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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Love this guy.. Just Love Him!


Jewish , Black and Beautiful


Healthcare Company loses $210 million in stock value after CEO says he is ‘eager’ to hire anti-Israel protesters

 Buzzy healthcare company Hims & Hers lost nearly $210 million in stock value in a single day after the company’s CEO said he and other executives were “eager” to hire anti-Israel student protesters who’ve faced disciplinary actions from their universities.

The online sexual health and pharmaceutical company plummet 8% on Friday from its opening price of $12.24 to $11.26 — just two days after Palestinian-American CEO Andrew Dudum said companies would be happy to have the protesters and encouraged them to apply to Hims and Hers.

“Moral courage > College degree,” Dudum tweeted on Thursday, amid the nationwide anti-Israel protests at universities that have seen more than 2,100 people arrested

Hundreds more have been suspended or banned from campus activities for participating in the demonstrations.

“If you’re currently protesting against the genocide of the Palestinian people & for your university’s divestment from Israel, keep going. It’s working,” Dudum added.

“There are plenty of companies & CEOs eager to hire you, regardless of university discipline,” he added alongside the Hims job openings link.

The market cap of the company opened at $2.62 billion and closed at $2.41 billion, and share price continued to slide in after-hours trading on Friday and Saturday.

Trading volume was also more than double the average for the stock — indicating that some shareholders were rushing to get out.

The Post has reached out to Hims and Hers for comment on the sudden stock drop.

College students across the country have been demanding that their school’s divest their finances from countries associated with Israel as it continues its retaliatory offensive in Gaza.

Dudum, who founded Hims and Hers in 2017 and has family in Gaza and the West Bank, took on a markedly different tone from other CEOs who have derided or promised not hire student protesters.

Palantir CEO Alex Karp blasted the protesters this week saying they should be shipped off to North Korea as part of an “exchange program” to give them perspective.

“We’re gonna do an exchange program sponsored by Karp. A couple months in North Korea, nice-tasting flavored bark. See how you feel about that,” the software boss said at the invite-only Hill and Valley Forum in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, where he was the featured speaker.

Bill Ackman, head of Pershing Square Capital Management, was among first to publicly declare he wouldn’t hire students from Harvard who signed a letter allegedly blaming Israel for Hamas’ violent Oct. 7 attack.

Teddy Roosevelt’s great-great-great grandson is anti-Israel protester at Princeton

 Speak softly and carry a big keffiyah?

The great-great-great grandson of President Teddy Roosevelt appears to have traded the Rough Riders for Hamas and Hezbollah, as he vocally supports the anti-Israel tent encampments erupting at universities across the country.

Quentin Colon Roosevelt, 18, a freshman at Princeton University who also once served as Washington DC’s youngest elected official, is staunchly anti-Israel despite his famous ancestor’s support for a Jewish state.

Roosevelt wants the Ivy League university, where he serves on the student government, to “divest” from Israel and has vowed “we will not stop, we will not rest” in a recent post on X that included an image of a hand-drawn Palestinian flag.

The teen, who also worked to re-elect ‘Squad” member Summer Lee this spring, retweeted a post from the far left rep likening Israel’s war against Hamas to a “genocide.”

Roosevelt also accused Israel of committing “massacres in Gaza,” but does not appear to have condemned Hamas’ horrific Oct. 7 terrorist attacks which left at least 1,200 Israelis dead.

The Bull Moose nepo baby has implied he’s even helped organize the anti-Israel demonstrations at Princeton, where students have displayed the Hezbollah flag, chanted for “intifada revolution,” and shoved Jewish counterprotesters.

“We’ve set up a peaceful student protest in solidarity with our peers at Columbia, Yale, UT Austin, and other universities nationwide,” Roosevelt wrote on X on the first day of protests.

Princeton has seen more than a dozen students arrested since the protests began April 25, and Roosevelt has been outspoken against the police action.

“You can threaten us, but you cannot silence us @Princeton,” the college freshman wrote on X.

Roosevelt attempted to pass an amendment in Princeton’s student government condemning the arrests, but an 11th-hour effort mounted by the school’s Jewish student body forced the vote to be rescheduled.

Theodore Roosevelt, who supported the Balfour declaration — issued by the British Government in 1917 during World War supporting the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region — had a very different attitude toward Israel than his distant descendent.

“It seems to me that it is entirely proper to start a Zionist state around Jerusalem,” Roosevelt famously said in 1918, at the end of World War I.

The 26th president, who himself was a Harvard man, was the first US president to appoint a Jew to his cabinet and lauded Jews who served under him when he was commissioner of the NYPD.

President Roosevelt criticized Russian Czar Nicholas II after the 1903 Kishniev pogrom, in which marauders killed 49 Jews and raped 600 Jewish women after rumors spread that a Jew murdered a Christian child.

Quentin Colon Roosevelt did not respond to the Post’s request for comment.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

REPORT: Israel removed opposition to releasing certain terrorists, US guaranteed full withdrawal from Gaza and an end to the war.

 Al Jazeera has reported that a Qatari delegation left for Cairo to participate in indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas, following reports of progress in the talks for a ceasefire-prisoner swap deal.

According to Asharq Al-Awsat, Hamas agreed to the deal after Israel removed its opposition to releasing a number of senior terrorists from prison, and following a commitment from the US that it would ensure Israel's full withdrawal from Gaza at the end of the second and last stage of the agreement, as well as the full cessation of the war.

Asharq Al-Awsat also reported that in the coming hours, Hamas is expected to announce that it has accepted the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire, following intensive talks between Egypt and Qatar and between Israel and Hamas.

Al Quds quoted Arab sources as estimating that by the end of next week, is probable that there will be an agreement for a ceasefire.

Earlier on Saturday, an Egyptian channel reported that Hamas has given up on its demand for guarantees from the mediators for a permanent ceasefire in the first phase of the ceasefire in Gaza.

Listen to this Dumb Columbia University undergraduate


UPenn Pro=Hamas Get Woken Up at 4:00AM and they Don't Like it One Bit


Reuters reports that Iran is 'offering a place for students suspended from U.S. universities after staging anti-Israeli protests'.


How the pro-Hamas Demonstrators Get Funding


Arab Bus Driver Decides to leave the Packed bus in middle of his trip from Beit Shemesh to Yerushalayim to Daven

   נהג ערבי של חברת 'תנופה' עיכב את הנוסעים לדקות ארוכות בשביל לקיים את טקס התפילה
  נהג ערבי בקו 619 של חברת 'תנופה', שיצא לכיוון ירושלים, החליט במהלך הדרך לעצור את האוטובוס העמוס ולקיים את טקס התפילה אל מול עיניהם המשתאות של הנוסעים הרבים - בינהם גם משפחות עם ילדים ופעוטות.

Reagan Telling Off Violent Protestors


Around 400 members of the LA Jewish community volunteered this morning to clean up the trash left behind by pro-Hamas protesters after the police cleared them.


Why Christians Must Understand What Led to Hamas Massacre


Watch UCLA Professor Rachel Lee Steal Equipment from Jews While Defending Pro-Hamas Protestors


Friday, May 3, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Achrei


Turkey suspends export and import operations with Israel


Turkey suspended all export and import operations with Israel due to what it described as its "aggression against Palestine in violation of international law and human rights," the Turkish Trade Ministry announced, according to the Anadolu news agency.

"Since the first day, our country has rushed to the aid of the people of Gaza, delivered tens of thousands of tons of humanitarian aid to the region by ships and planes, especially food, health and medical aid materials, evacuated thousands of patients and stood by our Palestinian brothers and sisters in these difficult days," the ministry said.

"However, the massacre, humanitarian catastrophe and physical destruction caused by Israel continued, and the Israeli government ignored international ceasefire efforts and prevented humanitarian aid," it added.

Turkey will strictly and decisively implement these new measures until the Israeli government allows the uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza, it noted.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded to the Turkish move and said that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “is breaking agreements by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports. This is how a dictator behaves, disregarding the interests of the Turkish people and businessmen, and ignoring international trade agreements.”

“I have instructed the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately engage with all relevant parties in the government to create alternatives for trade with Turkey, focusing on local production and imports from other countries.”

“Israel will emerge with a strong and daring economy. we win, and they lose,” said Katz.

Thursday’s move comes several weeks after Turkey restricted exports to Israel of 54 product categories.

At the time, Turkey said the reason for the move was Israel denying a Turkish request to join air drops of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Israel and Turkey formally announced in August of 2022 that they would normalize relations by returning the ambassadors and consuls, after years of tensions.

However, since the start of the war against Hamas in Gaza, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has resumed his frequent verbal attacks on Israel.

In one speech, the Turkish President said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “committed one of the greatest atrocities of this century in Gaza and has already put his name down in history as the butcher of Gaza."

In March, Erdogan again lashed out at Israel and at Netanyahu, saying they are “like today’s Nazis.”

Foreign Minister Israel Katz later summoned the Turkish deputy ambassador for a reprimand in the wake of Erdogan's attacks on Netanyahu.

Secret Meeting Between The Rosh Yeshiva Of Slobodka And The IDF General


DIN: I happen to know and respect Rav Hirsch, but his refusal to negotiate with the IDF vis a vis drafting Yeshiva students, does not come from a good place. I cannot imagine Rav Hirsch giving in at all, as he is afraid for his very life. This is not about even surviving as Rosh Yeshiva of Slobodka, as he would be unceremoniously tossed out and derided, mocked and degraded, but this is mamash a question of life and death physically! What Satmar did to the Kloizenberger Rebbe, the Spinka Rebbe and Rav Moshe Feinstein z"l, would be child's play to what would happen to Rav Hirsch should he give in even a little bit!

The head of the IDF’s Personnel Directorate, Gen. Yaniv Asor, traveled to Bnei Brak before Pesach for a secret meeting with HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, the Rosh Yeshivah of Slabodka and one of the leaders of the Chareidi Litvak sector.

The meeting was held on the background of the Supreme Court and the Attorney-General’s demands on the government to recruit bnei yeshivos.

Sources close to HaRav Hirsch said that the Rosh Yeshivah stressed that he will not agree to any plan that does not allow all bochurim to learn Torah without interference from the IDF.

Senior IDF officials confirmed the meeting. The IDF responded to an inquiry from B’Chadrei Chareidim by stating: “The Personnel Directorate deals with a wide range of issues related to strengthening the competence of the IDF…including working to promote the integration of Chareidim in a variety of service paths while providing the opportunity to maintain their lifestyle and beliefs. The General met with many leaders in the Chareidi public in order to learn about the various aspects related to the issue and promote it successfully.”

On Wednesday, the government stated that it is working on a plan to recruit Chareidim in the immediate future in a response to the Supreme Court’s demand to clarify how it intends to comply with the law regarding the Chareidi draft.

Palestinian Goes To Auschwitz, Says Jews Should Return There


A shocking video posted on social media earlier this week has sparked widespread condemnation, showing a Palestinian man visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau Holocaust Memorial Museum and calling for Jews to return to the site of the extermination camp.

In the footage, the man is seen walking through the memorial, exclaiming, “From these ghettos from which the Zionists came, I say Allah have mercy on all the Palestinians and our martyrs. Free Palestine.” He then ominously declares, “God-willing, we will be free from you [Jews], and you will all return to the concentration camps. Or to your countries. Any other place, as long as you leave our place because this is our land. You belong here [Auschwitz]. This is your place of origin. You left these camps and ghettos. Long live Palestine.”

This incident comes amid a surge in pro-Palestinian protests and antisemitic incidents worldwide, with Holocaust memorial sites becoming vulnerable targets for vandalism. In a recent incident, the Holocaust memorial in Hyde Park, London, was covered by officials to prevent potential damage or antisemitic graffiti from pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

The World Holocaust Remembrance Center Yad Vashem condemned the incident, stating, “These are the real issues that are eating away at the moral fabric of our society. Holocaust memorials serve as solemn reminders of the unparalleled horrors perpetrated during one of the darkest chapters in human history.”

Meshiginar Biden Finally Opens His Trap and Condemns "Islamophobia"?


Biden Condemning Israel for Attacking Haifa

 After days of painstaking silence, President Biden has finally spoken out about the violent protests which have terrorized college campuses.

In his first public remarks on this week’s protests, Biden criticized much of the unrest over the Israel-Hamas war erupting at colleges across the country, saying “none of this is a peaceful protest.”

“Destroying property is not a peaceful protest,” Biden said. “It is against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations, none of this is a peaceful protest.”

However Biden seemed to equate hatred of Jews and hatred of Palestinians. In fact, he mentioned Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims.

Alan Dershowitz slammed Biden, tweeting: “Why can’t President Biden simply denounce antisemitism without pandering to Muslims and Arabs. This is what he said: “There is place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it’s antisemitism,Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab American or Palestinian American.””

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Hamas Students at Columbia Held 3 Janitors Hostage ..