Israeli officials to accept the proposed ceasefire and hostage deal that President Biden presented at the end of last month.

A senior Biden administration official told NBC News overnight that Israel's operation which rescued four hostages on Saturday is likely to complicate the Secretary of State's efforts to reach such a deal.

According to the official, the successful operation increased Prime Minister Netanyahu’s determination to continue pursuing military operations, rather than agreeing to a cease-fire, while also hardening the Hamas leadership's stance as well.

The official noted that while the release of the four Israeli hostages is welcome news, it is not going to change the status quo because there is still a significant number of hostages remaining, including five Americans believed to be alive.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Rabbi Avi Shafran's Dumb Stupid Column in The Times of Israel Gets Eviscerated by the Comments !!

DIN: Ha Ha , he thought he was writing for Ami Magazine who would censure any negative comment on an article like this, he is in for a huge surprise, his naive and dumb column was immediately shredded!
See below the article!

  When the guilty verdicts in former President Donald Trump’s recent New York trial were handed down, Trump and his supporters — including some in my own Orthodox community — rejected the decree, saying that the legal system had been rigged against him.

What came to my mind was a passage from the Talmud that describes how the losing party in a case should feel and behave.

Much in Western legal systems like our own owes itself to millennia-old Jewish jurisprudence. American law drew extensively from ideas of courts, witnesses and evidence rooted in the Torah. Concepts central to the areas of crime and torts, property and economics, charity and education, labor and other legal realms likewise have origins in the Jewish religious tradition.

But there is much, too, in American law that stands in stark contrast to Judaism’s view. Incarceration isn’t an option for punishment in Torah. Where, for example, “rights” reign supreme in our legal system, in Judaism, while things like property rights exist, the greater emphasis is not on rights but rather on doing right. American constitutional law speaks of the right to pursue interests; Jewish law’s stress is on obligations and responsibility.

Then there is the idea of appealing a decision. While Jewish law, at least in the past, included a “Supreme Court,” the Great Sanhedrin, its function was essentially to sit on capital cases, and to resolve questions of law that were in doubt or the subject of dispute. There is no Jewish jurisprudential option for a disgruntled defendant to simply appeal any court’s rendered judgment to another court.

And, in fact, there’s no option in Judaism even for disgruntlement — which was the essence of the passage that floated into my head after the Trump trial verdict. Even when the very cloak on someone’s back was seized, the Talmud (in Sanhedrin 7a) says, since the court ruled that it belonged to the other litigant, the loser of the case should “sing a song and go happily on his way.” He has, after all, the commentaries explain, been relieved of the burden of possessing something that really, legally, wasn’t his.

Not quite the reaction we routinely witness in our famously litigious world, and recently witnessed from Trump and much of his supportive mediaverse, where not only the verdict was derided as unfair or “rigged,” but where some overheated pundits and politicians, with scant basis other than their own disappointment, derided the entire judicial system as hopelessly corrupt.

That latter reaction — the attempt to undermine a law-based society’s courts — is not only wrongheaded but dangerous.

To be sure, there are courts in some countries that are inherently untrustworthy. And even an “international” court can prove itself beholden to particular interests and hence unworthy of respect. But the American legal system is inherently sound. Over its almost 250 years, it has experienced its ups and downs, even errors and reversals, but it has proven itself to be as self-correcting and sound as could be expected of any human system of law. The appeals process has proved a valuable tool to reverse unsound judgments.

There are legitimate reasons, by my lights, for Jews concerned with Israeli security to want to see Trump back in the White House (and many tell pollsters they do). And there are equally legitimate reasons for Jews to want a second term for President Joe Biden. I don’t mean to address the election here, only to make a vital point.

Namely, that delegitimizing American courts out of personal or partisan sentiment is pulling not just the rug but the very floor out from under the republic. Just as the results of elections — whoever wins — must be respected by the citizenry, the decisions of courts, especially when there is the option of appealing to higher courts for proper redress, are, or should be, sacrosanct.

It might be too much to ask of any of us to not feel upset at losing a court case. The Talmud asking a losing litigant to sing happily is describing only an ideal, after all. But disappointment in any particular verdict is mere bathwater. It’s essential to hold the baby tight.

Chareidim in Beitar Beat Up a Chareidie IDF Soldier and Put him in the Hospital


A Chareidie soldier from the crime city of Beitar who was on his way to fulfill a security mission in the community Neve Daniel was violently attacked on Shabbos afternoon on Hill A by Shani Residents of the city.

The two shouted at him, "This army is annihilation," and then knocked him down and kicked him in the face.

The soldier was evacuated for medical treatment and is now hospitalized.

The identity of the attackers is known and a complaint has been filed with the police, and tomorrow a hearing will be held to extend their detention in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.

City officials and Rabbanim including Gedoilim from Beitar choose to remain silent 

Biden's Puppet Ganz Resigns in an Attempt to Overthrow Netanyahu


Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) announced on Sunday that he, together with his party, would be leaving the emergency government which he joined at the onset of the war.

"Months after the October tragedy, the situation in the country and in the room of the decision-makers has changed. Netanyahu and his partners have turned unity into a moving call, without real-world action. Fateful strategic decisions are met with hesitancy and procrastination due to political considerations," Gantz stated in an address announcing his decision.

He claimed that "Netanyahu prevents us from proceeding to true victory. Therefore, today, we are leaving the emergency government with a heavy heart, but with a full heart."

According to Gantz, "In the fall, a year after the tragedy, we need to go to elections that will eventually establish a government which gains the trust of the people and can stand up to the challenges. I call on Netanyahu: set an agreed-on date for the elections. Don't let our nation be torn apart.

"There are those who say that we helped Netanyahu when we joined the government - that was not the issue - but rather the State of Israel. I know they say that I'm not a cheater, hateful, and uninhibited like my opponents. Right, but I can promise one thing - I am ready to die for your children. My friends and I will always report when the country needs us. At any political cost and without fearing what people may say," Gantz claimed.

"I wish to ask forgiveness from the hostages' families. We did a lot, we failed in the result. We still haven't succeeded in bringing many of the hostages home. The responsibility is mine as well. I stand behind the framework that we accepted in the War Cabinet, the principles that were presented by President Biden, and demand the bravery of the Prime Minister to stand behind it and do everything to promote it."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the announcement: "Israel is in an existential on several fronts. Benny, now is not the time to abandon the war - it's time to join forces. Citizens of Israel, we will continue to victory, and until we achieve the goals of the war, and above all, the release of our hostages and the elimination of Hamas.

"My door is open to any Zionist party that is prepared to do its part and help bring victory over our enemies and ensure security for our citizens," the Prime Minister added.